Originally Posted by nootaboos
Raise pre is fail off 20bb imho, almost never going to work out how you want it to.
Checking flop is fail^2, bet like 2/3 and set up the turn rip, unless you hit flush obv.
Just my 2cents.
What’s the reason for cbetting so large? We can setup a pot size turn shove with like a 1/3 cbet. This is also a board that our range wants to bet a ton and gets folds with small bets.
Betting 2/3 is gonna leave us with like a 1/2 pot shove leftover. I suppose I could see an argument for that making us more money when we have value here but I’m not sure.
Which line does a villain with AT call down more often:
1/3 flop, pot turn
2/3 flop, 1/2 pot turn
Generally I think I’ll default to using the first line as PFR, given the board texture and multiway pot factor. Can also see an argument for a very tiny bet on the flop, but the stack depth becomes a bit awkward and there’s a FD and a bunch of gut shots that we can fold out more often with the 1/3 size but will float vs a 1bb size.
Also haven’t seen it mentioned but having the Qd is nice since we block the typical top of villain’s range (AQ), aside from 22. We also obv block a bunch of combo draws and flush draws. We get so many folds by betting this flop.