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Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis Suitedjustice's Ongoing Mid-life Crisis

Today , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by rickroll
to give you an idea of the staggering amount of taiwanese political dissident who were killed, they only had a population of 8 million in 1950 and 18 million in 1987

let's say an average of 15 million

that's 0.03% of the country executed for political reasons - that doesn't feel like a lot but the united states is 0.07% convicted felons

furthermore, nearly 1% of the population was in jail for political reasons

so basically everyone would have known someone either directly or indirectly who was in jail for dissidence and quite a few would also know someone who was executed for that crime as well

mainland china had a lot of terrible things happen in their early history as well but taiwan was no picnic
Yeah, but this was done by the Chinese who invaded in 1947. An obvious reason to keep it from happening again.
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