Originally Posted by AllCowsEatGrass
Thank you.
What are you thanking Chez for? You've proven my point. You can't win an argument unless you have my position silenced or forced through threat. You literally need to cheat to even have a discussion. You've proven every single thing I've said. This is how leftists argue - they must be able to erase a fundamental part of the opposition's argument in order to have any ground to stand on.
I wasn't banned, my posts weren't deleted, and you haven't changed my (and many people reading this) mind. What victory are you celebrating here?
Originally Posted by chezlaw
From now on we are not discussing the existence of Transgender people - that is a given. The discussion will now be restricted to policies and issues surrounding and effecting Transgender people.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
I would like clarification here. What, exactly, are you saying can't be said? Are you saying someone can't say a transgender is a male or a female (opposite of what they identify with)? So, we can't discuss chromosomes or genetic makeup differences between men and women?
This is kind of important (well, not really in the big scheme of things, but in terms of this topic). Please be specific here, Chez, because I think you are stepping into the realm of altering the nature of discussion if you are forcing people to accept a claim under threat of force.
To be clear, I'm not angry with you personally. I understand why you are doing what you're doing. I am deeply concerned, however, of what road you may be going down demanding that people agree on something that is controversial, and in a huge minority as far as opinion goes.
If you are simply saying that people must recognize Trans people exist, well, of course. If you are saying a trans male to female must be called a female or face a ban, then I take issue with that.
I would hope you would discuss this with other moderators before you respond.