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Racial Discrimination (previously Mat: Its time for a conservative forum) Racial Discrimination (previously Mat: Its time for a conservative forum)

07-14-2017 , 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
I'm clowing on you about the personal attacks. But you did just assume I sucked at my job. Like always often, I did have a little something I was going on about.
I was giving you a compliment if anything. In my opinion, professional gamblers are usually at high risk of going bust, and I complimented you on taking an effective action to lower this risk.

My spidey sense is telling me that you might be pimping capitalism because of safety-nets. But that's absurd... correct?
I favor capitalism over socialism because I think capitalism leads to better long-term economic growth, and I view economic growth as one of the main priorities of economic policy. Safety-net programs are one of the benefits of strong economic growth, yes.

That was your point all along? Well, if we take as a given that we gotta have a society which features bankruptcy, sure. But I was most certainly Reverse Unintentionally 'strawmanning' you, because I had no idea this was the point you were trying to make. My bad.

But capitalism doesn't require bankruptcy. Capitalists are cool with debtor's prison. Indenture works too. Whatever extracts the most profits is fine with these cats.

So I guess I'm just lost now .
Sure, capitalism doesn't require bankruptcy. However, a capitalistic society with relatively easy bankruptcy laws will tend to have a higher entrepeneurship rate, which leads to higher productivity, so I would favor bankruptcy laws. Plus, debtor's prison is inhumane.
07-15-2017 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
For discussion around the thread's new topic....
I'll give you some love....

I'm curious what the violent crime rate was between the "suburbs" and the city...

What is the voter demographic and actual number of people who vote in the city....
07-15-2017 , 12:26 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
I was giving you a compliment if anything. In my opinion, professional gamblers are usually at high risk of going bust, and I complimented you on taking an effective action to lower this risk...
Thank you. The way I use my words, the professional part of 'professional gambler' refers to knowing your job. OTOH, 98% of people who have told me they are professional gamblers* were FOS (*not counting employees). As I said, I was just clowning you.

... I favor capitalism over socialism because I think capitalism leads to better long-term economic growth...
OK fair enough. Your thinking is wrong. But I'm more curious about something else.

That's not my priorities. And there's a price to pay. I favor enslaving feminists. Taking the risk of unintentionally 'strawmanning' you, I'm going to guess that isn't your priority. And the feminists would pay a price too. Who is who to violently enforce their priorities upon others?

... Safety-net programs... require bankruptcy... debtor's prison is inhumane.
These are all things that capitalism causes, not features. The only reason safety net programs exist is because civil society pushed back against the capitalists.
07-15-2017 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
OK fair enough. Your thinking is wrong. But I'm more curious about something else.

That's not my priorities. And there's a price to pay. I favor enslaving feminists. Taking the risk of unintentionally 'strawmanning' you, I'm going to guess that isn't your priority. And the feminists would pay a price too. Who is who to violently enforce their priorities upon others?
The government obviously. I'm not an anarcho-capitalist, nor do I only support capitalism. I also support democratic government, liberal principles of a just society, and so on.

These are all things that capitalism causes, not features. The only reason safety net programs exist is because civil society pushed back against the capitalists.
Great. A strong civil society is an integral part of a well-functioning liberal democracy and can assuage some of the harms resulting from capitalist economic systems. BTW, we are using the word "capitalist" differently. I'm not talking about "capitalists," i.e. people who own capital. Rather, I'm referring to economic systems that emphasize private ownership and free markets over public ownership and price controls.
07-15-2017 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
The government obviously...
Obviously. A capitalist regime's cops will enforce capitalism, a Communist regime's cops will enforce Communism/etc. My question was who gets to decide what kinda regime I have to suffer under.

... Great. A strong civil society is an integral part of a well-functioning liberal democracy and can assuage some of the harms resulting from capitalist economic systems...
Yes, it can partially treat some symptoms.

... BTW, we are using the word "capitalist" differently. I'm not talking about "capitalists," i.e. people who own capital. Rather, I'm referring to economic systems that emphasize private ownership and free markets over public ownership and price controls.
Fair enough.

The way I use my words, modern 'capitalism' refers to regimes that revolve around the wage system, rent, and loans at interest. Historically, you can add slavery, indenture, share cropping, and several other such unsavory practices. When I refer to 'capitalists' I'm referring to members of the owning class. And 'socialism' refers to worker control of the means of production.
07-15-2017 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Obviously. A capitalist regime's cops will enforce capitalism, a Communist regime's cops will enforce Communism/etc. My question was who gets to decide what kinda regime I have to suffer under.
The people who have power (this is tautological I realize). That is, people with money, influence, expertise, formal authority, organized backing, fame, military or legal support, bureaucratic skill, and so on. Of course, in places like the US, there are also old institutions of American government and society that arose before any of us were born, but yet still hold a great deal of sway over how things are done.
07-15-2017 , 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Thank you. The way I use my words, the professional part of 'professional gambler' refers to knowing your job. OTOH, 98% of people who have told me they are professional gamblers* were FOS (*not counting employees). As I said, I was just clowning you.

OK fair enough. Your thinking is wrong. But I'm more curious about something else.

That's not my priorities. And there's a price to pay. I favor enslaving feminists. Taking the risk of unintentionally 'strawmanning' you, I'm going to guess that isn't your priority. And the feminists would pay a price too. Who is who to violently enforce their priorities upon others?

These are all things that capitalism causes, not features. The only reason safety net programs exist is because civil society pushed back against the capitalists.
WTF, you talk about enslaving a lot. I have always thought it was some weird rhetorical ploy. The bolded appears to be an assertion of your preference or goal.
07-15-2017 , 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position
The people who have power (this is tautological I realize)...
At the risk of unintentionally 'strawmanning' you... in the US, that would be the owner class... or the capitalists, as I like to call those peeps.
07-15-2017 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by pokerodox
WTF, you talk about enslaving a lot. I have always thought it was some weird rhetorical ploy...
Well, to tell the truth, I'm kinda a jack-Neo-Gorean. Nothing is stopping me from moving to Syria, buying some Yazidi sex slaves, and fighting for ISIS.

And yet, here I am at my beach shack in SoCal, on a beautiful night, Sabo by my side... typing this gibberish.
07-15-2017 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
At the risk of unintentionally 'strawmanning' you... in the US, that would be the owner class... or the capitalists, as I like to call those peeps. I said, it is not just wealth, but also influence, such as political, religious or cultural leaders. Or expertise, such as civil servants and academics, and so on.
07-15-2017 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by Original Position I said, it is not just wealth, but also influence, such as political, religious or cultural leaders. Or expertise, such as civil servants and academics, and so on.
Sure. In an absolute monarchy or dictatorship all power isn't held by exactly one dude. It's always a team effort. Yada, yada.

I'm using the word 'class' here in a bog-standard way. Should we chat that on out?
07-15-2017 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Bull****. Ideas are easy, execution is what separates successful and failed businesses. The idea that business owners deserve all they can get out of their business is poppycock fed to you by management. The Waltons are no longer taking any risks with Walmart, they are simply using their power to force the most profits possible out of their employees. There is no reason Walmart employees should need food stamps to survive with a full time job at WM.
A lot of dumb things are said on 2+2. This is an example of that.
07-15-2017 , 10:51 AM
OK, I'm really making some progress learning Librulz jabber. Below is where our Rosetta Stone is at now...

Librulzpeeps who take action -vs- wage system/etc
??0 EV
discounthigher variance
premiumlower variance
capitalists & capitalismeconomic systems that emphasize private ownership and free markets over public ownership and price controls
anti-capitalists & anti-capitalismeconomic systems that emphasize public ownership and price controls over private ownership and free markets
peeps of the owning classcapitalists
violent enforcement of the wage system, rent, and loans at interestmodern capitalism
(add) slavery, indenture, sharecropping/etccapitalism
peeps who take action -vs- wage system/etcanti-capitalists
taking action -vs- wage system/etcanti-capitalism
workers controlling their means of productionsocialism
07-15-2017 , 11:17 AM
why can't you understand that the "means of production" are mostly the product of the entrepreneurial class

people willing to take a steady pay check are as numerous as raindrops, people who go out on their own and build businesses are rare

Last edited by BitchiBee; 07-15-2017 at 11:23 AM.
07-15-2017 , 11:29 AM
workers can own the means of production peacefully buy owning stocks or through working in worker owned businesses which are plentiful in the US.

what you mean tho is the stealing of the means of production by the workers through w/e means necessary. because somehow working at a firm means you deserve part of that firm
07-15-2017 , 11:35 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
workers can own...
Who put you in charge of what the workers can own?
07-15-2017 , 11:36 AM
did you just finish a bender at the ol' opium den.

I say, people can own cars in the US

you slam me with the, why are you in charge of what people can own in the usa?

jesus christ wtf
07-15-2017 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
did you just finish a bender at the ol' opium den.

I say, people can own cars in the US

you slam me with the, why are you in charge of what people can own in the usa?

jesus christ wtf
What are you? A mere wannabe boss?

Here is the limited range of options you declared:

owning stocks or through working in worker owned businesses
So who put you in charge of narrowing the options to these?
07-15-2017 , 11:47 AM
i stated options for workers to own the "means of production" to show that its possible without theft

I did not exclude other options for them to owns these means of which Im sure there are many.

still time for you to claim inebriation because this line of inquiry is just ridiculous. If I said "hey man if you want to lose weight you can do Atkins or intermittent fasting", am I putting myself in charge of people's weight loss? what is going on with you
07-15-2017 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
i stated options for workers to own the "means of production" to show that its possible without theft
So a claim of theft is your excuse for limiting what workers can own?

You are not even observant enough to realize your insults towards me are a waste of your time.
07-15-2017 , 11:56 AM
wtf are you talking about mate

Im so confused,
I did not exclude other options for them to owns these means of which Im sure there are many.
I'm sorry that in my post I did not list all the options for workers to own all the means of production. ****ing lol man
07-15-2017 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
wtf are you talking about mate

Im so confused,

I'm sorry that in my post I did not list all the options for workers to own all the means of production. ****ing lol man

Please do proceed to run on about "the workers" like some wannabe boss.
07-15-2017 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
when you are such a leftist you use liberal as a slur
I forgot before...there was a thread a while ago where I clowned the Communists (of the card carrying kind) so bad they all turned tail and ran away.

LMFAO@ commies !!!1!
07-15-2017 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Please do proceed to run on about "the workers" like some wannabe boss.
this is the dumbest things I've seen you post

you really should stop and think what you are posting
07-15-2017 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by BitchiBee
you really should stop and think what you are posting
Acting like a wannabe boss bolsters my guess that is what you are.
