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Should the NBA institute an affirmative action policy? Should the NBA institute an affirmative action policy?

05-05-2014 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.mmmKay
This thread seems racist
No, what is racist is how there was actually legitimate talk (might still be going on), that the NBA should be all black.

Still waiting for Gambool to post a thread about that.

Edit: Larry Johnson said it.

Also, that it should be a black person who gets to buy the Clippers. Weird.

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 05-05-2014 at 05:29 PM.
05-05-2014 , 07:23 PM

lol Silverman

lol at how much Im in your head from just mocking your racism for sport. looooooooooooooooooool
05-06-2014 , 07:19 AM

lol at how much Im in your head from just mocking your racism for sport. looooooooooooooooooool[/QUOTE]

You aren't. Like I said, you can keep going..
05-06-2014 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
(Copy/paste my posts from when i laughed at bahbah over this a few months back here)
I never said the NBA needed more white players or there should be an affirmative action policy installed. I did however, mock those who said the reason there aren't more black CEOs in America is because there are racist white people doing the hiring. Those that I mock, as well as anyone who wants AA for the NBA, want equal results when they really should support equal opportunities.
05-06-2014 , 01:54 PM
Bahbah do you want to post your exact quote again so we can laugh at you again?

Never mind, I will

how a low % of CEOs being minorities is proof of a good ol' boy network/ racism in corporate America but a low number of white men in NBA isn't a good ol' boy network or racism
Shockingly, bahbah is an idiot guided by a desire for false equivalencies who doesn't understand racism, affirmative action, or good ole boy networks.
05-06-2014 , 01:57 PM
I am sure you could probably take one post out of context to support your point. Or even better you can take a sentence or two out of a post like you usually do.
05-06-2014 , 02:00 PM
Thread title: What will we be ridiculed for in the future?

The poll should include things like:the theory of global warming (or global cooling), vegetarianism, LBGT not having equal rights, a government can outlaw a child from eating certain foods, a gov't outlawing someone to gamble online with their money but be okay with a state run lottery, gov't having a hand in the postal service & retirement planning, that we still don't have free trade w/ some countries, marijuana being illegal on a federal level (as opposed to county or state levels), how a low % of CEOs being minorities is proof of a good ol' boy network/ racism in corporate America but a low number of white men in NBA isn't a good ol' boy network or racism, how common drinking & driving still is, how closely the politics forum on 2+2 is & how much freedom mods on 2+2 have.
Context changes that point because....???
05-06-2014 , 02:15 PM
I am claiming that racism isn't a major factor in either. I am not claiming there is racism in both.

I am pointing out that there are other variables in play for both of these situations that happen before the interviews and draft day that are infinity more important than racism in the hiring/drafting process.
05-06-2014 , 02:19 PM
Yes, and we're still laughing at your for not understanding how racism has played a factor in the dearth of minority CEO's but isn't a factor in the demographics of NBA players

You are a stupid person, so you probably didn't read this post, which explains 1) why the OP started this thread and 2) why we lol at your racist ass for scrambling to find an equivalence.

It's not as if universities will systematically discriminate against ______'s but they still feel the need to use affirmative action to let in more ________'s anyway. Why should the NBA not do the same for non-________'s?
05-06-2014 , 03:57 PM
Please explain how racism plays a significant factor in the small % of CEO and how this is different than what takes place in the NBA.
05-06-2014 , 04:01 PM
Bahbah, you know when people mock and laugh at you because they have to explain the same **** to you over and over again and again because you ask the same ****ing questions over and over again?

Yeah, this is one of those times. We already had this entire conversation.


(Copy/paste my posts from when i laughed at bahbah over this a few months back here)
for further details
05-06-2014 , 04:34 PM
Nobody ever explained how the 2 were different there was just a lot of "big corporations are evil, corrupt... and now racist" and the "nba is good and awesome" in that thread if I recall correctly.

Explain how there being a huge majority of white men in CEO positions is evidence of racism at the CEO hiring decision first and then we can go from there.
05-06-2014 , 04:46 PM
Big surprise, you don't recall correctly. We already went through all of this, including why the problems can be both before the point where a company interviews CEO candidates and still due to systemic racism.

Still cant believe how much you looked down on the OWS folks given you might literally be the dumbest person on twoplustwo

Last edited by LetsGambool; 05-06-2014 at 04:53 PM.
05-06-2014 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Explain how there being a huge majority of white men in CEO positions is evidence of racism at the CEO hiring decision first and then we can go from there.
look at it from the "there are so few black CEOs" perspective.

what explains that?

i can think of 2 options:

1. black people are genetically inferior and therefore don't have the ability to perform at that level even when given the opportunity.

or 2. black people are just as capable as white people, but something stops them from gaining the education, experience, and opportunity to rise to the level of CEO. that thing is institutional racism.

can you think of a third option that explains it? other than "it's some other reason that isn't institutional racism and i don't know what it is."

professional athletics is one of the purest instances of meritocracy right now. if you can play, you make it. if you can't, you don't.

it's almost like the premise of this thread is so blindingly stupid it was started by a notorious troll....
05-06-2014 , 08:13 PM
What about institutional racism in the feeder system to the NBA?

it's almost like the premise of this thread is so blindingly stupid it was started by a notorious troll....
No u
05-06-2014 , 08:24 PM
As with voter fraud, its existence is limited only by your imagination
05-06-2014 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
As with voter fraud, its existence is limited only by your imagination
I think he was too scared to try out for the basketball team in school because there were too many black players on his team.
05-06-2014 , 08:29 PM
I mean its really sad that the OPs racism has helped advance black players in basketball...
05-06-2014 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by smk67
I think he was too scared to try out for the basketball team in school because there were too many black players on his team.
There were no blacks, a couple Hispanics and an American Indian on our team - and I still got cut.
05-07-2014 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by DrawNone
look at it from the "there are so few black CEOs" perspective.

what explains that?

i can think of 2 options:

1. black people are genetically inferior and therefore don't have the ability to perform at that level even when given the opportunity.

or 2. black people are just as capable as white people, but something stops them from gaining the education, experience, and opportunity to rise to the level of CEO. that thing is institutional racism.

can you think of a third option that explains it? other than "it's some other reason that isn't institutional racism and i don't know what it is."

professional athletics is one of the purest instances of meritocracy right now. if you can play, you make it. if you can't, you don't.

it's almost like the premise of this thread is so blindingly stupid it was started by a notorious troll....
Draw, you must have missed my whole argument in the other thread. I was saying it is #2. I was saying any racism (or about 99+% of it) is occurring before the point of the CEO hiring process. gambol then went on and on about how I was ignorant and racist for not thinking racism is occurring at the CEO hiring point.

Like you point out in what I bolded above. There aren't many professional sports owners that are willing to pass on an athlete for a player that isn't as good but is of some preferred race. That is no different than a fortune 500 company, they aren't going to go out of their way to hire someone who isn't as good as the next guy just because the next guy is a certain race. However, the majority of their candidates are white, in part due to racism that took place way before they started looking for a candidate.

Last edited by bahbahmickey; 05-07-2014 at 10:17 AM.
05-07-2014 , 10:13 AM
Bahbah that isn't what happened you lying sack of ****.

This is why you are dumber than 98% of the OWS protestors and why you are banned from the main forum for a combination of racism and being too stupid to actually post there.

You should have been a miscarriage
05-07-2014 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Bahbah that isn't what happened you lying sack of ****.

This is why you are dumber than 98% of the OWS protestors and why you are banned from the main forum for a combination of racism and being too stupid to actually post there.

You should have been a miscarriage
gambol, this is exactly what happened. You are lying just like you are in this post about why I was banned from the main forum.
05-07-2014 , 10:25 AM
Draw, you must have missed my whole argument in the other thread. I was saying it is #2. I was saying any racism (or about 99+% of it) is occurring before the point of the CEO hiring process. gambol then went on and on about how I was ignorant and racist for not thinking racism is occurring at the CEO hiring point.
So I wrote this bahbah, explicitly saying the problem wasn't at the hiring point

I dont think board members are explicitly saying "here is our list of candidates. We dont want to hire the colored fellow, so lets hire this old white guy and make less money". Sports teams have also been explicitly racist in the past (not usually against white people though). I dont think any of that is meaningful.

The system that helps determine who gets a shot has been discriminatory historically. I think things are getting better (although gains aren't irreversible), and it will take time for those improvements to work through and increase hiring levels, but there is still work to do starting with the education of minority youths all the way through how companies choose/groom/mentor potential executives and through how CEO searches are done. The barriers a white basketball player faces are not comparable.

Your point is dumb because the similarities in your analogy are superficial and only make sense if you don't think critically and/or are desperate to find ways to show that discrimination against minorities is a solved problem simply because explicit bigotry at the final decision point has been eliminated.
This is the lol stuff you wrote

I never said the way someone becomes an NBA player and the way someone becomes a CEO are the same. If you are from certain states and play on certain AAU teams or go to certain basketball schools you probably get a slight edge over someone else just like a guy that went to harvard would have an edge over a high-school grade. But nobody is picking an NBA player or a CEO because of his race, sex, or religion.
bahbahmickey is online now Report Post
So you don't think any white person ever got passed on for an AAU team because he was white because of the stereotype that African-American's are better at basketball?
So you are saying that companies are still willing to sacrifice profits and your go-to proof is a time we read about in history class? Do you also think that the number one problem in Germany is their hatred of the Jewish people (see: the Holocaust)?
Serious question: You think my point is dumb because (or one of the reasons being) you believe that a significant amount of companies are willing to forgo profits to be run by a white guy?

I don't believe this is taking place. If it is taking place you can call me naive, but I don't understand how you could think I was racist because of this
So if the problem of racism at the final decision point has been eliminated then a quota of interviewing a certain % of minorities or women will not fix anything. Which means are problem lies in the early stages of a minorities career.

I agree that it will take time for us to see the full benefits of those changes that have been made to create equal opportunities. Besides the improvements that still need to be made to our education system I don't see any other obstacles a minority would face above those of a white man.

I'm not sure what exactly you mean by how companies groom potential executes, but if you are suggesting they would groom a women different than a man (or black diff than white) I don't see how or why. How are CEO searches done in a way that help a white male?
I agree that who you know does matter, so if the people that play an important roll in the hiring process are racist then there is an issue. Of course it would work both ways where this could hurt all sexes and races. If you don't think there times when a man is trying to hire someone and is only looking at female candidates you are as dumb as you think I am.

I am not denying racism & sexism still exists in America, but corporate America seems far less touched by its existence than the rest of the country. Greed can be a good thing.
tl;dr bahbah is a dumb racist that, once again, made 30 racist and ignorant posts about something he didn't understand, made up a bunch of random false equivalencies, then had to walk through the exact same thing over again when the subject came up again because he has an IQ of 50
05-07-2014 , 10:26 AM
bahbah, when the **** are you going to figure out that this site archives what you said?

Stick to making racist posts about the knockout game, that's more your skill level
05-07-2014 , 10:32 AM
gambol, none of what you just quoted me as saying says anything that isn't summarized in this post of mine:

Originally Posted by bahbahmickey
Draw, you must have missed my whole argument in the other thread. I was saying it is #2. I was saying any racism (or about 99+% of it) is occurring before the point of the CEO hiring process. gambol then went on and on about how I was ignorant and racist for not thinking racism is occurring at the CEO hiring point.

Like you point out in what I bolded above. There aren't many professional sports owners that are willing to pass on an athlete for a player that isn't as good but is of some preferred race. That is no different than a fortune 500 company, they aren't going to go out of their way to hire someone who isn't as good as the next guy just because the next guy is a certain race. However, the majority of their candidates are white, in part due to racism that took place way before they started looking for a candidate.
that made you called me a liar and a sack of ****.

In all of those posts of mine I am saying the racism is occurring before the hiring process for CEOs.
