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Voter ID laws have racist and even worse outcomes! Voter ID laws have racist and even worse outcomes!

04-01-2014 , 11:29 PM
Badder than bad, or no?

Last edited by spanktehbadwookie; 04-10-2014 at 01:10 PM. Reason: Shifty shifty
04-02-2014 , 12:12 AM
Well I'll tell you what, Gene: the only ID the Hulkster needs is this title belt and the legions of screaming Hulkamaniacs out there in the audience behind him. And if you doubt for a second that the Hulkster is who he says he is, well you can jump right on into the steel cage for a winner-take-all match. Everyone gets their chance to vote in the steel cage, brother: you, me, and these two 24" pythons will all have their say in the cage.
04-02-2014 , 02:40 AM
Not racist. Just get an ID.

Who the **** doesn't have an ID? If someone isn't capable of getting an ID, who the heck would want them voting?

Or maybe a better question would be, why on earth would anyone not capable of getting an ID care about voting at all?

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 04-02-2014 at 02:47 AM.
04-02-2014 , 03:13 AM
Hulkster am I not allowed to bring in my 6" python? Seems a bit unfair.

And voter id laws are a solution to a non-existent problem designed to disenfranchise poor people..
04-02-2014 , 07:07 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Not racist. Just get an ID.

Who the **** doesn't have an ID? If someone isn't capable of getting an ID, who the heck would want them voting?

Or maybe a better question would be, why on earth would anyone not capable of getting an ID care about voting at all?
If she didn't want to be raped why did she dress that way?
04-02-2014 , 07:56 AM
What's stupid is that there is not a national ID card, and that getting an ID card is anything other than a quick triviality administratively.

It's absolutely not stupid to have show ID when you vote, because otherwise some of us would just keep voting and voting.
04-02-2014 , 08:05 AM
"No ID required" is used to fix elections. Voter fraud is rampant in the United States. That is why the results come in so late. Have you ever asked why we don't have internet voting? The reason is they don't want a paper-trail the collectives would never allow it.
04-02-2014 , 08:06 AM
This thread might attract more muppets then the 9/11 troother thread
04-02-2014 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Badder than bad, or no?
You really need to stop watching MSNBC. Why is everything racist? What is wrong with making sure that the person voting is who they say they are? Bring an ID. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian.....same deal for everyone.

Thee is nothing racist about voter ID laws. Just because some Demagogue on MSNBC says something is racist, doesn't mean it is. It just means they can't argue against it intelligently, so they have to race bait and name call.
04-02-2014 , 09:13 AM
There wasn't even a ‰ of fraud. So it's something else
04-02-2014 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by yeSpiff
There wasn't even a ‰ of fraud. So it's something else
Yes, you're right. Absolutely no voter fraud in this country. So I guess it must be racist.
04-02-2014 , 10:04 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Yes, you're right. Absolutely no voter fraud in this country. So I guess it must be racist.
It's good of you to understand the truth so quickly.
04-02-2014 , 10:06 AM
Totally what I said.

There is voter fraud, but its less than ‰.
I don't think is is about voter fraud, but something else.
and it is probably not racism, most likely republicanism.
04-02-2014 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Not racist. Just get an ID.

Who the **** doesn't have an ID? If someone isn't capable of getting an ID, who the heck would want them voting?

Or maybe a better question would be, why on earth would anyone not capable of getting an ID care about voting at all?
You do understand that "who the heck would want them to vote" is the wrong question and shows (surprise) a complete ignorance on your part on the 'right to vote.'

I'm going to put out there right now that if someone asked, "Which would you rather have voting; (1) A person who lacks an ID or (2) someone like Silverman - a person who is grossly misinformed, ignorant, hateful, completely lacking in human empathy, pretty racist and all around stupid.

I would imagine in the list of people you might not want voting, those not having an ID card would be way lower in the list and should be less a barrier to voting then being as ignorant as you.

why on earth would anyone not capable of getting an ID care about voting at all?
By the way - you ask a lot of dumb questions above. This is probably the dumbest. Its almost fascinating that you asked such a dumb question. How in your mind can you not picture any instances where someone is interested in voting but they don't have an ID?
04-02-2014 , 10:30 AM
It's not just racist, it's not just worse. It's worst.
04-02-2014 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by Pantoja
What's stupid is that there is not a national ID card, and that getting an ID card is anything other than a quick triviality administratively.

It's absolutely not stupid to have show ID when you vote, because otherwise some of us would just keep voting and voting.
If there hasn't been voter ID laws and we've been voting for 100s of years, surely there must be endless evidence that people will vote multiple times.
04-02-2014 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
You really need to stop watching MSNBC. Why is everything racist? What is wrong with making sure that the person voting is who they say they are? Bring an ID. White, Black, Hispanic, Asian.....same deal for everyone.

Thee is nothing racist about voter ID laws. Just because some Demagogue on MSNBC says something is racist, doesn't mean it is. It just means they can't argue against it intelligently, so they have to race bait and name call.
I saw Judge Posner on MSNBC once.

Given our uncertainty about the effects of the Indiana law, a majority of our three-judge panel declined to invalidate it. One judge, Judge Terence Evans (since deceased), dissented, but not on the basis of empirical data, rather because “as far as anyone knows, no one in Indiana, and not many people elsewhere, are known to have been prosecuted for impersonating a registered voter.” A recent article on the case in Legislation and Public Policy, by Richard Trotter, “Vote of Confidence: Crawford v. Marion County Election Board, Voter Identification Laws, and the Suppression of a Structural Right,” remarks: “The evidentiary gaps that proved decisive in Crawford were a product of the relative novelty of voter identification laws and the lack of mainstream scholarly and journalistic attention dedicated to its potential effects.” Precisely.
04-02-2014 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
It's not just racist, it's not just worse. It's wurst.
04-02-2014 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by yeSpiff
Totally what I said.

There is voter fraud, but its less than ‰.
I don't think is is about voter fraud, but something else.
and it is probably not racism, most likely republicanism.
Keep watching MSNBC
04-02-2014 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Keep watching MSNBC
Republicans have gone looking for vote fraud. They found only a dozen or so cases nationally per election where voter ID would have prevented someone from voting illegally.
04-02-2014 , 11:48 AM
So the threat of deportation and/or a felony conviction is enough to prevent people from doing something that has very little benefit? That's so odd.
04-02-2014 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Republicans have gone looking for vote fraud. They found only a dozen or so cases nationally per election where voter ID would have prevented someone from voting illegally.
Ok. but why shouldn't people show ID? If everyone of every color has to show it, then it is not racist.

Personally, I would love it if we could vote from home online. But the chances for fraud or manipulation are just too great at this point.

But, to say "requiring an ID to vote is racist" is simply intellectually dishonest.
04-02-2014 , 11:49 AM
I'd also like to see some evidence watching MSNBC has or will give a person a misinformed opinion on the topic.
04-02-2014 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Ok. but why shouldn't people show ID? If everyone of every color has to show it, then it is not racist.

Personally, I would love it if we could vote from home online. But the chances for fraud or manipulation are just too great at this point.

But, to say "requiring an ID to vote is racist" is simply intellectually dishonest.
Absolutely. We agree people should show ID to vote, that the government should make a voting ID readily available free of charge and easily available, and that we have a responsibility to drastically reduce waiting times to vote to reasonable levels (sub 30 minutes wait) at all precincts since the objective is to make sure we preserve the sanctity of the vote. Right?
04-02-2014 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Cerveza69
Ok. but why shouldn't people show ID?
Because it creates a barrier to voting and, depending on the individual law, disenfranchises a variety of voters like the disabled, elderly, women. Even young voters have been targeted by these laws.
