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Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis

Yesterday , 05:40 AM
I Can Dodge Premiums, Baby.

Yesterday I played 5 hours at the most consistently tight passive table I've encountered since I sat with the old folks at the Silver Legacy in Reno. Everyone was sandbagging premium starting hands, and thereby killing their EV in order to hit an unlikely runout and make a high hand for the promo. There were no preflop 3-bets in the first 2 1/2 hours of my session. Zero.

Every time a tight passive player got up, a new one took their place. I had the field to myself. It seemed that no other regs wanted to transfer to a table full of nits.

Hand 1:

MP limps. I make it $10 in the CO with KT, as I'd been getting snap folds to my $12 and $15 opens. I was opening somewhat wider to pick up the blinds and the limps, but I still felt that I lacked the license to start opening every other hand, as we'd had one maniac at the table, briefly, who was opening 75% of his hands to $20 and $30, and the table had adjusted quickly, loosened up, and stacked him, before going back into lockdown mode.

BTN 3-bets to $30 out of his $100 stack. This was the first time anyone had 3-bet in 2 1/2 hours. MP folds and I turbo muck without showing and say "You got me, I was trying to steal it." BTN shows me AA.

Hand 2:

Folds to BTN, who limps. SB folds. I find AT in the BB. I have not seen Villain play a single non-blind hand in hours. Curiosity gets the better of me and I complete, where I'd mostly raise in this spot.

Pot: ($5) - heads up. Effective stacks $88.

Flop - JK5

Check check.

Pot: ($5) - heads up

Turn - 2

Check check.

Pot: ($5) - heads up

River - Q

I bet $7 with the stone nuts. BTN raises to $17. I shove for his remaining $71. BTN calls with QQ for the rivered set.

Hand 3:

Folds to me in the CO, I make it $10 with KQ. BTN (a different guy than the Villain in Hand 1. He had moved into the spot) clicks to $20 with a stack of $150. I have seen Villain limp and flat for hours, but never raise, and now this? This is AA. Folds to me. It's $10 to see a flop. Let's go.

Pot ($43) - heads up. Effective stacks $130

Flop - K4J

I check, BTN bets $25. I actually tank for awhile. If I really want to go with my read, I should make a supernit fold with TPGK. But I don't; I can't. I call. I'm check/folding most turns here to any reasonable sizing from this particular player. Versus a reg, I would check/snap call turns that didn't improve me.

Pot ($93) - heads up

Turn - K

Interesting. Check check.

Pot ($93) - heads up

River 3

Bet. Bet. Bet. You have to bet here. Go with your AA read and bet. He capped himself on the turn. He doesn't have AK.

But what if he shoves it in my face? Can I bet/fold here? I probably should.

Damn it, he would have already bet the turn with AK. He doesn't have AK. You are bet/calling this river, especially when supernits get illogical about AA as an overpair on the river and spaz with it too often.

Yeah but if he was going to raise/shove AA on the river, he would have bet it on the turn, therefore a raise shove on the river is AK, therefore bet/fold river. One more thing; though, these supernits also like to play passive and trap until they hit the river. Maybe he's sandbagging AK and hoping I'll bite. How about I check/call the river? He's going to bet AA and AK every time, and he probably doesn't have AK.

Coward! You are such a nit. You belong with these damn people!

I check and BTN checks behind with AA. Ugh. That was a terrible choice. Italics me was right.

Hand 4:

Folds to me. I open 77 on the BTN for $10. SB folds, BB, who hasn't 3-bet for 4 hours, clicks it to $20 with an $85 stack. Lol. Stacks are not deep enough for me to setmine properly. But I'm in position and I know his exact hand. I'm a freaking superuser here. I call.

Pot ($41) - heads up. Effective stacks $65.

Flop 7J2

Can he have JJ? Pssh. He's just calling pre with JJ. BB bets $25 and I shove for his remaining $40. He calls with AA and my set holds.

I booked a $165 win in 5 hours at poker, and I lost $30 in 3 hours at the slots. I cut the day short before the freezing rain came in.

Last edited by suitedjustice; Yesterday at 06:08 AM.
Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Quote
Yesterday , 07:30 AM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
Insomnia multiposting continues: I am rescinding my recommendation of the Cobra Kai show, now that I'm halfway through the sixth and final season.

Da_Nit was right in that the show descends into high school soap opera, but it also strains at the seams every time the plot needs to once again force Johnny and Daniel to break with each other, or to reconcile after a break, a cycle that has occurred something like 27 times during the course of the series.

Yes! I also find it very bothersome that they need to make Daniel and Johnny split so many times. I liked the show initially but they didn’t have enough there for six seasons.
Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Quote
Yesterday , 03:53 PM
it seems the bbc never re-aired the cleopatras nor released on dvd and it's unavailable on any streaming services

i did find this via google not youtubes and found an unavailble playlist of all episodes which i watched when abroad, perhaps changing vpn to various different countries will get it to work?

there are unofficial places which sell the dvd though but most people didn't like it so i wouldn't watch - you can find episode 1 and ep 1 only daily motion to get a taste of the forbidden fruit

i am seriously wanting to rewatch it now so will continue the search
Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Quote
Today , 11:25 AM
I caught the flu, or something like it, although I tested negative for Covid. Yesterday I slept for 20 hours, on and off, like a cat. I suffered dizziness and chills; freezing my ass off. Today, I'm better, but not well enough to play, which is a shame, as MGM for Valentine's Day is paying $1000 for heart straight flushes made with 2 cards, and $500 for those made with 1 card.

Still, it's hard to make a straight flush. Months and months tend to go by in between them. Last year, they were paying $100 for any winning heart flush, and that was definitely worth the trip, but they got rid of that for this year. I'm guessing that they paid out far too much for that aspect of the promo.
Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Quote
Today , 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by suitedjustice
I Can Dodge Premiums, Baby.

Hand 2:

Folds to BTN, who limps. SB folds. I find AT in the BB. I have not seen Villain play a single non-blind hand in hours. Curiosity gets the better of me and I complete, where I'd mostly raise in this spot.

Pot: ($5) - heads up. Effective stacks $88.

Flop - JK5

Check check.

Pot: ($5) - heads up

Turn - 2

Check check.

Pot: ($5) - heads up

River - Q

I bet $7 with the stone nuts. BTN raises to $17. I shove for his remaining $71 fully expecting to chop. BTN calls with QQ for the rivered set.
Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Quote
Today , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by TopGun in VA
Yep. It occurred to me to try to avoid getting hit with the full $9 rake, but then I thought about how much it would tilt me if I just called or minclicked and he showed up with two pair or a set.
Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Quote
