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"The Day Israel Attacked America" "The Day Israel Attacked America"

11-09-2014 , 12:41 PM
The explanation offered is that the Liberty was a spy ship and would intercept and relay information about the Israeli plan to take the Golan Heights, which the US might oppose.

I read this on A site with many positions, like "Stop The Zionist NeoCon Empire's War on Russia", advertisements for Stormfront, David Duke radio hour and "A Day With an Extra-Terrestrial."
11-09-2014 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
How is the relevant to thekid posting inflammatory anti-Israel content?
I have not posted inflammatory anti-Israel content.

Inflammatory anti-Israel content would be suggesting that the Zionist state of Israel is the most evil thing on the planet, I do not subscribe to these type of views, if I did, you would see it.
11-09-2014 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
Surprised at champstark for repeating trutherism.

Anyhoo, evidence swings pretty hard to some variation of "mistake" but there is circumstantial evidence otherwise (coming mainly from the American veterans of the incident and the usual suspects), and I can't rule out that it was something else. There was certainly no officer meeting where an attack on an American ship was ever discussed. If i had to guess, I might concede that the pilots suspected it might not be an Egyptian ship, but played it safe and hit it anyway.

In any event, Israel and the US were not allies until after the 6 Day War, and Israel issued a full apology, paid out compensation to the families, and even paid for all repairs to the ship, with interest.

If this is still an issue to you, you probably were personally affected, or really, really hate the Jewish state.
Hatred of the Jewish state is fine, after all, some folks here on 2+2 dont have the nicest things to say about Brunei or Saudi Arabia.

Hatred of Jews or hatred of Muslims is another story. Kerowos initial post itt reminds us all of the thought of going after Jews because Jews allegedly control the banks.
11-09-2014 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
Surprised at champstark for repeating trutherism.

Anyhoo, evidence swings pretty hard to some variation of "mistake" but there is circumstantial evidence otherwise (coming mainly from the American veterans of the incident and the usual suspects), and I can't rule out that it was something else. There was certainly no officer meeting where an attack on an American ship was ever discussed. If i had to guess, I might concede that the pilots suspected it might not be an Egyptian ship, but played it safe and hit it anyway.

In any event, Israel and the US were not allies until after the 6 Day War, and Israel issued a full apology, paid out compensation to the families, and even paid for all repairs to the ship, with interest.

If this is still an issue to you, you probably were personally affected, or really, really hate the Jewish state.
1. It's history. It's not particularly relevant today, I agree with that for sure. It's dumb thekid posted it to try and knock down Israel, sure, and I don't agree with that.

2. I did a lot of research on this in college and it seemed like there was no way Israel couldn't have known the ship was American. We can agree to disagree on this, because, as you said, the evidence is circumstantial. I don't deny that--I just don't find the alternate explanations to really make much sense.

This would have made much more sense being posted in the history forum. I'm not trying to support thekid at all, obviously, just stating my opinion on what happened almost 50 years ago.
11-09-2014 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I still have not watched the video, but it seems implausible at face-value that Israel would intentionally target an American ship in that spot. What would be a realistic motivation to do so?
That's one of the biggest criticisms of the "intentional targeting of an American ship" theory.

Conspiracies range from "if we pretend we're Syrian they'll join the war in our favour" to "we think they're listening to us."

Last edited by Gamblor; 11-09-2014 at 02:26 PM.
11-09-2014 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
Kerowos initial post itt reminds us all of the thought of going after Jews because Jews allegedly control the banks.
Not only are you anti-semitic, you read bad and should feel bad.
11-09-2014 , 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Not only are you anti-semitic, you read bad and should feel bad.

I dont take issue with Jews. In addition, you said

Originally Posted by kerowo
How many Americans have Muslims killed?

This above comment of yours reminds us all of the mindless Antisemitism that occurred while Karl Lueger was mayor of Vienna. Luger would make public speeches denouncing Jews as enemies of the state, Luger would be one of the guys credited with influencing Hitler.
11-09-2014 , 08:33 PM

Giving you way more benefit of the doubt than you deserve, are you just trying to draw out Islamaphobic posts? (and that's giving you more credit than you deserve)
11-11-2014 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
How many Americans have Muslims killed?
Not many, but I think Americans care about the intent, rather than the number of the dead americans.
