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The official Real Racist(tm) list The official Real Racist(tm) list

08-09-2017 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
1. 5ive/6ix (duh)

2. Hillary Rodham Clinton (supa predz)

3. chezlaw (enabled Hitler)

4. Bill Maher (said a bad word)

5. Linda Sarsour (Believes in Sharia Law and Islamophobia)

6. BLM activists (Believes in white privilege)

7. _____

08-09-2017 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by fuluck414
Not in the slightest.

I'm acknowledging that because I was born into a upper middle class white family I had better opportunities than someone born poor in the projects. Also I can walk down the street with my hood up and not worry about getting stopped by the police.

Am I racist yet?
You sound racist. You also seem to sound like you still believe in the tooth fairy. You seem to be conflating economics with skin color. Are white people who are born in poor projects also disadvantaged? Are upper middle class black people privileged?

Do you judge people by the color of their skin or the content of their character?

Also, is this guy a friend of yours?

08-09-2017 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
You sound racist. You also seem to sound like you still believe in the tooth fairy. You seem to be conflating economics with skin color. Are white people who are born in poor projects also disadvantaged? Are upper middle class black people privileged?

Do you judge people by the color of their skin or the content of their character?

Also, is this guy a friend of yours?


I'd like I prominate spot on the list off at all possible.
08-09-2017 , 07:40 PM
1. 5ive/6ix (duh)

2. Hillary Rodham Clinton (supa predz)

3. chezlaw (enabled Hitler)

4. BLM activists/fuluck414 (Believes in white privilege)

5. Bill Maher (said a bad word)

6. Linda Sarsour (Believes in Sharia Law and Islamophobia)

7. _________
08-09-2017 , 08:29 PM
Things JigglyPoop is bad at:

1. Updating lists for clarity

2. Everything else

3. _____
08-09-2017 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
You sound racist. You also seem to sound like you still believe in the tooth fairy. You seem to be conflating economics with skin color. Are white people who are born in poor projects also disadvantaged? Are upper middle class black people privileged?

Yes and yes, obviously.

Trust me Jiggsy, all of this is way, way, waaaay above your pay-grade.
08-09-2017 , 08:33 PM
Updated list:

1. 5ive/6ix (duh)

2. Hillary Rodham Clinton (supa predz)

3. chezlaw (enabled Hitler)

4. BLM activists (Believes in white privilege)

5. Bill Maher (said a bad word)

6. Linda Sarsour (Believes in Sharia Law and Islamophobia)

7. fuluck414 (Believes in white privilege)

8. ______
08-09-2017 , 08:37 PM
You see how your way doesn't make sense if we're making a list of Real Racists(tm) and not a list of reasons behind Real Racism, right?

Surely you do. Somebody who didn't grasp that wouldn't be scatting and bebopping all over this forum on topics way, way more complicated than list-making. That would just be weird.
08-09-2017 , 08:39 PM

Updated list:

1. 5ive/6ix (duh)

2. Hillary Rodham Clinton (supa predz)

3. chezlaw (enabled Hitler)

4. BLM activists (???)

5. Bill Maher (said a bad word)

6. Linda Sarsour (???)

7. fuluck414 (???)

8. ______

Until shown otherwise, my ??? is way more coherent than whatever that other nonsense was.
08-09-2017 , 08:43 PM
I'm sure Russell Westbrook is an absolutely fine fisherman, but he didn't win the NBA MVP for catching the most fish.
08-09-2017 , 08:45 PM
I'd like to nominate the capitalists who owned the segregated lunch counters back in the day. Those peeps are the real racists™.
08-09-2017 , 08:50 PM
I dunno... They seem to have been just enterprising young businessmen and not full-on Real Racists™.
08-09-2017 , 08:53 PM
Wait, are 5ive and 6ix brothers or something? Why do they share the USA spot?
08-09-2017 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
I'd like to nominate the capitalists who owned the segregated lunch counters back in the day. Those peeps are the real racists™.
I think the point here is present day racists. Those people are dead (and were Democrats).
08-09-2017 , 08:56 PM
Better add Democrats to the list.
08-09-2017 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Bladesman87
Better add Democrats to the list.
I think it's fair to leave the political parties out of it (except those shifty Libertarians. ).

Otherwise, we'll just end up with this:

08-09-2017 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
I think the point here is present day racists. Those people are dead (and were Democrats).
OK. What about the peeps today who own Norfolk Southern stock. Large parts of the NS network were built with slave labor.
08-09-2017 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
OK. What about the peeps today who own Norfolk Southern stock. Large parts of the NS network were built with slave labor.
Like what, you want to talk about Native Americans and Reparations?

Wasn't the White House built by slaves too and didn't Obama live in the White House?

Let's not go down this road.
08-09-2017 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
Like what...
LOL no.

I don't really see a whole lotta difference in owning stock in Woolworths c.1964 -vs- owning stock in NS c.2017. Certainly the stockholders of NS c.2017 are directly extracting profits today from the labor of slaves. IIRC Woolworths went bankrupt decades ago.

So... aren't the shareholders of NS the real racists today ???/?
08-09-2017 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
LOL no.

I don't really see a whole lotta difference in owning stock in Woolworths c.1964 -vs- owning stock in NS c.2017. Certainly the stockholders of NS c.2017 are directly extracting profits today from the labor of slaves. IIRC Woolworths went bankrupt decades ago.

So... aren't the shareholders of NS the real racists today ???/?
Did someone who lived in the White House extract benefits from Slave Labor?
08-09-2017 , 09:40 PM
Now we're trucking.

Updated list:

Real Racists™:

1. 5ive/6ix (duh)

2. Hillary Rodham Clinton (supa predz)

3. chezlaw (enabled Hitler)

4. BLM activists (???)

5. Bill Maher (said a bad word)

6. Linda Sarsour (???)

7. fuluck414 (???)

8. Barack Hussein Obama (lived in White House)

9. ______

Honorable mentions due to lack of presence in the present:

1. Democrats (I dunno, assassinated a pharaoh or something)
08-09-2017 , 09:46 PM
look at Jiggy cooperating with the list making like a woman!!!! Leftist cooperating sell out!!!!!!
08-09-2017 , 09:54 PM
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
Did someone who lived in the White House extract benefits from Slave Labor?
IIRC, several dudes who lived in that house were slave owners. Let's get back on topic.

Significant portions of the NS network were built with slave labor. Those same capital goods are being used to extract profits today. Today's NS shareholders are the real r-word-ers.

Correct ??
08-09-2017 , 10:09 PM

Originally Posted by JiggyMac
I think the problem is that YOU want to call people sexist or racist, regardless of whether they are or not, just to feed your moral superiority ego. Disingenuous moron.

I'll take Carlin over PC any day:

Originally Posted by batair
Carlin would hate trump and would say trump is a racist. He also hated conservatism which makes sense since it put him in jail. For words.
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Hijacking Carlin for your dumb stereotyping spew. Weakling. You probably are sexist and/or racist, aggressively. It befits the kind of weakness of mind you present to have done either and do nothing about it.
Originally Posted by JiggyMac
I doubt it. I know you won't listen to the videos, but he's directly calling out liberals - even back then.
Originally Posted by 6ix
That's great.

It starts with an earthquake,

Birds and snakes,

An aeroplane.

Lenny Bruce was not afraid.
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Seriously can jiggy be this stupid or is this some kind of genius level?
Originally Posted by 6ix
Len Bizzy up next in the queue.
Originally Posted by 6ix
Wait, scratch that:

L. Bruce said the so-called n-word, like, a lot, so he couldn't be a Jiggly name-drop. In fact, he's probably a Real Racist(tm).
08-09-2017 , 10:11 PM
Updated list:

Real Racists™:

1. 5ive/6ix (duh)

2. Hillary Rodham Clinton (supa predz)

3. chezlaw (enabled Hitler)

4. BLM activists (???)

5. Bill Maher (said a bad word)

6. Linda Sarsour (???)

7. fuluck414 (???)

8. Barack Hussein Obama (lived in White House)

9. Lenny Bruce (was not afraid; also, said the so-called n-word, like, a lot, way more than failing amateur Bill Maher)

10. ______

Honorable mentions due to lack of presence in the present:

1. Democrats (I dunno, assassinated a pharaoh or something)
