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Should the NBA institute an affirmative action policy? Should the NBA institute an affirmative action policy?

05-07-2014 , 10:34 AM
Yeah, it does bahbah. Show the posts to a trusted adult you know IRL and ask them to explain it to you as if you were a small child.

tl;dr, bahbah is a racist lying sack of **** as usual
05-07-2014 , 10:36 AM
Lets start here

gambol then went on and on about how I was ignorant and racist for not thinking racism is occurring at the CEO hiring point.
This is what I wrote

I dont think board members are explicitly saying "here is our list of candidates. We dont want to hire the colored fellow, so lets hire this old white guy and make less money". Sports teams have also been explicitly racist in the past (not usually against white people though). I dont think any of that is meaningful.
lol you lying liar that lies
05-07-2014 , 11:06 AM
gambol, then why were you calling me ignorant and racist in that thread?
05-07-2014 , 11:52 AM
Because you think there are similarities between few white players/NBA and few minorities/CEOs, continue your pattern of looking to find false equivalencies (couldn't a white AAU player somewhere have been discriminated against, compared going to Harvard vs graduating from high school with playing for an AAU team/not playing with an AAU team), don't understand how people become CEO's and, as this thread shows, are literally too dumb to understand your own argument.

For the hundredth time, I don't think every one of your posts is racist. I do think, as do 90%+ of posters on this forum, that you are a blathering idiot with lots of racist tendencies and that the vast majority of your posts on a multitude of subjects are exactly what we'd expect to read from an ignorant racist.

Like the second part of this sentence

I agree that it will take time for us to see the full benefits of those changes that have been made to create equal opportunities. Besides the improvements that still need to be made to our education system I don't see any other obstacles a minority would face above those of a white man.
Is both a) virulently ignorant and b) exactly what we'd expect a racist to say.


Draw, you must have missed my whole argument in the other thread. I was saying it is #2. I was saying any racism (or about 99+% of it) is occurring before the point of the CEO hiring process. gambol then went on and on about how I was ignorant and racist for not thinking racism is occurring at the CEO hiring point.
didn't happen and your original point was that racism had nothing to do with a lack of minority CEO's and a lack of white players in the NBA because companies wouldn't forgo profits to pick a worse candidate (i.e. there was no racism at the hiring point). People smarter than you then explained to you the issues occurred before that point, which you either disagreed with or were too stupid to understand.

In magical bahbah land though, the argument was entirely different.

Last edited by LetsGambool; 05-07-2014 at 11:58 AM.
05-07-2014 , 01:52 PM
There are some similarities between the lack of whites in the NBA and blacks as CEOs. For instance that about 99% of the blame should be on what happens before the draft and interviews. They are also complex issues w/o a simple solution.

You used to say that the top quote of mine was racist so at least now you are just saying "exactly what we'd expect a racist to say" - huge difference, IMO. While we are on that topic, I think I could be wrong in that quote too.

I original said both fortune 500 companies and NBA franchises weren't willing to take a lesser player/candidate to forgo profits/wins.
05-07-2014 , 02:38 PM
Bahbah make no mistake, you are a racist idiot and you are full of **** right here. Unfotuntely for you, people can read your posts
05-07-2014 , 04:12 PM
lolgambol tilting so bad
05-07-2014 , 04:26 PM
Nah, pretty obvious when laid out you are a lying sack of ****. Run along now, get back to real world challenge talk. Adults will discuss policy.

Just think, OWS and government workers will all guide the future much, much more than you will

Wherever you post here I will point out you are a racist piece of ****. Every single time. If you are happy with your posts, shouldn't matter to you.

Last edited by LetsGambool; 05-07-2014 at 04:31 PM.
05-07-2014 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
There are some similarities between the lack of whites in the NBA and blacks as CEOs.
don't let me get in the middle of the flame-war, but the point quoted just isn't true.

the barrier of entry in professional basketball is.....playing basketball at a professional level. that's it. there's no way for the hoop in a white kids driveway to discriminate against him. the comparison is quite bad.
05-07-2014 , 07:04 PM
Don't bother. It wont stick
05-08-2014 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by PIV
One could say that genetic factors largely explain the reason why African-Americans are over represented in the NBA.
One could say that, but they'd be quickly labeled a racist and shunned/banned etc. and the merit of their argument would never truly be analyzed.
05-08-2014 , 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Just think, OWS and government workers will all guide the future much, much more than you will

Wherever you post here I will point out you are a racist piece of ****. Every single time. If you are happy with your posts, shouldn't matter to you.
ows is already dead.

Originally Posted by DrawNone
don't let me get in the middle of the flame-war, but the point quoted just isn't true.

the barrier of entry in professional basketball is.....playing basketball at a professional level. that's it. there's no way for the hoop in a white kids driveway to discriminate against him. the comparison is quite bad.
I am not saying they are 100% the same thing. I just said there are some similarities.

Please explain what you are trying to say in your 2nd paragraph better. These two seem oddly similar to me:
-The barrier of entry in pro basketball is playing basketball at an elite level.
-The barrier of entry to be a CEO is being able to run a company at an elite level.
05-08-2014 , 10:00 AM
Yes bahbah, we already have established that you are too dumb to understand why those are different.

OWS policies such as a higher minimum wage and higher progressive tax rates and even caps on wages or financial transaction taxes are way more likely to be passed then bahbah fantasies such as repealing the minimum wage, lower marginal tax rates, or passing a balanced budget.

Last edited by LetsGambool; 05-08-2014 at 10:17 AM.
05-08-2014 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
ows is already dead.
It was a dumb brand name, but the people are not dead.
05-08-2014 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by PIV
One could say that genetic factors largely explain the reason why African-Americans are over represented in the NBA. But under no circumstance could anyone ever say that genetic factors contribute in any way to the fact that African-Americans are underrepresented as CEOs.

I know the second sentence is true, I am unsure about the first part.
So if they aren't genetic lets ignore that it could be in part developmental and just assume it is 100% racism.

<Wondering if Harvard has done a study on the avg number of hours each race plays basketball growing up.>
05-08-2014 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Yes bahbah, we already have established that you are too dumb

OWS policies such as a higher minimum wage and higher progressive tax rates and even caps on wages or financial transaction taxes are way more likely to be passed then bahbah fantasies such as repealing the minimum wage, lower marginal tax rates, or passing a balanced budget.
Half of what ows wants done will undo the other half of what they want done so lets not pretend that ows knows what they want or they will get it.

We want a higher MW. We want more and better jobs.

education is too expensive. govt should continue to help w/ loans

The majority of people in the US have always and will always oppose ows.
05-08-2014 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by PIV
I didn't want to argue about it. I just wanted to know if it was a politically correct thing to say. And apparently it isn't.
I'm not certain what politically correct actually means, but it's simply correct to say an individual's genetics contributes to their success in the the NBA.

Just like it is genetics which makes each person have a unique appearance, despite similarity of features they may share with other individuals.
05-08-2014 , 10:33 AM
Maybe so, but nothing they proposed is as silly and unpopular as your fervent support to shut down the government and not raise the debt ceiling. hahahaohwow at that being a good idea ever.

Or not paying govt workers for the shutdown time. Another hahahaohwow bahbah idea, only lost 565-0 in the voting.
05-08-2014 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I'm not certain what politically correct actually means, but it's simply correct to say an individual's genetics contributes to their success in the the NBA.

Just like it is genetics which makes each person have a unique appearance, despite similarity of features they may share with other individuals.
Agreed that each person in the NBA is genetically gifted. However, this doesn't necessarily mean that one race is more genetically gifted than another necessarily.

In the same way you can say that every CEO was born w/ a high IQ, but that doesn't mean that since there are more white CEO that whites are more intelligent on avg than another race.

Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Maybe so, but nothing they proposed is as silly and unpopular as your fervent support to shut down the government and not raise the debt ceiling. hahahaohwow at that being a good idea ever.

Or not paying govt workers for the shutdown time. Another hahahaohwow bahbah idea, only lost 565-0 in the voting.
I was more like "F*** it, lets burn this mother to the ground" than actively praying for a shutdown. I was also thinking "a shutdown won't be as big of a deal as everyone says it will" (which it wasn't).
05-08-2014 , 10:58 AM
was more like "F*** it, lets burn this mother to the ground"
lol bahbah. Also you argued that not raising the debt ceiling wouldn't be as big of a deal as everyone said it would be., which was moronic.
In the same way you can say that every CEO was born w/ a high IQ
lol bahbah
05-17-2014 , 02:46 AM
All time white team

PG Stockton
SG West
SF Bird
PF Nowitski
C Walton
PG Maravich
PG Price
SG Havlicek
SF Mullin
PF Mchale
PF Issel
C Love

Who got snubbed?
05-18-2014 , 12:31 AM
Why woud the number of black mirronairs in the NBA be different from the number of black CEO's in corp. 'merica be different???

Must be wraisist!
05-22-2014 , 10:17 AM
I still find it hilarious that the powers that be lost their chit over an 80-something billionaire owner and his 30-something "silly rabbit".
You heard it 1st here... the NBA will get its own Aaron Hernandez case. Someday soon.
And the powers that be will try to spin it so hard, Blake Griffin will never time-travel or use his jet-pack ever again.
