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********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** ********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion**********

05-03-2011 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by darinvg
Low traffic and tough games looks pretty gross to me. Is there going to be a different thread about moving? I'm looking into Toronto if my wife can find a job.
Aren't Canadian visas really hard to get? I guess if your wife got a job there then you'd be set. I looked into grinding 1 month in Canada going back home to USA for 1 month, back to Canada for 1 month, etc. but it seemed like it would raise a lot of flags in Canada and when crossing the borders 5-6 times a year.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-03-2011 , 02:08 AM
Looks like the new HEM update makes it recognize tourney buyins, but they still arent calculating $EV differential and redline. Really annoying

If any of you guys are good at math, check out my question in the redline thread please.
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05-03-2011 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Aren't Canadian visas really hard to get? I guess if your wife got a job there then you'd be set. I looked into grinding 1 month in Canada going back home to USA for 1 month, back to Canada for 1 month, etc. but it seemed like it would raise a lot of flags in Canada and when crossing the borders 5-6 times a year.
Yeah, if my wife gets a job she'll get a work visa so I should be able to get a visa. Going to take awhile to get everything setup but then we should hopefully be good.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-03-2011 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by darinvg
Low traffic and tough games looks pretty gross to me. Is there going to be a different thread about moving? I'm looking into Toronto if my wife can find a job.
I'd give it at least a month or two to see how much better the traffic gets (it's growing every day). Unless you want to move to another country that is...
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-05-2011 , 08:25 AM
Let's keep the discussion relevant as this was a really really nice thread to start.
I am definitely noticing on merge the DONs are beatable with rakeback and if you use sharkscope there are players who are still beating them for a decent amount of money, (if you assume they have the maximum 41.5% rakeback). I guess thats the point here, the games would have to be really really tough to not do ok, with that high level of rakeback even for a low volume player. I noticed that there are definitely some sports betting folk that will just donk it up like crazy at the tables every once in a while, I guess when i see a fish on here their play style is grossly worse than what I saw on stars. However, It seems the regs as a whole play better than those on stars, I think this has something to do with the fact that people are forced to play less tables, and therefore pay more attention if they aren't amazing multitablers. Does anyone notice any of these things, or disagree? I'll post some graphs of SNG, DON, and 6max cash once I get bigger samples, I have nothing better to do as I"m waiting 1 month for my passport to move to Canada ( I am also looking for a cool roomate or two).

********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-05-2011 , 08:28 AM
Oh, also is anyone havnig a problem with PT3 hud displaying on merge (it seems it only displays on half my tables at a time and its totally random, in SNGs)
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-05-2011 , 08:40 AM
I've been playing mostly the $20 DONs. There are some good regs but its not horrible yet. Biggest issue is that is the highest they go really

Where did u get the > 35 % rakeback deal? PM me pls
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-05-2011 , 11:19 AM
Cashman, you can get way more than 41.5% rb if you do it right. Make sure to sign up for super money tree and do some of the oneday and weekend VIP tier rake races.

So Ive played like 1700 of the 5.30 super turbos and have a 3% roi. My chip EV is 90% of my luck adjusted chip ev so i think thats prob pretty close to where I should be at. Im still adjusting to the format and 70/30 bubble too, so i bet playing close to perfect could get you 4-5%. Ill post a graph when i get some more games in.
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05-05-2011 , 11:43 AM
Agree. Carbon has some great offers for heavy volume players like russ. I think it would take me a month to get in his daily volume.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-05-2011 , 12:35 PM
I tried the DoNs at first but they frustrated me too much...I like the mentality of accumulating chips, not just surviving. So I switched to the regular speed 10 mans for the last couple days...gotta play 2 buy in levels though to get any decent doing the $2s and $5s til my BR is at $600($300 to start with), then gonna move to $5-$10. I would say about half the table is usually regs, but only about half those regs are good. The other half still have big VPIP/PFR disparities, so I don't think it's too bad. We'll see when I move up to the 10s, and hopefully when I'm past that the site will have grown enough to get volume at the 20s too.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-06-2011 , 11:59 AM
I've put in about 200 games in $10 DoN

Up about $70 at the moment. DoN's are a true grind, as I could be down tomorrow. I too think they are profitable and I am building my roll this way until I can find a mid stakes game I like.
I would like to switch over to the 45 man but I don't see them filling up very fast.

On another note, I hope people use this thread to discuss the games on Carbon. I feel like there are only 3 or 4 people that post here.

Another thought of mine, Carbon needs to have better guaranteed tournaments and market the **** out of them. Bring in new meat
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-06-2011 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo
Cashman, you can get way more than 41.5% rb if you do it right. Make sure to sign up for super money tree and do some of the oneday and weekend VIP tier rake races.

So Ive played like 1700 of the 5.30 super turbos and have a 3% roi. My chip EV is 90% of my luck adjusted chip ev so i think thats prob pretty close to where I should be at. Im still adjusting to the format and 70/30 bubble too, so i bet playing close to perfect could get you 4-5%. Ill post a graph when i get some more games in.
how many tables are you able to play at once and how often are these lower stakes supers running? I know it depends on time and day of the week but if you could just throw a rough guess out there it'd be appreciated
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:01 PM

Looks like i usually 6-7 table. I could def handle more if it werent for the popups and how hard it is to load new games. You could prob keep 16 tables running during busier times if you either had software to help or just clicked off popups like crazy fast. I do continuous sessions fwiw.

The 5s go off pretty much always. Between 2am and 10am server time its pretty slow though. Im averaging around 40 tables per hour.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-06-2011 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Rusemandingo

Looks like i usually 6-7 table. I could def handle more if it werent for the popups and how hard it is to load new games. You could prob keep 16 tables running during busier times if you either had software to help or just clicked off popups like crazy fast. I do continuous sessions fwiw.

The 5s go off pretty much always. Between 2am and 10am server time its pretty slow though. Im averaging around 40 tables per hour.
I can do 6 at the max on carbon. I don't have table ninja I assume you do?

Muilti tabling is tough on carbon
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-07-2011 , 06:02 AM
there's no ninja for merge, is there?
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-08-2011 , 09:31 AM
Hi guys, great thread.

I was just wandering if anybody plays 6max turbos from 5-20$, are there any traffic and are tables regfested?

Thx in advance
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-08-2011 , 10:49 AM
Can't answer your question directly cause I don't play 6 max but.... The activity is much better than the full ring or heads up and seems to center around those buys in slightly higher. Enough so that I am consider shedding my NIT skin and switching from full ring to play them. GL out there
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-10-2011 , 12:56 AM
Starting to get a decent sample of 5 supers. About 75 of these are 2.16s and a half dozen are 10s.

ROI for the 5s is currently 3.25%. Im right at chipev overall and maybe 10% above expected 2-3 handed. Id estimate that my "true" ROI is prob somewhere between 2.5 and 3.5%.

Heres a look at my finish distribution. Way different than mine was at the supers on tilt which were 65/35.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-10-2011 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by nbsoft
Hi guys, great thread.

I was just wandering if anybody plays 6max turbos from 5-20$, are there any traffic and are tables regfested?

Thx in advance
The $5 6-max turbos were filling up fast last night (Otter Room). I see a lot of the same peeps but they are beatable.
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-11-2011 , 01:35 AM
How much DoNs do they usually run on merge during the day?

I hear they only have 20 dollar dons max and anything higher doesn't run then that? If so, how many 20s do they run the most at one time.

Also, one person tells me he plays 55 dollar and up sngs but how often do they run?

I'm talking about 9/10 mans only though...
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-11-2011 , 02:16 AM
In vegas playing live this week but last week from 9-midnight eastern time only reg full ring DONs were the $20 with a scattered higher one. Takes 5-10 mins just to fill one I think. Didn't see any turbo or normal speed full ring top 3 paying ones filling up higher than 33. I only play during that time frame though as I am a rec player
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-11-2011 , 02:18 AM
Oh and the 33 weren't filling fast.
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05-11-2011 , 02:27 AM
do you know how is the action for these dons during the day?
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05-11-2011 , 02:40 AM
No clue about daytime really. Honestly I feel I need to switch gears and learn my way up the headsup SNGs instead unless volume picks up
********Official Merge Network SNG Discussion********** Quote
05-11-2011 , 06:40 PM
Can you request full hand histories so you know how everyone did after you bust out? If not are you guys leaving sng tables open until over even if you bust out?
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