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A Politics Unchained Modding Proposal A Politics Unchained Modding Proposal

09-03-2014 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Depends on who you said it to, you could be in lots of imminent danger if you said to the wrong guy.
By the "depends on who you said it to" measure, practically anything can be called hate speech. In PU, no need to be so restrictive.
09-03-2014 , 03:14 PM
I wouldn't have said it to Michael Sam yesterday, but now that he's on the Cowboys I think you're good.
09-03-2014 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by LASJayhawk
Curious. Since some minor religions, like Christianity ,think homosexuality is a sin, wouldn't this qualify as a bigoted response to a Christian?
Curious. I know a whole host of Christians who do not think homosexuality is a sin and a whole other host of Christians who think it was maybe a sin until Jesus came along and declared Love to be the law. So I guess it depends on which Christian you ask...
09-03-2014 , 03:21 PM
Are Mormons considered Christian? Cuz they're not big fans of the gays.
09-03-2014 , 03:32 PM
My understanding is they all view it as a sin, but then again they also think masturbation is a sin too so idk why it's such a stinker. Oh, yeah the marriage thing. Pretty much they don't want to "go on record" supporting it even if Jesus will forgive it. Quite the predicament.
09-03-2014 , 03:38 PM
As somebody who argued for closing UNCHAINED in the past, I do think it has value as a place for people to take out their aggression and not have it make Actual Politics worse.
09-03-2014 , 03:59 PM
Actual politics is monotonous, repetitive drivel.
09-03-2014 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
As somebody who argued for closing UNCHAINED in the past, I do think it has value as a place for people to take out their aggression and not have it make Actual Politics worse.
Says one of the most aggressive posters on the forum.
09-03-2014 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by LASJayhawk
Curious. Since some minor religions, like Christianity ,think homosexuality is a sin, wouldn't this qualify as a bigoted response to a Christian?
You're going to have to diagram this out for me or something, because as written your question doesn't make any sense.
09-03-2014 , 06:25 PM
he wants to know whether it's bigotry to call Christians bigots for their bigoted beliefs (I can say whatever I want because I am a Christian)

this is the other version of "the people calling me a racist are racists"
09-03-2014 , 06:58 PM
So I guess the next logical conclusion is that LASJay is a bigot for calling me a bigot for calling somebody else a bigot for promoting bigotry? Does that make you the next bigot in line or is it back on me again?
09-03-2014 , 11:18 PM
It's bigots all the way down
09-04-2014 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
It's bigots all the way down
I guess I feel that if you have core convictions, and feel strongly about your fundamental beliefs, some subset of humanity somewhere will think you are bigoted against them. And that may well be true.

But it doesn't make that person mean spirited. Misguided maybe.
09-07-2014 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by rightonwrong
ffs, I quit posting and just lurked for a bit but do you people not get the point of an unmoderated forum??? Stop whining, and if someone crosses the line - deal with it yourself.
lolol. that is such a valid point.

there are so many other politics forums across the internet that are much more dynamic, have more page views, and more posts from unique users, simply because the modding is not so overzealously codified to politically correct values.

so who cares? let 2+2 be 2+2. it is much easier, and satisfying, to just participate in those other forums.
09-07-2014 , 12:00 PM
I think the idea is that barring a few of the lesser-abled forum members there is a pretty broad consensus on what constitutes indefensible hate speech. Besides, this is politics, everyone is used to ad hoc boundaries. They don't go into panic mode at the slightest whiff of a sorites paradox as in some other forums :P
