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Are the Politics Mods unjust? Are the Politics Mods unjust?

12-03-2014 , 11:08 AM
The basic fallacy you guys keep falling in to on this subject is that just because they might not actually prevent voter fraud doesn't mean people don't believe they do. We are talking about the same people who don't believe in evolution after all.
12-03-2014 , 11:16 AM
"evolution" is just another one of those things that leftwing nutjobs pretend is objective reality. -Koishk
12-03-2014 , 11:38 AM
Here is how things work in the Politics section of 2+2,

This thread remains open

While this thread was closed for no reason, maybe its possible that the mods do not care about the tragic death of an unarmed white man.

In addition, if a poster in the politics forum suggests that Muslims are worthless people, they might get a temp ban. Now I would like to say the same for folks who suggest that Jews are worthless people but I don't think I can, I think that Antisemitic remarks result in a perma ban here on 2+2. Thats not right, either you allow folks to suggest w/e they want about Jews/Muslims, or you enforce equal punishments for Anti Jewish/Anti Muslim remarks.

So while the politics mods mostly do a good job, and they are probably great people in real life, there remains some issues that ought to be addressed.
12-03-2014 , 12:01 PM
I've never seen anyone say Muslims are worthless people.

Are you hoping to stop Islamaphobia or itching to call Jews worthless?

I don't think you care about that white kid anymore than anyone here cares about Mike Brown or the other 150000 people that die every day. They were making a point about racism and unequal treatment by the police. You didn't have a point really aside from protesting that thread. That said, I don't think it should have been locked.
12-03-2014 , 12:03 PM
Just for the record, equal is not the same as fair.

Reserving parking spots for handicap people isn't discriminating against non-handicap people.
12-03-2014 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
How about voter id laws being inherently racist. How about filtering every current event through the prism of patriarchal white supremacy and rape culture.
Turns out that patriarchal white supremacy is an objectively important aspect of American history that continues to color the political climate today. Hope this helps.
