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ITT we talk about bananas (modnote: do not use this thread for soliciting) ITT we talk about bananas (modnote: do not use this thread for soliciting)

02-11-2011 , 09:11 PM
smoking affects everyone differently, so you do the math!
02-11-2011 , 09:11 PM
I was gonna go to class before I got high
I coulda cheated and I coulda passed but I got high
I am taking it next semester and I know why
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
02-11-2011 , 09:13 PM

Duncan Hines brownies mannnnnnn
02-11-2011 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Yoshi63
smoking affects everyone differently, so you do the math!

and go to here for more info :
02-11-2011 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by da sikness
And by ________, I mean smoking weed.

But seriously, does it? I hear of people smoking while they play and doing well. Pros? Anyone? Negative effect? Positive effect?

Chime in....
coming from a person who has smoked before every session in 2011 and am definitely up in tourneys and have won tourneys blown as hell, but i can tell you i would be up wayyyy more if i wasn't smoking weed all the time. Which is actually why im trying to quit this weekend and focus more on my game because i dont think phil ivey made millions getting stoned before every session(i could be wrong)

Taking a few snappers in the early levels of tourneys is deff a +ev to someone who can handle their shhh and has no problem playing high

smoking at every break of the tourney is a deff -ev and you will start to make some crucial mistakes in your endgame where all the money is at. Being sober is optimal for optimal play in the later rounds at least that's what i realized for me
02-11-2011 , 09:28 PM
Holy bananas!!!
A. That thread is hilarious.
B. It's hilarious how many ppl smoke.
C. I guess it doesn't affect poker to the everyday all day all life smoker?
02-11-2011 , 09:29 PM
no smoking has no negative effects whatsoever

in fact you become a super great poker player when you smoke. in fact the best players aren't even good they're just high as **** all the time!
02-11-2011 , 09:31 PM

Wowwww just couldn't have said it better myself. Early on in tourneys, it helps me play better (more tight etc) but later on, I make way too many mistakes as a higher level of focus, attention, concentration is needed.
02-11-2011 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by smaug8821
no smoking has no negative effects whatsoever

in fact you become a super great poker player when you smoke. in fact the best players aren't even good they're just high as **** all the time!
Classic! You sound like my mom
02-11-2011 , 10:03 PM
I quit weed after new years, I used to blaze a dub sack daily while grinding.

Now I am able to play longer sessions without getting burnt out/tired and my volume has gone up significantly.

So.. 30 days x 20 dollars a day = $600/month saved + now I am getting more games in...probably 30-50% more

Over the course of the year, I'll probably have saved well over 5k plus whatever extra bonuses/profit I get from the extra volume I'll be playing.

If you are a professional and do this full time, I think its necessary that you try to maximize your earnings and save the blazing for relaxing and not literally burning a couple buy-ins everytime you play.
02-11-2011 , 10:08 PM
this was the $21r1a tourney that is about to start in like 45 mins basically showing you why you shouldn't take a bunch of snappers this is probably on of the worst hands i have ever played and i think a big reason was i had just ripped like 5 bong loads and thought i had some super read on villain (not optimal with 20 players left and your 4th in chips and 1st place is $1600 i busted 20th btw because i got high lmao oh well lesson learned)

* PokerStars Game #57087743728: Tournament #358191012, $2.00+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXVIII (20000/40000) - 2011/02/04 4:48:37 ET Table '358191012) is sitting out Seat 6: Villain (1590452 in chips) Seat 7: random kid1 (1601153 in chips) Seat 9: Hero (1774728 in *** HOLE CARDS *** Dealt to Hero [9h 9s] Villain: raises 46000 to 86000 random player: folds :Hero raises 111000 to 197000 Villain: raises 243000 to 440000 Hero: calls 243000 *** FLOP *** [7h Th 2c] Villain: bets 1145452 and is all-in Hero: calls 1145452 *** TURN *** [7h Th 2c] [Kc] *** RIVER *** [7h Th 2c Kc] [Qd] *** SHOW DOWN *** Villain: shows [Ah Ad] (a pair of Aces) Hero: shows [9h 9s] (a pair of Nines) Villain collected 3265904 from pot *[/B]

yea its pretty bad way to blow 1.7 million with 20 left

Last edited by MoneyistheMotive; 02-11-2011 at 10:18 PM.
02-11-2011 , 10:34 PM
02-11-2011 , 10:34 PM
Do the same exact **** when I'm high. My conclusion is save the weed until after the mtt session......
02-11-2011 , 11:23 PM
oh whatup chris, i knew i recognized ur name but forgot it was u in a few other threads, whatup? Obv I smoke week all day and at every single break every single time so I'm prob the wrong one to ask the difference b/c i dont know what its like to play sober. I can say with some certainty that I'm waaaaaaay worse drunk than high, and have lost waaaaay more money/play muccchhhh worse drunk.

I did ship the 3r a few yrs back tho and I could barely even see I was so drunk, i actually passed out with about 3 tables left and woke up and still had a bunch of chips and started winning flips zzzzzzzzzzzzz
02-12-2011 , 12:21 AM
Smoking to play mtts is fine.
But smoking to grind 24table+ is def the nut worst line.

I have a big score, and I was just VERY high on weed (1.10r 1st for 2.7k). That was really nice. esp on HU when the last card hits... It's just and awsome feeling. Pretty more intense when ur sober.. or drunk.

ps: poker + cocaine is the nutz.

ps2: I'm not a junk.
02-12-2011 , 12:33 AM
Playing poker sober is definitely -EV
02-12-2011 , 12:34 AM
Planning a drastic cut down or stopping completely. Gotta dust off some onions first tho.

Fat chance but woteva
02-12-2011 , 12:48 AM
it doesn't help me, I make way too many mistakes and dont know what the **** i am doing when I am high, especially when having many tables.
02-12-2011 , 01:38 AM
02-12-2011 , 01:49 AM
I havent smoked in 3 months and I am in the worst downswing of my life (buy in wise)
02-12-2011 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by sirswish6

02-12-2011 , 01:20 PM
marijuana is dif from crack grrr
02-12-2011 , 04:23 PM

if reefer rly makes ya happy
02-12-2011 , 04:38 PM
im gonna wake n bake than fire up some tourneys right now
02-12-2011 , 04:46 PM
I like smoking when i first start cuz early stages are boring as a moutha****a. If I'm going deep in something serious i usually don't so I can focus better. That being said I was boofy blitzed when i shipped my 2nd and 3rd biggest scores.

Short term i think smoking can help with palying longer sessions and reducing tilt but longterm you're gonna improve quicker if you play sober.
