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Sexism: or, Feminism Poisons Everything and A Voice for Men Sexism: or, Feminism Poisons Everything and A Voice for Men

08-26-2014 , 04:04 PM
goofy isn't the one freaking out because a girl made out with a guy therefore CORRUPTION
08-26-2014 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by swissmiss

The difference are the incentives. Minority men face different ones than white women. And the incentives for minorities are way more a consequence of a). So the reason they face different incentives is in fact more often based on racism. Maybe not for all minorities the same, but just lump them all together, as wrong as that may be.
So gold digging motivates women to not pursue upper management positions because straight white men are ALWAYS in upper mgmt positions because something something incentives and maybe, maaaaybe something about systemic oppression; a topic you readily admit to not understanding. But HEY, that doesn't slow you down in discrediting it as basically meh inconsequential. Think I understand where you're coming from now.

Still lost in the derp about the incentives which CLEARLY are what's getting in the way of sexual and racial minority career ambitions. So are we agreeing that neither group are incentivized by gold digging like those lazy women, sleeping their way down easy street?

You've said the incentives for these other groups are "different". Please, elaborate. It's evident one of your graduate degrees was in a relevant field to this discussion and that we all have things to learn from you.
08-26-2014 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by unicorn_lord
Minus the fact I've yet to bring up anything about feminism or women in general. Everything I've said has been related to the one case.
You've brought it up more time then I have.
I looked at your LoL thread before making that post:

Originally Posted by unicorn_lord
Recently, a Word Press Article came out from Eron Gjoni, about the fact he's recently learned of the multiple affairs and sheer manipulations of Indie Game Developer and "feminist" SJW Zoe Quinn.
This is a poker site, we call that a "tell".
08-26-2014 , 04:09 PM
I don't know, but I do not think, this constitutes as an answer, muffin. See I googled english pet names just for you.
08-26-2014 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I looked at your LoL thread before making that post:

This is a poker site, we call that a "tell".
"feminist" because she's a con-artist who calls herself that; if anything, goes against your claim. It's mocking her for abusing that title. +1 uni.

Keep projecting goofy.
08-26-2014 , 04:29 PM
here's the other time I use the phrase:
"As stated Earlier, Zoe Quinn appears to be manipulative, using a victim's act to protect herself around a wall of feminists, as it were, and to profiteer from it."

Notice how I make it appear as if Zoe Quinn is abusing these people trust and willingness to defend each other.

Truly the work of a guy who hates women, clearly.
08-26-2014 , 04:41 PM
Well when all of your reasoning seems to be based around being upset she had sex, yeah.

And maybe, just maybe, that's why her response looks like it does.
08-26-2014 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Well when all of your reasoning seems to be based around being upset she had sex, yeah.

And maybe, just maybe, that's why her response looks like it does.
Literally none of my reasoning is about sex, dip, you're a ****.
My reasons are she's conned 400k out of feminists for a female game jam that never happened, she burned down another female game jam and then hacked it. Then she used pity tatics and hacked herself and blamed 4chan.
MEANWHILE, the whoooooooooooooolllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeee goddamn gaming journalism community is going "LEAVE ZOE ALONE" and completely being her personal army, even after she's been caught red handed.

And she admitted to RAPING SOMEONE, she Sexually harassed someone at a friends wedding, then berated them off twitter when they tried to talk about it.

And you think I hate Zoe because she slipped and fell on some dick?
08-26-2014 , 05:03 PM
Mountain of hyperbole requires even larger mountain of proof.
08-26-2014 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Mountain of hyperbole requires even larger mountain of proof.
You're right. I mean, it's not like there's a thread I made where all this information is contained and you're again to arsed to go through it.

want me to wipe your ass for you as well? Cause this is like the 5th time you've wanted me to repeat my info.
08-26-2014 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by swissmiss
No honey, I think you are right there. As with sexism, I agree that racism is systemic, although I actually never really understood the term. But let's just say, there is a lot of systemic racism.

The difference are the incentives. Minority men face different ones than white women. And the incentives for minorities are way more a consequence of a). So the reason they face different incentives is in fact more often based on racism. Maybe not for all minorities the same, but just lump them all together, as wrong as that may be.

But I never understood why it isn't actually racist to equate sexism and racism in a country where there were actually black slaves. Sounds pretty racist to me.

Getting approval is not an incentive for me.
Question - do you know the history of women? White women certainly had it better than black men, and especially black women, but that doesn't negate the atrocities against women.
08-26-2014 , 05:42 PM
No it doesn't, I agree. Just doesn't equate being a housewife to slavery, if you want me to be graphically rude.

But I absolutely accept, that there was a time, one could actually (edit: somehow with good intentions) equate the two. That is, why I think there is still systemic sexism at work.

Last edited by swissmiss; 08-26-2014 at 06:00 PM.
08-26-2014 , 06:02 PM
Glad to see you refining your beliefs, but still disgusted by your gold digging incentive shpeal. You being an educated woman makes it twice as bad.
08-26-2014 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Glad to see you refining your beliefs, but still disgusted by your gold digging incentive shpeal. You being an educated woman makes it twice as bad.
I actually think this is, because you did not have the patience to hear me out. Stop with the gold digging please, lovely.

God, calling you sweet names makes me actually very fond of you.
08-26-2014 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by unicorn_lord
You're right. I mean, it's not like there's a thread I made where all this information is contained and you're again to arsed to go through it.

want me to wipe your ass for you as well? Cause this is like the 5th time you've wanted me to repeat my info.
i don't recall reading anything that implied that zoe raped someone
08-26-2014 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by unicorn_lord
You're right. I mean, it's not like there's a thread I made where all this information is contained and you're again to arsed to go through it.

want me to wipe your ass for you as well? Cause this is like the 5th time you've wanted me to repeat my info.
just ignore him. he is unable to ever be fully intellectually honest. along with few others on here.

too bad they can't go back to the other forum where they can circle jerk word games with themselves.
08-26-2014 , 07:40 PM
here's all the, uh, "evidence" he's posted, sans lolutoobz. feel free to point out where zoe admits to raping someone and all the rest

Originally Posted by unicorn_lord
So if you're not a regular of /r/gaming, Tumblr, or don't frequent /v/, there's a semi big story about corruption/hackusations going on right now.

Recently, a Word Press Article came out from Eron Gjoni, about the fact he's recently learned of the multiple affairs and sheer manipulations of Indie Game Developer and "feminist" SJW Zoe Quinn.

Immediately, the post was bombarded by Feminists lambasting the article and was deleted, but not before someone noticed something particular: All 5 men involved where all involved in Game develop and promotion: including her boss Joshua Boggs (who is married) and video game journalist Nathan Grayson, who writes for Kotaku and Rock, Paper, Shotgun. In an industry in which promotion can make or break you, this is red flag.

This lead to some further digging and which lead to the discover of several past events:
  • Zoe Quinn Accused the website and 4chan mirror Wizardchan of launching a crusade against her and her game.
  • This was later shown to be false, and more then likely Zoe raiding herself.
  • Zoe accused a charity game dev of misogyny to deep six a competing brand.
  • Zoe was "mugged" and placed a fundraiser on the internet. At the current time, this is believed to have been made up.
  • Zoe Quinn used the recent death of Robin Williams to promote her game, and was later shown to fake harassment for promotion. this was shown by tumblr User KC-Vidya-Rants
a full overview can be seen in

So all this comes out on 4chan, and reddit, and tumblr, which means it spreads like wildfire right? Clear conflict of interest, clear breach of ethics, easy story easy scoop?

NOT SO FAST. Here's where the real story begins.
Several reports made about the events in question suddenly 404 error, or are deleted and pulled by the user. Reddit Mod el_chupacupcake begins to mass delete and shadow ban people. Even 4chan's mods begin an assault on /v/ and /b/. And if there's one thing that'll rouse the beast that is anonymous, it's censorship. Videos on Youtube about the scandal are pulled down with a DCMA.

the five developers under attack, Zoe Quinn, and Phil_Fish, the developer of indie game Fez, begin their own offensives as well, attacking all who question them on Twitter.
Which leads up to the current version of the train wreck.

Obviously, this means Streisand Effect is going into full effect. As a result of the defensive stance of the mods, the mass deleting roused the snoops and discover Reddit Mod el_chupacupcake had exchanged messages before the events in question with Zoe Quinn.

As of right now, Reddit Mod el_chupacupcake has rounded the conversation onto a sticky on /r/gaming and is still deleting posts "deemed threatening to Zoe Quinn." the gobal mods have not seen fit to relive him of his abilities.

As stated Earlier, Zoe Quinn appears to be manipulative, using a victim's act to protect herself around a wall of feminists, as it were, and to profiteer from it.

It Appears as if Quinn has now done that too many times, and now, it might have caused no less then 4 felonies.
  • On August 19th, Quinn claimed that her Tumblr and Twitter page were both hacked and that she had been doxxed by users from /v/. The post has since been deleted.

Tumblr user The Spectacular Spider-Girl and /v/ pointed out several inconsistency with her "doxxing". This had lead to the idea of a fake doxxing by /v/ to rouse sympathy.
  • in addition, two telephone numbers also given with the information were found to have no link to Zoe Quinn.
  • The number listed as “Dad’s Work” even up going to a defunct motorcycle store.
  • The number that was listed as “zoe’s Cellphone” connected to a text to land line phone located in Hawaii.

Here's where it get's stupid legal:
Phil Fish also claimed to have gotten hacked by /v/. Phil was already unliked for his childish attitude and narcissism. (one of his more recent tirades include BERATING AND SHAMING SOMEONE WHO CLAIMED JOE QUINN SEXUALLY HARASSED THEM AT A WEDDING)

Obviously, when Phil came to her defense, it had an opposite effect: Phil was now guy #6 on the Zoe Quinn screw list. And then... this happened.

on august 21:

was posted on /v/. It contained a link to zip file, which has been censored by /v/ for legal defense.

Included in the file is the source file of the game itself.

Along with Financial information, and even his social security and the information of employees at polytron. Phil has stated this was part of an attack by /v/ for coming to aid of Zoe Quinn.

which means several crimes have been commited

1.) the theft of an IP
2.) the distribution of employee information
3.) Cyber Terrorism.

There's only one problem.

If /v/ is to be believed, Zoe Quinn may have just made Phil_Fish commit 2 more felony crimes.

one of the major things is the incredibly inconsistent MO with /v/ and anonymous; mistakes like declaring themselves head mod (which would make them moot.), the capitalization of v in /v/, incorrectly stating anonymous' slogan (which should read "we do not forgive, we do not forget." not "ever.")

as the following image details, there's the bit of the host and actually hacking the website itself.

Hosting site and it's encryption are top notch and well known by anonymous. Why? It's the same host as 4chan's. whoops.

So as of right now, Phil's Doxxing argument had better stand up

because he's now looking at 4 separate felonys:
  • Falsifying the accusation of felony
  • breach of contract with Sony, microsoft, and Steam
  • cyber terrorism
  • posting his employees information online

And this is currently where we stand.

someone just committed 4 different felonies.
All to save a girl who had 5 guys.

The full story as it's currently known can actually be found on
Originally Posted by unicorn_lord
Reddit thread:

Reddit mod talking to Zoe moment before the censorship

the tumblr post discrediting the first doxxing:

Censorship of articles 1:

Zoe Quinn's "questionings" on TFYC

Zoe quinn gets caught trying to rouse /v/

Zoe Quinn C&D

the problem with Zoe Quinn's Raid attempts.

Your counter evidence is a feminist website and dailydot, which is linked to her.
Originally Posted by unicorn_lord
Oh, almost forgot:
the picture mentioned.
Originally Posted by unicorn_lord
As for the fish part
Originally Posted by unicorn_lord
and here, have grayson getting caught lying about when the affair took place.
Originally Posted by unicorn_lord
08-26-2014 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
here's all the, uh, "evidence" he's posted, sans lolutoobz. feel free to point out where zoe admits to raping someone and all the rest
*mod note-Please click the link
edit-image seems gone at the link, sorry.*

Zoe says she has sex with the guy without his consent.

sex without consent is!...
wait for it.

Last edited by spanktehbadwookie; 08-27-2014 at 03:28 PM. Reason: responding to user complaints of oversized picture
08-26-2014 , 09:42 PM
I'm sorry but rape does not exist
08-26-2014 , 10:31 PM

i think you have too much time on your hands

also, i ain't reading that

also also, as it was explained to me, she says something stupid about how he can't have properly consented after she cheated on him or some such. is that about right?
08-26-2014 , 10:36 PM

this seems to be the only bit about consent. Or is there something else, and if so, could you please screen cap that small part for us? Because reading relationship drivel like that isn't that interesting.
08-26-2014 , 10:40 PM
Anyway, going by the context of the discussion it seems like Zoe has some ideas about consent that center around cheating, which ~and I'm guessing ~ boils down to if you're in a committed relationship with someone and they cheat on you and then have sex with you again without your knowledge of the affair, then it's akin to having sex without their consent?

IDK, it's really convoluted.

Out of curiosity, UL, did you show this much moral outrage over the dev caught with kiddie porn? Or do you just contain yourself to getting indignant about women who cheat (and possibly curry favors, those tartlet "feminists")
08-26-2014 , 10:45 PM
remember, he doesn't care about the actual cheating, even though he has 4 foot long screen caps discussing the actual cheating
08-26-2014 , 10:51 PM
What's most infuriating is reading the comments on that article:

I fail to see the need to make this news. The guy is probably going through a very difficult time; might be worthwhile in showing the guy some kindness, and perhaps help if he needs it. In all fairness, we know very little about the situation.
Look at all the ******s attacking this guy. We know NOTHING about what was ALLEGEDLY found. I'm not sure how it works in your country, but innocent until proven guilty is the standard for any civilized nation. Besides that, Canada's anti-pornography laws can even target the Dragon Ball Z manga so it's hard to take these claims seriously without knowing more.
Maybe he was doing some research for developing a Japanese game
etc etc.


Fyi: he plead guilty and now has new charges:
08-26-2014 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
remember, he doesn't care about the actual cheating, even though he has 4 foot long screen caps discussing the actual cheating
I don't have anything. That's a link from Zoepost. which you would've ****ing known if your head was firmly up your own ass.

YOU have a obession with the cheating.

because again, this is the 5th time you've brought up.

You wanted me to grab the part where she raped somebody, I did.

guess what? It was in the same log.

What we've discovered
: you have a problem with the cheating.

This is why I told you in the other thread: Remove yourself from the conversation, you're adding nothing of value, you're just using a gotcha fallacy.
