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08-03-2016 , 09:04 AM
Please give an example of when you'd approve of physical discipline.

I can't wait for this answer.
08-03-2016 , 09:11 AM
wil broke on through to the other side
08-03-2016 , 09:15 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Please give an example of when you'd approve of physical discipline.

I can't wait for this answer.

I don't know of one. I also don't know of an example where I'd approve of midgets having sex as part of a sex Ed lesson.

But that doesn't stop me from agreeing with statements like 'physical violence should be used against kids when it's in their best interest' or 'willing midgets should be used as sex props for teaching kids about sex if it's in their best interest'.

Are you starting to understand what the words you're writing actually mean?
08-03-2016 , 09:23 AM
I think that essentially proves my point that you are a fool and a liar. You sit here and agree that physical discipline may be necessary and do everything you can to pick apart and denounce examples that I view as when it could be used yet you can't come up with one single scenario where you may approve of it?

Lol. How stupid can you make yourself look in public? Yeah, we get it dude. You really really want people to think highly of you on the internet. Pat yourself on the back bro, you're such a GOOD PERSON because you want to denounce anyone who ever hit their kid!

JJ so good!

Lolololol. You people. Grow a dick.
08-03-2016 , 09:46 AM
Wil, you clearly still can't understand basic English sentences.

Let's try a bit more abstract for you. If someone says 'I support X if and only if Y'. But doesn't know of any case where Y is true - they don't actually support X.

You're trying to claim that we're 'mad' at you for making the statement 'I support X iff Y'. But that's not what we're 'mad' at you for. We're 'mad' because you believe Y is true. And your 'proof' for Y isn't proof at at all. Even you ended up refuting it!

I guess learning logic is a bit much for you. So let's try a different tactic. If you believe there are cases where physical violence is the best form of punishment, do you also believe that teachers, social workers, and child care providers should be allowed to use physical violence to discipline the children under their care?
08-03-2016 , 09:49 AM
Wil's full troll mode now, right? It's impossible for him to be this dumb.

Beyond context and subtext, it's plain text he can't seem to process.
08-03-2016 , 09:57 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Wil, you clearly still can't understand basic English sentences.

Let's try a bit more abstract for you. If someone says 'I support X if and only if Y'. But doesn't know of any case where Y is true - they don't actually support X.

You're trying to claim that we're 'mad' at you for making the statement 'I support X iff Y'. But that's not what we're 'mad' at you for. We're 'mad' because you believe Y is true. And your 'proof' for Y isn't proof at at all. Even you ended up refuting it!

I guess learning logic is a bit much for you. So let's try a different tactic. If you believe there are cases where physical violence is the best form of punishment, do you also believe that teachers, social workers, and child care providers should be allowed to use physical violence to discipline the children under their care?
There is no lack of understanding here, as much as you'd like to portray it as so. I don't see how you could claim to agree with it if you honestly can't think of one scenario. To me that would indicate you don't agree with it.

I don't agree with torture in general, but if I knew a person had planted a large bomb that could kill thousands of people and it will go off shortly I'd be open to torturing him. I don't believe in hitting children but I can think of certain circumstances where it could be used. You say you believe that yet can't come up with ANY example .

Doesn't add up.
08-03-2016 , 10:01 AM
I support decapitating kids if it's in their best interest.

I can't think of any example where decapitating a kid is in its best interest.

These 2 statements are perfectly compatible
08-03-2016 , 10:02 AM
Wil, it's basic logic. I'm sorry you don't agree with it, but that doesn't change it from being true.

It explains a lot though why discussions with you end up like this. You're not using the same English and formal logic the rest of us use.
08-03-2016 , 10:11 AM
I don't agree with eugenics in general but I'd be open to throwing wil's family and friends down a deep, dark pit to at least cull their specific bloodlines.
08-03-2016 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
I support decapitating kids if it's in their best interest.

I can't think of any example where decapitating a kid is in its best interest.

These 2 statements are perfectly compatible
I can think of no example where decapitating a child is in their best interest, so no, I can't agree with you.
08-03-2016 , 10:13 AM
Wil, you skipped my question about child care providers.
08-03-2016 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Wil, it's basic logic. I'm sorry you don't agree with it, but that doesn't change it from being true.

It explains a lot though why discussions with you end up like this. You're not using the same English and formal logic the rest of us use.
We wind up like this because too many of you are dishonest and take your "logic" to the point of idiocy where it doesn't hold up in the real world.
08-03-2016 , 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Wil, you skipped my question about child care providers.
I skipped it because it's a stupid question from a stupid person.
08-03-2016 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
We wind up like this because too many of you are dishonest and take your "logic" to the point of idiocy where it doesn't hold up in the real world.

Umm... The logic we're discussing holds up in the real world.

How is my question stupid? Right now I don't know of a single developed country that allows child care professionals to use physical violence to punish children. Why is that if there are times when it's in the child's best interest?
08-03-2016 , 11:28 AM
No, it doesnt. 70% of Americans support physical punishment. Your "logic" doesn't hold up at all.

The question is stupid because it's trivially easy to understand.
08-03-2016 , 11:45 AM
Oh man. Is English not your first language?

Stop dodging the question about child care providers. Why are they taking a sub optimal strategy?
08-03-2016 , 12:39 PM
I'm not dodging anything, it's a stupid question. Physical discipline is a personal choice, and one where it's trivially easy to understand why a person may choose to use it on their children but would not be ok with someone else punishing their children.

You are growing tiresome with your stupidity. Your way of arguing is annoying and a waste of time. We both know the answer to the question which you demand I take time to answer. Your position is stupid and so is your argument. If you can think of no situation where a striking a child might be helpful, then you do not believe in striking a child, ever.
08-03-2016 , 12:44 PM
What does personal choice have to do with anything?

You're saying there are times physical violence 'is the best choice'. The best. Why would you take that away from child care providers? It makes no sense.

I don't believe in striking a child (for punishment). I've been completely consistent on that. You've just shown you're too dumb to understand that.
08-03-2016 , 12:52 PM
You are either being stubborn solely to not concede a point publicly or too stupid to argue with.

It doesn't take much intelligence to understand the nature of the relationship and why that differs from person to person. Your child is your responsibility and no one else's. Due to the nature of that relationship there are certain aspects of child rearing that are left solely up to parents, no one else. Other people do not have the right to decide what is optimal in that situation.

What else do I have to explain to you? Do you go through life with this type of idiot logic in everything ?
08-03-2016 , 12:57 PM
I do go through life with this type of logic. In fact I have a job where being very precise is important because being imprecise and illogical costs a lot of money.

You're the one, ITT, that disagreed with very basic logic.

You're wrong about a child being only your responsibility. A child is the responsibility of a child care professional. And they have the right to discipline your child in many ways that parents may or may not agree with.

It's funny that this particular way isn't allowed though. Hmm...
08-03-2016 , 01:04 PM
You sound like a total moron, desperate to prove your argument. No, my child is not anyone else's responsibility outside of temporary circumstances. And no, they don't get wide leeway in how they are allowed to discipline children in comparison to the actual parents of that child.

Wow. Wtf is wrong with you?
08-03-2016 , 01:05 PM
So how many people does wil have on ignore?
08-03-2016 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by 5ive
So how many people does wil have on ignore?
Me. On the plus side, I've had much more success teaching introduction to logic to my cat than JJ is with Wil.
08-03-2016 , 01:16 PM
I officially have one person on ignore, and that's bladesman because I can't stand people from the UK.
