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Woman fired for making remarks on homosexuality(after being asked about "Christians beliefs") Woman fired for making remarks on homosexuality(after being asked about "Christians beliefs")

04-21-2014 , 03:06 PM
From the U.K,

A nursery nurse has said she lost her job after telling a gay colleague her beliefs on homosexuality as a Christian.

Sarah Mbuyi said she made the comment after she was asked about her Christian beliefs by a co-worker at New Park Childcare in Highbury, north London, in January.

Ms Mbuyi is claiming unfair dismissal on the grounds of religious discrimination.

She said: "When I said 'no, God does not condone the practice of homosexuality, but does love you and says you should come to Him as you are', she became emotional and went off to report me to my manager."

During an internal disciplinary hearing she claimed her colleague had alleged she raised the issue of homosexuality of a number of occasions. She was dismissed for gross misconduct.

IMO when it comes to a punishment for Ms Mbuyi, if any, this seems like a case of which a stern warning should have been issued, rather then outright job termination.

Last edited by spanktehbadwookie; 04-21-2014 at 03:35 PM.
04-21-2014 , 04:15 PM
Nope, correct decision was made.
04-21-2014 , 07:31 PM
Before you get all frothed stop and ask what if this woman had been fired for expressing pro abortion views or whatever.
04-21-2014 , 08:49 PM
You quote Sky, you deserve a trip to the bad posters thread. That is all.
04-21-2014 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
You quote Sky, you deserve a trip to the bad posters thread. That is all.
I dont follow UK news outlets, not my issue.

In any event the woman who was fired ought to sue her former employer, if the women was asked about her Christian beliefs wrt homosexuals and responded with an answer and then got fired, she probably has a case for a lawsuit.
04-21-2014 , 09:39 PM
Do either of these people have jobs that are at all related to homosexuals or christians???

I didn't think so. Fire both of them for wasting company time and hire someone who is willing to work for a living!
04-21-2014 , 09:58 PM
ianal, but it does seem like that legitimately prevents her from the free exercise of her religion if she's forced to lie about her religion to keep her job.
04-21-2014 , 10:04 PM
During an internal disciplinary hearing she claimed her colleague had alleged she raised the issue of homosexuality of a number of occasions.

She should have been fired for stupidity.
04-21-2014 , 10:04 PM
Wait wat?

Brits haz teh freedomz of relidionz???

Where o where is philliam when hez needez?
04-21-2014 , 10:05 PM
as described woman has a point..... don't believe it went down like that though.
04-21-2014 , 11:38 PM
She said she held her tongue about working with gay people and one day they asked if the queers looks she was always giving them was about the bible? She volunteered an answer that took the name of God in vain and implied another person should choose her religion in her response. Then got fired.

She also said that they said she raised the issue of homosexuality on a number of previous occasions.

This person clearly thinks to know the thoughts of God which is not very humble for a little mortal brain. Intruding on another person's spiritual freedom by telling they should do something because of her religion is another mistaken behavior that's been confessed.
Her anti-social religious behavior provoked emotion from (hurt) another human being and that's being used as an indictiment.

So thanks for what she said.
04-22-2014 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345
I dont follow UK news outlets, not my issue.

In any event the woman who was fired ought to sue her former employer, if the women was asked about her Christian beliefs wrt homosexuals and responded with an answer and then got fired, she probably has a case for a lawsuit.
Add English law to UK news outlets on the list of things you have zero clue about.

Last edited by Monkey Banana; 04-22-2014 at 01:26 AM. Reason: beat "Scotland has its own laws" nit to punch
04-22-2014 , 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
ianal, but it does seem like that legitimately prevents her from the free exercise of her religion if she's forced to lie about her religion to keep her job.
In the UK we don't generally accept that gaybashing is a ritual of Christianity.

"Exercising religion" is not an excuse for any behaviour you choose to indulge in btw.
04-22-2014 , 02:09 AM
Was gonna post something, but fear Monkey Banana will discriminate against me. Prepare to be sued 2 + 2.
04-22-2014 , 02:12 AM
Jobs should be illegal.
04-22-2014 , 02:15 AM
Oh wait, I need to raise the grade level of my posts:

Sources of employment should be legislated out of existence.
04-22-2014 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
In the UK we don't generally accept that gaybashing is a ritual of Christianity.

"Exercising religion" is not an excuse for any behaviour you choose to indulge in btw.
Except she wasn't gay bashing at all. She was attempting be a Christian friend to those that were baiting her.
04-22-2014 , 05:12 AM
What are you, the emperor of stupidville?
04-22-2014 , 09:49 AM
Seems like it is unclear whether she only opined on the issue when asked, or offered up her opinions when not being asked. Should make a difference IMO.
04-22-2014 , 09:53 AM
ITT: people jumping to conclusions based on incomplete information.
04-22-2014 , 10:12 AM
All major religions are bigotted if practiced correctly.
04-22-2014 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
Add English law to UK news outlets on the list of things you have zero clue about.
Whats the deal with this useless throwaway post of yours?
04-22-2014 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
ITT: people jumping to conclusions based on incomplete information.
Pretty much why I stuck to interpreting what she said from what I know of human behavior. The information available.

Not always a good sign to be claiming religious persecution while admitting to stuff like God shaming and projecting religious social pressure, which are both behaviors used to persecute.
04-22-2014 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by Monkey Banana
In the UK we don't generally accept that gaybashing is a ritual of Christianity.

"Exercising religion" is not an excuse for any behaviour you choose to indulge in btw.
Cant imagine what is going thru your head dude.


Obv we dont know the full story but if the woman was fired for merely responding to a question about her views on homosexuals, and you agree with it, what kind of person does this make you?
04-22-2014 , 10:24 AM
Slightly different slant from The Telegraph...

A Christian nursery worker is taking her former employers to court claiming she was sacked for her beliefs after refusing to read stories about gay couples to children.

Sarah Mbuyi says she was dismissed due to religious discrimination, having also been accused of “harassing” a lesbian colleague to whom she gave a Bible when she was recovering from an accident.
