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Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis

Yesterday , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
to give you an idea of the staggering amount of taiwanese political dissident who were killed, they only had a population of 8 million in 1950 and 18 million in 1987

let's say an average of 15 million

that's 0.03% of the country executed for political reasons - that doesn't feel like a lot but the united states is 0.07% convicted felons

furthermore, nearly 1% of the population was in jail for political reasons

so basically everyone would have known someone either directly or indirectly who was in jail for dissidence and quite a few would also know someone who was executed for that crime as well

mainland china had a lot of terrible things happen in their early history as well but taiwan was no picnic
Yeah, but this was done by the Chinese who invaded in 1947. An obvious reason to keep it from happening again.
Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Quote
Yesterday , 06:32 PM
Originally Posted by suitedjustice
Let's not give the US too much credit for fostering a democracy in Taiwan. We've had a lot more failures on that front than successes. A country only throws off its authoritarian yolk when its people are prepared to sacrifice themselves for that cause, and that sacrifice is only a necessary component for democracy, not a sufficient one. They still have to best and get rid of the bad guys, and then resist the insidious momentum to become the bad guys once they get hold of the power.
That's a fair point. But it would lead to the bigger question whether there are really people/nations/ethnicities who are better in fostering democracies than others. I would argue that it's mostly random, and has a lot to do with individuals who emerge as leaders and what kind of ideas they have. It also has to do with economics and other areas. Taiwan/China would be a good example here as you have two countries of largely the same ethnicity and cultural background that went a completely different path. I am ignoring ethnic minorities here but you have them both in Taiwan and the mainland.
Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Quote
Yesterday , 10:32 PM
Taiwan/China would be a good example here as you have two countries of largely the same ethnicity and cultural background
I'm fairly sure this is where we disagree, but don't know how to resolve the issue.
Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Quote
Today , 12:36 AM
Well according to wiki 95-97% of Taiwanese are Han Chinese whereas 91% of Mainlanders are Han Chinese which is generally recognized as one ethnicity and necessarily also similar background which of course diverged mainly after the civil war as discussed in this but Chinese culture reaches back much further and ofc there are a lot of similarities between Taiwanese and mainland Chinese, language, holidays and the stories behind them, food traditions etc. I mean their biggest holiday is the Chinese new year so there's that.
Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Quote
Today , 12:41 AM
More poker, less (geo)politics.
Por favor.
Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Quote
Today , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by uberkuber
More poker, less (geo)politics.
Por favor.
I’d actually propose the part 2 update to the Helen of Taipei saga that originally caused the geopolitical derail.
Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Quote
