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12-09-2015 , 09:29 PM
Most things turn out fine/acceptable if you can just be patient ime. It's always waaaay worse when I bang my head against the wall instead.
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12-10-2015 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
I was going to say that shifting timelines could b totally standard for them. It likely means nothing except they aren't as good at setting up timelines they can stick to as they should be. I can barely remember a client who had some strict timeline, that we hit, where they didn't clearly waste time at some point they easily could have avoided.
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Most things turn out fine/acceptable if you can just be patient ime. It's always waaaay worse when I bang my head against the wall instead.
Yeah. I get the construction business and I'm really OK with that. It's the lack of communication. I talked to them about this once already. I mean, just send a "we haven't forgot" email.

Obviously, my overreaction is bundled up with other "stuff", though.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-10-2015 , 10:20 AM
I'm sure I'd be pretty tilted too but I do think they go hand-in-hand. I think some people have a hard time responding to things if they have no "good" or "new" news to report, they instead procrastinate hoping for news any moment so they can then respond.

Imo it's completely unprofessional but I don't think the people doing it realize that until afterwards and then there are a lot of rationalizations about why, in this particular instance (although it happens all the time), they held off on responding.
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12-12-2015 , 09:21 AM
I asked Keith to supply me with names of anyone coming through the gate Monday. Lots of names supplied so we are ready to rock and roll.
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12-12-2015 , 09:29 AM
In my spare time I've been spending more and more time at the casino/dog track. I've been running so bad. It really seems impossible for me to run as bad as I am. I've become obsessed about this. I literally cannot remember the last time I won a hand with overpairs. And, how could I play a game where I only have to beat the dealer and lose 15 consecutive hands? It just seems impossible. The more I lose, the more I've become obsessed with having a winning session.

This is so unhealthy and I know I should just stop going but I'm unsure what to do with myself. Most other things I like I don't like doing by myself.

The actual money isn't a problem. It's chicken feed really. But the notion that I cannot win at anything is problematic.
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12-12-2015 , 11:30 AM
So, I went on a really long walk and starting thinking about depression. It seems so unforgivable.

An alcoholic can cause all sorts of damage in people's lives. But if an alcoholic tackles the problem by getting sober and going to AA meetings and all, they seem to be completely forgiven. In fact, people go out of their way to praise them for being so brave.

But if you go through a bout of depression and it causes issues, you are never really forgiven. People are sympathetic I think. Maybe happy for you. But they really never want to be around you again. It's not really overt. I mean they don't discard you, but you'll forever be put at arm's length.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-12-2015 , 01:25 PM
Wat? If someone is/has been depressed I certainly don't just hold it against them. If anything I'd be much more likely to shut an alcoholic out of my life if they can't seem to stay sober for good.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-12-2015 , 09:49 PM
It's not really that. It's just that depression is so intangible. People just naturally don't want to be around someone that is depressed. It's not that they don't like them, it's just that it's uncomfortable to be around them. I think it becomes part of their personality when viewed by others and something that just doesn't change.

Alcoholism on the other hand, is extremely tangible. You either drink or don't drink. People can easily recognize either state.

I certainly do think more people are sympathetic to depression than they are alcoholism. But I think an alcoholic that gives it up is more likely to be accepted than someone coming out of depression.

Also, as it related to this discussion, there is a difference between what people accept on one level and what they really accept. Maybe a bad analogy but take for instance a homeless person. I think most people are extremely sympathetic to the homeless but how many really would become the friends of someone that is homeless?

It's about the core relationships people have.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-13-2015 , 11:03 AM
Ahhh, ok I think I understand a bit more about what you're saying.
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12-14-2015 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
In my spare time I've been spending more and more time at the casino/dog track. I've been running so bad. It really seems impossible for me to run as bad as I am. I've become obsessed about this. I literally cannot remember the last time I won a hand with overpairs. And, how could I play a game where I only have to beat the dealer and lose 15 consecutive hands? It just seems impossible. The more I lose, the more I've become obsessed with having a winning session.

This is so unhealthy and I know I should just stop going but I'm unsure what to do with myself. Most other things I like I don't like doing by myself.

The actual money isn't a problem. It's chicken feed really. But the notion that I cannot win at anything is problematic.
Do you want to be by yourself, or is it possible that you would enjoy some company? And by " some company" I mean exactly that and not necessary a date.

At least in my area, I can always find online people for basically any activity from hiking to going to the movies. Sometimes this results in total disaster and sometimes it is good.

I do get what you say with your other post, that the depression is people repellent, even after it disappeared. I really do get it. And I know that people do sense a depression even if you don't mention it.

To much free time? Change the world. I am serious. I mean you are smart, fit and have a ton of experience in an area, where you can find a TON of really interesting, fun projects.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-14-2015 , 09:09 PM
I definitely want company and I'm going to do what you suggest. It's out of my comfort zone but I'm going to try.

I used to volunteer. I was a CASA for many years. I liked it and I was really into it. But my depression cropped up and I found myself not enjoying it and not being nearly as effective as I should have been.

biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-14-2015 , 09:10 PM
Enough of that nonsense.

Back to the boondoggle!
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12-14-2015 , 09:20 PM
I met Keith, Rob, the electrician, the HVAC guy, and Javier the crew leader this morning at the condo.

These guys really had their act together. We walked through the entire condo room by room and talked about what all needed to be done.

Most of the discussion was about the HVAC. The ceilings are not that high to begin with and whoever remodeled before brought down huge areas of ceiling to run ductwork. We discussed how we can minimize that. Lots of good ideas and I was really impressed with how all of them worked together to figure out the best solutions.

I mentioned before that the electric panel might be an issue. And, it is. I hope I get these numbers right. The electrician said only 125 amps is coming in and the panel is full and nothing can be added. However, since the unit used to be two separate units there is another meter outside that he can use to put in a second panel. We know there is conduit coming in somewhere but we couldn't find it. He thinks he has an idea about the general area so when we get further into demo he'll come back to look for it. Of course all of this will be an added expense.

Javier said he would be mostly done with the demo by Thursday.

Keith needed me to ask the condo association 2 things. 1) can they put a dumpster out by the front of the condo and 2) The water is community water covered by the association fees. So, there is no individual shutoff valve. So when they need to cut the water we have to get an ok from the association.

More on that later.

I asked Keith what I needed to buy now. He said that I needed to order all of the plumbing fixtures now. He gave me the name of a place that they work with.

More on that later too.

All in all, I was extremely impressed with all of those guys and am feeling soooooo much better about my decision.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-14-2015 , 09:28 PM
So, I checked in with the condo association only since their open hours are almost nonexistent I went to get breakfast to kill some time until they opened.

McDonald's sausage egg biscuits are just sooooo good.

I think I've mentioned how horrible the condo people are and that usually there is this sloth of a guy who should never have a job, much less one dealing with the public.

Luckily he wasn't there. Unfortunately his sloth twin sister was. Is it really that hard to just acknowledge someone's presence when they walk in the office?

My first order of business was to get a new mailbox key since they replaced the mailboxes but did not give me a key. She said they taped it on my door but I guess someone stole that too. I dunno. She said she would call me when they got a replacement.

I asked her about the dumpster. Absolutely positively no dumpsters left overnight. Javier will no doubt be pleased.

She said they require 24 hour notice on water shutoffs. That actually seems reasonable.

Hopefully sloth woman has managed to make it home by now.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-14-2015 , 09:47 PM
I figured since I had the day off I might as well knock out the plumbing stuff.

Every single contractor I've talked to has been emphatic that I do not go to HD or Lowe's for plumbing supplies. So, I'm not even though the miser in me really wants to.

The store was sort of disorganized as most of those wholesale places are. They were pretty busy and the woman that came out to help me I think was really not a salesperson. I think she might have been the owner by virtue of being the original owner's widow. Just speculation. Her daughter worked there too.

I think she was ultimately pretty helpful but it was hard getting her to focus. She would sort of go off on tangents. Just to get an idea of what she was like - her daughter was ordering lunch (Thai takeout) for them all. She said "Mom, do you want anything". To which Mom replied "I don't know, do I like Thai food?"

I had Mom give me some general recommendations on brands and where to look for what, which she did. We looked at some composite sinks which were really cool and cheaper than stainless. She strongly suggested Hansgrohe for shower stuff. I had already decided on Toto for toilets so that wasn't going to be hard.

So, I browsed around for specific items but got a little frustrated because NOTHING had a price on it. Anything I looked at I had to ask and she had to go look it up in her book. Finally I got her to at least tell me cheapest to most expensive by brand.

I spent some time picking stuff out then got Mom to start writing it all down. When we got to the composite sink it got really hard with colors. Since I didn't have the granite with me I was sort of guessing. I eventually decided I didn't really want to guess and all of my appliances would be stainless so I went with stainless.

Then we got to the urinal. It was all women working there and none seemed to get the appeal of a urinal. I told them that as unappealing that seems to a woman, it is that appealing to a man. Then she said "well, we sold 2 to Derek Jeter so I guess it is OK". The TOTO urinals were outrageous (in price) and Mom couldn't find any other catalog with urinals in them. The Totos all had those automatic flushers which seem fine but to me that's just one more thing to go wrong. Plus they are expensive. Fortunately one of the other women went online and found a much cheaper brand (Kohler I think).

All in all it was fairly painless. I got what I wanted but, sheesh, I spent a lot more than I expected. Maybe it isn't really unreasonable - 2 shower assemblies, 4 bathroom faucets, 4 bathroom sinks, 1 kitchen sink, 1 kitchen faucet, 3 toilets and a urinal. $6500.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-15-2015 , 09:28 AM
Not sure I see the appeal of a urinal either tbh.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-15-2015 , 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Not sure I see the appeal of a urinal either tbh.
Wait until you get old and have to get up to pee twice a night
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-15-2015 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Not sure I see the appeal of a urinal either tbh.
If it's good enough for Jeter...
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-15-2015 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by biggerboat
Wait until you get old and have to get up to pee twice a night
I have been a reliable 3 AM pee taker for years. I'll be happy just to get a bathroom upstairs before I break my neck one night trying to navigate this 'lol wtf were they thinking why is the bathroom off the kitchen and why are these stairs so goddamn steep' 100 year old shack I call home.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-15-2015 , 11:10 AM
A urinal wouldn't bee a priority for me, but I can see the appeeal.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-17-2015 , 08:33 AM
From the condo association meeting minutes. Rules is rules!

BOD to authorize the fine of $100 & two (2) week suspension of amenity/transponder for a unit violation of

Condominium Rules & Regulations, Section 5.3 Pets Leashed on Common Elements.

 BOD to authorize the fine of $100 and two (2) week suspension of amenity/transponder for a unit violation of

Condominium Rules & Regulations, Section 5.3 Pets Leashed on Common Elements & 5.4 Clean-up.

 BOD to authorize the fine of $100 and two (2) week suspension of amenity/transponder for a unit violation of

Condominium Rules & Regulations, Section 5.2 Registration Required, Section 5.3 Pets Leashed on Common

Elements and 5.4 Clean-up.

 BOD to authorize the fine of $100 and two (2) week suspension of amenity/transponder for a unit violation of

Condominium Rules & Regulations, Section 5.1 Pet Restrictions.

 BOD to authorize two (2) week suspension of amenity/transponder for a unit violation of Condominium Rules

& Regulations, Section 5.3 Pets Leashed on Common Elements.

 BOD to authorize the fine of $100 and two (2) week suspension of amenity/transponder for a unit violation of

Condominium Rules & Regulations, Section 5.2 Registration Required & Sections 5.6 Guests’ Pets.

 BOD to authorize the fine of $100 and two (2) week suspension of amenity/transponder for a unit violation of

Condominium Rules & Regulations, Section 3.1 Exterior Visible Decorations.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-17-2015 , 08:34 AM
Conduit located.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-19-2015 , 06:22 PM
Demolition has progressed.

Now that walls have been removed, they are starting to find things

Rob texted to me to ask me what the width of my washer/dryer is. I have no clue - they are in storage. I told him they were standard front load. Apparently he is having some space concerns. He also mentioned we might have to put a pillar around the kitchen bar. This won't be horrible.

I went there to check on everything. Quite a mess. Apparently they haven't brought in a dumpster yet. Everything is all over the floors.

I am really going to like the walkthru kitchen I think.

Here are some pics:

Washer/dryer - powder room

Guest bath area

Master bath area

Master bedroom

Guest bedroom

Dining room

Living room/ kitchen

biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-20-2015 , 09:41 AM
Things always look so crappy during demo. It always amazes me that at the end when it turns out nicely.
biggerboat's building boondoggle blog Quote
12-20-2015 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
Things always look so crappy during demo. It always amazes me that at the end when it turns out nicely.
I consider it progress at this point in time.

Rob apparently is having issues with the laundry room. It looks big enough to me but he's not so sure. He also told me the ceiling drop down will be much larger than they thought. It sucks but I can live with it.

He is spending a lot of time on this project that he wouldn't normally. He told me that he usually hands it off at this stage and is done. But there are quite a few minor issues.

I think it will all turn out fine, though.
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