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07-16-2017 , 03:38 AM
what is different from iww and communism.

It no wonder you can't defend "the fields are made by god" which is just a complete denial of reality. fields don't produce food, its the people who work the fields that do, and people produce at vastly different rates.

The soviets saw the small landowners, the kulaks, who had a few workers and were "rich" in comparison to the average farmer. So they liquidated this ~5% of the farmers and give the land to the reset, agricultural production tanked 50-70% in places, ukraine the most fertile land in Europe starved.

Zimbabe had great fields, the breadbasket of Africa, until the dictator decided to sieze the land from the white oppressors and give it to the workers and now its starving.

The idea that the means of production are god given is completely false. It is utterly ridiculous to believe in the falsehood.
07-16-2017 , 04:31 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
what is different from iww and communism...
We're a labor union. Communism is a political movement.

... It no wonder you can't defend...
It always cracks me up when you go down the rabbit hole like this. We're not at war. There's nothing to attack or defend. Teams is just a shorthand for peeps like you... there are no real teams. There are no conspiracies between the 'Rightest' and 'Leftists'/etc/etc/etc.

All I was pointing out is that the expressions "means of production" and "factories and fields" are used interchangeable... by those peeps that happen to use them at all. Just a little insider trivia.

That is all.
07-16-2017 , 11:48 AM
saying you want an international union of workers is not a political organization? lol

don't pull that team bull**** when you want to sneer at American liberals yet cannot defend your personal ideology.

what is with this doublespeak, means of production are not "factories and fields". Do you want the workers to control the fields and give the machinery and seeds back to their owners? what nonsense
07-16-2017 , 11:53 AM
LOL give the seeds "back". Oh yeah for sure
07-16-2017 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
We do things a whole hell of a lot different than the kind of unions you might be familiar with. We are DYI. We punch way above our weight, and we have place of pride in the labor movement. But we are a relatively small union, with very limited resources.

There is no campaign to organize political workers. The Green Frog staff decided to organize, and they picked the IWW. Some Donkey staffers are going to hear about it, and say "If they can do it, we can too". Or... in the DC area, some Green Frog staffers will start chatting it up with Donkey staffers (and Elephant staffers/etc). If enough Donkey staffers care, those Donkey staffers will start an organizing committee.
My guess is that if Democratic Party staffers somewhere did decide to organize that they would probably not pick the IWW. They would probably want a union more active in party politics.

Yes, contingent work is a tough nut to crack. One important principle we use is, as our saying goes (we gotta lotta sayings): "We Organize the Worker, Not the Job". Back in the day, the hobo was in IWWer.
It's not just that it is contingent, it is that it is more more like trying to organize interns, i.e. people who are mostly trying to either resume-pad for future higher positions, or people trying to impress management so they'll get a full-time job after the campaign is over. Just not a great environment for worker solidarity.

IDK about that shiz. Would the Donkey say "cool" -o- would the Donkey union-bust? If the Donkey union-busted, would they do so in a legal manner?
Well, as I said, publicly they would be very supportive if it was successful. Would they also use union-busting tactics? It probably depends on the situation. Some NY Democratic politicians are ideologically committed to union power, so that might slow them down. My guess is that some would oppose it and threaten the organizer's livelihood, although probably only indirectly. But that is only a guess. As for whether they would use illegal tactics - right now the prior Assembly Speaker and Senate Majority Leader are both in prison, so I can't say that NY state politicians are as concerned with legality as they should be.
07-16-2017 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
saying you want an international union of workers is not a political organization?...
We're not political in that sense of the word.

We don't endorse candidates, parties, or initiatives. We don't waste our time or money on that shiz. We have a strict rule, expressed in one of our many sayings: "Check your politics at the union hall door". Noobs mess up all the time. We explain our rule. Not that it ever happens, but if a visitor attempted to disrupt our organizing by spewing that political gibberish... Sabo (short for 'sabotage') would escort them out the door.

... you want to sneer at American liberals yet cannot defend your personal ideology...
My personal ideology is Neo-Goreanism. I'd be ecstatic if someone wanted to 'argue' about that. Please, bump my thread.

As for the IWW, we defend our right to organize by organizing. If you doubt we can defend ourselves... you don't know our history.

I clown on the Librulz because they're a buncha clowns. The same reason I clown on you. I call that a "level playing field" between you fools.

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 07-16-2017 at 01:22 PM.
07-16-2017 , 01:30 PM
if you call posting gibberish clowning I guess

We don't endorse candidates, parties, or initiatives. We don't waste our time or money on that shiz. We have a strict rule, expressed in one of our many sayings: "Check your politics at the union hall door". Noobs mess up all the time. We explain our rule. Not that it ever happens, but if a visitor attempted to disrupt our organizing by spewing that political gibberish... Sabo (short for 'sabotage') would escort them out the door.
I guess living in a fantasy land may have benifits
07-16-2017 , 01:38 PM
More dog.
07-16-2017 , 01:39 PM
07-16-2017 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
... I guess living in a fantasy land may have benifits
I don't live in a Fantasyland. That's up the I-5 ~100 miles. I live on the beach in San Diego. Now, a lot of fantastical things have happened at our beach over the years. Some of which I can now tell the story of, as the folks involved have gone onward. But, as we tell the noobs, those were different times, and you aren't going to believe a word we say.
07-16-2017 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
More dog.
07-16-2017 , 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by Original Position
...My guess is that if Democratic Party staffers somewhere did decide to organize that they would probably not pick the IWW...
I gotta question here that I've always wondered. IIRC political parties can force their staffers to register for political party of their boss's choice. Do you know if that's true? I so, do the Donkeys so abuse their staffers?

One thing I haven't explained yet, is that the IWW is agnostic about gaining recognition, and we prefer not to sign contracts. We don't need no stinkin' 50%+1. We are monkeying with the constitution right now, but it used to be critical mass to charter a Job Branch (work site local) was five.

... They would probably want a union more active in party politics...
Organizations the purport to be unions, but are in fact in bed with the bosses, are called 'Company Unions'. Company Unions are illegal under US Law. They are also at variance with the UN Declaration of Human Rights.

... Some NY Democratic politicians are ideologically committed to union power, so that might slow them down...
Don't count on it. Union staffers unionize too. These are called 'Staff Unions'. There's plenty of examples of the Business Unions union-busting their own staff.

... so I can't say that NY state politicians are as concerned with legality as they should be.
As a Donkey boss, I'm sure you'll be proud to hear that the political-industrial-complex has the well deserved reputation of being just about the most vicious and illegal union busting sectors there is. I think ACORN holds the record for the most NLRB losses... outside of, you know, industries that actually produce something.

We'll see how the Donkey reacts.
07-16-2017 , 11:34 PM
nobody puts Hanky Reardy in the corner

Originally Posted by BitchiBee

what is with this doublespeak, means of production are not "factories and fields". Do you want the workers to control the fields and give the machinery and seeds back to their owners? what nonsense
07-16-2017 , 11:39 PM
All hail our benevolent emperor Lord Jerbus Creaticus!
07-17-2017 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Not directly. I reasoned it out all by myself.

Just like I reasoned out how "discount == lower variance" (because "premium == higher variance"), and "punishment == -EV" (because "reward == +EV). BTW, I think I figured out what 0 EV is. Please, tell me if I'm right. Final answer... "0 EV == Ignored".

Here's what I figured. If 'capitalism == economic systems that emphasize (private ownership and free markets) over (public ownership and price controls)... then the opposite, anti-capitalism, swaps the two clauses in parans.

OK VG. I'm an IWWer.

FWIW, the way I use my words, I call peeps who favor a relatively smaller public sector "Conz", and the opposite "Librulz". Factoring in your virulent anti-unionism, I'd call you a "Reactionary".
07-17-2017 , 09:54 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
A lot of dumb things are said on 2+2. This is an example of that.
No one cares will, keep useing words any old way you want...
07-17-2017 , 12:18 PM
@Shame Trolly !!!1!

One thing about the English language is that words often have multiple definitions. For example,

noun: reward; plural noun: rewards
a thing given in recognition of one's service, effort, or achievement.
"the holiday was a reward for 40 years' service with the company"
synonyms: recompense, prize, award, honor, decoration, bonus, premium, bounty, present, gift, payment; More
a fair return for good or bad behavior.
"a slap on the face was his reward for his impudence"
a sum offered for the detection of a criminal, the restoration of lost property, or the giving of information.
synonyms: recompense, prize, award, honor, decoration, bonus, premium, bounty, present, gift, payment; More
verb: reward; 3rd person present: rewards; past tense: rewarded; past participle: rewarded; gerund or present participle: rewarding
make a gift of something to (someone) in recognition of their services, efforts, or achievements.
"the engineer who supervised the work was rewarded with a bonus"
synonyms: recompense, pay, remunerate, make something worth someone's while; give an award to
"they were well rewarded"
antonyms: punish
show one's appreciation of (an action or quality) by making a gift.
"an effective organization recognizes and rewards creativity and initiative"
receive what one deserves.
"their hard work was rewarded by the winning of a five-year contract"
There is going to be some burden on the reader to interpret words correctly. If a prerequisite for having a conversation and/or argument with you is redefining the English language from scratch, I'm not sure I'm interested.

Secondly, there are two threads of conversation going on here, one about whether certain kinds of risk should be "rewarded" and one about capitalism in general. You appear to be conflating the two in various places (such as when you responded to a post about risks with "that has nothing to do with capitalism").

Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
I'm confused. Not all risk is +EV.
Correct it is not.

Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
I know what variance is too.
Congratulations. I would offer you a cookie but I don't have any.

You have neither:
1) demonstrated you have any idea what a risk premium is as it refers to capital markets
2) offered any criticism of capitalism at all (aside from the bald assertion that the fight for civil rights etc. and the fight against capitalism are the same thing).
07-17-2017 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
No, I mean members of the oligarchy who own the means of production. I'm not discussing wealth in non-capital goods, except to the extent that wealth is fungible into capital goods.

Sure. The key word here is work. People who work for wages are part of the working class. Which reminds me of something, my Donkey friend.

IIRC you are an apparatchik at the Donkey Party sweatshop. You need to organize. This is actually your one big chance to do some net good in the world (as just collecting Donkey wages is a net bad). In fact, your FW apparachits over at the Green Frog Party sweatshop have already had great success...
It seems to me that the "working class" and the "owning class" have a substantial degree of overlap and it is not clear to me why "has the power to hire/fire someone" is a useful cutoff point.
07-17-2017 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
@Shame Trolly !!!1!

One thing about the English language is that words often have multiple definitions. For example...
I haven't mentioned this ITT, but I was a dual major, math and philosophy. I went to a real College, UCSD. I did very well in college. I already know all this. Just like I already know what EV is, and variance, and the Kelly Criterion, and what risk-of-ruin is, and that risk-pooling lowers it etc/etc/etc. Now, I appreciate my fellow Politards all rushing to help me out. TYVM. But, I'm not a fool. And I find it mildly exasperating that youz guyz assume I am.

... If a prerequisite for having a conversation and/or argument with you is redefining the English language from scratch, I'm not sure I'm interested...
You can chat with me or not. You're not a fool, so I'd prefer that you do. I'm not "redefining the English language". I'm playfully pointing out you gotta little malfunction at your logical junction, regarding how you use a handful of your words. Everyone has this malfunction on lots of words. Unfortunately for you, the words you have this little malfunction regarding, are at the center of this chat.

Right now you&me are at the same place FoldnDark&me are at. If you wanna trust me, and let me make my points the way I feel like making them, and you have a whole lotta patience... I promise you 100% that you'll have an epiphany. I can ask tomdemaine, among others, to be my witness here too.

... Secondly, there are two threads of conversation going on here, one about whether certain kinds of risk should be "rewarded" and one about capitalism in general...
The reason you believe that I'm conflating here, is because of that malfunction I mentioned. That I'm not is the point I'm trying to make.

...You have neither: 1) demonstrated you have any idea what a risk premium is as it refers to capital markets...
You are begging the question here.

To clarify: I haven't stated any formal 'position', and I'm not 'arguing' about whatev/etc/etc/etc. I'm having a chat. Now, if you really insist on 'arguing', I guess I could be talked into that shiz. If so, post your formal 'position', and I'll say if I'm interested.
07-17-2017 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
I haven't mentioned this ITT, but I was a dual major, math and philosophy. I went to a real College, UCSD. I did very well in college. I already know all this. Just like I already know what EV is, and variance, and the Kelly Criterion, and what risk-of-ruin is, and that risk-pooling lowers it etc/etc/etc. Now, I appreciate my fellow Politards all rushing to help me out. TYVM. But, I'm not a fool. And I find it mildly exasperating that youz guyz assume I am.
I definitely do not think you are a fool. And to be fair, I don't think I ever tried to explain to you what EV, variance, the Kelly Criterion, risk-of-ruin, risk pooling etc. were. What I did try to explain was the concept of a risk premium as it relates to investment markets.

Also, I never defined "premium" as "lower variance" and I would not agree with that definition.

Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
You can chat with me or not. You're not a fool, so I'd prefer that you do. I'm not "redefining the English language". I'm playfully pointing out you gotta little malfunction at your logical junction, regarding how you use a handful of your words. Everyone has this malfunction on lots of words. Unfortunately for you, the words you have this little malfunction regarding, are at the center of this chat.
Fair enough.

Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Right now you&me are at the same place FoldnDark&me are at. If you wanna trust me, and let me make my points the way I feel like making them, and you have a whole lotta patience... I promise you 100% that you'll have an epiphany. I can ask tomdemaine, among others, to be my witness here too.
Meh, I trust that you are posting in good faith.

Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
The reason you believe that I'm conflating here, is because of that malfunction I mentioned. That I'm not is the point I'm trying to make.

Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
You are begging the question here.
I don't understand. What conclusion have I assumed? Is it
a) That you do understand what a risk premium in capital markets is?
b) That the risk premium is a real thing?

Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
To clarify: I haven't stated any formal 'position', and I'm not 'arguing' about whatev/etc/etc/etc. I'm having a chat. Now, if you really insist on 'arguing', I guess I could be talked into that shiz. If so, post your formal 'position', and I'll say if I'm interested.
I thought your formal position was "capitalism bad" but okay. Maybe later we can argue but for now I'm more interested in understanding the point you are trying to make.
07-17-2017 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
... I don't understand. What conclusion have I assumed? Is it
a) That you do understand what a risk premium in capital markets is?
b) That the risk premium is a real thing?...
No. You're mistaken assumption is that any of this shiz is relevant to what I'm yapping on about.

... I thought your formal position was "capitalism bad" but okay...
Lol no. That's not even a formal 'position'. A formal 'position' might be "Given that X is bad, is X a necessary part of capitalism". I'm not really that interested in having that 'argument' either.

However, I'm always interested in trying to make the point I was trying to make. In fact, that's the second biggest reason why I post here.
07-17-2017 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
No. You're mistaken assumption is that any of this shiz is relevant to what I'm yapping on about.
Well, okay. It seemed like a good assumption at the time, given that it was definitely relevant to the posts that you replied to.

Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Lol no. That's not even a formal 'position'. A formal 'position' might be "Given that X is bad, is X a necessary part of capitalism". I'm not really that interested in having that 'argument' either.

However, I'm always interested in trying to make the point I was trying to make. In fact, that's the second biggest reason why I post here.
Okay, well I am interested in what your point is. Where do we go from here?
07-17-2017 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
It seems to me that the "working class" and the "owning class" have a substantial degree of overlap and it is not clear to me why "has the power to hire/fire someone" is a useful cutoff point.
This is because you don't understand what the word 'class' means in this context. We are a labor union. Hire/fire is the cutoff between manager (them) and worker (us). Our core mission is to fire the bosses, and erase that cutoff.

IWW: How to Fire Your Boss - A Workers Guide to Direct Action

07-17-2017 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
... Okay, well I am interested in what your point is. Where do we go from here?
Well I'm going keep asking you questions like I have been. You will often find them pointless, pedantic, and annoying. I'll keep quite literally keep going around in circles. Then, at some random point in the future, either you'll (a) get bitter like FoldnDark, (b) we'll both get bored and quit, or (c) you'll have that epiphany I promised.

It would really help me if I knew how you prefer learning things, because there are other ways to get there than what I sketch out above. Also, it would help if you have some background in math, philosophy, or computer programming.
07-17-2017 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Well I'm going keep asking you questions like I have been. You will often find them pointless, pedantic, and annoying. I'll keep quite literally keep going around in circles. Then, at some random point in the future, either you'll (a) get bitter like FoldnDark, (b) we'll both get bored and quit, or (c) you'll have that epiphany I promised.

It would really help me if I knew how you prefer learning things, because there are other ways to get there than what I sketch out above. Also, it would help if you have some background in math, philosophy, or computer programming.
Yeah, I'm in for some rounds of questions. I have degrees in math and computer science. I do not have much background in philosophy.
