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Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters? Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters?

11-28-2014 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
1. My biggest problem with the children issue is that they're being forced to follow the beliefs of the parents (even if they agree with the parents its not really informed consent).

2. People can believe in both science and 'fairy tales'. Many people's beliefs aren't contradictory to science.
Sure. I agree with this. I've said before that the people who I have an issue with are the ones who throw logic out of the window and follow some sort of scripture on how they should judge people. Most people disregard it, so I'm totally fine with them. For example, if you refuse to recognize gay marriage because of the bible, well then I'm going to ridicule you. If you are religious but you believe all people should be treated equal and disregard any scripture that may be against gay marriage, I'm more than ok with that.

3. The universe is clearly WAY more complex than we can know/understand at this point. It's ridiculous to claim that 'science' has all of the answers. At some point we have to say we don't know. If some people choose to fill that in with a deity - cool.
I'm not entirely with you on this. Yeah, it's complex. Yeah, there's a ton that we don't know. That doesn't mean you should fill it with some sort of weird ideas of a spiritual entity. Even then, which one? Jesus? God? Allah? (yeah same thing). Britney Spears?

I think it's just too weak-minded to throw some sort of spiritual being in there. If you can do that without letting scripture and nonsense screw up you decision making, then that's fine. I just don't see why that over something else.
11-28-2014 , 03:54 PM
All I know is I'd rather hang out with a typical religious person than a militant atheist.
11-28-2014 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
All I know is I'd rather hang out with a typical religious person than a militant atheist.

gonna have to agree with this
11-28-2014 , 04:15 PM
And that means what, exactly? Some people like fat girls too.

If you like hanging irrational people who believe in nonsense, then have a good time. lololol
11-28-2014 , 04:36 PM
Who is the greatest atheist in history?

I don't think it's unreasonable to call Darwin an atheist, even though he called himself agnostic.

Golda Meir?
Yitzhak Rabin?
Kurt Schumacher?

(I mean great as in good - not Mao, Stalin, Mussolini, Ceausescu, or Pol Pot - Karl Marx?)
11-28-2014 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by thekid345
This is an adult discussion board, not your own house. I posted a relevant thread, or at least I wanted to, and here you are, posting the above...
Right, it's called an analogy. you know, a comparison of two things based upon their similarities, in this case your ****ty apology to get what you want being compared to my 6 year old ' s ****ty apology to get what he wants. It's analagous. Ya dig?
11-28-2014 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
And that means what, exactly?
It means non-militants are generally nicer to hang out with than militants.
11-28-2014 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
It means non-militants are generally nicer to hang out with than militants.
That's not true in my experience. I've noticed the exact reverse. Every outspoken Atheist I know is way nicer. The religious ones are the people who talk badly about homosexuals and race. Not even close.
11-28-2014 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
And that means what, exactly? Some people like fat girls too.

If you like hanging irrational people who believe in nonsense, then have a good time. lololol
It's more about hanging out with people who aren't giant douches.

Also, I've never met a person who isn't irrational and believes in nonsense.
11-28-2014 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
That's not true in my experience. I've noticed the exact reverse. Every outspoken Atheist I know is way nicer. The religious ones are the people who talk badly about homosexuals and race. Not even close.
Maybe zigzag enjoys hanging out with people who talk badly about race and homosexuals.

There'a a more plausible alternative but lets stick with that for now.
11-28-2014 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
It's more about hanging out with people who aren't giant douches.

Also, I've never met a person who isn't irrational and believes in nonsense.
So you don't think religious people are giant douches? You think atheists, people who are usually overly docile and mostly tolerant are the real douches? Not the judgmental religious fundamental nutjobs?

Like wtf is going on in this thread? You guys just like to argue with me or something? Jesus Christ, grow up.
11-28-2014 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
So you don't think religious people are giant douches? You think atheists, people who are usually overly docile and mostly tolerant are the real douches? Not the judgmental religious fundamental nutjobs?

Like wtf is going on in this thread? You guys just like to argue with me or something? Jesus Christ, grow up.
You seem real tolerant and nonjudgemental.

You realize religiousness exists on a spectrum right.
11-28-2014 , 05:26 PM
I'm getting worse over time. I used to try to be tolerant, but now I just realize that it enables others to believe in even worse things.

That being said, I don't beat people up over it. I will call them out on it now though. If they dislike it, **** them.
11-28-2014 , 05:42 PM
I'm kind of with wil on this. Even people who are clearly not "militant" religious types usually have something negative to say when they find out I'm an atheist. (And I pretty much almost never call out anyone for their religious beliefs. I pretty much try to avoid those discussions like the plague.)
11-28-2014 , 05:42 PM
Yeah, wil, it's sooooo hard to understand why nobody would want to hang out with you...
11-28-2014 , 06:02 PM
I mean come on guys. wtf is this? You dislike the way I put my case and it annoys you. Ok, I get that. But does that make me wrong?

Why does this constantly happen on these boards? Didn't we just go through this with Ikes, where he was right about something but people disliked him so much they just irrationally disagreed with him?

btw jjshabado, you may not believe it but I have tons of friends. I usually go out 3-5 nights a week and have at least 5-10 different people call/text me daily constantly to hang out with them whether it's dinner, drinks, holiday parties, family parties, etc etc.

We can argue how you think I'm a douche and I can argue how I'm one of the most popular and likeable people you'll ever meet. The important part is none of that matters. What do your personal thoughts or feelings towards me have to do with this argument? If you want to argue on the side of religious people then go ahead, but this whole attacking me because my argument annoys you (and I actually think it's because you think I'm right deep down inside) is just weird.

Since when do people who make sense automatically labelled douchebags?

As for what Jbrochu said, he's completely right. Most Atheists are downright scared to say what they truly believe in public because of the backlash they get from the religious morons. They are constantly ostracized in their communities and keep their opinions to themselves. You *NEVER* see this in the reverse. Atheists are super-tolerant of every group. Muslim? Cool. Catholic? No problem. Vegan? Giants fan? Purple hair? All good bro.

The difference between me and those people is I really don't give a **** what you think about me, and I'll say it in public and call people out on their irrational beliefs. And there ain't a goddamn thing they can do to stop me from doing it. It gets exhausting after a while but everyone else are just cowards about it. Stand up for the **** you believe in. The irrational people do it *all the time*, it's about time people start doing it from the other end of the spectrum.
11-28-2014 , 06:09 PM
if anyone wants to hang out with a super cool non-judgemental religious dude I'm available weekends and in RGT
11-28-2014 , 06:17 PM
^^ take note, that's how it's done.
11-28-2014 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
Every once in a while he steps away from his "but the Muslims are good people!" button and says something worth writing about.

(Not that he is right or wrong about "Muslims", just that it's such a simple, un-nuanced, meaningless position to take).

He is not even half-wrong. The notion people who are not extremists should answer for extremists is half-baked. Anti-Muslim and anti-religion sentiment is a problem as is sectarian conflict within and among religions. His point of view is hardly objectionable to the point of all the whining and doubting his apology. I think he did conflat criticism with bigotry, but that doesn't mean bigotry suddenly doesn't plausibly exist.
11-28-2014 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I mean come on guys. wtf is this? You dislike the way I put my case and it annoys you. Ok, I get that. But does that make me wrong?
I think you're making a huge (and ridiculous) generalization. And I'd say your opinions and description of religious people is wrong something like 80%-90% of the time.

As for the rest, give me a ****ing break. You say how you speak your opinion and other people can just deal with it. Most people consider that douchey - especially when its about how your religious (or lack thereof) decisions are better than everyone else's.

I have no problem having a good debate at a bar about religion. I would have no problem telling a friend that they're being ridiculous by not having some sort of necessary medical treatment for religious reasons. I would have no problem standing up for a Gay person being bashed by a religious person.

But that's not what you're talking about.
11-28-2014 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
I think you're making a huge (and ridiculous) generalization. And I'd say your opinions and description of religious people is wrong something like 80%-90% of the time.

As for the rest, give me a ****ing break. You say how you speak your opinion and other people can just deal with it. Most people consider that douchey - especially when its about how your religious (or lack thereof) decisions are better than everyone else's.

I have no problem having a good debate at a bar about religion. I would have no problem telling a friend that they're being ridiculous by not having some sort of necessary medical treatment for religious reasons. I would have no problem standing up for a Gay person being bashed by a religious person.

But that's not what you're talking about.
Well see this is where we disagree. I'm not sure why you think this. Like I've said, I don't go around denouncing people for their stupid beliefs in public unnecessarily.

If they bring them up in support of their bigotry towards homosexuals during a discussion I'm involved in, some whom I am friends with, I'll call them out on it. On these boards it MAY seem I'm really overzealous, but it's because people like thekid need to be called out.

But like I said, I'm getting less tolerant of it as I get older.
11-28-2014 , 06:56 PM
can I get an IP check on cirscunspect

he's cwocwocc, right?
11-28-2014 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Do you mean they can skip medical treatment and just go with the faith healing? That's a pretty hard thing to argue for.

Originally Posted by chezlaw
If the child was in a condition where the parents would be guilty of neglect if they didn't take them to a hospital/doctor would it still be okay to take them to a faith healer instead?

For freedom of religion to be meaningful, I think it has to be allowed to sometimes result in negative consequences. I would give greater latitude in existential matters concerning life and death than I would in economic matters dealing with mere property.
11-28-2014 , 07:51 PM
Guys, we need to allow parents the freedom to let their children die from completely treatable illnesses because something something religious freedom to be MEANINGFUL.

Idiot. Good lord that sentence made me physically ill. I hope you never reproduce.
11-28-2014 , 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
So you don't think religious people are giant douches? You think atheists, people who are usually overly docile and mostly tolerant are the real douches? Not the judgmental religious fundamental nutjobs?

Like wtf is going on in this thread? You guys just like to argue with me or something? Jesus Christ, grow up.
The specific people mentioned were typical religious people and militant atheists. The sort of people you are talking about are their opposites. Most religious people are okay people and much better to hang out with than douchey atheists who are full of hate for people with religion.
