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Why DblBarrelJ is right (And why you're an idiot) Why DblBarrelJ is right (And why you're an idiot)

05-25-2013 , 02:18 PM
You're wrong!

Prostitution (assuming of course we're discussing consenting adults) should be unregulated.
05-25-2013 , 02:22 PM
Unregulated prostitution would just explode sex trafficking, the correct answer is licensed regulation of brothels.
05-25-2013 , 02:27 PM
We'll try freedom and if that won't work infringe a little until we see a happy medium.

It's a far superior system to your "ZOMG, BAN FIRECRACKERS!" system.
05-25-2013 , 02:30 PM
Hey ****tard, we tried freedom, kids got hurt a lot, we infringed and it worked. We followed your own prescribed method dummy.
05-25-2013 , 02:32 PM
Kids got hurt "alot"?
05-25-2013 , 02:59 PM
"alot" isnt a word.
05-25-2013 , 03:07 PM
Autocorrect fail. Nice dodge. I'd give it a 7.5/10. Slight deduction for leaving me the door open to ask the question again.
05-25-2013 , 03:11 PM
So how many kids got hurt exactly?
05-25-2013 , 04:30 PM
Seems a pointless road to go down given you are totally fine with the number of kids shot to death in the face by sick ****s in America so its not like i could ever give a number and you would be like "oh, that is a lot, okey dokey".
05-25-2013 , 04:40 PM
Actually I'm not. I just don't think you've got a solution that will work.

But that's another tangent.

So it sounds to me like you're well aware that you gave up another freedom for no gain, you just can't admit it.
11-24-2014 , 04:54 AM
Man this guy made many of you look really foolish. I thought he was a fraud, but not enough to call him on it.

Might be the best troll job on 2+2.
11-24-2014 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Seems a pointless road to go down given you are totally fine with the number of kids shot to death in the face by sick ****s in America so its not like i could ever give a number and you would be like "oh, that is a lot, okey dokey".
pretty sure you're not allowed to post here, based on losing your self-initiated popularity contest
11-24-2014 , 10:00 AM
One person who never fooled us? JohnyCrash.
11-24-2014 , 11:57 AM
I also thought he was a fraud
11-24-2014 , 12:33 PM
I'm pretty sure only dbj would bump this thread, so that makes sense that he wasn't fooling himself
11-24-2014 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
One person who never fooled us? JohnyCrash.
How do you even know what to believe? Seems like you would believe anything, how can you even trust your own mind?
