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***** Official SSSHLHE Stats Thread ***** ***** Official SSSHLHE Stats Thread *****

02-03-2009 , 07:02 AM
Is there a way to see the average potsize in HEM?
02-04-2009 , 11:54 AM
Need some help with my game so would be nice if somebody could look my stats..
All hands from nl100 5max.

I think i play pretty much same game in downswings and upswings, but maybe there has to be some tilting because I always lose my winnings(?)
02-04-2009 , 12:22 PM
how about posting it in the nl forum and maybe start contributing to the forum
02-05-2009 , 08:41 PM
I'm now over 20K hands at 2/4 for the year, which is all the hands I've played since I opened my game up from 23/19 or whatever it was in previous attempts to learn limit.

My graph is basically a big ^. I'm down 300 big bets in the last 7500 hands for an awesome win rate of -4 BB/100. This is after making 400 big bets in the first 14,000 hands of the year, good for 2.86 BB/100. On the bright side, I'm up like 10 bucks an hour so if the trend doesn't continue I'll be above minimum wage

Partially because my confidence is shot and also because my stats, if not my win rate, should have converged decently by now I humbly ask the forum for a look.

I'm filtering for 3 to 6 handed. I have 21,212 hands in the sample.

Overall stats:
win rate: 0.56 BB/100
VPIP: 29.7
PFR: 21.7
3-bet: 12.5
WTSD: 40.9
WonSD: 50.1
Agg: 1.6
Flop CBet %: 91.3

By Position:
B: 29.9 VPIP, 28.9 PFR, 42.7 Unopened PFR (steal), 17.1 3-bet
CO: 27.9 VPIP, 27.4 PFR, 32.4 unopened PFR, 14.5 3-bet
MP: 20.8 VPIP, 20.5 PFR, 21.0 unopened PFR, 12.8 3-bet
EP: 15.9 VPIP/PFR/unopened PFR

SB: 35.1 VPIP, 23.9 PFR, versus steal I 3-bet 17.8%, called 1.2% and folded 81%
BB: 40.3 VPIP, 10.3% PFR, versus steal I 3-bet 12.5%, called 50.2% and folded 37.3%

I'm not sure if it's meaningful, but I found my showdown stats by position interesting:
B: 47.5/48.2
CO: 49.0/49.3
M: 50.3/47.5
E: 46/55.9
BB: 32.2/51.8
SB: 41/50.2

So just glancing at that, maybe I'm going to showdown too often when I open and my WTSD is only vaguely reasonable because of all the times I get to the flop from the BB with weak hands that don't get to showdown.

Flop: 1.99
Turn: 1.42
River: 1.19

All the above stats are using HEM if that matters.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
02-05-2009 , 09:37 PM
i only glanced at your stats and they seem solid, 20K is nothing and you should probably try to win more at showdown

Also you could probably find some spots where coldcalling, overlimping is correct.
02-07-2009 , 01:56 AM
hey guys i'm kinda worried about my game lately... i'm basically burning money and have lost nearly twice as many BBs as my last "big" downswing Am i doing something wrong? have i had a 50k hand heater and it's turning around? help please!!! ignore the .25/.5 and the .5/1; i was just messing around in those games
downswing stats:

lifetime: (6k hands ago i was a 2BB/100 winner)

Last edited by Vitamin11; 02-07-2009 at 02:09 AM.
02-07-2009 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by JaredL
I'm not sure if it's meaningful, but I found my showdown stats by position interesting:
B: 47.5/48.2
CO: 49.0/49.3
M: 50.3/47.5
E: 46/55.9
BB: 32.2/51.8
SB: 41/50.2

So just glancing at that, maybe I'm going to showdown too often when I open and my WTSD is only vaguely reasonable because of all the times I get to the flop from the BB with weak hands that don't get to showdown.
These numbers look odd. Here are mine filtered for 5-6 handed
BTN: 43/54
CO: 45/54
HJ: 45/54
UTG: 46/55
BB: 35/54
SB: 38/56

40/54 all together. Remember thats 5-6 handed tho
02-07-2009 , 12:54 PM

Thats an extremely small sample size. You really cant make any conclusions based on that. Obviously run better!
02-12-2009 , 05:51 PM
I just got HEM and noticed I am ZOMG awful from the blinds compared to other postings here. So bad I can't believe I'm overall a winner. I had always used PO, which shows results in $, not BB/100, and I never bothered to translate, so I never knew how poorly I was doing. Based on review of this thread it seems my WTSD from the blinds is way too low. Anything else jump out?

Stats are filtered for 5-6 players, about 2/3 are 1-2, 1/3 are 2-4, some 3-6 sprinkled in, all on FT.

02-12-2009 , 06:28 PM
You're too tight/passive in all positions
02-14-2009 , 11:23 AM
how do I filter HEM for my Hands?
like 1 pair, 2 pair, 3OAK, straight...?
there is a report on the main tab, but it shows only the hands at showdown. I would like to see all hands in general like the old PT2 does
02-14-2009 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by timoK
how do I filter HEM for my Hands?
like 1 pair, 2 pair, 3OAK, straight...?
there is a report on the main tab, but it shows only the hands at showdown. I would like to see all hands in general like the old PT2 does
There is a tab when you are in edit called hand values. You can select your hand values by street. For example if you want to see all pairs on the flop, you need to highlight all of the different pair combinations. This includes a paired flop as well, so you need to go to flop texture and exlude paired flop.

Not sure if this is what you are looking for as you have to do one at a time.
02-14-2009 , 11:40 AM

I jacked the link of somebody else. this is what I want to see but HEM only shows this for hands gone to showdown

what edit do you mean?
Actually I cant make reports myself
02-16-2009 , 01:31 AM
Over almost 200k hands, my fold flop to cbet is almost 49% in PT3. I was just looking at the the first few pages of this thread, and noticed that mine is sky high. I assume I have to be doing something very wrong? What is a good number to shoot for until I get the hang of it?

I basically always at least call vs. a steal w/ 2 overcards, some sort of draw (4 outs or more), or any pair and often c/r. I do frequently fold A hi/K hi... like I have a4, flop comes q83... I check-fold etc. I do look for backdoor draws.

What types of calls or check-raises should a too tight player like me be adding? Is check-raising dry boards w/ air strong against typical TAGs/LAGTAGs?

I just really hate check-calling vs. a steal w/ ace hi when I suspect villain is firing again on most turns and over half the rivers. It feels like my flop call was a donation, since I will just be folding the turn. And calling down to the river just seems too loose.

Thanks for any help.
02-16-2009 , 09:42 AM
Over almost 200k hands, my fold flop to cbet is almost 49% in PT3. I was just looking at the the first few pages of this thread, and noticed that mine is sky high. I assume I have to be doing something very wrong? What is a good number to shoot for until I get the hang of it?
Not a clear cut answer for this.

HU you shouldnt fold that much. But if you play a ton of +3way pots then it naturally becomes higher.

like I have a4, flop comes q83... I check-fold etc. I do look for backdoor draws.
That one is close at best. With a bdfd and against a wide range you can peel. It also depends on how well your opponent plays turn/river. If he checks back a lot with better hands then peeling becomes a lot better

What types of calls or check-raises should a too tight player like me be adding? Is check-raising dry boards w/ air strong against typical TAGs/LAGTAGs?
You can do that against very tight players with wtsd's below 38. But for the love of God when you get caught stop doing it!

I just really hate check-calling vs. a steal w/ ace hi when I suspect villain is firing again on most turns and over half the rivers. It feels like my flop call was a donation, since I will just be folding the turn. And calling down to the river just seems too loose.
You can very rarely and basically never peel A high in a 4.5 SB pot if its not with the intention of calling at least 30 of the possible turn cards and looking to call a bunch of rivers as well. However, you can do so on a lot of flops against BTN steals. Against CO or HJ opens you need to be a lot more carefull. But A6o on K42 is never ever a fold against a normal +40% range on the BTN
02-16-2009 , 12:16 PM
Not a clear cut answer for this.

HU you shouldnt fold that much. But if you play a ton of +3way pots then it naturally becomes higher.
I filtered my database for "heads up vs steal in BB and called" and my fold flop to cbet is still 46% over 2,644 hands. When I do call the flop, I am calling 25% of turns and 22% of rivers according to PT3.

You can very rarely and basically never peel A high in a 4.5 SB pot if its not with the intention of calling at least 30 of the possible turn cards and looking to call a bunch of rivers as well. However, you can do so on a lot of flops against BTN steals. Against CO or HJ opens you need to be a lot more carefull. But A6o on K42 is never ever a fold against a normal +40% range on the BTN
Ok, I do fold in that example almost always. Now that I Pokerstove it, I see that my equity is over 40% against a 40% stealing range, so I am obv losing some money in these spots. I will play through my database this week and Pokerstove + post hands. In this example, would planning to fold to a t,j,q on the turn or river and otherwise call down against an aggressive but non-******ed stealer make sense?

Oink, your ability to break situations down mathematically in your posts honestly blows my mind. I would love, love, love to be able to do that myself, but poker books seem to almost never discuss such situations. Your mathematical approach def appeals to me, as I am a nerd w/ plenty of time to study. Anyway, def going to go ahead and subscribe to deucescracked so I can pick your brain a little more.
02-16-2009 , 12:25 PM
I will play through my database this week and Pokerstove + post hands. In this example, would planning to fold to a t,j,q on the turn or river and otherwise call down against an aggressive but non-******ed stealer make sense?
Yeah that makes sense and barring a very loose opening range by villain that would be what I would do. (Obv some flush draws may affect it but you are on the right track)

Oink, your ability to break situations down mathematically in your posts honestly blows my mind. I would love, love, love to be able to do that myself, but poker books seem to almost never discuss such situations. Your mathematical approach def appeals to me, as I am a nerd w/ plenty of time to study. Anyway, def going to go ahead and subscribe to deucescracked so I can pick your brain a little more.
Well thank you. To be honest the videos I made for DC are a bit old. I watched a few the other day and I find the other vids by the other coaches a lot better - without offending the other guys I am gonna say that you should watch everything that Deathdonkey produces)

I think subscribing to DC is a very good idea but you certainly shouldnt do it for my videos and you should also realize I do not produce coaching videos any longer.

The basic math behind flop peels with A high and K high can easily be done in an excel spread sheet btw. Prolly a little hard to get started but once you get a decent skeleton you can do a lot of copy pasting and start making EV calculations for tons of flops vs various ranges
02-16-2009 , 12:26 PM
while pokerstove is always helpful, you should be able to quickly grasp a rough idea of your equity based on opponent's range and flop.


you have As5c in the BB HU against a BTN with 30% ATSB on a QhTh8c


same situation but BTN is 40% ATSB and the flop is 284r or Q47r for example.

you don't really need to run a gazillion hands through stove to get the jist of the situations.

just think about your opponents' range, texture, and your opponent's perception of your range (which probably doesn't exist at 1/2 if you ask me).
02-16-2009 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Oink
Well thank you. To be honest the videos I made for DC are a bit old. I watched a few the other day and I find the other vids by the other coaches a lot better - without offending the other guys I am gonna say that you should watch everything that Deathdonkey produces)

I think subscribing to DC is a very good idea but you certainly shouldnt do it for my videos and you should also realize I do not produce coaching videos any longer.
I guess he's being modest, but his videos are awesome and resulted in a marked improvement in my game.
02-16-2009 , 05:41 PM

I don´t remember which thread Absolution posted his variance curves in.
But I do think my way to get to 1 BB/100 over a 100K sample must be some kind of an abnormality
02-16-2009 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Apanage

I don´t remember which thread Absolution posted his variance curves in.
But I do think my way to get to 1 BB/100 over a 100K sample must be some kind of an abnormality
looks pretty standard to me!
actually it looks close to my graph for the last 100k hands.
sick how even 50k hands is just short term variance
02-17-2009 , 05:37 PM
Hey all, i know its a low amount of played hands but can you let me know how badly i am doing and where i can improve my game?

Game Type Description Hands $ bb/100 VPIP% PFR% 3Bet% WTSD% W$SD% Agg Agg%
$0.05/0.1 LIM 1318 $2.91 4.42 25.3 7.7 9.9 31.9 47.1 2.3 43.8
$0.01/0.02 NL 380 -$2.30 -30.26 25.5 6.6 2.4 25.6 38.7 3 42.6
$0.02/0.04 LIM 3717 $6.09 8.19 21.8 9.7 6 33.4 48.9 2.23 39.5

Last edited by Pisto; 02-17-2009 at 05:43 PM.
02-17-2009 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Pisto
Hey all, i know its a low amount of played hands but can you let me know how badly i am doing and where i can improve my game?

Game Type Description Hands $ bb/100 VPIP% PFR% 3Bet% WTSD% W$SD% Agg Agg%
$0.05/0.1 LIM 1318 $2.91 4.42 25.3 7.7 9.9 31.9 47.1 2.3 43.8
$0.01/0.02 NL 380 -$2.30 -30.26 25.5 6.6 2.4 25.6 38.7 3 42.6
$0.02/0.04 LIM 3717 $6.09 8.19 21.8 9.7 6 33.4 48.9 2.23 39.5

You aren't raising nearlu enough preflop, it's hard to say anything clever about stats over 5k hands and the way you formatted your stats makes my eyes bleed. Try posting a screen shot of your stats instead.
02-17-2009 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Pisto
Hey all, i know its a low amount of played hands but can you let me know how badly i am doing and where i can improve my game?

Thanks for your feedback so far, look forward to hearing more
02-17-2009 , 06:26 PM
check out the starting hand chart thread! and read the FAQ
