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ITT we talk about bananas (modnote: do not use this thread for soliciting) ITT we talk about bananas (modnote: do not use this thread for soliciting)

02-13-2011 , 01:30 PM
i'm not sure "Australians" count as a "race" of people, so racism towards Australians is impossible.
02-13-2011 , 03:51 PM
ok one more time: cano classic or cano digital? pros/cons
02-13-2011 , 03:58 PM
one is digital, but also costs more money. one is not, and costs less money. not sure what you want anyone to's all pretty black and white. makes no difference in quality obviously.
02-13-2011 , 04:00 PM
ya agreed, and you put it so nicely
02-13-2011 , 04:12 PM
I saw a kangaroo try to rape a black swan yesterday at the zoo. Australians...

Sadly I was staring in amazement instead of getting pics, but he grabbed her (?) from behind with his little T Rex arms and tried to do the deed. He was clearly excited by the swan.
02-13-2011 , 04:14 PM
some pun about the land down under
02-13-2011 , 07:24 PM
i was hoping for some actual advice, but i should have figured smartazz comments would be standard. which one would u reccommend, I know the basic differences obviously. but is it worth it to spend more for the digital? i'm leaning towards the standard. some serious advice instead of sarcasm would be nice
02-13-2011 , 07:29 PM
if you really need someone to explain the benefits of one over the other then you shouldnt buy either because you're already way too stupid. it's a ****ing preference.
02-13-2011 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by ftn_chris
if you really need someone to explain the benefits of one over the other then you shouldnt buy either because you're already way too stupid. it's a ****ing preference.
This. They aren't different at all except one allows you to be more precise with your temp settings. I wouldn't buy either; instead, I'd by an Extreme Q and take the ~$350 I save to put towards quality bananas.
02-13-2011 , 07:58 PM
angry stoners ITT. such hateful reactions. Has the christmas spirit already left you guys?

02-13-2011 , 08:42 PM
best light to buy to produce bananas indoors ( in a closet) ?????
02-13-2011 , 08:54 PM
If you are lucky enough to live in a MMJ state (like Cali), I'm pretty sure you can come up with the ultimate +EV THC content strain/edible and the optimal method for ingesting it. But smoking random tweeds and mass multi-tabling? -EV unless some of you crazy kids are mixing these tweeds with Adderall. On that topic, however, I'm fairly ignorant.
02-13-2011 , 09:17 PM
^So jealous of the 90 million americans with access to medical ****. It makes me really anxious every time I use it and then when I play a game or do anything intense like multitable poker the anxiety goes away and my thoughts stop flying around and I get really tuned in and definitely concentrate well, at least as well as without using and probably better... gonna have to do a self experiment to answer conclusively, but I think I concetrate better after using _______. The exception would be reading a book which seems really hard after using ______. I think it's helpful for dealing with stress even though it gives me terrible anxiety, weird.
02-13-2011 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mr. Muckit
i was hoping for some actual advice, but i should have figured smartazz comments would be standard. which one would u reccommend, I know the basic differences obviously. but is it worth it to spend more for the digital? i'm leaning towards the standard. some serious advice instead of sarcasm would be nice

Volcano ainec. Life time warranty...
02-13-2011 , 10:39 PM
After a 10 month hiatus, I ate a couple bananas last night. They were really fresh too. Needless to say, I was full. Not sure if I want to continue eating them tho.
02-14-2011 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by ftn_chris
if you really need someone to explain the benefits of one over the other then you shouldnt buy either because you're already way too stupid. it's a ****ing preference.
yea, i understand that its a preference genius. But its hard to know which one I prefer, since I have not tried either one and they don't have em for demo in stores. Not sure why that is so difficult to understand.... I would like to hear someone elses experiences with them before I rush out and invest a bunch of money in or the other. Instead of answering my question seriously, it seems more popular to make fun of my question. "o what an idiot, he hasn't tried either one and he wants to get someone elses opinion who HAS tried them both, he must not understand that one is digital and one has knob hardy har har"
02-14-2011 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by Mr. Muckit
yea, i understand that its a preference genius. But its hard to know which one I prefer, since I have not tried either one and they don't have em for demo in stores. Not sure why that is so difficult to understand.... I would like to hear someone elses experiences with them before I rush out and invest a bunch of money in or the other. Instead of answering my question seriously, it seems more popular to make fun of my question. "o what an idiot, he hasn't tried either one and he wants to get someone elses opinion who HAS tried them both, he must not understand that one is digital and one has knob hardy har har"
lol obviously that's not what i'm saying. if you didnt know what the actual difference between the two was then you'd be even dumber than i think you are (i still think you're pretty dumb ).

my point is that the difference between the two is something you can easily imagine in your head and figure out which you would prefer. would you like to look at digital numbers or save some money with a knob? this doesnt seem like clothing or something that you'd need to "try out" before buying. what kind of review do you expect people to give you? "i like the digital version because the lcd is pleasing to me. it's pretty convenient to have it display the exact setting!" "i like the knob because it's cheaper. the only real difference is in aesthetics, since the temperatures are fine either way." i have friends with both, and there you go. could you really not follow those differences to their logical conclusion on your own?

my personal opinion? it's an absurdly overpriced vape. if you're gonna spend so much money to own the name volcano, get the one that looks better and is more precise.

Last edited by ftn_chris; 02-14-2011 at 12:54 AM.
02-14-2011 , 12:58 AM
Thats a little bit more helpful. I wasn't expecting some sort of lenghty review, just maybe a suggestion as to which one is a better choice or better value. According to your advice I'm supposed to just easily decide which one I prefer based on guessing ahead of time, like its a no-brainer. I was hoping that instead of trying to BLINDLY PREDICT which one I would like better without ever actually using either one (coinflip) I could use someone elses experiences to help me make a more informed decision. As far as "they're the exact same, its just whichever one u prefer" well one is like 50% more expensive than the other and I don't know if I prefer the LCD screen or not since I have never actually seen one. I wanted info to help me decide if it would be worth spending the extra money. Anyways, ur last post was a tad bit more helpful. I'm leaning towards saving money and going with the classic easy valve fwiw....
02-14-2011 , 02:01 PM
you pay for the Volcano because again, lifetime warranty. And they have good re-sale value. I seriously would not invest in anything other than a top end vape. Eveyrthing else is crap.
02-14-2011 , 04:30 PM
The volcano digit makes me feel like I'm cooking my naners in a microwave.

It's also nice to see the #'s count up to 365 before blastoff.

It won't matter, though, humans are predisposed to be happy with big decisions regardless of how it really works out, that's why that dude that ringo replaced in the beatles said getting kicked out was the best thing that ever happened to him.

In conclusion, we all die alone and our thoughts and actions are meaningless.
02-14-2011 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian

In conclusion, we all die alone and our thoughts and actions are meaningless.
where is donnie tho?
02-14-2011 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by SkinnyStax
you pay for the Volcano because again, lifetime warranty. And they have good re-sale value. I seriously would not invest in anything other than a top end vape. Eveyrthing else is crap.
02-14-2011 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by CBorders
02-14-2011 , 09:31 PM
fwiw i own an arizer q vtower, have never used a volcano, but am EXTREMELY happy with my purchase and cant imagine a huge quality difference. the technology between the two vaporizers has to be almost identical altho i havent done much research
