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Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters? Other than Wil, Deuces, Proph, Johnny, NoQuarter and OMG Chez, Who are the Bad P/PU Posters?

11-26-2014 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by The REAL Trolly
I pretty much assume you guys all are Dids.
11-26-2014 , 01:17 AM
Originally Posted by master3004
Do you think kids deserve to be endangered by parents too selfish to try to fix a behavior that is hurting them?
Throwing their parents in jail or otherwise taking them from their parents hurts them waaaaaaay more.
11-26-2014 , 01:21 AM
My dad ****ing made me wear corduroy pants in fourth grade. CORDUROY!! My popularity tanked that year. Been trying to get him locked up ever since.
11-26-2014 , 01:30 AM
I like corduroy pants.
11-27-2014 , 09:09 PM
I hereby apologize to those I have called a bigot , including those in the Israel/Palestine thread, those in the RGT threads, those on unchained, and those in any forum where I may have called you a bigot. I sincerely apologize. In going forward, I will attempt to not use the word bigot or racist when describing another poster.

That said, I still feel that its offensive as well as being unproductive, to suggest that Muslims or Jews are out to get us, or to suggest that Islam is worse then any other religion.
11-27-2014 , 10:07 PM
All religions are irrational and Islam is the most irrational of them all.

Created by a child rapist mass murderer.

No thanks.
11-27-2014 , 10:09 PM
Tell us how you really feel.
11-27-2014 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
All religions are irrational and Islam is the most irrational of them all.

Created by a child rapist mass murderer.

No thanks.
Early Muslims fought an existential war, Islam is a religion of peace.
11-27-2014 , 10:19 PM
War was in children's buttholes ldo
11-27-2014 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Omar Comin
War was in children's buttholes ldo
i lol'd but now i feel bad
11-27-2014 , 11:37 PM
PU Mods,

Please re open the following thread,

Other posters in the main politics thread have already provided negative remarks about Arabs in general. I have not made negative remarks about Arabs or Jews in General. Consider my above thread to be like a science project.
11-27-2014 , 11:54 PM
No. It seems like a ****ty thread that just becomes an excuse to post offensive 'jokes' with no actual political discussion. And then it's up to me to decide if each one is too offensive or not.

**** that.
11-28-2014 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345
I hereby apologize to those I have called a bigot , including those in the Israel/Palestine thread, those in the RGT threads, those on unchained, and those in any forum where I may have called you a bigot. I sincerely apologize. In going forward, I will attempt to not use the word bigot or racist when describing another poster.

That said, I still feel that its offensive as well as being unproductive, to suggest that Muslims or Jews are out to get us, or to suggest that Islam is worse then any other religion.
You don't need to apologize for saying what you genuinely believe.

Unfortunately, you do need to understand what a bigot is and you need to understand what racism is. And what they are not.

You also need to understand when people are speaking hyperbolically and don't mean literally the words that are on the page. And you need to reconcile when someone says something that appears offensive with other things they say that would contradict the apparent offensiveness. Admittedly these are skills people learn with experience and I'm hardly perfect at it.

Nobody thinks you're a bad guy. You're just so incredibly devoted to your narrative that you're not reading what people are saying.

And no, "Muslims" are not out to get us. But the largest, most powerful and influential voices in the Arab and Muslim Middle East are complex culturally and politically, and also incredibly hostile to Western liberal values, and yes, Jews.
11-28-2014 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345
PU Mods,

Please re open the following thread,

Other posters in the main politics thread have already provided negative remarks about Arabs in general. I have not made negative remarks about Arabs or Jews in General. Consider my above thread to be like a science project.
most of those pictures are both not funny and not offensive and all of them are stupid. The only offensive one is the Obama one. I can't stand a lot about the guy but if you don't respect the man, at least respect the office of the president. he earned it, and calling him a Kenyan is disrespectful to him and therefore to the office (because he is American, not because I have anything against Kenyans, ldo).
11-28-2014 , 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
You don't need to apologize for saying what you genuinely believe.

Unfortunately, you do need to understand what a bigot is and you need to understand what racism is. And what they are not.

You also need to understand when people are speaking hyperbolically and don't mean literally the words that are on the page. And you need to reconcile when someone says something that appears offensive with other things they say that would contradict the apparent offensiveness. Admittedly these are skills people learn with experience and I'm hardly perfect at it.

Nobody thinks you're a bad guy. You're just so incredibly devoted to your narrative that you're not reading what people are saying.

And no, "Muslims" are not out to get us. But the largest, most powerful and influential voices in the Arab and Muslim Middle East are complex culturally and politically, and also incredibly hostile to Western liberal values, and yes, Jews.
Absolutely disagree. He needs to apologize and to recognize the difference between the two. He is intentionally misleading and twists every debate into some sort of argument where everyone against his opinion is a bigot or a racist.

He's a complete and total idiot when it comes to his views. He's in the top 5 worst posters on these boards right now and has at least 5 different ridiculous debates going on in multiple forums.

Last edited by wil318466; 11-28-2014 at 02:05 AM.
11-28-2014 , 01:59 AM
Furthermore his views are enabling the misery and suffering of hundreds of millions of people across this planet. Females intentionally not being educated, death sentences for apostasy or homosexuality, stoning for adultery. The list goes on and on and it's an insult to us as humans to have to live with this type of ideology.

No one suffers more than Muslim people. They are one of the few groups of people actually trying to go backwards. It's utterly disgusting. People like thekid make me sick.

I just read an article on Yahoo about a family who's son committed suicide due to rejection of their church. Any person above the age of 13 would come up with the simply logic afterwards to reject the church's teachings and realize that hateful lines of in the major religions should be shunned. What does this family do? They embrace the church even more. The very reason their son committed suicide, and they turn around and go right back to it!

If that doesn't disgust you as a human being, I don't know what else would.

I couldn't be happier to raise my daughter to reject every line of thought when it comes to believing in fairy tales and hate. The world will be a better place when all religion leaves it.

**** religion.
11-28-2014 , 03:33 AM
What about the countries with mostly muslims that are actually progressing as a whole. What about the predominantly Christian countries that are going backwards, and what about the predominantly Christian countries that are going forwards. Maybe it's not really about the specific religion but about the government in place and general economic situations.

About religion in general, what about the billion+ people living in extreme poverty who don't get to do anything in life except suffer then die. Would they be better off without religion, or does it give them hope? How much of the bull**** going on is just humans being humans and not because of religion.

Maybe when you're raising your child to reject all lines of hate you should teach her not to judge/hate someone just because they subscribe to a specific world view, otherwise maybe she might hate muslims that don't deserve it. Maybe when you're raising your child you should teach her not to tell people they can't dance a specific way because people of their same skin colour shot some people, also while you're at it teach her not to call people earning less money than her 'mouth-breathers'
11-28-2014 , 05:37 AM
So, we've pretty firmly established the fact that thekid is some kind of mentally disabled nutjob, right?

I only ask because i still see people seriously respond to his nonsense.
11-28-2014 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
What about the countries with mostly muslims that are actually progressing as a whole. What about the predominantly Christian countries that are going backwards, and what about the predominantly Christian countries that are going forwards. Maybe it's not really about the specific religion but about the government in place and general economic situations.

About religion in general, what about the billion+ people living in extreme poverty who don't get to do anything in life except suffer then die. Would they be better off without religion, or does it give them hope? How much of the bull**** going on is just humans being humans and not because of religion.

Maybe when you're raising your child to reject all lines of hate you should teach her not to judge/hate someone just because they subscribe to a specific world view, otherwise maybe she might hate muslims that don't deserve it. Maybe when you're raising your child you should teach her not to tell people they can't dance a specific way because people of their same skin colour shot some people, also while you're at it teach her not to call people earning less money than her 'mouth-breathers'
So you like believing in things that aren't true, even if they give you "hope"? You respect people who believe in fairy tales?

Who said anything about teaching a child to hate? I don't hate anyone. I just don't respect people who believe in bull****.

lol at the Serena thing. You think I'm a bad person because I think she's classless? I think Kim Kardashian is a nasty ass disgusting woman too. You want to judge me on that? Please.
11-28-2014 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
So you like believing in things that aren't true, even if they give you "hope"? You respect people who believe in fairy tales?
Dunno where you got the first part from, I'm not a starving child with nothing else to live for. I might respect people who believe in fairy tales a liiiiiittle bit less by default than otherwise, but I think if you're not able to see that it isn't just a case of intelligence then you're pretty dumb. It's obviously a product of the time and place you grow up in, as well as having probable human nature components. Newton believed in God. 97% or whatever of people born in certain countries or areas are religious. These people aren't all ******s despite what you'd like to believe. There are almost certainly timelines in which you would grow up believing in fairy tales, would you deserve no respect because of it?

Originally Posted by wil318466
Who said anything about teaching a child to hate? I don't hate anyone. I just don't respect people who believe in bull****.
I said you should maybe think twice about instilling a 'rationality or GTFO' attitude in your child, that's pretty close to teaching hate.

Originally Posted by wil318466
lol at the Serena thing. You think I'm a bad person because I think she's classless? I think Kim Kardashian is a nasty ass disgusting woman too. You want to judge me on that? Please.
No I also think Kardashian is a worthless piece of ****. The fact that you see a connection in the two is pretty lol

I lose more respect for people who have such a simplistic view of religion than I do for people who simply believe in it.
11-28-2014 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by thekid345
PU Mods,

Please re open the following thread,

Other posters in the main politics thread have already provided negative remarks about Arabs in general. I have not made negative remarks about Arabs or Jews in General. Consider my above thread to be like a science project.
Haha too bad so sad.
11-28-2014 , 09:34 AM
thekid, seriously though it might be time to move on to greener pastures. Although some still think they are debating with an honest person I think most people here are on to you now.
11-28-2014 , 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by SmokeyJ
Dunno where you got the first part from, I'm not a starving child with nothing else to live for. I might respect people who believe in fairy tales a liiiiiittle bit less by default than otherwise, but I think if you're not able to see that it isn't just a case of intelligence then you're pretty dumb. It's obviously a product of the time and place you grow up in, as well as having probable human nature components. Newton believed in God. 97% or whatever of people born in certain countries or areas are religious. These people aren't all ******s despite what you'd like to believe. There are almost certainly timelines in which you would grow up believing in fairy tales, would you deserve no respect because of it?
Maybe I wouldn't go so far as no respect, but it would change my opinion of them at least somewhat. If you're trying to justify why people believe in nonsense, I guess that's one way to.

If you respect people who believe in fairy tales as much as people who dont, lol, good for you.

I said you should maybe think twice about instilling a 'rationality or GTFO' attitude in your child, that's pretty close to teaching hate.
It's more complex than that, but if you want to simplify it down to this in your mind then I won't stop you. I really don't need or want your advice on how to go about it.

I lose more respect for people who have such a simplistic view of religion than I do for people who simply believe in it.
No you don't. No rational person can possibly justify the above. You're just being silly at this point.
11-28-2014 , 09:43 AM
Ugh - people like wil##### annoy me way more than the majority of religious people.

Wil, you certainly seem more hateful than the majority of religious people I know (Although obviously nowhere close to the extreme level of hate of 'religious extremists')
11-28-2014 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by wil318466
No you don't. No rational person can possibly justify the above. You're just being silly at this point.
I can. I understand the deep seated need plus cultural influences that cause someone to be religious. And for the majority of religious people in a comfortable economic status - they'll go about their lives being a net positive to society probably the same as the average non-religious person.

But I don't really understand the need/joy/burning passion that some people have to try destroy other people's viewpoints. Especially of the majority of those people that aren't hurting society.
