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01-27-2015 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Finkelstein can get a job in Academia anytime he wants. But he wants to live in New York or a a few other major cities and teach at schools which have reputations befitting a scholar of his stature, and he is a bit too controversial for that. He would rather write books than accept a less desirable teaching position than he deserves due to politics.

Dershowitz might be the most preeminent legal legal scholar on some niche, I don't really know. I will grant you any credentials you want in terms of legal scholarship. But when he tried to write on politics and history in his book The Case for Israel, he relied heavily (to put it nicely) a book which he apparently didn't realize was itself was a fraud. Finkelstein had earlier exposed the book Dershowitz borrowed from book as a fraud, and then went on to expose Dershowitz's book as a fraud despite the threats of the highly litigious Dershowitz to sue the company publishing Finkelstein's criticism until he "owned" it lol. Since he couldn't challenge Finkelstein on the the merits of his criticism either academically or legally (because Finkelstein's criticism was completely valid), Dershowitz used his weighty influence to railroad Finkelstein's bid for tenure.
lol, Deuces thinks Norman Finklestein can have any job he wants, but he moved to Turkey and hangs out with Hezbollah instead. Good call.

Anyhoo, funny you should say that "Finklestein exposed Dershowitz's book as a fraud." Because Harvard University's Faculty of Law investigated and found that the charges of plagiarism were "without merit".

And your assertion that Finklestein's application for tenure was "railroaded by Dershowitz"? Well, President Suchar of DePaul University insisted that Finklestein was denied tenure because of his longstanding habit of personally attacking his opponents, his "unimpressive service record", and his "inflammatory polemics."

Suddenly, I'm totally unsurprised that you support his scholarship.

In fact, in the joint statement by DePaul and Finklestein, they both agreed that:

Professor Finkelstein has expressed the view that he should have been granted tenure and that third parties external to the University influenced DePaul in denying tenure. That is not so. Over the past several months, there has been considerable outside interest about the tenure decision. This attention was unwelcome and inappropriate. In the end, however, it had absolutely no impact on either the process or the final outcome.
Sure doesn't look to me like we can trust a single word you say.
01-28-2015 , 06:07 AM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
lol, Deuces thinks Norman Finklestein can have any job he wants, but he moved to Turkey and hangs out with Hezbollah instead. Good call.
I said he can get a teaching position a university any time he wants, not any position he wants. Pretty big difference there but I think you know that, career sophist that you are.

Originally Posted by Gamblor
Anyhoo, funny you should say that "Finklestein exposed Dershowitz's book as a fraud." Because Harvard University's Faculty of Law investigated and found that the charges of plagiarism were "without merit".
Harvard denied the plagiarism of their most visible professor? You don't say lol. This reminds of when you argued against a boycott by saying the workers at a factory which produced the product in question were against the boycott. Like, no ****!

You've got severe and selective blind spots. One blind spot is you have no ability to recognize that other people can see clear bias, that defensive reflex assertions have no merit. The details of the in-house "investigation" of the charges against Dershowitz have never been made public. And, of course, Dershowitz, because he is a huge exposed fraud and he knows it, never sued Finkelstein.

Here is a summary of the FInkelsteins plagiarism charge against Dershowitz, from wikipedia:

In addition, Finkelstein provided what he claimed is evidence of plagiarism in instances where Dershowitz reproduced the exact errors found in Peters's citation of original sources, and thus argues that Dershowitz did not check the original sources he cited, a claim that Dershowitz adamantly denied.

Finkelstein noted that in twenty instances that all occur within about as many pages, Dershowitz used some of the same words from the same sources that Joan Peters used, largely in the same order. Several paragraph-long quotations that the two books share have ellipses in the same position. Finkelstein claimed that in one instance Dershowitz refers to the same page number as Peters, although he is citing a different (1996) edition of the same source, in which the words appear on a different page. Finkelstein stated: "It is left to readers to decide whether Dershowitz committed plagiarism as defined by Harvard University—'passing off a source's information, ideas, or words as your own by omitting to cite them.
Anyone who wants to see some real politard porn/infotainment/drama should check out this video of the confrontation between Finkelstein and Dershowitz. This is what ignited my interest in the Israel/Palestine issue:

Incidentally, I had not known until I read it just now on wiki that Dershowitz asked then Governor Arnold Schwarzeneggar to intervene and prevent the University of California from publishing the book lololol. Wouldn't Dershowitz rather let Finkelstein publish the book and then ruin Finkelstein with a lawsuit rather than begging the Austrian muscleman for protection if Finkelstein's allegations were in fact false? lol Derpotwitz

Originally Posted by Gamblor
And your assertion that Finklestein's application for tenure was "railroaded by Dershowitz"? Well, President Suchar of DePaul University insisted that Finklestein was denied tenure because of his longstanding habit of personally attacking his opponents, his "unimpressive service record", and his "inflammatory polemics."

In fact, in the joint statement by DePaul and Finklestein, they both agreed that:

Sure doesn't look to me like we can trust a single word you say.
You post a gross misrepresentation and at the end offer a little line attacking someone's credibility. That's You are lying again on the issue, which is what you do every other post- it's nothing but lie lie lie, half truth, personal attacks and plagiarized agitprop. In this case you are intentionally misrepresenting the Universities statement as though it is also Finkelstein's statement, as though he agrees with it. It's not a shared statement and he doesn't agree with it. Again, Finkelstein and the university did not both agree on the quote you posted, which was from the University's statement. From Finkelstein's statement:

Based on this record, I should have received tenure. Indeed, after extensive scrutiny of my academic credentials, my department voted overwhelmingly to tenure me as did the college-level tenure committee, which voted unanimously in my favor. The only inference that I can draw is that I was denied tenure due to external pressures climaxing in a national hysteria that tainted the tenure process. The outpouring of support for me after the tenure denial from among the most respected scholars in the world buttresses this conclusion.
Emphasis mine.

Another blind spot of yours is to your own crappy record here. You don't have a lot of credibility when it comes to plagiarism because you've been busted for it here so many times and yet never own up to it in principal- you actually think it's ok. It's not a good look for you to come here and defend a fellow plagiarist who is also a pro-torture scumbag.
01-28-2015 , 09:28 AM
don't forget shilling for the NSA right alongside Hermann Goeri... I mean Michael Hayden -
01-28-2015 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
I said he can get a teaching position a university any time he wants, not any position he wants. Pretty big difference there but I think you know that, career sophist that you are.
So he found himself in Turkey, a true bastion of academic freedom and secular inquiry, by choice. loldeuces.

Harvard denied the plagiarism of their most visible professor? You don't say lol. This reminds of when you argued against a boycott by saying the workers at a factory which produced the product in question were against the boycott. Like, no ****!
lol, Deuces believes that Harvard University's Faculty of Law has no academic standards and is behind a conspiratorial cover-up to save the reputation of a "pro-torture scumbag".

You've got severe and selective blind spots. One blind spot is you have no ability to recognize that other people can see clear bias, that defensive reflex assertions have no merit. The details of the in-house "investigation" of the charges against Dershowitz have never been made public. And, of course, Dershowitz, because he is a huge exposed fraud and he knows it, never sued Finkelstein.
Ah right, back to name-calling. Deuces is right, Finklestein is an honest scholar who chose to be in Turkey, while Dershowitz is the filthy liar who didn't sue - not because Finklestein backed down, but because he can't sue.

Anyone who wants to see some real politard porn/infotainment/drama should check out this video of the confrontation between Finkelstein and Dershowitz. This is what ignited my interest in the Israel/Palestine issue:

Incidentally, I had not known until I read it just now on wiki that Dershowitz asked then Governor Arnold Schwarzeneggar to intervene and prevent the University of California from publishing the book lololol. Wouldn't Dershowitz rather let Finkelstein publish the book and then ruin Finkelstein with a lawsuit rather than begging the Austrian muscleman for protection if Finkelstein's allegations were in fact false? lol Derpotwitz
Wheeeee another candidate for induction itt.

You post a gross misrepresentation and at the end offer a little line attacking someone's credibility. That's You are lying again on the issue, which is what you do every other post- it's nothing but lie lie lie, half truth, personal attacks and plagiarized agitprop. In this case you are intentionally misrepresenting the Universities statement as though it is also Finkelstein's statement, as though he agrees with it. It's not a shared statement and he doesn't agree with it. Again, Finkelstein and the university did not both agree on the quote you posted, which was from the University's statement. From Finkelstein's statement:

Emphasis mine.
Ah, I sloppily attributed a "joint statement" to both of them, fair enough. And yet, that doesn't change that President of DePaul insists that none of the lobbying had anything to do with the decision to deny tenure to a man of "unimpressive contributions".

So, either there is a big secret conspiracy by the Harvard Faculty of Law and DePaul Univesity to quiet a Zionist lobby political witch hunt against a crazed "academic", or deuces is a complete ****ing idiot.

Another blind spot of yours is to your own crappy record here. You don't have a lot of credibility when it comes to plagiarism because you've been busted for it here so many times and yet never own up to it in principal- you actually think it's ok. It's not a good look for you to come here and defend a fellow plagiarist who is also a pro-torture scumbag.
Oh, right, I forgot you subscribed to the Norman Finklestein school of scholarship.

Last edited by Gamblor; 01-28-2015 at 12:46 PM.
01-28-2015 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
don't forget shilling for the NSA right alongside Hermann Goeri... I mean Michael Hayden -
Once again, reasonable debate about policy options and outcomes is usurped by childish name-calling and rhetoric.

Oh, Anacardo. You are too cute.
01-28-2015 , 02:40 PM
I want to say 'thanks' because you've inspired me to reread George Orwell's classic essay on nationalism as a mental illness.

A man whose non-Israel related greatest hits are the acquittal of O. J. Simpson and a spirited speaking tour for Stasi 2.0, and is currently facing accusations of pederasty. But he's for Israel so he's a great man and all is forgiven.
01-28-2015 , 03:22 PM
Could read Dershowitz wiki page for a little fuller understanding of the man.
01-28-2015 , 04:22 PM
[QUOTE=Anacardo;45972170]I want to say 'thanks' because you've inspired me to reread George Orwell's classic essay on nationalism as a mental illness. [/url]
Europe, North America, and the Middle East outside Israel have done a great job keeping Jews safe all this time. Bang up job. Nope, there's no reason I can see to justify Jewish nationalism.

Anacardo-types: "We hate all nationalism! To prove it, we'll go to the mat against Israel and Jewish nationalism. 8 million Jews is the most pressing issue! Sure, we'll eventually get to the other 6.995 billion people on earth. We'll eventually get to the race-based Arab nationalism and Muslim religious strife that slaughters millions, Latin American civil wars, Asian racism,, and North America. Probably. Maybe."


A man whose non-Israel related greatest hits are the acquittal of O. J. Simpson and a spirited speaking tour for Stasi 2.0, and is currently facing accusations of pederasty. But he's for Israel so he's a great man and all is forgiven.
...and more childish, unsubstantiated, meritless, rhetorical name-calling.

You really need help.


Last edited by Gamblor; 01-28-2015 at 04:44 PM.
01-29-2015 , 01:21 AM
I present the piece in its entirety. You should read it; everyone should, since it is, as with most of Orwell's ventures into sociology, awesome.
01-29-2015 , 06:38 AM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Could read Dershowitz wiki page for a little fuller understanding of the man.
You still narced up?
01-29-2015 , 06:48 AM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
Oh, right, I forgot you subscribed to the Norman Finklestein school of scholarship.
Damn right. "Aspire to" would be more accurate but who am I talking to? Accuracy is not really your thing. You subscribe to the plagiarist propagandist school where accuracy is incidental when it doesn't mean being exactly wrong.
01-29-2015 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
That's not exactly correct, but sure, let's run with it.

How is make genital mutilation different to female genital mutilation?
Originally Posted by ikestoys
There's loss of function and no real benefit to female genital mutilation.
Originally Posted by [Phill]
This is the same with male genital mutilation. No real benefit and lowered sensitivity with a high risk of complications.

There is a reason the nhs says there may be some benefits but there are definitely negatives and they "outweigh any potential benefits".

Just wait until the kid can give consent, this is the easiest solution with no downsides.
Originally Posted by champstark
Holy ****, Phill do you know what FGM (especially the most severe type practiced by millions in NE Africa) does to a woman?

She literally cannot have children, have sex, go the bathroom in any normal way, and is in constant pain her entire life.

To compare that loss of function to some supposed small amount of sexual enjoyment lost due to circumcision is not only a terrible comparison logically, it's morally repugnant that you find the two at all similar.
Originally Posted by [Phill]
They are on the same scale.

They are also both done due to backwards social and religious practices, period.
01-29-2015 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Deuces McKracken
Damn right. "Aspire to" would be more accurate but who am I talking to? Accuracy is not really your thing. You subscribe to the plagiarist propagandist school where accuracy is incidental when it doesn't mean being exactly wrong.
Happy you aspire to that.

Hey, maybe you'll also end up an outcast, fleeing to Turkey and hanging out with Hezbollah as well. You're already the Norman Finkelstein of two plus two, in that respect.

Last edited by Gamblor; 01-29-2015 at 10:30 AM.
01-29-2015 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
I present the piece in its entirety. You should read it; everyone should, since it is, as with most of Orwell's ventures into sociology, awesome.
I happen to enjoy Orwell's writing. Let's do some work, though: what are his academic credentials? Why should I trust his knowledge of national movements, beyond that I can identify some ideas that bear out sometimes in the real world, sometimes not?
01-29-2015 , 03:51 PM
I mean, *you* should read it because if you don't recognize yourself in that obsession-instability-indifference to reality trifecta, the placing of the object of one's adoration beyond good and evil with one's only duty to advance its interests, etc. - well, George is probably just another anti-Semite in some damn way or another, so let's move on.

Next on the Orwell Explains You to You Series - What Is Science?

Very short and thought provoking, and immediately brings to mind the argumentation we find in the 9/11 thread and the mindset and training behind it.
01-29-2015 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
I mean, *you* should read it because if you don't recognize yourself in that obsession-instability-indifference to reality trifecta, the placing of the object of one's adoration beyond good and evil with one's only duty to advance its interests, etc. - well, George is probably just another anti-Semite in some damn way or another, so let's move on.
You are a crazy one, aren't you? Psychological projection all up in this bitch.

Next on the Orwell Explains You to You Series - What Is Science?

Very short and thought provoking, and immediately brings to mind the argumentation we find in the 9/11 thread and the mindset and training behind it.
Orwell fanboy Anacardo takes his writing not as a warning, but as a manual: Down is up, black is white, and according to Anacardo, "Israel is the as ruthless as Sparta and as racist as Afrikaner South Africa."


Is the same as


Right. You seem so knowledgeable about Israel. And I'm the one who is indifferent to reality.
01-29-2015 , 06:08 PM
The anti-miscegenation task forces, the sundown laws, the statements made routinely and unapologetically by Knesset members that are about six inches from incitement to pogroms that would never fly about any other group in any supposedly 'Western democratic' nation - these are all just lies from anti-Semites and self-hating Jews?

Serious question that I'd really like if you could address as though I were not a political opponent but just a curious gentile - what, from your perspective, explains the psychology of a Blumethal, a Finkelstein, a Chomsky, a Peled the younger, wrt their hostile critical stance to Israeli society? Chomsky himself says the happiest time in his life was working on a kibbutz, that that was the seed of his philosophy of anarcho-syndicalism.

Last edited by Anacardo; 01-29-2015 at 06:16 PM.
01-29-2015 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
The anti-miscegenation task forces, the sundown laws, the statements made routinely and unapologetically by Knesset members that are about six inches from incitement to pogroms that would never fly about any other group in any supposedly 'Western democratic' nation - these are all just lies from anti-Semites and self-hating Jews?
Lol, every single one of those things exists throughout society up to the highest levels of government in every Western democratic state. Westboro Baptist Church, Tea Partiers, Golden Dawn, UKIP, every country has one or the other that gets some degree of support and a significant degree of condemnation. People gonna racist everywhere. But how can the President of the Supreme Court of Israel be Arab, or the Deputy Speaker of Parliament be Arab, in a country as "racist as Afrikaner South Africa", which couldn't even let whites and blacks be on the same beach together, let along vote?

What rock are you living under?

Serious question that I'd really like if you could address as though I were not a political opponent but just a curious gentile - what, from your perspective, explains the psychology of a Blumethal, a Finkelstein, a Chomsky, a Peled the younger, wrt their hostile critical stance to Israeli society? Chomsky himself says the happiest time in his life was working on a kibbutz, that that was the seed of his philosophy of anarcho-syndicalism.
What explains any position, anywhere? People like you mention are closer to Kahane then they are moderates. They picked an ideology - whether it's hardcore religious Zionism, or hardcore anti-Zionism, and just blast away at the cause. Any contrasting information is waved away.

Arab Muslims form 20% of citizenship, vote, and participate in society? Ignore that. They're either a) all terrorist murderers who must be transferred to Arab countries or b) it's a cover up for how much Israel wants to murder them all.

Here's a little secret: with the exception of Chomsky, every name you mentioned is on the outer fringe of society in Israel and in academia. There's what, like a dozen of these guys? And it's the same names over and over on mondoweiss, electronic intifada, alternet, and the other blogs.

Any story, no matter how limited its connection to reality, will have some uptake. Especially if a billion people are behind one version, or 10 million are behind the other.

For every bull**** claim by the BDS movement, they've had basically zero success convincing people of the justness of their cause. They've been blasting away at hundreds of universities - ground zero for impressionable minds - for decades now, and after all this time, what, like 2 student governments want to boycott Israel?

Last edited by Gamblor; 01-29-2015 at 07:51 PM.
01-29-2015 , 07:33 PM
I'm asking what you think motivates them. It seems difficult from the outside peg people who are American or Israeli Jews as simple anti-Semites.
01-29-2015 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
I'm asking what you think motivates them. It seems difficult from the outside peg people who are American or Israeli Jews as simple anti-Semites.
Why can't a Jew be an anti-semite?

Without suggesting that all of those guys are self-haters (each of their hatreds is unique for their own reasons):

How do you reconcile "Jews can't be self-haters" with "race and ethnicity do not impact the way people think, their environment does."

Last edited by Gamblor; 01-29-2015 at 08:00 PM.
01-29-2015 , 08:37 PM
I'm not saying they can't be or are (I certainly don't think so at all), but staying within your paradigm of 'these guys are anti-Semites,' I would think that of itself would at least suggest some kind of story as to how they got there, and if you perceive any common factors or the like.
01-29-2015 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
I'm not saying they can't be or are (I certainly don't think so at all), but staying within your paradigm of 'these guys are anti-Semites,' I would think that of itself would at least suggest some kind of story as to how they got there, and if you perceive any common factors or the like.
I didn't say they were all anti-semites. And each has their own reasons for their hate, and each hates their own things.

Each one of them, from Gilad Atzmon, to Max Blumenthal, to Norman Finkelstein, to Chomsky, to Shlomo Sand, to David Sheen, and so on, has their own reasons for their selective hate. They're humans, you'd have to know their whole lives. Maybe they were outcasts in kindergarten. Maybe they got beaten up in the army. Maybe their parents were hippies. Who knows, and who cares?

I'm interested in their work. And each of the their scholarship, in particular with respect to Israel (Chomsky is a brilliant linguist, if a horrible historian, for example), falls without exception in negative judgment on a whole country. They pretend Jews are merely a religion or a race (i.e. not a nation), so they can say a religious or racist state is evil (well duh). They pretend Jews aren't indigenous to Israel to call them colonizers. They pretend the Irgun initiated violence against Arabs when there were 17 years of Arab terror on Jews before the Irgun was even formed. They say the UN formed Israel so they can call it Western imperialism, when the Jews had a functioning state for decades before the UN even was formed and the UN General Assembly doesn't have the legal power to declare states anyway. They call Israel an apartheid state and ignore that Palestinian Arabs are citizens of the State of Palestine, which is recognized by almost the entire world. And then they still demand recognition of Palestine but ignore that "Palestine" has virtually none of the qualities required for statehood recognition under the Montevideo Convention. They ignore that East Jerusalem and the entire "West Bank" had a continuous Jewish population from the beginning of recorded history until 1949, when they were ethnically cleansed by the Jordanians, and now they hold an anomalous 19-year period of history as the standard for peace, because "settlers". They misinterpret human rights conventions about "population transfers" (hint: it doesn't apply to voluntary migration by individuals, even if induced by governments), "disproportionate response" (it applies to military objectives, not "the number of people killed"), anything and everything. Literally any concept, law, or "human right" is not a universal ideal, it is a bludgeon to attack Israel.

I could go on forever. These are very fundamental concepts that these guys just ignore. Nobody's perfect, and mistakes happen. But if you're going to study a country, you'd think your mistakes would be equal opportunity. They might even criticize Israel with the attitude that "it's a fundamentally democratic country, but there are serious problems with racism" or something, and I might even agree. But not with these guys. Not with the university graduates who join Amnesty or HRW to live in comfortable hotels in Jerusalem or the "activist hotels" of Gaza.

My honest opinion? I don't know if they really entirely believe what they write. I mean, they must think that ultimately they're doing good for the world. But there's big money in speaking fees and lots of prestige in book deals and NGO funding. Big money. And yet, with all the big talk in the Arab world and oil money, there's no money for the actual Palestinians.

So I don't care why they hate Israel. Maybe they're anti-semites, I don't know, and it doesn't matter. But their work makes very clear that they have a particular hate for Israel, and I don't care why they pick on a state of 8 million people and a conflict that has killed about a third of the people in its entire 100-year history, than Assad has killed in the last 24 months. let alone the rest of the Arab world, Africa, or Asia.

Last edited by Gamblor; 01-29-2015 at 11:00 PM.
01-30-2015 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by Anacardo
Holy crap is this thread far behind.

Deuces is a hero, you guys are lol, the '29 redacted pages' are ultimately not just protecting Saudi puppets but also Mossad, who for my money was the shop the operation was contracted out to in most of its detail and execution, through their neocon PNAC allies.
I have no idea if Anacardo was serious here. But, either you're talking to someone who thinks Mossad planned most of the details and execution of 9/11 or you're liable to be talking to someone who is just ****ing with you.
01-30-2015 , 01:09 AM
That's pretty much the conclusion I've drawn, yes. Drawing any hard and fast line between Mossad, CIA and MI6 is pretty fruitless, though. Of course one can't forget the Saudis, but their intelligence networks are just cutouts for ours - they supplied the patsies.
01-30-2015 , 01:32 AM
