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Voter ID laws have racist and even worse outcomes! Voter ID laws have racist and even worse outcomes!

04-03-2014 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Even if their motivations for voter ID laws is based in racism (hell they could publicly say it), it is still 100% reasonable to have to present a simple ID to vote.

You people act like obtaining an ID card takes an act of God for blacks and hispanics.

Like whites are at some superior advantage for being able to get a stupid ID card.
Thank you for clearly identifying yourself as choice 2 from my earlier post:
(2) they do know and are feigning ignorance or are just so either racist or partisan that they don't care.
No suprise... silverman's take, "I don't care if it actually is racist" and then go on to pretend that its no big deal despite the fact that the only reason the laws are being passed is because they know it will prevent people from voting.

You don't have to post anymore. We all know that you don't care about people's rights and its okay in your mind to disenfranchise poor and minorities. Everyone knows. You have nothing to add.
04-03-2014 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by omnishakira
PU in 1 single post

congrats, you truly deserve your mod title
someone correct me if I'm wrong... but I think part of the reason PU was created was actually because racists wanted a chance to espouse their theories without it immediately being deleted (as they often were in the 'chained') forum.

They were some complaining that they had legitimate ideas that weren't racist but that they couldn't prove it as they were always censured.

The fact that there's a lot of "racist, racist, racist" here is because this was a place where racists could get more floor time.

And it turns out that a lot of racists came here glad to get their chance to post their ideas.

So its no surprise that there's a lot more claims of racism here since this place was supposed to let the racists spout a little more.
04-03-2014 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
someone correct me if I'm wrong... but I think part of the reason PU was created was actually because racists wanted a chance to espouse their theories without it immediately being deleted (as they often were in the 'chained') forum.

They were some complaining that they had legitimate ideas that weren't racist but that they couldn't prove it as they were always censured.

The fact that there's a lot of "racist, racist, racist" here is because this was a place where racists could get more floor time.

And it turns out that a lot of racists came here glad to get their chance to post their ideas.

So its no surprise that there's a lot more claims of racism here since this place was supposed to let the racists spout a little more.
Actually, it was created so mental midgets like you could call people names without having to make thoughtful arguments.

Once again, you've proven my point. Check Mate!
04-03-2014 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Actually, it was created so mental midgets like you could call people names without having to make thoughtful arguments.

Once again, you've proven my point. Check Mate!
thank you new guy for your comments. Despite the fact that we have no reason to believe you know anything about the history of this forum, your post was really eye opening.

Its nice to see that in your mind you've once again bested someone with your mental superiority. It helps you to ignore all the posts where people actually asked you to prove something.

Well played. Don't let the fact that everyone but you thinks you're an idiot. You showed everyone!
04-03-2014 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
thank you new guy for your comments. Despite the fact that I am a dim witted liberal lemming, your post was really eye opening.

Its nice to see that in my mind you've once again bested someone with your mental superiority. It helps that I am a mental midget and get all my news from watching MSNBC.

Well played. I know that everyone thinks I'm an idiot. But, I can't help it. After all I am one!
Ok Kurto, if you say so!

And being a member for three years doesn't exactly make me a "New guy". Do you consider Milk that you bought three years ago "new"?

Last edited by Cerveza69; 04-03-2014 at 02:30 PM. Reason: One more thing
04-03-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Ok Kurto, if you say so!

And being a member for three years doesn't exactly make me a "New guy". Do you consider Milk that you bought three years ago "new"?
Why don't you link to some of the coversations you were a part of or witnessed then about the creation of this forum. Since you're not new and are so knowledgeable it will be no problem for you....
04-03-2014 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
Why don't you link to some of the coversations you were a part of or witnessed then about the creation of this forum. Since you're not new and are so knowledgeable it will be no problem for you....
No, you can do your own homework.
04-03-2014 , 02:44 PM
BTW - looked into his old posts. Was just chuckling about how he bemoans everyone calling him names while referring to others as "mental midgets" and the like. Wanted to see if it was a pattern.

It does not appear that cerveza has been around politics much as an active participant except for 9 months ago defending Florida purging the voter rolls. And of course gems like this in the "its unfair to be white" thread:
Re: It's unfair to be white ?
Welcome to the new form of Racism. Blaming Whitey for being white. It's a shame that the race card is being played so often. O.J. Simpson used it to get a way with Murder (literally). Liberals use it to paint Conservatives who differ with the President. This is downright shamefull.
He only comes out to defend whites from their completely uncalled for persecution. Cerveza, proud protector of white victimhood!
04-03-2014 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
No, you can do your own homework.
I don't have to. I've been a regular in the political forums for years where you have only posted a few times whenever you needed to point out that whites are the real victims of racism. It would appear that the only time you have appeared is defend any GOP attempts at disenfranchising voters.

We know you don't know crap about the history of this forum. So do your homework or just get ignored since its pretty obvious you're just making up stupid stuff.
04-03-2014 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by omnishakira
PU in 1 single post

congrats, you truly deserve your mod title
04-03-2014 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
BTW - looked into his old posts. Was just chuckling about how he bemoans everyone calling him names while referring to others as "mental midgets" and the like. Wanted to see if it was a pattern.

It does not appear that cerveza has been around politics much as an active participant except for 9 months ago defending Florida purging the voter rolls. And of course gems like this in the "its unfair to be white" thread:

He only comes out to defend whites from their completely uncalled for persecution. Cerveza, proud protector of white victimhood!
lol me, I should have checked his infraction history. We've already done this very dog and pony show with him, and we already know he's a racist idiot who refuses to provide citations because he knows he got self-owned by his own citations last time.
04-03-2014 , 02:59 PM
Ah! Good work kurto!

Seems we have a single issue poster in Cerveza69, where the issue is racial victim-playing.
04-03-2014 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
I've been regular for years.
Ok, so you don't need prunes. I really don't see how this is germane to the discussion.
04-03-2014 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Ok, so you don't need prunes. I really don't see how this is germane to the discussion.
because its clear you can't follow a conversation.

Let me spell it out for you.

I was around this forum enough to see some of the discussions that lead to the creation of unchained.

When I said you were a new guy, its because you are not a regular in the political or political unchained forum. It appears you've only contributed in a few posts where you could defend whites from any claims of racism and to defend any GOP attempts to disenfranchise voters.

The point is you clearly have no idea the history of this forum or who asked for it. You're just making up stuff.
04-03-2014 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
lol me, I should have checked his infraction history. We've already done this very dog and pony show with him, and we already know he's a racist idiot who refuses to provide citations because he knows he got self-owned by his own citations last time.
Dude, if you actually checked my infraction history, you would find out that YOU were the only one who gave one to me. And that was because I pointed out that Kurto was a fonzanoon for stating that Scott Walker was the Governor of Florida.

For the record, I have no other infractions.
04-03-2014 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Ah! Good work kurto!

Seems we have a single issue poster in Cerveza69, where the issue is racial victim-playing.
You know better than that. Don't stoop to Kurto's level.
04-03-2014 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Ok Kurto, if you say so!
He really isn't the only one...
04-03-2014 , 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Liberty Lost
Again for the third time. I could care less about a how this affects paticular races as a percentage of the population. Fact. There are more poor white folks than any minority, period. These laws affect more white folks than any minority, period.
So you admit that particular races are affected disproportionally?

EVEN IF there were more "poor white folks than any minority" affected (in terms of absolute numbers), you really don't see the problem with a particular subset/group of the population having a lowered percentage of the total votes???????
04-03-2014 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by kurto

No suprise... silverman's take, "I don't care if it actually is racist" and then go on to pretend that its no big deal despite the fact that the only reason the laws are being passed is because they know it will prevent people from voting.
Dude give me a break...

The very people republicans don't want voting are the exact ones democrats want voting...

If those people who have "difficulty" obtaining an ID were mostly voting republican then you wouldn't in a million years hear anything about how some minorities can't vote from the left, and republicans would be the ones saying what the left is now.

And if you don't believe this would be the case then you are ******ed, and a completely gullible fool.

How is it so difficult to understand that the left is against an ID card because most of the ones who can't obtain them probably rely on government for certain things.

And how is it so difficult to understand that they want those votes because dependency means more power and control over all us insects that they see us as.
04-03-2014 , 07:05 PM
Probably but what does that have to do with this being racist?
04-03-2014 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
If those people who have "difficulty" obtaining an ID were mostly voting republican then you wouldn't in a million years hear anything about how some minorities can't vote from the left, and republicans would be the ones saying what the left is now.
LOL. Minorities being disenfranchised (and anyone who believes everyone should have the right to vote) would still complain.

Hey Silverman,

Poll taxes. Racist or not? Whites were disenfranchised because of them too amirite?
04-03-2014 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
because its clear you can't follow a conversation.

Let me spell it out for you. L-I-B-E-R-A-L N-O-N-S-E-N-S-E
Ok, it's clear to me now!
04-03-2014 , 07:55 PM
So Silverman thinks voting should only be for the well off. Standard.

Cerveza, still waiting on the Miami voting frauds that are solvable by voter IDa me that brought this issue to your attention.
04-03-2014 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
So Silverman thinks voting should only be for the well off. Standard.

Cerveza, still waiting on the Miami voting frauds that are solvable by voter IDa me that brought this issue to your attention.
We've already been through this with him:

Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Actuually it happens quite frequently, especially in Miami-Dade County. There have been many reported incidents over the last 20 years, especially in local elections.
Originally Posted by seattlelou
The 1999 Pulitzer Prize was awarded to The Miami Herald Staff for its detailed reporting that revealed pervasive voter fraud in a city mayoral election, that was subsequently overturned.

Here is a bit of the story from CNN.
Originally Posted by Ashington
I do live in Florida. And you're either intentionally trying to fabricate something in order to further your position on the subject (aka "lying") or you're full of ****. Perhaps both.

That was ONE mayoral race, not a series of fraudulent actions over many years like you imply. And the perpetrators therein were caught, tried and convicted. Anyone remotely pretending that there is some kind of massive ongoing voter fraud going on in FL is, again, either delusional or lying.

Also, since someone above asked for citation on some stuff and junk, here's a link for you:,4982972.story

It's a solution looking for a problem and anyone not blinded by the sheen of Rick Scott's head can plainly see it.
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Seems like the dead vote was a portion of the problem.

Not familiar with the story at all tbh.
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Man, you know we are talking about non-citizens who are fraudulently registered to vote? That's not what those articles are about.

Cliffs: Someone stuffed a ballot box with fradulent absentee votes. Therefore, we need to ID people at the polling place.
04-03-2014 , 10:52 PM
A debunked lie repeater? Confirmed. So either a true deceiver or a less than average believer?
