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Paging all Obama supporters, paging all Obama supporters... Paging all Obama supporters, paging all Obama supporters...

07-18-2014 , 12:24 PM
It's a real testament to the power of the wingnut-o-sphere that "why won't Obama go talk to a border patrol agent" has become the conventional derp inside a week despite making no ****ing sense. In the thread we had about it we literally drove Mickey into incoherent rage just by asking him "and then what?"
07-18-2014 , 12:31 PM
On what basis do you claim Israel is America's closest ally? The US is obviously their biggest ally ($500 of US taxpayers money to every Israeli citizen per year) but where's the reciprocation? What has Israel ever done for the US?

The 'greatest ally' BS comes from AIPAC propaganda and religious nutjobs like Michele Bachmann who actually believe modern day Israel is 'Gods chosen people' from the book of revelations.
07-18-2014 , 12:50 PM
I can think of several countries that a greater allies, both in that they don't constantly do things that make us come to their defense against the rest of the world (look at all the Israel-related UNSC resolutions where the vote is 14-1) and that their friendship offers more benefits to the US.

I'm still waiting for SM2 to tell us what Obama should be doing. Just sitting in the situation room isn't a concrete action.
07-18-2014 , 01:04 PM
If George Washington was alive today he'd be leading a small team of elite special forces ninjas on a mission to stop these rebels.
07-18-2014 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
If George Washington was alive today he'd be leading a small team of elite special forces ninjas on a mission to stop these rebels.
I challenge you to a duel for impeaching the character of George Washington. Even in implied jest this is a grievous insult to the memory of the best POTUS ever.
07-18-2014 , 01:20 PM
Reagan would have called out Putin and Russia. Putin is having his way right now and making us and Europe call him daddy.
07-18-2014 , 01:22 PM
Yes, Obama just handed over delaware to him.
07-18-2014 , 01:22 PM
07-18-2014 , 02:15 PM
To be fair Regan probably would have sold the separatists the SAM equipment then took that money to fund Honduran death squads
07-18-2014 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Reagan would have called out Putin and Russia. Putin is having his way right now and making us and Europe call him daddy.
What does "call him out" mean? The statemenf I heard today pretty clearly said that initial indications point towards separatists and that Russia is fueling the violence. What do you want him to say? Give us a rough draft of the
speech Obama should have given.

Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
To be fair Regan probably would have sold the separatists the SAM equipment then took that money to fund Honduran death squads
SM2 would be fine with that. But not with children fleeing those death squads. Send em back!
07-18-2014 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Reagan would have called out Putin and Russia. Putin is having his way right now and making us and Europe call him daddy.
I'm unclear why we should be basing our foreign policy on your latent homosexuality.
07-18-2014 , 02:36 PM
I'm not sure Obama needs to go to the border to assuage white people's imaginary fear of hordes of brown children and America's future. Like the border patrol could send a fax.

But it's telling that Obama is demanded to go to the border to tour the last line of defense of our civilization, rather to tour refugee children from violent and murderous environments.
07-18-2014 , 02:44 PM
While I'm harping on immigration it's amazing how forcefully ignorant Conservatives are about America's lack of innocence in this whole immigration thing.

While ruminating on the illegals inherent lack of civility and propensity toward violence if you mention that the US might, just might, have had an impact in making places such as Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala violent hellh*les you'll get an oblivious and blank look and a McNulty "what the f*ck did I do?"
07-18-2014 , 04:25 PM
Obama wasn't personally saving hurricane victims on the Jersey Shore either, right before the election. He visited as our national leader in a time of crisis.

For Obama to come to Texas, go to a posh fundraiser, and not visit the border crisis was a failure of leadership, pure and simple.
07-18-2014 , 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Obama wasn't personally saving hurricane victims on the Jersey Shore either, right before the election. He visited as our national leader in a time of crisis.

For Obama to come to Texas, go to a posh fundraiser, and not visit the border crisis was a failure of leadership, pure and simple.
Yawn. Come on Kioshk, this wasn't an environmental crisis that killed people and destroyed buildings
07-18-2014 , 04:29 PM
We're just all going to agree that what's happening at the border (and to be clear, not like south of it where there clearly is one, but we know damn well that's not what we're talking about here) is a crisis?

A bunch of shook ass bigots isn't a crisis FFS. And if it is one I'm not sure Obama showing up was going to make those folks any better.
07-18-2014 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
We're just all going to agree that what's happening at the a crisis?
I guess it depends on your definition of "crisis". Check this chart. It's a sudden and dramatic increase in apprehensions of unaccompanied children over the past few months. CBP seems to be having a pretty hard time dealing with the increase. I think it qualifies as a crisis.

On the other hand, one thing I hadn't heard is that it's apparently starting to let up over the past couple of weeks:
the daily rate of unaccompanied children apprehended at the U.S. border has dropped significantly from what it was in late June and early July.
ETA: Also, from today's NYT: Border Centers Struggle to Handle Onslaught of Young Migrants

Last edited by TheDuker; 07-18-2014 at 05:14 PM. Reason: add 2nd link
07-18-2014 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by problemeliminator
He was supposed to grab a machine gun and shoot some people crossing the Rio Grande obviously.

Im more interested in what sm2 thinks Obama should or could do about either of those situations that would warrant being in the situation room.

Why do you think hes 'neglecting his duties' sm2? He doesnt care? Its part of a larger plot?
I'm surprised someone hasn't created a gif combining one quick vid of Obama shooting a gun, and another vid of a Mexican being shot.

07-18-2014 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
This is solid gold.

On many levels.

07-18-2014 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
We're just all going to agree that what's happening at the border (and to be clear, not like south of it where there clearly is one, but we know damn well that's not what we're talking about here) is a crisis?

A bunch of shook ass bigots isn't a crisis FFS. And if it is one I'm not sure Obama showing up was going to make those folks any better.
Um, wat? Even if you get rid of the bigots there are tons of unaccompanied minors The government is not equipped to warehouse. It's a crisis independent of the fat white people trying to get on Fox News.
07-18-2014 , 07:03 PM
Must every thread descend into a debate about racism and bigotry?

We need a Betty Boothroyd figure to stop discussions being hijacked.

Order Order!
07-18-2014 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Private_Snowball
Must every thread descend into a debate about racism and bigotry?

We need a Betty Boothroyd figure to stop discussions being hijacked.

Order Order!
Maybe not every thread. If you're talking about American politics and you're not talking about race than you're wasting your time though.
07-18-2014 , 07:21 PM
07-18-2014 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Um, wat? Even if you get rid of the bigots there are tons of unaccompanied minors The government is not equipped to warehouse. .
Clearly we should cut taxes even more on the top earners so the top earners can put money toward warehousing these unaccompanied minors.

It's a crisis independent of the fat white people trying to get on Fox News.
Did we deny refugees from Europe in their time of crisis?

07-18-2014 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Obama wasn't personally saving hurricane victims on the Jersey Shore either, right before the election. He visited as our national leader in a time of crisis.

For Obama to come to Texas, go to a posh fundraiser, and not visit the border crisis was a failure of leadership, pure and simple.
Yeah, some dude who has hated Obama since 2007 definitely gets to state that like a ****ing fact.

What, specifically, did you want Obama to do here? As in, let's pretend you're a grownup with objective principles and **** and not in a spittle-inflected rage over a guy you didn't vote for stubbornly being President...

What exactly could Obama have done here to satisfy you? What imaginary action does he take that mollifies the chin-stroking "Gone to a FUNDRAISER, if you can believe that" bull****?
