Originally Posted by nath
I'm curious as to whether the A8s flop bets in that solver are mostly Ac8c (with the backdoor flush draw) or split more evenly-- or even less frequent with the club backdoor.
A8cc pretty much checks pure, pretty much any of your suited 8cxc wants to check. You have lots of equity, but you're in jail if you get raised and if villain polarizes on turn you almost always have to fold unimproved. Your A8 without backdoors are fine betting, in part because you're not blocking the backdoor Acxc hands that almost always just call. And you do want to have some 8x to allow you to have trips sometimes.
As your 8 gets worse, you pretty much start checking pure.
What's interesting is that for your 3x, it's actually the opposite. In those situations, it's your A3cc/Q3cc that want to bet, mostly because they fold out some pairs (like 44/55) as well as some backdoors with decent equity, like some offsuit broadways or backdoor Qcxc or Kcxc.
Last edited by jpgiro; 04-30-2024 at 12:11 AM.