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01-30-2015 , 02:40 AM
Gamblor going into collage propaganda mode up in here.

Gamblor's long ass, meandering, hodgepodge diatribes about why the group he belongs to should be able to force a nation of people off their homeland and take it for themselves with no trouble are like some kind of demented poetry. It's about the experience, not to be taken literally. Like here, here is my psychosis, laid out like the voice a child who is whining and can't get the words out fast enough.
01-30-2015 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Gamblor going into collage propaganda mode up in here.

Gamblor's long ass, meandering, hodgepodge diatribes about why the group he belongs to should be able to force a nation of people off their homeland and take it for themselves with no trouble are like some kind of demented poetry. It's about the experience, not to be taken literally. Like here, here is my psychosis, laid out like the voice a child who is whining and can't get the words out fast enough.
Lol, you're going to be a lonely, sad person for a very long time.
01-30-2015 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
That's pretty much the conclusion I've drawn, yes. Drawing any hard and fast line between Mossad, CIA and MI6 is pretty fruitless, though. Of course one can't forget the Saudis, but their intelligence networks are just cutouts for ours - they supplied the patsies.
Wow, I gave you way too much credit.
01-30-2015 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
Lol, you're going to be a lonely, sad person for a very long time.
Just because I understand you doesn't mean I'm like you.
02-01-2015 , 08:22 AM
Here is kerowo on the morality of killing innocent civilians in drone strikes:

Originally Posted by kerowo
Don't stand next to people who throw **** at bears.
kerowo, ladies and gentlemen. Click the link to see him flailing in defending this and, as a bonus, why Fly is useful around here.
02-01-2015 , 12:08 PM
Wow, a blast from the past! You got me! I would rather we used drones to go after terrorists than pilots in planes. If we went in with aircraft there would still be collateral damage. This view is orthogonal to whether we are using drones too much.
02-01-2015 , 01:53 PM
'go after terrorists' lol

It's just a almost-entirely-random automatic Hellfire machine and anybody with an ounce of moral sensibility, information and enough sense to stop believing Washington press releases knows it.
02-01-2015 , 01:54 PM
Go back to OOT where people laugh with you dude.
02-01-2015 , 02:01 PM
I'm sorry you're a fish. I'm sorry you believe the Ministry of Truth.
02-01-2015 , 02:04 PM
02-01-2015 , 02:05 PM
It's cool, though; War is totally Peace and Ignorance is def def Strength.
02-01-2015 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
It's cool, though; War is totally Peace and Ignorance is def def Strength.
Is it not possible to be anti-war and still able to discern facts about what may or may not have happened?

Cause... I'm anti-war. I'm staunchly anti-war. I think the military budget should be cut by at least half. I think military intervention should ONLY be used in times of immediate defense.

And yet, I still think you are hilariously wrong about 9/11. So where do I fit in your comment above?
02-01-2015 , 04:37 PM
I'd say you're a man of good moral sense with your heart and conscience in the right place, which in turn implies intelligence, and that if you keep your eyes and ears open the scales will eventually drop from your eyes, as they finally did from mine.
02-01-2015 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
I'd say you're a man of good moral sense with your heart and conscience in the right place, which in turn implies intelligence, and that if you keep your eyes and ears open the scales will eventually drop from your eyes, as they finally did from mine.
Do you ever worry you got taken for a ride? The term "scales will drop from your eyes" sounds a lot to me like people who get duped by religion
02-01-2015 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
I'd say you're a man of good moral sense with your heart and conscience in the right place, which in turn implies intelligence, and that if you keep your eyes and ears open the scales will eventually drop from your eyes, as they finally did from mine.
Oh, cool, I didn't know "scales dropped from my eyes" means that "I read some stuff that some crazy people wrote and some of it sort of came true, if you really want to see it bad enough, but I totally forgot that 99% of it didn't. Now I think those crazy people were on to something."
02-01-2015 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Do you ever worry you got taken for a ride? The term "scales will drop from your eyes" sounds a lot to me like people who get duped by religion
I thought it was from the Matrix...
02-01-2015 , 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Do you ever worry you got taken for a ride? The term "scales will drop from your eyes" sounds a lot to me like people who get duped by religion
Not really. Again, false-flag terrorism is a phenomenon that goes way past 9/11 - when you examine simple open-and-shut cases like the anthrax scare and the OKC bombing, for instance (go read about the story of heroic OKC policeman Terrance Yeakey and his suiciding) it's so obvious.

I come from a religious tradition from which I have semi-distanced myself (the Baha'i Faith) because its leaders are as corrupt and self-interested as any other's, among other reasons, but I often find that the antique beauty of the language of religious text illustrates many things wonderfully. I've often thought of the Old Testament prophet's vision of the fall of Nineveh and gotten the chills at how it might one day be spoken of Washington.

"Nineveh is fallen; who shall mourn her? All who hear of the bruit of thee shall clap thy hands over thee; for upon whom hath not thy wickedness passed continually?"
02-01-2015 , 06:59 PM
Acts 9:18 And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized;
02-01-2015 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Acts 9:18 And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he rose and was baptized;
Doesn't, like, your hair catch on fire or something if you read from the new testament?
02-01-2015 , 07:10 PM
Unity of the prophets, brah.
02-01-2015 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Doesn't, like, your hair catch on fire or something if you read from the new testament?
02-01-2015 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
the Baha'i Faith
New World Order
02-01-2015 , 07:25 PM
Ha haaaaaa! Please don't get me started. I'll see you guys after the Super Bowl.
02-01-2015 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
Ha haaaaaa! Please don't get me started. I'll see you guys after the Super Bowl.
You mean the spectacle to distract the masses from Bilderberg something something.
02-01-2015 , 11:50 PM
I'm sure there will be a sober, thoughtful analysis of all the Illuminati symbolism in this year's halftime show that I can copy and paste around to a few threads.

OMG. WTF. Was that real life?
