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The Hall of Shame Quote Threads The Hall of Shame Quote Threads

02-10-2015 , 11:31 PM
She give up her toe. It's not fair!
02-10-2015 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
She give up her toe. It's not fair!
I thought you were ****ing nihilists!

Then there's Anacardo.

He doesn't seem to have a past.
02-11-2015 , 12:17 AM
This is top ten WOAT.

Originally Posted by Proph
You think drones will never come to Amerika, courtesy of the USG?

The assassinations will start as unexplainable gas leaks leading to explosions. By the time the public realizes what is going on, the turnkey totalitarian state will have already been unlocked, and it will be too late.

Of course, you all will feed on the propaganda as if it actually supplied you nutrients; lest you change your ignorant ways. (Though, when government officially takes charge of the food supply, all you will have to eat is that propaganda, so I understand your stubbornness.)
02-11-2015 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
This is top ten WOAT.

Moar like BOAT!

I hope I'm wrong. (But unfortunately, those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it, making democide is a very real possibility. Not to mention these same ignoramuses can end up dragging the rest of us along with them.)

Surely you would be more hesitant to ridicule if you lived in an area where "collateral damage" -- the nicer, cleaner, blanket term for "killing civilians and destroying property" -- was common.

As it stands, you supposedly have nothing to hide, thus nothing to fear. (Have fun proving your innocence with that cavity search!)
02-11-2015 , 09:24 AM
Thanks for posting that here and saving someone from having to copy and paste it.
02-11-2015 , 09:39 AM
Btw, is that marilyn manson Proph? Were you the angry trench coat kid in the 90s? Who am I kidding, of COURSE you were.
02-11-2015 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Btw, is that marilyn manson Proph? Were you the angry trench coat kid in the 90s? Who am I kidding, of COURSE you were.
Your reads are horrible! Just horrible!

I know who you were in highschool, too, Dupe: the kid that no one remembers.
02-11-2015 , 03:06 PM
I guess you don't need trench coats if you're rarely venturing out into the public. Forgot you were home schooled, getting brain washed by your Sovereign Citizen father.
02-28-2015 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
It's probably in part explained by the great fear this country has always had. Fear of Indians, fear of slaves. You base your society on enslavement and genocidal colonialism and you're gonna have to have a healthy fear. This gets internalized and integrated into the culture and the next thing you know the government is telling kids to duck under their wooden desks to protect themselves from nukes or advising people in the middle of the country to arm themselves with duct tape because cave people with box cutters. The cave dwellers don't have email yet. They don't got mail but they gonna get you.

So when you acquire wealth by strong arm force, and those same people stealing the **** also have to protect you from their victims, they tend to hold a special place in your heart.
02-28-2015 , 04:38 PM
Pretty well said, IMO?
02-28-2015 , 04:50 PM
02-28-2015 , 06:02 PM

This image might prove instructive as an excellent example of Deuces' point.

This is a graphic depiction of national responses to a recent poll question: 'What nation on Earth is the single greatest threat to world peace?"

Note how the overwhelming majority of the world votes USA#1, including many of our 'allies.' China gets some play in its near abroad, Russia just Poland but I'm pretty sure this was pre-Ukraine Civil War, and then there's the core heartland of the Anglo-American Empire, which votes... Iran. Iran. A nation that hasn't engaged in aggressive war since... I want to say the 18th century but maybe early 19th so don't quote me; a nation whose official military doctrine is 'try desperately to hold off invasion until we can call for international help,' a nation with no nuclear deterrent who is geostrategically surrounded by three of the world's four known rogue nuclear powers; a nation who is absolutely no existential threat to *anyone* but its own Baha'i population. Iran.
02-28-2015 , 06:09 PM
I can only assume these people have been watching a ****load of Homeland or something? Thanks, CIA, it's noble work you're doing.
02-28-2015 , 06:45 PM
Good points on Iran. Nice graphic too though it doesn't do justice to the outlier plurality of the U.S. seen in the actual numbers.
02-28-2015 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo

This image might prove instructive as an excellent example of Deuces' point.

This is a graphic depiction of national responses to a recent poll question: 'What nation on Earth is the single greatest threat to world peace?"

Note how the overwhelming majority of the world votes USA#1, including many of our 'allies.' China gets some play in its near abroad, Russia just Poland but I'm pretty sure this was pre-Ukraine Civil War, and then there's the core heartland of the Anglo-American Empire, which votes... Iran. Iran. A nation that hasn't engaged in aggressive war since... I want to say the 18th century but maybe early 19th so don't quote me; a nation whose official military doctrine is 'try desperately to hold off invasion until we can call for international help,' a nation with no nuclear deterrent who is geostrategically surrounded by three of the world's four known rogue nuclear powers; a nation who is absolutely no existential threat to *anyone* but its own Baha'i population. Iran.
Lololololol this entire post.
02-28-2015 , 07:00 PM
02-28-2015 , 07:23 PM

Last edited by jjshabado; 02-28-2015 at 08:08 PM.
02-28-2015 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
"Did you know the Deputy Director of the CIA was in Nicaragua the day before the earthquake."
02-28-2015 , 07:35 PM
No, no, the amusements are over; just hang your poor little head for helplessly involuntarily kneejerking for every single Likudnik talking point in the history of the world and thanks for contributing your own shame to the shame thread. NEXT.
02-28-2015 , 07:43 PM
I think this exchange qualifies for Hall of Shame. Some time back in 2012 N Yahoo, shrieking genocidal maniac that he is, addressed the U.N. making claims about Iran's supposed progress towards weaponizing there nuclear program. The graphic he employed, a picture of a cartoon bomb (complete with lit fuse and everything), turned out to be appropriate since his warnings were apparently some kind of joke. Classified intelligence reports from Mossad were leaked this week which show a very different actual assessment than that touted by the one of the world's biggest war mongers. In fact, N Yahoo was hyping exaggerated, false distortions of his own intelligence reports.

The reaction of pro Israeli posters to the news of decreased (already extremely low) threat of Iran nuclear weapons?

Originally Posted by Howard Beale View Post
Serious question: Which way does the radiation blow if a nuke is exploded in Israel?
Originally Posted by Hadis View Post
Serious answer, depends on the winds
Originally Posted by Gamblor View Post
According to this paper in the Journal of Applied Climatology, the prevailing winds are easterlies, but Israel is in a unique climate basin and winds are generally unpredictable.
lol Gamblor. lol fear and war mongers. GFurselves.
02-28-2015 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
No, no, the amusements are over; just hang your poor little head for helplessly involuntarily kneejerking for every single Likudnik talking point in the history of the world and thanks for contributing your own shame to the shame thread. NEXT.

It's always fun when the crazies revert back to playground bullying as tactic of first resort.

Stating assumptions as if they are fait accomplis... Pretending they don't have to support anything they say with pesky logic and facts... Throwing around labels they don't understand as if they are insults. And going past the logic/factual argument into namecalling.

The conspiratard playbook .

"Cattle mutilations are up"

Last edited by Gamblor; 02-28-2015 at 07:52 PM.
02-28-2015 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
I think this exchange qualifies for Hall of Shame. Some time back in 2012 N Yahoo, shrieking genocidal maniac that he is, addressed the U.N. making claims about Iran's supposed progress towards weaponizing there nuclear program. The graphic he employed, a picture of a cartoon bomb (complete with lit fuse and everything), turned out to be appropriate since his warnings were apparently some kind of joke. Classified intelligence reports from Mossad were leaked this week which show a very different actual assessment than that touted by the one of the world's biggest war mongers. In fact, N Yahoo was hyping exaggerated, false distortions of his own intelligence reports.

The reaction of pro Israeli posters to the news of decreased (already extremely low) threat of Iran nuclear weapons?

lol Gamblor. lol fear and war mongers. GFurselves.
this post is so meta for this thread. Maybe we need a "Hall of Shame Quotes in the Hall of Shame Quotes Thread Thread.
02-28-2015 , 08:01 PM
Serious question for you Gamblor. When Iran invades the U.S. are we going to still be able to watch old reruns of Bay Watch? What about the blue jean? Seriously man I need to know and you're such an expert on the ways of Muslims behaving badly. Also, like a tutorial of how to judge a woman's body when she's wearing one of those sheets would be much appreciated.
02-28-2015 , 08:18 PM
Ok but seriously seriously really, real question. Why didn't the world have a moment of silence when Israel assassinated Iranian scientists like they had for the cartoonists trying to boost sales by crapping on sacred beliefs of already oppressed people?

"I am Mostafa" just doesn't have that nice ring to it, huh?

22 Year old Iranian young man blown up by Israel for teaching science which the fear mongers fear could some distant day be used in some totally unprecedented, nonsensical, suicidal, hypothetical aggression by Iran. Kid seems like a sympathetic figure to me, a clear victim of terrorism, murdered at the dawn of his life by true savages. But then again I'm not a frothing racist like you or N Yahoo.
02-28-2015 , 08:20 PM
We're going to get in trouble for racially colonizing the shame thread again.
