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The SJW thread The SJW thread

08-12-2017 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
I'm not talking about implicit bias. I'm talking about empirical evidence of real world discrimination. Some of it is probably implicit. Much of it is explicit.

Not denying racism is the first step in combating it.

The habit to treat it unseriously like the sushy joker all the time is helplessly transparent in short order.
08-12-2017 , 04:39 PM
thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist
thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist
08-12-2017 , 04:40 PM
'lack of virtue signal'- iron lamer
08-12-2017 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
ok, one example of a law that is applied in a racist way?
White Americans are more likely to use drugs. Black Americans are more likely to go to jail for drugs. This is pretty common knowledge to people who pay attention.
08-12-2017 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Iron Tamer
thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist
thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist thats racist
When you heard that someone died in Virginia, how would you rate the resulting tumescence? A semi? Rigid? Rock-hard?
08-12-2017 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
yes, it is dishonest. no, we don't agree, because i don't agree on your wording of "there are limits to freedom"

there are no limits to freedom except when you begin to infringe on someone else's freedom. this is obvious and it's why i get frustrated when people go with "you like freedom bro? what if i want the freedom to murder my neighbor?"

there will be grey areas where it's not clear whether you are infringing on someone else. that's why we have courts.

i don't consider hurting someone's feelings as an attack on their freedom.
When you say "No limits EXCEPT" you realise you're making an exception, right? So I was right the first time round, there absolutely are some actions you want to curtail and that is, however you dance around it, a limitation on freedom.

And especially when you start talking about grey areas you're acknowledging that things aren't as clear as you first made them out to be.

I'm not telling you I'm pro-murder, or that you should be. I'm saying don't try to condense these things down into simplistic statements like "Democrats oppose freedom", because at some level that's true for everyone.
08-12-2017 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
I think the prevailing consensus is incorrect, not that they are violating it.
Great, this is huge progress.

So you think the research indicates one way, but you reject that research or its validity. That's good. But it does mean we're sort of done here since the only evidence I can provide is the stuff you've already rejected, and I'm sort of assuming that the vast majority of clinicians in the developed world have got this down better than you.
08-12-2017 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
When you heard that someone died in Virginia, how would you rate the resulting tumescence? A semi? Rigid? Rock-hard?
why would i get hard when 99% its one of you leftists killing a hard working American
08-12-2017 , 05:18 PM
Iron lamer has a huge leftist habit.
08-12-2017 , 05:19 PM
That took 3 seconds

In before "fake news"!
08-12-2017 , 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
i don't know what RWNJ is but you are incorrect about this. you want to be correct but you are just making stuff up.

there are plenty of parents, already today, who are activists on behalf of their transgender children. i read an article recently where a boy's parents are suing their school because it won't let him wear a dress and call him she.
Yeah dog but you're ON THE INTERNET RIGHT NOW. There's even a website called acronymfinder dot com.
08-12-2017 , 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by augie_
i don't know what RWNJ is but you are incorrect about this. you want to be correct but you are just making stuff up.

there are plenty of parents, already today, who are activists on behalf of their transgender children. i read an article recently where a boy's parents are suing their school because it won't let him wear a dress and call him she.
"Hey man I'm tired of this here penis, I think I wanna lop it off."

"Ok, I hear you but before you do that, talk to a therapist and/or counselor."

"Hmmm... Yeah, you're right, that's a good idea."

08-12-2017 , 05:24 PM
ahahah augieeeeeee________

Originally Posted by augie_

amazing that you can't grasp the word leftist. if you've honestly never heard the term leftist, it means all of the media you consume is from left leaning sources.

08-12-2017 , 06:19 PM
Someone alert the CDC in Atlanta. Aids has gone airborne.
08-12-2017 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
White Americans are more likely to use drugs. Black Americans are more likely to go to jail for drugs. This is pretty common knowledge to people who pay attention.
i don't want anyone to be arrested for drugs. next?
08-12-2017 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Someone alert the CDC in Atlanta. Aids has gone airborne.

It's you. Your stupefying influence is marginal here though.
08-12-2017 , 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
i don't want anyone to be arrested for drugs. next?

What about "abortion" drugs?
08-12-2017 , 06:27 PM
The idiot loop is on high rotate.
08-12-2017 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
The idiot loop is on high rotate.

The SJW thread
08-12-2017 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
I'm sort of assuming that the vast majority of clinicians in the developed world have got this down better than you.
i don't! the opioid epidemic was caused by doctors and their inability to deny pain killers to people who are addicted.

i can't really comment too much on UK politics or the healthcare system. it's nothing like ours.

but i do know that the doctors in america have to tread very lightly. they can face lawsuits if they deny care in certain instances. i'm guessing they tread ultra lightly in cases where it's very likely any resistance will result in a sexism or discrimination accusation.
08-12-2017 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
i don't! the opioid epidemic was caused by doctors and their inability to deny pain killers to people who are addicted.

i can't really comment too much on UK politics or the healthcare system. it's nothing like ours.

but i do know that the doctors in america have to tread very lightly. they can face lawsuits if they deny care in certain instances. i'm guessing they tread ultra lightly in cases where it's very likely any resistance will result in a sexism or discrimination accusation.
My naive view of the US is that over-prescribing narcotics is an issue and it isn't one here. But then it's understandable if certain issues arise in in certain countries' healthcare systems, the UK certainly has its own internal problems. What you have with trans folk though is a uniformity. Seems like the developed nations' clinicians have a consensus that can't be explained away as them all having the same politics or cultural problems all at the same time. If it's just a US doctors being afraid of lawsuits then it doesn't explain the consensus elsewhere.

And IANAL but I don't see how you could sue a clinician for not offering a treatment that isn't recommended by the research.
08-12-2017 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
Again, yes, and I don't find the doctors any more culpable than the therapists. It's a service, and surgeons and doctors who do transitions shouldn't be counseling their patient. They're getting paid to chop off the dick not life coaching.

Ugh, annoying that we have to do this one. I mean come on.

No, you may not kill and eat someone because they have the freedom to be not killed and eaten. This is where the constitutional government comes in. We can have government sponsored cages where we lock away those who want to kill and eat hearts.

No, NAMBLA may not molest children. Because the children have the freedom to not be molested. I actually support the right of self identified pedophiles to assemble and have some kind of therapy or support group, though. It would be better if we could just ship them off to an island but that would be a violation of their freedom.

I consider this a form of lying to pretend like you think the term "freedom" encompasses killing and molesting. don't be so dishonest.

Where do you traffic so that you're seen as the smart one?
08-12-2017 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
it's absolutely pathetic that you can't get off this point of me not wanting to name more groups. shows how far gone the left is. completely obsessed with placing people into a group and then treating them based on the group identity. i'm done responding to this point, i've taken my final lap on this ******ed merry go round.

it's really strange and bizarre how often the left blatantly lies. it must be unintentional and subconscious at this point. even the smallest point can't be conceded. "actually, bernie isn't a socialist." you have to be in the serious grip of ideology to say something like that. reality be damned.

he says he's a socialist, i think that's pretty good evidence.

You're ENTIRE THING HERE is doing just that.

Lol plz see my question above.
08-12-2017 , 07:02 PM
Bwahahahaah wait!

That's what I get for not even reading an entire post.

Originally Posted by augie_
it's absolutely pathetic that you can't get off this point of me not wanting to name more groups. shows how far gone the left is. completely obsessed with placing people into a group and then treating them based on the group identity. i'm done responding to this point, i've taken my final lap on this ******ed merry go round.

it's really strange and bizarre how often the left blatantly lies. it must be unintentional and subconscious at this point. even the smallest point can't be conceded. "actually, bernie isn't a socialist." you have to be in the serious grip of ideology to say something like that. reality be damned.

he says he's a socialist, i think that's pretty good evidence.
Literally 1 sentence in between.

So, augie_, much more interesting that all this is why you decided to pick this weekend to bizarrely start trolling this forum.

I mean, you're obviously trolling so plz accept the compliment gracefully.
08-12-2017 , 07:14 PM
wat am i reading

Originally Posted by augie_
i believe in freedom. if you want to open "master's sub shop" and hang a sign in the door that says NO BLACKS that should be totally legal.

and then me, and other like minded people, would never eat there, and you would quickly go out of business.

See how freedom works? you condescending dummy.

your version of freedom is to utilize the government to point a gun at anyone who would hang the NO BLACKS sign in their door. wow, you're so tolerant. how about you just don't eat there and tell your friends not to eat there.
