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1k buy in satellite need poker advice 1k buy in satellite need poker advice

11-26-2023 , 01:47 PM
Hero75hs cutoff 50k effective
Villain A6ds bb 85k effective
Villain xx sb 50k effective
200/300 blinds 300bb antenna

Hero raise 600 sb calls bb calls F:10h 7 4 bb raises 800 hero calls Sb calls turn Qc check around A river hero bets 2500 sb calls A6ds

Would it be smart to raises the bb on the flop considering I was in position to represent a bigger hand then a pair of 10s and to squeeze the small blind out of floating/small pairs? Or did I have enough equity to just Call and see back doors plus my pair of 7s on the flop? I ran it through my head but decided with I had enough for back doors but now I'm thinking I should've put in a raise and had my back doors as saviors? Also was it smart to lead with almost pot here on the river? Let me know your input thanks
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11-26-2023 , 02:51 PM
I doubt 75o should open preflop here but I dont play tournaments. Raising flop isn't that bad but it's kind of advanced. You'd have to have a plan for a lot of different runouts, not just "I hope they fold the flop". You sort of need to get him to fold hands like T9 by the river. Calling is the standard play.

The real disaster of this hand is the river bet, which makes no sense whatsoever. What exactly was your thought process?
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11-26-2023 , 09:55 PM
First off, do you have 7h5s or do you have 75hh? 75o is a bad open from cutoff, 75hh is fine. For the sake of my analysis, I'm going to assume you have 75hh because you mention backdoors.

Flop is fine. I'm not sure we're going to have a bunch of raises multi-way vs. a BB lead, and the ones we do would be pretty polarized to our best hands and lower-equity bluffs. It would absolutely suck to raise and then get 3-bet here and be in no man's land, especially since we're so deep. The problem is that even our lower-equity bluffs don't make a ton of sense to raise here - like would I want to bluff J9 with backdoors? Probably not.

On the river, it's kind of an interesting spot. I guess there's some argument that when it goes x/x/x on turn that SB or BB has a T or Q here a fair amount, and our hand is never good if it checks through. So the idea of betting fairly big to put a T in a tough spot makes a lot of sense. You say you led pot in the river, but in fact you actually bet closer to 60% pot (by my calculation the pot was 4300 and you bet 2500) and I guess if we're going to try to get a T to fold that's not a terrible size. I would probably be betting that size for value when I have hands like rivered top pair or better.

I probably wouldn't have tried to run this bluff especially because our 5 blocks a lot of the BB auto-folds in particular (the 85/65/53 hands that stab flop and give up) but I don't think it's absurd either.

One piece of advice - don't try to reverse engineer this hand (or any hand history, for that matter) to try to come to the outcome you desire. Look at the hand objectively, figure out what your range is vs. your opponent's range and proceed accordingly.
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11-27-2023 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by jpgiro
First off, do you have 7h5s or do you have 75hh? 75o is a bad open from cutoff, 75hh is fine. For the sake of my analysis, I'm going to assume you have 75hh because you mention backdoors.

Flop is fine. I'm not sure we're going to have a bunch of raises multi-way vs. a BB lead, and the ones we do would be pretty polarized to our best hands and lower-equity bluffs. It would absolutely suck to raise and then get 3-bet here and be in no man's land, especially since we're so deep. The problem is that even our lower-equity bluffs don't make a ton of sense to raise here - like would I want to bluff J9 with backdoors? Probably not.

On the river, it's kind of an interesting spot. I guess there's some argument that when it goes x/x/x on turn that SB or BB has a T or Q here a fair amount, and our hand is never good if it checks through. So the idea of betting fairly big to put a T in a tough spot makes a lot of sense. You say you led pot in the river, but in fact you actually bet closer to 60% pot (by my calculation the pot was 4300 and you bet 2500) and I guess if we're going to try to get a T to fold that's not a terrible size. I would probably be betting that size for value when I have hands like rivered top pair or better.

I probably wouldn't have tried to run this bluff especially because our 5 blocks a lot of the BB auto-folds in particular (the 85/65/53 hands that stab flop and give up) but I don't think it's absurd either.

One piece of advice - don't try to reverse engineer this hand (or any hand history, for that matter) to try to come to the outcome you desire. Look at the hand objectively, figure out what your range is vs. your opponent's range and proceed accordingly.
Yeah calculating the pot now I must've been off a bit, it was 4500 actually, 600×3 plus bb ante then 800x3 = 4500. Idk how I got almost pot. It was 7h 5h and opponent who called had Ad 6d. Him leading that flop there is always 10x though, no? Considering he's a mediocre player, almost always they'll be checking all sets? With all the draws I am blocking, with the 7 and 5 actually helps to pinpoint his hand being a 10x because it blocks a lot of bluffs he has and set of 7s. It should be hard for him to go 3 streets, I'd assume and gets that sb player out with floats and small pairs which eventually for this hand rivers an ace and calls. I feel like it can go both ways on the flop...

Thank you for responding

Last edited by Mike Haven; 11-28-2023 at 06:14 AM. Reason: 2 posts merged
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