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***Official Stars Regs Thread*** ***Official Stars Regs Thread***

12-31-2009 , 01:45 PM
Ok, here we go.
My screen name is Qwertyfax on PS. I do grind for living 2/4 3/6 (which is a beat, actually). I have transferred from European site which was doomed for me in the last months. Hope to get back at 5/10 (where, because of the small sample, I have historically 20cents+ per hand) somewhere in the middle of the year.
And here is the list of guys I do not particularly enjoy at my tables (you are ok/good if you see yourself here):

born2winit (may just getting extremely unlucky against him)
Nthngbtsrck (move up, take a break. For two years)
TuzOFF (o, rly?)
draghkar (you, nitty bastard...)
BagweII (nevermind)

[ ] know how to use "," in English
[ ] have spellchecker
12-31-2009 , 01:47 PM
I don't recognize your stars SN, I play a lot of 3/6 and used to play a lot 2/4. Ever play with me (dcook77)?
12-31-2009 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by La Peste
I don't recognize your stars SN, I play a lot of 3/6 and used to play a lot 2/4. Ever play with me (dcook77)?
Nope, nooot yet.
Just for info - how much do you expect to make (in BB) playing 2/4 - 3/6 around 50k hands per month (based on experience)? Discussion about game beatability welcome.
My monthly nut is around 300-350, feel ok with 500, good with 1000.

Have never had a losing month and have consistent feeling of upcoming downswing and each time after 100BB loosing sessions I have a feeling that this is it - poker is rigged and making $ is impossible.

Life in PS is quite different to other sites, must admit. In every kind of way. I used to to occupy all tables at 2/4 3/6 in the middle of the day.
12-31-2009 , 01:58 PM
How much you expect to make depends on your winrate plus volume. Do I misunderstand you? I think the game is beatable up to 4BB/100, but no one is really doing that since they generally move up when they are that good. If your monthly nut is that low, you can easily live off 2/4 and 3/6.
12-31-2009 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by FLKicksAss
Ok, here we go.
My screen name is Qwertyfax on PS. I do grind for living 2/4 3/6 (which is a beat, actually). I have transferred from European site which was doomed for me in the last months. Hope to get back at 5/10 (where, because of the small sample, I have historically 20cents+ per hand) somewhere in the middle of the year.
And here is the list of guys I do not particularly enjoy at my tables (you are ok/good if you see yourself here):

born2winit (may just getting extremely unlucky against him)
Nthngbtsrck (move up, take a break. For two years)
TuzOFF (o, rly?)
draghkar (you, nitty bastard...)
BagweII (nevermind)

[ ] know how to use "," in English
[ ] have spellchecker
Were you Qwertyuiop on Paradise Poker?
12-31-2009 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by La Peste
How much you expect to make depends on your winrate plus volume. Do I misunderstand you? I think the game is beatable up to 4BB/100, but no one is really doing that since they generally move up when they are that good. If your monthly nut is that low, you can easily live off 2/4 and 3/6.
I can do the math myself . I mean - how are the regs in general doing here. In IPN we were quite lucky just to keep green line above 0 because of enormous rake and huge rb.
I come from country (actually going back home after playing one season of futsal in Germany) where 1k usd is more than enough for food and stuff. So add another for fixed costs and you are set.
12-31-2009 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBuddha
Were you Qwertyuiop on Paradise Poker?
No, but I've gotten some coaching from you. Recommend to anyone. GiantBuddha helped to overcome the biggest ds of my life (400BB).
12-31-2009 , 02:11 PM
I did beat 2/4 for over 3BB/100 and I currently beat 3/6 for around 3.6BB/100, having trouble at 5/10 so far.
12-31-2009 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by La Peste
I did beat 2/4 for over 3BB/100 and I currently beat 3/6 for around 3.6BB/100, having trouble at 5/10 so far.


sample sizes?

That's REALLY REALLY good (maybe being in IPN has changed my perception of possible wr...this is why I think I'm just running hot).
12-31-2009 , 02:29 PM
Hello everyone,

I play mostly on 1/2 multitabling, and will play more in 2010.
12-31-2009 , 02:30 PM
This is over 150K hands, between the two over the year (after taking a few years away from poker). Don't expect to duplicate this if you play more than 4 tables at a time.
12-31-2009 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by sihtn1l
Hello everyone,

I play mostly on 1/2 multitabling, and will play more in 2010.
cool story bro
12-31-2009 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by La Peste
This is over 150K hands, between the two over the year (after taking a few years away from poker). Don't expect to duplicate this if you play more than 4 tables at a time.
How come no record in PTR? Happy new year!
12-31-2009 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by sihtn1l
How come no record in PTR? Happy new year!
My screen name is dcook77, what is yours?
12-31-2009 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by La Peste
My screen name is dcook77, what is yours?
i think its 2_Basic with a new 2010 account
12-31-2009 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by normalcy
i think its 2_Basic with a new 2010 account
It must be, he totally owned me.
12-31-2009 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by La Peste
This is over 150K hands, between the two over the year (after taking a few years away from poker). Don't expect to duplicate this if you play more than 4 tables at a time.
Looked in PTR. You are a monster.
I play not more than 4 tables (5 maximum if 3 tables are not fast).
In Russian language (I am not Russian) there is a very good saying - it's better to be the first guy in the village than the last in the city. The same applies for poker (last sentence was not the part of the saying)
12-31-2009 , 02:48 PM
ty sir. unfortunately inaccurate by 0.5BB.
12-31-2009 , 02:49 PM
Want another cool story? Sha gsi called me a fish not once, but twice last night. I called him down with 2nd pair twice in a 5 minute period and he said thanks fish when he raked in the pots with top pair. I had to explain to him that the pot was offering me great odds and that given our history, 2nd pair is usually good enough to win against him more than 50% of the time. He didn't like that much and I actually think I made him play better.
Moral of this cool story, don't say things that make people play better. Like mom always said, if you don't have something nice to say...

/ cool story

P.S. Never brag about a winning month when the month isn't over. -65 BB last night. ****
12-31-2009 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by FLKicksAss
Looked in PTR. You are a monster.
I play not more than 4 tables (5 maximum if 3 tables are not fast).
In Russian language (I am not Russian) there is a very good saying - it's better to be the first guy in the village than the last in the city. The same applies for poker (last sentence was not the part of the saying)
i think our equivalent saying is, "Big fish in a little pond vs. Little fish in a big pond." although, that kinda loses some of the meaning in the poker context where "Big fish" is not so sexy of a title. discuss...

also, having run like total and utter (not udder) **** for the past two months (and the recent tiger woods debauchery) have gotten me thinking about the word "expectation". what does the word really mean if i say, "As expected, I ran well below expectation today?" or "Cheaters... you have to expect that they will always wind up being the ones you least expected."

anyway, happy new year. or is it happy new yearS??? i always hear it as the latter, but that doesn't make sense to me.

and im that born2winit guy you listed. if you are down to me in the past 2 months, you must be running horrible, as i have had my worst 2 months ever.
12-31-2009 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by La Peste
My screen name is dcook77, what is yours?
WP. Mine is the same 2p2 id
12-31-2009 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by sihtn1l
WP. Mine is the same 2p2 id
Oh, i get it. I guess you assumed that we knew you used the same sn for both. Welcome, and good luck in 2010.
12-31-2009 , 03:02 PM
I'm not telling mine.
12-31-2009 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by sihtn1l
Hello everyone,

I play mostly on 1/2 multitabling, and will play more in 2010.
how many tables do you play? and what do you mean that you will play more? will you be playing more tables? more hours? will you be moving up or staying at 1/2? i plan on playing a bunch at 1/2 to start the year too.
12-31-2009 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Absolution
I'm not telling mine.
i know it already (b/c im cool??), but i won't tell (for less than $40... or at least $30).
