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***Official Stars Regs Thread*** ***Official Stars Regs Thread***

06-06-2009 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by DougL
I'm not sure that a guy who donkbet the PF capper can go on to make statements about things never happening or the an overpair never being good.
As I said it was a multitabling error, I lost the action, I wasn't sure whether he capped or I was in the lead. It is not the same as doing a crappy cap on purpose and then defending it. Also at that spot, when being uncertain about how the preflop action was closed, b/3b was by far my best option imo. And yeah awesome free card cap trying to push out a station button who has already called 2 cold, he is indeed very likely to fold. Also I might give free cards with 99-JJ but QQ-AA I am leading the turn as well so he is just valuetowning himself with next to no equity vs half my range and the other half still crushes him completely. You really think it's an awesome idea to cap with 2 likely outs when you have almost no chance of buying the button and will not get freecards at least 50% of the time even when you do push him out? That really sounds 100% great strategy to me.
06-06-2009 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Roland32
Well lets assume that I DON'T cap. Then I call turn and river (unless you are advocating me folding). I actually put more money in the pot this way and give myself 0% chance of winning without a showdown. That seems like a pretty terrible line.
if you ever win here without a showdown that obviously means you were ahead in the first place but that is like never
seriously, name some hands I might play like this and you are ahead of, and you want me to fold, and I am likely to fold them before the river given this action? If I happen to have AK (which is ridiculous but ok let's assume I do) I will never fold before the river on this board when the pot has been bloated so much. At the river I may c/f but I c/f the worst hand so you win without sd, with the best hand. This is about the only scenario I can manufacture where you win without sd here (and even this scenario is super unlikely). When will I ever fold a better hand here?

Last edited by daiquiri; 06-06-2009 at 12:15 PM.
06-06-2009 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by daiquiri
if you ever win here without a showdown that obviously means you were ahead in the first place but that is like never
seriously, name some hands I might play like this and you are ahead of, and you want me to fold, and I am likely to fold them before the river given this action? If I happen to have AK (which is ridiculous but ok let's assume I do) I will never fold before the river on this board when the pot has been bloated so much. At the river I may c/f but I c/f the best hand so you win without sd, with the best hand. This is about the only scenario I can manufacture where you win without sd here (and even this scenario is super unlikely). When will I ever fold a better hand here?
so when should I have folded?
06-06-2009 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Roland32
so when should I have folded?
I think when my range is obviously super tight and you are almost always beaten it's try to get to sd cheap time as the pot is huge already. If there isn't a fish behind you who are not gonna fold after having called 2 cold already, maybe a case could be made for capping for free card.. But this way, with him behind you and you likely to be crushed barring a miracle, I think putting more money in the pot can hardly be defended.
If I ever happen to have 77 here and like some hugely discounted AK for those cases when I can't see my cards from tilt, than you may have equity to quietly get to sd.
06-06-2009 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by daiquiri
I think when my range is obviously super tight and you are almost always beaten it's try to get to sd cheap time as the pot is huge already. If there isn't a fish behind you who are not gonna fold after having called 2 cold already, maybe a case could be made for capping for free card.. But this way, with him behind you and you likely to be crushed barring a miracle, I think putting more money in the pot can hardly be defended.
The line I used DOES put less money in the pot. Thats my whole point, the flop cap is not for value, its for pot control.
06-06-2009 , 12:24 PM
The games are absolutely terrible two days running, and on a Friday and Saturday. Right after it being a drooling fish pool for a good 2 weeks. I hate this broken echecks thing.
06-06-2009 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Roland32
The line I used DOES put less money in the pot. Thats my whole point, the flop cap is not for value, its for pot control.
but how do you pot control when you are not on the button? there's a guy left to act and you are not very likely to push him out. He has called two bets cold already. You are hoping that 1. I give you free cards 2. He lets you take them..
Both of these have to be true pretty darn often imo to make this cap good. Those times when I keep coming on the turn or he bets when checked to him totally take away the value of this "pot control" cap imo.
06-06-2009 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by La Peste
The games are absolutely terrible two days running, and on a Friday and Saturday. Right after it being a drooling fish pool for a good 2 weeks. I hate this broken echecks thing.
+1 mirrion
06-06-2009 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by La Peste
The games are absolutely terrible two days running, and on a Friday and Saturday. Right after it being a drooling fish pool for a good 2 weeks. I hate this broken echecks thing.
weird I played a few hours yesterday and I was sitting at brilliant tables all the time.
06-06-2009 , 12:59 PM
Why is there like 1000 million people on every waiting list? This is so annoying. =\ I just got back from vacation and want to grindddd!
06-06-2009 , 01:02 PM
The games actually are pretty blah compared to a few days ago. I have been having to play some 2/4 just to keep 2-3 games going at a time.
06-06-2009 , 01:34 PM
God, first session of the month, down a ton. The games are just filled with ******ed regs, and I keep missing every draw. I'll try again later maybe.

Edit: I moved down to .5/1 and instantly dropped 50BB in like 90 hands. I am out of my element. I feel like even taking a week off like I did made me ******ed or something.

Last edited by ColeW123; 06-06-2009 at 02:02 PM.
06-06-2009 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by daiquiri
but how do you pot control when you are not on the button? there's a guy left to act and you are not very likely to push him out. He has called two bets cold already. You are hoping that 1. I give you free cards 2. He lets you take them..
Both of these have to be true pretty darn often imo to make this cap good. Those times when I keep coming on the turn or he bets when checked to him totally take away the value of this "pot control" cap imo.
in either of those situations I fold thus still saving bets. (although if you came firing out on the turn, I might call and I might fold. If I call and our friend calls AND you fire again on river I fold there too.)
06-06-2009 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by ColeW123
God, first session of the month, down a ton. The games are just filled with ******ed regs, and I keep missing every draw. I'll try again later maybe.

Edit: I moved down to .5/1 and instantly dropped 50BB in like 90 hands. I am out of my element. I feel like even taking a week off like I did made me ******ed or something.
I had the same feeling last month after taking close to a month off. I'd find myself thinking "wait a minute, what the hell do I do here?"
06-06-2009 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by daiquiri
As I said it was a multitabling error, I lost the action, I wasn't sure whether he capped or I was in the lead. It is not the same as doing a crappy cap on purpose and then defending it.
I kind of smile to see how aggressively you're posting about this. Let's pretend that ego weren't involved and he didn't suck out on you. Read his post putting the hand against an unknown decent player who donked (let's leave your excuse to the side). Look at the hand without emotion, and then read your posts. I think you'll laugh a little. The only time you're certain to be wrong in discussing a poker situation is when you use the words always and never, imo.

Sorry your overpair lost. It pretty much never happens to any of the rest of us. If I'm in this hand, KK is third best on the river.
06-06-2009 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
I kind of smile to see how aggressively you're posting about this. Let's pretend that ego weren't involved and he didn't suck out on you. Read his post putting the hand against an unknown decent player who donked (let's leave your excuse to the side). Look at the hand without emotion, and then read your posts. I think you'll laugh a little. The only time you're certain to be wrong in discussing a poker situation is when you use the words always and never, imo.

Sorry your overpair lost. It pretty much never happens to any of the rest of us. If I'm in this hand, KK is third best on the river.
These are very wise arguments indeed, you really convinced me why he has decent equity on the flop (versus all the cards in my range you mentioned that are behind him), or a good chance to take free cards. Thanks for your insight.
Oh and btw, you are right that I was somewhat tilted that he sucked out. That in itself wouldn't have inspired me to make the post, neither his play which I think is pretty bad. It was, what I also mentioned in my first post, that I regularly read posts by Roland about how he is one of the best regs and how his winrate is probably higher than most of ours and stuff like that. When I read things like that from someone I usually shake my head, and when I see that specific someone make a play like this and even sucks out in the end I tend to get pissed and make posts that might sound arrogant, bad habits.
06-06-2009 , 04:06 PM
Ok, you got me. He should have folded the instant you 3 bet the flop.

06-06-2009 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
Ok, you got me. He should have folded the instant you 3 bet the flop.
i'm not a genius, but wouldn't he become exploitable if he would do that?
06-06-2009 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by dragon1893
i'm not a genius, but wouldn't he become exploitable if he would do that?
he was being sarcastic, ignoring the part when I said I want to get to showdown because the pot is big and occasionally villain (me) may be tilting/spewing (and yes it would be super exploitable too), but villain (me) needs to be total tiltmonkey/spewtard to make this cap anywhere near profitable.
06-06-2009 , 04:36 PM
did you actually read any of rolands posts?
06-06-2009 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by jinzerd
did you actually read any of rolands posts?
no I just mashed the quote button and randomly highlighted some sentences
06-06-2009 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by jinzerd
did you actually read any of rolands posts?
read vs. understand is the issue.


Back to our regularly scheduled player bashing...

What do people think of mon3y p3nny?
06-06-2009 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by DougL
read vs. understand is the issue.
you couldn't make one reasonable argument on why I am wrong, I have made like 10 on why I think I am right, and the only thing you are doing is making zero content sarcastic comments. It's not me who has an issue.
06-06-2009 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by daiquiri
you couldn't make one reasonable argument on why I am wrong, I have made like 10 on why I think I am right, and the only thing you are doing is making zero content sarcastic comments. It's not me who has an issue.
Roland made a nice string of reasonable arguments, which you dismissed. Your donk says I'm making a value play", "I haz top pair and I don't know what to do with it" or that you were lost in the hand. What does your 3 bet mean? Who knows? You wrote it off the mistake donk to a multitabling error. That's a big stretch for your opponent; he has to know that you are a 6m genius who is playing below his level of skill, and he has to give you credit for making a mistake. If I'm reading you; I think you have a weak made hand that wants to lever the 3rd player out of the pot using the PFR. That's giving you credit for an expert donk.

Roland decides to show down against you, and decides to save 1/2 a bet on a big street. Could he be wrong? Sure. Is it the worst play ever? Not even close. Given your donk, I have no issue with how he played the hand; I'm confused why he needs to give you special respect during play.

I think I've made about two too many posts here, but the whole reason for my sarcasm is that you're calling Roland out for being overrated based on this hand, and then you completely write off his civil response. I pointed out that you should re-read the thread and you went off on me. If you want to carry this discussion further, please PM me.


So, mon3y p3nny anyone?
06-06-2009 , 05:19 PM
lol I was gonna make a big ole post then i asked myself why do i want to try to pound strat into some random regs head.....
