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We did not win the sexual revolution and it's not over We did not win the sexual revolution and it's not over

06-29-2014 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
I think he was talking about pedophiles who haven't ever diddled anyone.
I was using the worded convicted in the sense of 'having the conviction to do it'.

I think we are comparing the difference between:

Don't do it, let us help you!


Don't do it, you disgusting piece of animated filth!!!
06-29-2014 , 03:37 PM
Low Key I know you are trying to defend your woman's honor, but this is pretty sad bro.
06-29-2014 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
Low Key I know you are trying to defend your woman's honor, but this is pretty sad bro.
Quit judging us for our kinks!
06-29-2014 , 03:56 PM
06-29-2014 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
Low Key I know you are trying to defend your woman's honor, but this is pretty sad bro.
Orly? Let's replay tape:

Originally Posted by Gizmo
Yeah, I'm not cool with people who get down with ****ing dogs (or the like), and little kids are fetishized all the time. I'm also not cool with the trend towards more violence against women in porn. Come at me.
Originally Posted by champstark
yeah Gizmo generally I agree with you on these types of things and not with ikes (see rape thread), but here you are way wrong and he is right
Ikes was comparing child porn with homosexuality. And you're on his disgusting side.

Originally Posted by champstark
If it's between two consenting adults acting out some weird fantasy in their bedroom, why do you care?
Oh, you must not have read the part where we weren't talking about things between two consenting adults. So maybe ****ing read the thread before you open your mouth and sound like a ****ing idiot.

team ikes and dib is pro-child porn, pro-bestiality. Giz has the completely non-controversial position of being anti-bestiality and anti-child porn. Everyone is raging against her because OMFG A WOMAN OPENED HER MOUTH AND DARED TO NOT AGREE WITH ME!!
06-29-2014 , 04:14 PM

She do what I want her to
I heard LK is into WoW themed sex...
jus sayin
no hate
06-29-2014 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key

Oh, you must not have read the part where we weren't talking about things between two consenting adults. So maybe ****ing read the thread before you open your mouth and sound like a ****ing idiot.

team ikes and dib is pro-child porn, pro-bestiality. Giz has the completely non-controversial position of being anti-bestiality and anti-child porn. Everyone is raging against her because OMFG A WOMAN OPENED HER MOUTH AND DARED TO NOT AGREE WITH ME!!
This juuuuuuuust might be another example of projection. You're definitely the only person raging ITT. Just a heads up on that.

PS - Feel free to try and show how actively shaming and stigmatizing pedophiles will somehow protect children from attacks. Until then, you might want to rethink the whole, "DUDEZ AN MRA AMIRITE?!" knee jerk reaction that Fly et al. have trained you to do.
06-29-2014 , 04:20 PM
Take it down a few octaves there, hoss.
06-29-2014 , 04:20 PM
dudeimbitter, when you're so blinded by rage that you're arguing for child porn, u definitely mad
06-29-2014 , 04:29 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Take it down a few octaves there, hoss.

Last edited by MidyMat; 06-29-2014 at 04:31 PM. Reason: "He stuck it in!" :D
06-29-2014 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by MidyMat
I heard LK is into WoW themed sex...
jus sayin
no hate
It was D3, get it right:

06-29-2014 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Oh, you must not have read the part where we weren't talking about things between two consenting adults. So maybe ****ing read the thread before you open your mouth and sound like a ****ing idiot.
Uh-oh. Looks like someone didn't read Giz's posts before raging.

Originally Posted by Gizmo
My original quote for context. You bet your ass I'm okay with bestiality being stigmatized. As well as kiddie porn. As well as violence in sex. As well as rape porn. As well as snuff porn. Etc and so forth. I don't care if you're two consenting adults, not every kink is okay, and you should feel bad if you're into disgusting things.
06-29-2014 , 05:33 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Ikes was comparing child porn with homosexuality. And you're on his disgusting side.
rofl are you serious? I made that comparison to ridicule your wife putting BDSM and child pornography is the same bucket. The whole point is that the comparison is completely ludicrous.

Shut the **** up and go away before you make yourself look like more of an idiot.
06-29-2014 , 06:16 PM
We all wonder about adult babies, though, right?
06-29-2014 , 06:18 PM
They like to be pampered, just not at the spa.
06-29-2014 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by ganstaman
Uh-oh. Looks like someone didn't read Giz's posts before raging.
This is LOL

Originally Posted by Low Key
dudeimbitter, when you're so blinded by rage that you're arguing for child porn, u definitely mad
You seriously, seriously, seeeeeriously need to calm down and just read the words on the screen. It's super easy.

Look, I'll even reduce it down as much as possible for easy digestion on your end. Here we go.

Stigmatizing and actively shaming pedophiles will discourage pedophiles from exposing their nature to others and/or seeking help, which will in turn put children at risk.

Your wife is all for shaming and stigmatizing pedophiles either because she doesn't believe the above to be true, or she doesn't care about children's welfare as much as her own desire to shame these people. IDK because she bailed when people WTF'ed her initial comments. Maybe you could help us out in her absence.
06-29-2014 , 07:10 PM
Low Key why you so mad?
06-29-2014 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
What, this guy here?
'Help' = child porn?

Are you ****ing serious?
06-29-2014 , 09:26 PM
I think DiB's point could actually lead to a pretty interesting discussion but ~everyone is whipped into a frothy rage when anything regarding paedophelia is mendioned. Assuming you use the definition that it's just an attraction to prepubescent children (most common definition from my short search) and not the actual sexual action itself, we're shaming people for something they can't help, and by shaming them so intensely we make it so that there's basically no chance they will seek the help we can offer. Forcing them to bottle it up might make it more likely they just snap one day and act on their desires, though the psychology and societal impacts are obviously very complicated.

Of course, as soon as someone mentions it someone like LK is all O-M-G you're defending kiddie porn?! THIS GUY MUST BE A PAEDOPHILE, exactly what happened to DiB. Most of the time DiB sucks, but here it's definitely lol low key
06-29-2014 , 09:32 PM
I'm not sure how attacking Gizmo actually benefits being better educated. Part of the problem is that "sex ed" extends into the adult years and it's do it yourself , but people are not educated about this enough. It's backwards.

People are more likely to go find hardcore fetish porn and less likely to find out it's just peculiar and looks like something very wrong. People who think it looks wrong and are not educated to know the details, the people involved, that it's mostly unexplainable and that people are happy to do it, are going to think it's wrong.

I think humanity in general is still in an awkward adolescent phase of sexuality. We found mom and dad's freak porn in the basement; feel aroused, neutral, or/and repulsed, and some of us are not sure what to do with it.

Let's not beat each other with it too much on this issue.
06-29-2014 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
I think DiB's point could actually lead to a pretty interesting discussion but ~everyone is whipped into a frothy rage when anything regarding paedophelia is mendioned. Assuming you use the definition that it's just an attraction to prepubescent children (most common definition from my short search) and not the actual sexual action itself, we're shaming people for something they can't help, and by shaming them so intensely we make it so that there's basically no chance they will seek the help we can offer. Forcing them to bottle it up might make it more likely they just snap one day and act on their desires, though the psychology and societal impacts are obviously very complicated.

Of course, as soon as someone mentions it someone like LK is all O-M-G you're defending kiddie porn?! THIS GUY MUST BE A PAEDOPHILE, exactly what happened to DiB. Most of the time DiB sucks, but here it's definitely lol low key
Actually, I'm almost always awesome.
06-29-2014 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Orly? Let's replay tape:

Ikes was comparing child porn with homosexuality...
As a general rule, when you "replay tape" by skipping every relevant post and offering a dishonest one-line summary of the entire conversation, you're probably better off just pretending your internet went out for a few weeks.
06-30-2014 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
It was D3, get it right:

ok so this is probably a kansas city thing, I dont recall this ever taking place in overland park.
06-30-2014 , 03:04 AM
Im having trouble reading all the mixed messages in this thread.

Is anyone pro child-porn here? yes/no?

ganstaman- that depends on what kind of gay bdsm, nuance is an important thing- infact the most underrated thing in everyday conversations. When you make a blanket statement like " gay bdsm" thats too vague to be relevant in a serious political discussion.
06-30-2014 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
Im having trouble reading all the mixed messages in this thread.

Is anyone pro child-porn here? yes/no?
Anyone not wearing bias blinders can read the posts ITT and quickly determine the answer is no.
