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09-01-2010 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by sketchy1
i mean, i read stuff i posted in HSMTT from 07, there's a damn good reason that i was stuck mega bucks prior to this series.

i'm sure if more ppl who were backed and are stuck actually studied the game harder and realized their own faults/found ppl better than them to help them, they would quit blaming variance as well.

i can honestly say i sucked balls at NLHEMTT for a few years and just started to get my head out of my ass recently, and i'm sure if more grinders out there would admit they can't beat the super tuesday and the $200 rebuy and stuff, well... then i'd probably stop making $ because those are the only ppl i'm better than in the super tuesday everyone else is just as good and mostly better.

it's funny because now i can sit at a table and very objectively identify where i stand vs everyone else, and i'll be perfectly ok admitting i'm just par with the average skill and/or end up doing better than i anticipated because i'm honest and don't try to over extend my play (ie trying to outplay ppl i shouldn't be ****ing outplaying).
donk on a heater
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09-01-2010 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by fire_sqaud
yea this thread is funny. the reason why most people have such large makeup is because they just aren't very good at poker and playing in games they can't beat or neutral EV (1k's, 100r's) and don't want to admit it. a big LOL at people saying how much their makeup was in "brag tone." get a clue, it's not a brag, those numbers are embarrasements. how is it "cool" to say how much your makeup was? I can't believe how personal some people have gotten in this thread.
yeah dude all the winners never get high makeup cause they are winners
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09-01-2010 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by fire_sqaud
yea this thread is funny. the reason why most people have such large makeup is because they just aren't very good at poker and playing in games they can't beat or neutral EV (1k's, 100r's) and don't want to admit it. a big LOL at people saying how much their makeup was in "brag tone." get a clue, it's not a brag, those numbers are embarrasements. how is it "cool" to say how much your makeup was? I can't believe how personal some people have gotten in this thread.

you clearly don't understand a thing about poker/make-up.

A big part of playing backed is in order to play higher stakes/variance games and not spend your own money. You do need an edge in those games but in games where 99% of the field is somehow competent it can take a long long time before your true ROI/EV will come out.

A winning 100r player, with a good edge, could play a 100r for a year and NEVER win it in a year time and be down huge in makeup.

This topic is (i didn't read everything, only last two pages since my post) also for a mental motivation and share experiences with others who are deep in makeup. It can be very demotivating to be down in makeup for a long time.

As sketchy says, it's easy to blame it on simple variance and most ppl don't study/work hard enough on there game. Talking to other people about poker, variance and every other aspect you can think of is super important to help out your game and bring it to the next level.

How big is variance at the moment? It's huge.. When people are raise/shoving with A4s UTG with 30BBs or moorman's 6bet shove A6o and Jymasters 5bet induce AQ over 100BBs deep, variance becomes HUGE.......

So being down 100K if you play 1Ks 100rs doens't mean u suck or can't play poker.. It just means it could be you or it could be variance.. it's up to you (the player) to judge
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09-01-2010 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by rh300487
A winning 100r player, with a good edge, could play a 100r for a year and NEVER win it in a year time and be down huge in makeup.
Why not just not play the 100r if this is the case?
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09-01-2010 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by rh300487

you clearly don't understand a thing about poker/make-up.

A big part of playing backed is in order to play higher stakes/variance games and not spend your own money. You do need an edge in those games but in games where 99% of the field is somehow competent it can take a long long time before your true ROI/EV will come out.

A winning 100r player, with a good edge, could play a 100r for a year and NEVER win it in a year time and be down huge in makeup.

This topic is (i didn't read everything, only last two pages since my post) also for a mental motivation and share experiences with others who are deep in makeup. It can be very demotivating to be down in makeup for a long time.

As sketchy says, it's easy to blame it on simple variance and most ppl don't study/work hard enough on there game. Talking to other people about poker, variance and every other aspect you can think of is super important to help out your game and bring it to the next level.

How big is variance at the moment? It's huge.. When people are raise/shoving with A4s UTG with 30BBs or moorman's 6bet shove A6o and Jymasters 5bet induce AQ over 100BBs deep, variance becomes HUGE.......

So being down 100K if you play 1Ks 100rs doens't mean u suck or can't play poker.. It just means it could be you or it could be variance.. it's up to you (the player) to judge
good post

Last edited by Zima421; 09-01-2010 at 11:34 AM. Reason: excellent post, in fact.
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09-01-2010 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by Todd Terry
Why not just not play the 100r if this is the case?
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09-01-2010 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by CompleteDonk
At some point the variance can outweigh the benefit of playing, even if you have an edge. If the worst case scenario is bad enough and is going to happen often enough (which assuming it could be calculated, bad enough and often enough would be determined by the particular player's preferences/risk aversion profile), then for a lot of people it's not worth it.

Flipping for your net worth with a 5% edge is +$EV, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea.
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09-01-2010 , 12:04 PM
I figured that's what you were getting at. Thanks for elaborating anyway. It seems like it would be very difficult to apply in most scenarios involving MTTs, since ROI in X tournament is very hard to calculate. People get backed to play the bigger stuff where they probably overestimate their ROI.
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09-01-2010 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by pha7Ngoo
This is a huge part of why I chose to get backed. It completely legitimises(sp?) poker as not being a complete waste of time in their eyes if someone is willing to invest in my play like that.

I'm now backed for stuff I couldn't bankroll myself for so it has worked out well for me, too.

Also, big losing days suck infinitely less when you're backed (and not already in a whole mess of make-up).
I think it suck worse. Let's say ur a midstakes guy who has an abi of $40. You've ran up 4k makeup I assume this would be considered not a whole mess of makeup. For me I'd have to win 8k to pay my bills (assuming 2k pays my bills) for that month(assuming I started getting into MU at the beginning of the month). Whereas unbacked all I have to do is make 6k. Seems like a bigger hole we gotta get ourselves out of.
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09-01-2010 , 02:05 PM
^^ This
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09-01-2010 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceSeven
I think it suck worse. Let's say ur a midstakes guy who has an abi of $40. You've ran up 4k makeup I assume this would be considered not a whole mess of makeup. For me I'd have to win 8k to pay my bills (assuming 2k pays my bills) for that month(assuming I started getting into MU at the beginning of the month). Whereas unbacked all I have to do is make 6k. Seems like a bigger hole we gotta get ourselves out of.
Who paid the bills for the last 2 months!?
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09-01-2010 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceSeven
I think it suck worse. Let's say ur a midstakes guy who has an abi of $40. You've ran up 4k makeup I assume this would be considered not a whole mess of makeup. For me I'd have to win 8k to pay my bills (assuming 2k pays my bills) for that month(assuming I started getting into MU at the beginning of the month). Whereas unbacked all I have to do is make 6k. Seems like a bigger hole we gotta get ourselves out of.
Yeah, I do agree with what you're saying but I suppose like many itt I was saying what personally works for me. I have enough to pay the bills and live the way I want to and I enjoy having an amount of money in the bank that isn't going to fluctuate with poker swings. I play higher backed than I realistically could without backing so your point doesn't apply to me so much since my $ev is actually (probably/ I hope) higher under my staking deal than on my own action.

But for the vast majority of people you are right... good point.
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09-01-2010 , 06:25 PM
Im pretty much in the dark, about backing.
But it seems to me, from what I understand, the backer is taking almost all the risk.
Say I want to stake someone in $40-$60 MTTs to the tune of $10,000 with a 50% cut, and just as an example, they blow the lot with no returns.
If I say, no more Im finished, is that $10,000 a write off?
I suppose the number 1 priority, is picking the right horse, no?
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09-01-2010 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by rayfox111
Im pretty much in the dark, about backing.
But it seems to me, from what I understand, the backer is taking almost all the risk.
Say I want to stake someone in $40-$60 MTTs to the tune of $10,000 with a 50% cut, and just as an example, they blow the lot with no returns.
If I say, no more Im finished, is that $10,000 a write off?
I suppose the number 1 priority, is picking the right horse, no?
the number one priority is not having only 10k for a $40-$60 MTT horse..
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09-01-2010 , 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by THAY3R
I think you guys are missing a lot of the main reasons why people play MTT's. They do it for the hopes, the dreams, the competition, the masochistic pleasure, and of course the action. Money is overrated, just because we use it as our scorecard doesn't mean it should determine our success and enjoyment with life. Being a bum isn't so bad as long as you're enjoying it. I'm sure 80+% of the people in this thread could be much better off financially if they did certain things differently, but who cares as long as you're having fun? Most of us don't really have any other responsibilities, we're young and single so why not spend a few years seeing if we can make it? And if we can't, oh well, it was fun while it lasted and we're all smart enough to be able to get by doing something else.
I just can't understand this part of the argument. I'm sure it has a lot to do with being older than the average MTTer but "being a bum isn't so bad as long as you're enjoying it" just doesn't ring true for me. The point of playing MTTs seriously is making money, hopefully MORE money than you would make in normal life to offset
a) the extreme variance you endure compared to salaried work
b) the limited long-term time horizon of online poker compared to other careers/job opportunities
c) the opportunities you pass up because poker is such a time-suck

I guess I get the argument that backing is a form of tilt control (basically it's a form of variance smoothing which helps with tilt control), but I'd rather just play cash and have all my action in MTTs. Sure if I was going to play some massive live event I wouldn't take all my own action but I will never understand people being backed to play $20 rebuys.
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09-01-2010 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Todd Terry
Given the structure of high stakes online MTTs, no one has that much of an edge in them IMO. The difference between a great player with 30 BBs and a fairly competent one isn't much to begin with, and variance is going to swamp those differences a large amount of the time. Sure there are tournaments where you make a decision/play that the average reg would not have made (and it worked out -- you didn't run into the top of someone's range or get sucked out on), but most of the decisions you make are not that complex, and the correlation between your decisions and your results isn't that high anyway.

And as I've said before, I really think there's no such thing as the "long run" in MTTs anyway. Given the payout structures, more than anything else how you run late is going to determine how profitable you are. In like 260 HS online tourneys this year I think I'm dead even, with 8 FTs and 29 cashes. If I win a few hands where I was a huge favorite late, I'm up 80K. Add a few flips, I'm up 200K+. Take away a couple hands I won, I'm down 50K. I think I've run fairly well early and fairly badly late on the whole. Yeah maybe if I played 100 billion it would even out to a "true ROI", but I really don't even think so.

The flip side of this is that because good players can have bad stretches, mediocre players experiencing bad stretches can convince themselves that they're good. And the only person who can judge how good you are is yourself, since you're the only one around when you play all your hands -- being able to analyze a hand correctly or play well for stretches doesn't cut it -- which of course is a close to impossible task.

Also, in general it's extremely common for people achieving successful results in a given field to attribute their success to hard work and skill rather than luck, when in truth luck almost always played a very significant role.

Edit: No, Funkii, I don't play the lottery.
way late intot he thread but I really like this post. Agree 100%
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09-01-2010 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by OMGBennyLava
the number one priority is not having only 10k for a $40-$60 MTT horse..
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09-01-2010 , 08:06 PM
Being a backer is a great, but stressful job if done big/correctly.. if the backer has enough funds and is knowing how to pick his horses well, he basically can't loose... It's just a matter of time and controlling the games he puts his horses in.
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09-01-2010 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by rh300487
Being a backer is a great, but stressful job if done big/correctly.. if the backer has enough funds and is knowing how to pick his horses well, he basically can't loose... It's just a matter of time and controlling the games he puts his horses in.
lol being a backer* is terrible and running a stable is even worse

*unless you are timex or yev
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09-01-2010 , 09:43 PM
This thread is sad because when I first posted I was on my own and crushing now I'm backed and sucking. Just got into the 5 figures for the first time FML
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09-01-2010 , 09:58 PM
everyones talking about stealths makeup but that wasnt mtts, ill bet there are alot of cash players in absurd mu
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09-02-2010 , 01:25 AM
Originally Posted by kleath
everyones talking about stealths makeup but that wasnt mtts, ill bet there are alot of cash players in absurd mu
so the only person that was EVER stuck more than sketchy was an mtt degen playing rail heaven w $ that couldnt be withdrawn anyway?

Last edited by smokrokflock; 09-02-2010 at 01:27 AM. Reason: just tryna clear things up
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09-02-2010 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
This thread is sad because when I first posted I was on my own and crushing now I'm backed and sucking. Just got into the 5 figures for the first time FML
Oh nos! Doubt u'll ever get out lol But being on your own and down 25k with 100k online, doesn't feel worse than being 25k in MU and like 15k in the bank or me anyway.
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09-02-2010 , 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by bobboufl11
Just got into the 5 figures for the first time FML
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09-02-2010 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by kleath
everyones talking about stealths makeup but that wasnt mtts, ill bet there are alot of cash players in absurd mu
Cash is my main game and AFAIK backing is way, way less common in cash. I don't know a single midstakes+ cash game player who is backed to play cash, though some of them are for live MTTs. Compare that to probably half the field (?) of a Stars 109 rebuy being backed (most by the same 10 people).

People sell off action sometimes in cash but straight up backing is very very uncommon.
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