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Santa Barbara mass murderer last video selfie Santa Barbara mass murderer last video selfie

05-26-2014 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Mesut Ozil
He was already living in his version of hell. It's particularly callous to send someone there twice.

If murderers go to hell then ALL murderers do including JFK. If you agree with the sentiment then I'm perfectly ok with both of them going.
The **** is wrong with you?
05-26-2014 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
He's partly Asian, but he identifies with his white side more from what I can tell. He talks bad about Asians in general.
And educated liberal non-racist white men talk bad about the general population of white men.

Most of his rants were against women though. He had a serious hangup about not getting laid. I used to be dissapointed in the amount I got laid at that age too...
And the difference between your fairly normal experience and behavior and his experience and behavior is ________________?

I think it would be ironic if the dad of one of the victims, dead non-Asian kid Christopher Martinez, who speaks toward the end of this clip starts stocking up on guns and moves to D.C. to make a point:

By "ironic" I mean a perfectly sane response. You are a dad. The Tragic Death of the Republican Party thread would be more interesting at least.
05-26-2014 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by airwave16
The **** is wrong with you?
You can't tell me that JFK wasn't evil just because he didn't do anything first hand
05-26-2014 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Mesut Ozil
You can't tell me that JFK wasn't evil just because he didn't do anything first hand
We can't tell you much at all, now that you've been banned.

Of course, it was the ghost of Kennedy's Past who directed it. They did so sitting at the right hand of God.
05-26-2014 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Mental illness is not "bad" as in evil or as in not significant? Some mental illnesses or no doubt minor but some are as debilitating as physical illness. Some mental illness is manageable some is not in my novice view.
Depends what you mean by minor. Of course some are as debilitating as physical illness, "mental illness" is kind of a misnomer anyway because your brain is connected to your body so when you have unfortunate brain chemistry (through genetics or a harsh childhood say) and your brain isn't working properly it affects your body in many unfortunate physical ways too. If your brain isn't working properly it's very much like any organ not working properly: it affects your whole body and it sucks. In some ways maybe it sucks even more because this organ happens to control all the others.

Last edited by Oroku$aki; 05-26-2014 at 10:36 PM.
05-26-2014 , 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
Take away his mental illness and you have an extremely unpleasant and bitter loser. Take away his misogyny and... what? Does he stop feeling entitled to happiness? Does he stop regarding it as the world's duty to provide him with everything he wants? Does he fail to conclude that violent 'Retribution' is an appropriate response to the world's failure in that regard?

And as I said, it's not that the misogyny angle isn't worth discussing. I just object to that article's attempt to sideline the mental health issue as though it were some irrelevant afterthought.
His sense of entitlement to female sexuality was central to his reasons for starting the murder spree. The point of the article was that we should not sweep the misogyny under the rug just because mental illness was also a contributing factor.

Misogyny leads men to have beliefs that alienate then from women which further "proves" to then that women are the problem. For many men this leads to a downward spiral into hatred of women and definitely is one of the main causes of violence towards women.
05-26-2014 , 10:35 PM
Well said.
05-26-2014 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
your brain is connected to your body so when you have unfortunate brain chemistry (through genetics or a harsh childhood)
May I guess that you've never taken a course in psychology or psychiatry?

I am cool with people making up etiological stories for fun.
05-26-2014 , 10:40 PM
Why did you chop my post up? Ya I took first year psych, but more importantly I have depression and I've read a lot about my illness. (through genetics or a harsh childhood for example) is clearer though.
05-26-2014 , 10:50 PM
Originally Posted by ianlippert
His sense of entitlement to female sexuality was central to his reasons for starting the murder spree. The point of the article was that we should not sweep the misogyny under the rug just because mental illness was also a contributing factor.

Misogyny leads men to have beliefs that alienate then from women which further "proves" to then that women are the problem. For many men this leads to a downward spiral into hatred of women and definitely is one of the main causes of violence towards women.
I don't think we should sweep misogyny under the rug for normally functioning men but it seems weird that mental illness wouldn't be considered the central cause for his murdering streak with his misogyny being a symptom of the disease. Full disclosure what seems weird to me is not arguing I am correct don't know much about these things.
05-26-2014 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
What even are you trying to say? In his own words Rodgers hated black people, white blonde sluts, Mexicans, and yes Asians. He was a **** stain of a human being and I hope that if a hell exists, he's there.
If he went and killed a bunch of black people instead, gizmo would not be saying well he was racizit against other minorities too. Wouldn't happen. He wouldn't say, "well, it says he hates Asians too."

Why not you ask? Because racism against black people is the pinnacle. Racism against Asians. meh, not as big of a deal.
05-26-2014 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by dessin d'enfant
I don't think them being killed had to do with them being chinese.
ANd if half the victims were black, you souldn't be saying this either.
05-26-2014 , 11:04 PM
I'm falling asleep mick, don't just take a potshot and run. At least elaborate out of kindness lets say.
05-26-2014 , 11:14 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Why did you chop my post up? Ya I took first year psych, but more importantly I have depression and I've read a lot about my illness. (through genetics or a harsh childhood for example) is clearer though.
I didn't chop it up. I was responding to a specific part that I had an issue with.

Generally, it is ok to have an etiological story whether it reflects reality or not. Unless, of course, the etiological story is used as an excuse to not improve.*

This kid, by all accounts, had what looks objectively like a better than average start at life. Unless we see evidence that his (what I am guessing is some form of psychoticism) problems are genetic, it is all up in the air. Might have been a virus, or just really bad luck that he was overindulged in everything other than being liked, might have been that he was just an ass who no one liked, might have just been that he was short an some tall kid named Bob who was beaten by his step-dad picked on him but wouldn't have if he had a sense of humor, or just a confluence of events leading him to being confused, or a bacteria, or a slight bump on the head at a critical developmental stage that damaged his left parietal lobe, or whatever.

He actually said that his mom was "selfish" for not marrying a rich guy. My mom didn't either. The richest kid in my neighborhood was the one kid who owned a football. I was jealous as heck at his good fortune. Enough about me, as it didn't occur to me to go on a killing spree.

(And in case it matters, sorry that you are depressed. Hoping for you that it is self-limiting and not chronic. Don't believe any etiological stories that indicate that you are doomed to stay depressed, such as "it is genetic" or "it is because I had a rough childhood" - the facts are that some people don't stay depressed which means that those stories must be factually false as none of the formerly depressed changed their genetics or their childhood to stop being depressed.)
05-26-2014 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Man, if his posting ITT isn't enough to get SM2 banned, I don't know what is. Absolutely disgusting. I'm not going to respond to another one of his posts.
Like Kurto said, I have not crossed a line. And he is right, and I am appreciative of the fact that he is objective and recognizes that.

Go eat an ice cream sandwich if I bother you, this is unchained.
05-26-2014 , 11:22 PM
My post you chopped (or didn't) had nothing to do with that monster. Your last paragraph is all over the place, and incorrect in places, but thanks for the concern. I can't believe you wrote all that about that kid, I thought you were going to fill me in about mental illness. And the specific part you had issue with begins mid-sentence and ends mid-sentence, it's not even a complete thought.

Last edited by Oroku$aki; 05-26-2014 at 11:31 PM.
05-26-2014 , 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
I'm falling asleep mick, don't just take a potshot and run. At least elaborate out of kindness lets say.
Scroll up a post. I wrote that bit before I saw this. Was actually amused to see this as it is pretty much what I was thinking and the reason I elaborated. Not so much to be actually kind, so much as to be at least not unhelpful.

Not that I knew you were falling asleep. That would be super creepy.
05-26-2014 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
My post you chopped (or didn't) had nothing to do with that monster. Your last paragraph is all over the place, and incorrect in places, but thanks for the concern. I can't believe you wrote all that about that kid, I thought you were going to fill me in about mental illness.
I can't very well give a full rundown on all the various theories of etiologies of the various mental illnesses, can I?

No reason to call him a monster at this point. He is dead.
05-26-2014 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by ianlippert
His sense of entitlement to female sexuality was central to his reasons for starting the murder spree. The point of the article was that we should not sweep the misogyny under the rug just because mental illness was also a contributing factor.
I think that's a very charitable reading of the article:

Originally Posted by Article
We should know this by now, but it bears repeating: misogyny kills.
Originally Posted by Article
After all, while it is unclear what role Rodger's reportedly poor mental health played in the alleged crime, the role of misogyny is obvious.
Is it? Is it really unclear? Is it, though? Is it really?[/charliebrooker]

I'll say this: his specific pathology/disorder/whatever is not immediately obvious, while his misogyny certainly is. This is not a reason to privilege the latter over the former when considering the causes of his behaviour.

What the article implies with that statement is that Rodger might have been perfectly sane and yet still act as he did. That seems ludicrous to me.

Misogyny leads men to have beliefs that alienate then from women which further "proves" to then that women are the problem. For many men this leads to a downward spiral into hatred of women and definitely is one of the main causes of violence towards women.
Yeah, all of this is true. Misogyny is a massive, systemic problem. I know many would say the same is true of attitudes towards mental health and I've no particular reason to dispute that. But it's obvious to me both that the mental health issue is much more material to this incident and reduces far more clearly to sets of alterable policies and protocols.
05-26-2014 , 11:40 PM
In post #93 you quoted me before I added my favourite part. Also in response to #93:
05-26-2014 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
In post #93 you quoted me before I added my favourite part. Also in response to #93:
Your favorite part was that I quoted a phrase? Be more constructive with your feedback, please.

(extra point if you recognize the source of the second sentence. It is actually the cure to depression).

Last edited by BrianTheMick2; 05-26-2014 at 11:57 PM. Reason: can't really make the thread all about you, can we?
05-27-2014 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
No reason to call him a monster at this point. He is dead.
Stalin and Hitler are both dead. They are called monsters all the time.

No need to respect people who are just downright evil just because they are dead. **** em.
05-27-2014 , 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
If he went and killed a bunch of black people instead, gizmo would not be saying well he was racizit against other minorities too. Wouldn't happen. He wouldn't say, "well, it says he hates Asians too."

Why not you ask? Because racism against black people is the pinnacle. Racism against Asians. meh, not as big of a deal.
What are you trying to say here? Is English your second or perhaps third language?
05-27-2014 , 08:39 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Your favorite part was that I quoted a phrase? Be more constructive with your feedback, please.

(extra point if you recognize the source of the second sentence. It is actually the cure to depression).
You gotta go public with this if you know the actual cure to depression.
05-27-2014 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Like Kurto said, I have not crossed a line. And he is right, and I am appreciative of the fact that he is objective and recognizes that.

Go eat an ice cream sandwich if I bother you, this is unchained.
You asked why the killer didn't just roofie and rape the women he hated instead of killing them, which was rightfully removed as waaaay over the line. Do you have a kurto post from after that gem to quote?
