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Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters? Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters?

05-08-2015 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
LOL this coming from the guy that went to multiple threads to figure out what it would take to get someone banned recently.

To be fair DiB had a legit case in that matter.
05-08-2015 , 12:45 PM
And jokes aside, I'm not campaigning to get anyone banned. Paul had been beating this drum for months. Maybe even a year?
05-08-2015 , 12:46 PM
He could have solved the problem in one minute yet didn't so it was clearly not a problem to him.
05-08-2015 , 12:47 PM
That is also fair.
05-08-2015 , 12:50 PM
I take it back, forgot about the rape apologia.

I mean, I guess you can equate campaigning for a year to ban Spank for what amounts to an alleged annoying posting style and 1 week asking about bans due to rape jokes and grossly, unambiguously offensive drivel from team #dudeliterally.

Pretty similar. Oh wait.
05-08-2015 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
And jokes aside, I'm not campaigning to get anyone banned. Paul had been beating this drum for months. Maybe even a year?

Paul technically has a limited license to threaten to ban me with whatever authority he can muster. I just have an unchained license and one to talk back.
05-08-2015 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
I take it back, forgot about the rape apologia.

I mean, I guess you can equate campaigning for a year to ban Spank for what amounts to an alleged annoying posting style and 1 week asking about bans due to rape jokes and grossly, unambiguously offensive drivel from team #dudeliterally.

Pretty similar. Oh wait.
That is also fair, to be fair.
05-08-2015 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
What, exactly, do you think "unchained" means?

Frankly, spank's not a problem for me. Anybody else can deal with it with about 45 seconds of work. If you think that's too much of a burden for you, I have zero sympathy.
I don't think it means coddle dickheads who just fling **** at a thread. I'm glad you're happy with not doing anything in the forum but your comfort isn't really what matters. This probably won't surprise you but I give zero ****s about your sympathy or lack of it for me. This isn't about me it's about a poster going out of his way to degrade the experience for other users of the forum.
05-08-2015 , 01:53 PM
Kerowo is a bad poster, but not the baddest.
05-08-2015 , 01:54 PM
05-08-2015 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
If it's not a problem worth solving in < 1 minute then it's not a problem.

TBH, Paul just wants to snicker and gossip with his forum friends over Spank getting banned. ****ing weeeeeeaaaaaak.
What forums friends?

The ones who get up out of their chairs when I stroll onto this site and applaud me?

Lol, you're dumb. I don't care if Spank is banned or not. The dumb **** seems to be post count farming more than anything now.
05-08-2015 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
05-08-2015 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
What, exactly, do you think "unchained" means?

Frankly, spank's not a problem for me. Anybody else can deal with it with about 45 seconds of work. If you think that's too much of a burden for you, I have zero sympathy.
Seems like PU should be about politics not one person creating AIDS loops because other posters lack impulse control.
05-08-2015 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
What forums friends?

The ones who get up out of their chairs when I stroll onto this site and applaud me?

Lol, you're dumb. I don't care if Spank is banned or not. The dumb **** seems to be post count farming more than anything now.
Spank's like whole goal in life after being de-modded seems to be to annoy the people that were mean to him. I don't know why so many people give him that satisfaction.

And if I start modding PU based on what's annoying to me it'll just be me, Deuces, and Jiggs going round-and-round in circles about peak oil and 9/11.
05-08-2015 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Seems like PU should be about politics not one person creating AIDS loops because other posters lack impulse control.
Most of this forum is AIDS loops, imo. But no one person agrees on exactly which ones are AIDS. Which again, is the point.
05-08-2015 , 02:08 PM
Jiggs and Deuces, to their credit, somewhat keep themselves contained.
05-08-2015 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
this is how it started with spank

just sayin'
05-08-2015 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Spank's like whole goal in life after being de-modded seems to be to annoy the people that were mean to him. I don't know why so many people give him that satisfaction.
I can't seem to find any goal of mine to specifically annoy people, and people who behave mean may benefit from questioning the range of potential consequences of doing so. I look for satisfaction from stuff and things worth being satisfied about.

While I am here- I'd like to take the opportunity to say thanks for modding Unchained, JJ.
05-08-2015 , 02:20 PM
Should/does this thread function as meta-AIDS containment of repetitive discussions of whose posts are full-blown AIDS so that any non-Bruce-related whining about bad posters should be moved here?
05-08-2015 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Spank's like whole goal in life after being de-modded seems to be to annoy the people that were mean to him. I don't know why so many people give him that satisfaction.

And if I start modding PU based on what's annoying to me it'll just be me, Deuces, and Jiggs going round-and-round in circles about peak oil and 9/11.
Peak oil and 9/11 are at least relevant to political discourse. By your own admission, you acknowledge Spank is here solely to annoy posters.
05-08-2015 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
this is how it started with spank

just sayin'
Anais does tend to always troll the mods here. Of course he casts all blame one-way because he acts like a broke ass mutha****a.

Just saying YOUR POSTS.

Look, Anais doesn't have the power to ban people that Anais seems to feel entitled to have. Whining, threats and dersion are never going to work and are bad posting.

JJ durnt curr, obviously.

So rejoice! This is an on-topic post. Anias is a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad poster.
05-08-2015 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by ctyri
Peak oil and 9/11 are at least relevant to political discourse. By your own admission, you acknowledge Spank is here solely to annoy posters.
That's a guess you have turned into an accussation.

Anais is the poster most likely just here to annoy other people on purpose based on his describable behavior.
05-08-2015 , 02:30 PM
By that logic, how is this thread relevant to political discourse?

Doesn't it basically exist to make fun of other posters?

It's a weird high ground people try to stake out here. The high ground is in alpha.
05-08-2015 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
It's a weird high ground people try to stake out here.
It's getting bad when we agree.

Must be some private joke going on when kerowo says
it's about a poster going out of his way to degrade the experience for other users of the forum.
05-08-2015 , 03:11 PM
Whoever is not laughing at this thread today, please try. It appears the jokes are on all of us.
