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**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ **BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/

04-13-2018 , 10:01 AM
This is how you can become a winning Spin player in 3 months.

“How?"- You ask, with a slight doubt in your voice.

Let's see...

It is key to have a supportive community:

  • Helps you set your "poker compass" because you can discuss with others the ups and downs of being a poker player.
  • Enable you to join study groups and accelerate your progress. Bounce ideas off your peers, get feedback, and develop your skills faster.
  • Poker can be a solitary game, but with our community, you'll never feel alone. Connect with like-minded players who share your passion for the game and have an opportunity to talk and learn from each other.
  • Be inspired by the successes of others in our community. Share your graphs, hands, and stories with each other, and see what's possible when you have the right support and guidance.

This is a very important piece of the puzzle, but there's more...

You need to have coaches who have climbed the ladder and have been at the top for a long time.
  • Gain insights from the best Spins players in the game with our group coaching sessions twice a week. Take their ideas and strategies and apply them to your own game to improve your performance.
  • Have a burning question about Spins? Our expert coaches are here to give you detailed and helpful answers so you can level up your game.

  • With our 30-day trial period, you'll get access to 30 informative and engaging videos. As a full member, you'll have access to hundreds of videos to help you improve your skills.

(You will get access to hundreds of videos like this if you become a full-time member.)
  • Get an exclusive look at our charts that cover the entire preflop game - even during the trial period. We're committed to giving you all the tools you need to succeed.

It’s getting there, but something is still missing…

A secure background, provided by a stable:
  • A great deal with no fine print.
  • EV Deal, so you can focus on your game.

But it's best when it's all together, like at bitB Spins.

Dozens of our low-stakes players have climbed the ranks to reach medium and high stakes with great success. We have the inside knowledge on what it takes to become a winning Spins player in record time.

(One of our players’ graph, who, after joining us, got from $0,25 to $10 in just 5 months.)

Going solo can be frustrating, and we've seen players hit dead ends that cost them precious time. Let us guide you to success and avoid wasting months trying to figure it out on your own. (Or give up altogether.)

Our step-by-step guide is all you need to become a winning Spins player. We've done the heavy lifting and created the ultimate roadmap for you to follow.

If you're new to Spins or considering switching from another game type, we offer a 30-day trial period. You can try everything we have to offer risk-free, and in the end, 90% of our trial participants choose to continue working with us. Join here:

Experienced Spins players looking for a strong support system, top-notch coaching, and personalized deals can apply to join us today. We've got you covered with everything you need to succeed. Click here:

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 05-15-2023 at 03:51 PM. Reason: ...
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
04-13-2018 , 01:46 PM
huge.fishh pokerstars
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
06-28-2018 , 02:56 AM
Có những loại quả mŕ chúng ta chưa thể biết biết công dụng của chúng, nhưng khi nhắc đến quả cam chị em luôn nghĩ tới công dụng lŕm đẹp, đặc biệt lŕ vỏ cam: chống nấm móng tay móng chân, giúp ngủ ngon, trị đau đầu…thě vỏ cam được xếp lŕ nguyęn liệu trị nám tŕn nhang rất tốt. chị em tham khảo ngay bŕi viết cách trị tŕn nhang bằng vỏ cam sau đây!

Vỏ cam + sữa chua.

Khi kết hợp với 1 chất rất tốt cho hệ tiệu hoá như sữa chua với vỏ cam nó sẽ giúp loại sạch lớp tế bŕo chết cho lŕn da luôn tươi sáng, mềm mịn. Cňn hŕm lượng vitamin C trong nước cam có tác dụng lŕm mờ nhanh chóng vết tŕn nhang, nám sạm.

Cách lŕm:

Tán nhuyễn vỏ cam khô thŕnh dạng bột
Lấy 1 thěa canh bột cam khô trộn với 1 thěa sữa chua để tạo ra hỗn hợp sền sệt.
Đắp hỗn hợp lęn mặt từ 15-20 phút vŕ sau đó rửa lại với nước sạch
Trộn đều Ľ hộp sữa chua không đường với 2 thěa café nước cam ép rồi thoa đều hỗn hợp lęn vůng da bị tŕn nhang, kết hợp massage 1 vŕi phút, sau đó để yęn 10-15 phút thě rửa sạch lại với nước mát. Áp dụng 2-3 lần/tuần, lŕn da sáng mịn đều mŕu sẽ trở về bęn bạn như thời cňn con gái.

Muối + vỏ cam.

Muối vừa lŕm ấm da, kích thích lưu thông tuần hoŕn máu mŕ vừa có tác dụng lŕm sạch da khi ta cho kết hợp muối với vỏ cam chúng hoŕ quyện với nhau giúp xoá nhanh các vết nám tŕn nhang rất nhanh.

Cách lŕm:

Sử dụng nước nóng để xông hơi, khiến lỗ chân lông giăn nở ra rồi důng một miếng bông gňn, lấy vỏ cam xoa đều lęn vết nám tŕn nhang, thoa lęn da mặt, massage nhẹ nhŕng trong khoảng 30 phút. Đặc biệt, tập trung massage nhẹ nhŕng cho vůng da bị nám tŕn nhang nhằm cải thiện lŕn da bị nám tŕn nhang một cách nhanh chóng vŕ hiệu quả nhất.

Dầu dừa + vỏ cam.

Dầu dừa lŕ loại nguyęn liệu được chiết xuất bằng nguyęn liệu sạch từ thięn nhięn nęn rất tốt cho lŕn da. Bęn cạnh đó, trong dầu dừa có chữa vitamin A, C, K, B1, B6, B12 khi tác dụng thęm với vỏ cam sẽ lŕ 1 sự kết hợp tốt nhất chưa từng thấy.
Nguyęn liệu:

4 thěa dầu dừa, ˝ chén đường nâu.

Cách lŕm:

Trộn 4 thěa dầu dừa vŕ ˝ chén đường nâu tạo thŕnh hỗn hợp sền sệt. Sau đó, vệ sinh da cơ thể sạch sẽ vŕ ngay khi da cňn ẩm ướt thě bạn thoa chúng lęn khắp người, kết hợp massage nhẹ nhŕng theo chiều xoáy ốc. Áp dụng khoảng 10 phút, khi lớp tế bŕo chết đă bong ra hết thě bạn ngưng tay. Cuối cůng tắm sạch lại. Thực hiện thường xuyęn 1 lần/tuần.

Bột nghệ + vỏ cam.

Hŕm lượng vitamin A vŕ C rất lớn trong bột nghệ như thế nó cő thể giúp da săn chắc, trắng sáng. Nhưng khi cho bột nghệ tác dụng với vỏ cam thě nó không chỉ dừng lại tại đấy mŕ cňn có tác dụng đánh bật các vết nám tŕn nhang cực khó chữa.

Cách lŕm:

1 thěa bột nghệ trộn cůng 1 vỏ cam rồi đắp lęn vůng da cần điều trị. Sau đó, giữ khoảng 20 – 30 phút cho dưỡng chất thấm sâu vŕo da vŕ rửa lại bằng nước sạch. Nęn thực hiện đều đặn mỗi tuần 2 lần, khoảng 2-3 tháng bạn sẽ nhận thấy da trắng sáng vŕ các đốm tŕn nhang mờ đi hẳn

Tuy lŕ có tác dụng rất tốt cho việc xoá vết nám tŕn nhang, nhưng chúng ta không nęn quá lạm dụng quá nhiều nguyęn liệu nŕy nếu bạn không muốn sạch nám tŕn nhang thě da mặt sạm đen. Hăy nghĩ ngay đến phương pháp điều trị bằng laser để bảo vệ lŕn da của bạn.
Chúc các bạn thŕnh công!
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
03-06-2019 , 06:50 PM
bitB Spins unleashes its beasts! Wolle83 is the first who enters The Coaches' Arena!

Poker is a never-ending fight between beasts who are showing their teeth in a huge cage where the struggle is getting tighter and tighter while we are climbing to the highest stakes.

But do you know who are the most feared beasts?

Those who rise from the depths of the sea to destroy all that is weak, those beasts who are not afraid to get dirty with the blood of their opponents.

Ladies and gentleman, we invite you to take part in the greatest poker fight of the century hosted by the biggest poker team in the world. bitB Spins is finally unleashing their beasts! Today, from the shadows of the sea a great shark is about to show you who he really is!

He is calling himself “Wolle83”. He*is one of the heroes who left deep injuries and many victims behind and now he is one of our head coaches. As always, we are ready to show you that these are not just words so we will let the numbers speak for themselves: our beast made almost $280,000 EV on a total of 84,827 games and he is now a $500 and $1000 Spin & Go crusher.

But let’s find out more from Wolle83 himself:

Saydana: Hello, coach! It is a pleasure for us to have you here among us! We all know that your Spin & Go journey was a long road full of achievements and various experiences before joining bitB’s Spin family, that is why I am eager to find more about who is hiding behind the screenname?

Wolle83: Hello, Saydana! I am really glad to be here, with you. My name is Alex and I am a professional poker player and a coach. I'm most known as "Wolle83" on PokerStars where I am playing Spin and Go's at the highest stakes. Because I receive a lot of questions about the $500 and $1000 games I'll give my two cents on them to start with:

I play up to 9 tables if the traffic allows it and I never pick times of the day or avoid certain regulars. The competition is quite tough at this level but, the game still offers a decent room for winnings if you know how to beat them.

Regarding my start as a poker player I want to share with all of you a short story. A few years ago I was that kind of guy who was playing poker with friends and also a little bit of online poker a few times a month. I didn't study or talk to others about the game, I had no structured way of improving and I didn't see the need for it. It was just a card game, how complicated could it be? One month, I got lucky in multiple tournaments and silly me, I thought poker could make me rich!

"By having a short glance in the past I must confess that I like that simple-minded guy from back then and sometimes I wish I could go back to just clicking a button without worrying too much. As much as it was comfortable, it also wasn't sustainable and I understood that I had to do something to get a deeper understanding of poker."

I read a book or two related to this subject and I felt like a genius after doing this so as soon as my "bankroll" allowed it, I joined a website where they sold video content for monthly fees and I tried to understand what players did for winning tons of money. I did what most people do, l looked at the best and I tried to become like them.

"Unfortunately, there is a flaw in the way of learning: if you watch Arnold Schwarzenegger training, will you do as he does after watching it? While it would be impressive of course, the reality is that he is the best in his domain due to the fact that he has an exceptional work ethic and if you ever want to be where he is you need to go the way he went instead of looking at what he is doing at the peak of his stamina and strength."

Taking the story to the next level I must tell you that I was lucky to be "discovered" at the tables by another player who wrote to me during the heads-up of some small tournament that we played together. He invited me to exchange Skype IDs and we talked a little bit. I have never before talked about poker with somebody and I was very surprised that a stranger contacted me just because we were both poker players. This was the first “WOW” of my poker career.

That player was the first person I knew that actually worked with something called Pokerstove and Equilab in order to understand the mathematics of poker and he also used a sophisticated HUD. This experience showed me clearly that I will be able to progress much faster with the help of others and by working together. So I decided that I would no longer waste my time watching the high-stakes MTT’s video content, and that was about time to really get into the field of the guys that played and beat the stakes that I was playing at that moment.

Soon, the Spin and Go format was launched and there was a chance to become part of what back then was a small project focused on this new type of Jackpot games, a project guided by some successful players in 25 BB games and HU HT games. This was the perfect mix because I started to play under their wings and I was sure that they were willing to help me improve in order to earn more money. In this small environment I had close access to the top players and coaches and I was able to climb to the highest stakes in only 3 months, coming from never playing any short stack or HU games so I can affirm that I was quite happy with the results of our cooperation.

Saydana: I am really curious about a thing. How did you start your career as a coach?

Wolle83: Well, not long after the experience that I have already shared with you, I became a coach because I saw how much working together was rewarding both sides. My coaches were so happy with my development and I was so proud to make it to the top and create more and more $EV every month while we both made more and more money.

"This symbiosis was even more rewarding than keeping the winnings and success to myself and I wanted to create this connection between myself and players and to help them climb to the highest stakes. Almost 3 years later, I am very happy with my decisions and I am happy to find myself in this new and amazing team together with Darkornot and Fetedlabiere (two powerful players and coaches), hungry than ever for the success of my students."

Saydana: You are now one of the bitB’s Spins Beasts. What does this status bring with it? Do you feel more pressure or should I say do you feel more motivated to bite even harder with your sharp shark teeth?

Wolle83: Being surrounded by top players but also top coaches in the poker industry is challenging and pushes me to work at a very high level. It's a bit like a sparring partner in the gym, you push each other and you grow together. To stick to that comparison, if your new gym partner is Arnold Schwarzenegger you will have to "bite" as hard as you can in work to keep up with him and that's what (in the most positive way) I feel in this new environment.

Saydana: I am really glad to hear this, coach. Your words raise so much motivation! But even like this, we both know that this is a new beginning for you as a coach and a Spin & Go player. How do you feel about it?

Wolle83: I love the fact that finally I have the chance to be able to put my visions and ideas into practice during this new chapter of my career. I have been coaching players for the past 3 years, but together with bitB Spins we will push the borders of the online poker schools and become something that every member of it can be proud of. This is a little bit like "my baby" now and I want to see it grow and conquer the world!


Saydana: You say that you want to bring something new to the study field. Knowing your past I know that you are a great coach who always took care of his students. Which are your plans now? What do you prepare for the newcomers?

Wolle83: Students will be my focus in the near future, but I will keep playing at the highest level as well in order to stay on top of the game. My plans are strongly developed around our new players from all stakes.

"We create content in new ways, I don't want to give away too much info to our competitors, but I can say that we have talked to professionals when it comes to learning and studying as well as mindset and other things connected to your success in poker directly or indirectly and we take all of this information into consideration when creating our content."

Very often, you will join a coach or a poker school and they will present knowledge to you in the most simple way they can imagine because they didn't study how to teach people and what works for humans in terms of individually improving their game. We want to be different and we invested time and money into gaining this knowledge in order to provide the most efficient and structured content to our students.

Saydana: All in all, how do you see the future of this poker project knowing already that bitB team has an amazing poker background and that many players who crossed their threshold are now some big names in poker?

Wolle83: bitB's results in the past years speak for themselves. The Spin and Go group will make sure to be in line with the usual expectations. Honestly, I joined bitB*because this huge team was recommended to me by the best players that I know and I didn't want to work with anything less. I think of the future of the team as very bright one because in this case we talk about smart and friendly people with a great understanding of poker and of its environment and I can only encourage you to take a look at Patrick Leonard's blog on 2+2, because I find it really inspiring.


Saydana: Thank you for this interview, coach and see you at the tables!

Last edited by ProPokerBacking; 03-06-2019 at 06:58 PM.
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
04-13-2019 , 09:50 PM
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
08-26-2019 , 07:21 PM
A member of the bitB Spins family hit the $1,000,000 Spin&Go jackpot at PokerStars!!
-Meet Sejdeamiota (Turn on English subtitle)[/B]

Join our public discord server for more info:
Apply here:

Last edited by ProPokerBacking; 08-26-2019 at 07:38 PM.
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
09-05-2019 , 10:13 AM
It’s time to take your game to the next level!

We are here to offer you these amazing two versions of bitB Spins’ HUD and more than this we offer the opportunity of learning from the best!

**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
09-09-2019 , 03:21 AM
Quality of service matters the most. Sharing percentages are secondary.
Choose your team carefully! Check out the benefits of joining us!
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
09-09-2019 , 05:45 PM
is it beatable?
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
11-29-2019 , 11:20 AM
Areanu - Meet the man behind our hand discussion channel

He talks about his rise throughout stakes and different styles, his biggest realizations about poker and what helped him better his game. Also, he talks about what makes him the exceptional player he is: vodka.

Join our public Discord channel!
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
07-02-2020 , 04:09 AM

After hitting every single multiplier in June a member of our family, K-Toc finished the month with the biggest possible prize on the €50 limit!

Check out the review with the winner and his coach:
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
09-21-2020 , 07:42 AM
At the point when joined with a substance that is excellent for the stomach related framework, for example, yogurt with orange strip, it will help eliminate dead skin cells for a splendid, delicate skin
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
11-09-2020 , 01:33 PM
These autumn days have been some crazy ones here at bitB Spins.

Our top player gooby plz hit and won a €400.000 Jackpot while playing €50 Nitros on Winamax!

He was just grinding like usual when suddenly he saw the Jackpot in the prize pool while eight more tables were simultaneously opened. The possibility of hitting such a game is 4 in 1.000.000! 23-year-old gooby plz works full-time for becoming a better poker player. Here at bitB Spins he made his way to $100 Spin & Go’s and now he received the biggest reward from his life for his hard work that he consistently did so far.
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
11-09-2020 , 01:36 PM
Like we have already said, here at bitB Spins, we didn’t want our players to suffer such a high variance on their own. That’s why we decided to offer a way to more steady income and the players not giving up 2% of their winnings for a shot at the Jackpot.
This means that our players can earn more every month on average and can enjoy a more constant income than their opponents. Putting less pressure on them while playing.

bitB Spins is offering NOW a “real EV deal” or “EV insurance” on Winamax!
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
11-09-2020 , 01:45 PM
Why bitB Spins? What we do better than others? What do you get after joining?

Take a look at this video and let our coach Wolle83 guide you through to our services.
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
01-08-2021 , 09:33 AM
We start 2021 with a HUGE opportunity to increase your earnings!

Basically, you have the chance to DOUBLE your referral money until the end of January, only by encouraging your friends to join us.
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
01-22-2021 , 02:47 PM
Many players are never sure when it's the right time to move up in limits. Some do it too soon and end up being disappointed, some move up too fast, but without having any consistency in their work so they find themselves forced to drop back down.

Some wait and wait and wait, letting go of the opportunity to make even more money and become part of the poker elite, when they could be beating a higher limit in less than one month. So when is the right time to move up?

We are here to give you 3 strong reasons why 2021 is the best time to take your game to the next level.
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
01-29-2021 , 12:48 PM
Once again, we invite you to meet our world-class poker coaches and to become aware of their achievements and the way they can help you in improving your Spin & Go game.

Let the magic begin!
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
04-25-2021 , 03:53 PM
bitB Spins gives you full strategy and guidance, no matter the stakes you are playing. We help our members at all stake levels thanks to our head coaches and at the same time, we keep our gates open for everyone who wants to join our team of Spin & Go beasts.

Today we want to share a few tips about what playing poker for a living truly means:
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
04-25-2021 , 03:56 PM
The game is on. Are you in? Join our recruitment process!

It’s extremely important to us that our team is made up of valuable members, so we would like to get to know each and every one of the candidates both from the perspective of the game and as a human being. After we receive a photo of you and your workstation – because we not only want to get to know you, but your environment as well, where you imagine working together- you will get a personality and a professional test.
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
07-26-2021 , 07:20 PM
Dear poker beasts, today we invite you to find out more about our Hand Judge, about the guardian angel of all the players on our team, called by his name “areanu”.

Enjoy the magic!
**BITB SPINS** Seeking Players to Crush Spin&Gos with World-Class Coaches/EV DEAL, Up To 500$/ Quote
