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Woman fired for making remarks on homosexuality(after being asked about "Christians beliefs") Woman fired for making remarks on homosexuality(after being asked about "Christians beliefs")

04-22-2014 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345
if the woman was fired for merely responding to a question about her views on homosexuals
This is obviously significantly under dispute though.
04-22-2014 , 10:39 AM
lol at religion being an excuse for homophobia
04-22-2014 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Gin 'n Tonic
Slightly different slant from The Telegraph...

Lol, yes that's a bit different and honestly, not too surprising. Why torture myself into giving this lady the benefit of the doubt to begin with?!?!?

Although, if the stories were trying to promote acceptance of homosexuality I wouldn't really like reading them either (although I would do so nonetheless). It's not that I think homosexuality is bad, but I don't want to be a tool to any kind of agenda, in the same way that I wouldn't want to be handed her bible or listen to her yap.

There are probably people who will argue along the lines of "promoting acceptance of homosexuality is good!", but I would say not in the form of a children's book. Now if the story just happened to have a gay couple in it, then I guess that is fine with me. And if the child, out of curiosity asked "Why are there two men or two women together?," I would say that some people are attracted to the same sex. And if I dared to ask, "you got a problem with that bro?," the child would just shrug because they obviously wouldn't give a **** one way or the other, lol.
04-22-2014 , 01:58 PM
Hard to judge without sufficient context and without a real understanding of legal system abroad.

That said, from an ethical perspective, if worker A asked for worker B's religious-based opinion about worker A's homosexuality, then Worker A better be prepared for something along the lines of, "Homosexuality is a sin." I mean, if worker A knew she would be so offended by an, "'s a sin" response that she'd rat on Worker B for saying it, then this feels like entrapment or something.
04-22-2014 , 02:58 PM
I'm an atheist.

Based on the description in the OP, it sounds like the Christian woman was wronged.

At the same time, the story posted indicates that the other woman said she'd brought it up on repeated occasions. There may be layers to this story that we aren't hearing.

If the woman was asked her beliefs and she shared them then she would be seriously wronged. It may be that she was constantly preaching to the gays at work in which case I would argue that she's making the workplace hostile and good riddance.

She said: "Sharing Biblical truths out of genuine love and concern for colleagues is being outlawed in the workplace by a dominating cultural correctness.
I actually don't have a problem with this being outlawed. In the real world if someone says some nice "God loves you" kind of message to me I politely say thank you and carry on. That being said, if someone was judging me and preaching their religion at work - they're being rude, disruptive and its not really appropriate for the office.
04-22-2014 , 05:39 PM
In Britain one is not, now, allowed to upset anyone. It really is as simple as that. I suspect that if someone said they thought paedophilia was wicked then a paedophile would have a good case for suing them.
04-23-2014 , 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by MacaroonUK
In Britain one is not, now, allowed to upset anyone. It really is as simple as that. I suspect that if someone said they thought paedophilia was wicked then a paedophile would have a good case for suing them.
Firing this woman upsets me. Do you think I have a lawsuit?
04-23-2014 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345
Whats the deal with this useless throwaway post of yours?
Add my useless throwaway post to the list of things you are clueless about.
04-23-2014 , 04:24 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345
Cant imagine what is going thru your head dude.


Obv we dont know the full story but if the woman was fired for merely responding to a question about her views on homosexuals, and you agree with it, what kind of person does this make you?
You'd know more if you'd bothered looking into other sources, bro.
04-25-2014 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by kurto
I'm an atheist.

Based on the description in the OP, it sounds like the Christian woman was wronged.

At the same time, the story posted indicates that the other woman said she'd brought it up on repeated occasions. There may be layers to this story that we aren't hearing.

If the woman was asked her beliefs and she shared them then she would be seriously wronged. It may be that she was constantly preaching to the gays at work in which case I would argue that she's making the workplace hostile and good riddance.
Entirely agree, we don't have nearly enough information to judge the situation. Usually when a case like this pops up the majority instantly jump to the conclusion that the religious one was being intolerant, and 'lol religion, lol religion as an excuse for homophobia' etc. It could have easily been the other way, although I think that happens more rarely.
04-25-2014 , 05:19 AM
Well sounds like justice to me. Even if she was baited she shouldnt be giving life moral lessons to *****. They can be a little touchy when you tell them they are going to spend the afterlife burning and such.
04-25-2014 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Well sounds like justice to me. Even if she was baited she shouldnt be giving life moral lessons to *****. They can be a little touchy when you tell them they are going to spend the afterlife burning and such.
That's wrong. If you're gay you're pretty familiar with the predominant Christian view on homosexuality. You can't ask someone a question knowing that you might not like the answer and the have the person fired for answering your question.
04-25-2014 , 01:32 PM
I pretty much despise all religions and especially the proselytisers for whom I have nothing but contempt.

Nevertheless on the basis of the information as presented in the reports I have read, this woman seems to have been treated poorly.
04-25-2014 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
That's wrong. If you're gay you're pretty familiar with the predominant Christian view on homosexuality. You can't ask someone a question knowing that you might not like the answer and the have the person fired for answering your question.
Sure you can, they did. I am tired of those ******s using that lame book to justify their bigotry.

If she was dumb enough to answer then she was dumb enough to get canned. I cant believe im on the side of the gays. I mean Im not on THEIR SIDE, but in this case I am.
04-26-2014 , 05:06 AM
It just looks like a cas of a news outlet going for the most sensational version of the story possible. I'm pretty sure there's more to it, as hinted at in the link from the Telegraph above. Also, there's a clue in the following statement that the version she is giving is different from the actual accusations she was facing

'Ms Mbuyi added: "My disciplinary hearing was hopelessly one-sided because they put my accuser's claims to me as fact, without any forewarning and so I wasn't prepared.
04-26-2014 , 11:44 PM
Why not fire the gay co-worker for bringing up religion?
04-28-2014 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Sure you can, they did. I am tired of those ******s using that lame book to justify their bigotry.
little ironic since you're displaying your own bigotry towards believers.

If she was dumb enough to answer then she was dumb enough to get canned. I cant believe im on the side of the gays. I mean Im not on THEIR SIDE, but in this case I am.
Really? She should have been smart enough to see it as a trap?

I believe I've already said I don't think we're getting the full story. But if it went down as presented by the woman, its about the clearest way it could have happened and make her the righteous victim. I'd be curious to see what other odd cases of injustice that you would champion.
04-28-2014 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
Sure you can, they did it to bait the Christian. I am tired of the morally bankrupt using their denial of truth to justify their activism that immoral behavior is acceptable and normal.

If she wasn't so kind enough to answer in an attempt to save their souls, then she wouldn't have been discriminated against and gotten canned. I cant believe I'm on the side of the morally bankrupt. I mean I am an activist as well, but am in denial of the truth just the same.
