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The GOP has two kinds of voters: rich people and suckers The GOP has two kinds of voters: rich people and suckers

03-19-2015 , 07:38 PM
Do you ever ask questions that aren't begged, ridiculous, and/or accusatory?
03-20-2015 , 01:45 AM
I haven't voted for a R president since 2000, for the first time ever in 2012 I didn't vote in a presidential election and I probably will do the same in 16. I do work in a metal shop with many of the people you speak of. Working middle class who vote R. The main reasons I hear from them are they see D's as the party of welfare recipients and dead beats. Also many of them just want to be left alone and see the D's as authoritarians that want to get involved in every aspect of people's lives.
03-20-2015 , 01:55 AM
Originally Posted by sweep single
I haven't voted for a R president since 2000, for the first time ever in 2012 I didn't vote in a presidential election and I probably will do the same in 16. I do work in a metal shop with many of the people you speak of. Working middle class who vote R. The main reasons I hear from them are they see D's as the party of welfare recipients and dead beats. Also many of them just want to be left alone and see the D's as authoritarians that want to get involved in every aspect of people's lives.
great points. classic fascist propaganda. demonize the 'other'.

that's arguably a better description of conservatives.
03-20-2015 , 02:00 AM
Republicans are false libertarians.

Democrats are veiled socialists.
03-20-2015 , 02:09 AM
socialism, in this country, helped to build the most prosperous middle-class the world has known. a middle-class isn't the natural state of capitalism. you need wealth redistribution, regulations, etc. this is obvious.
03-20-2015 , 02:46 AM
Originally Posted by PoundingTheUnder
socialism, in this country, helped to build the most prosperous middle-class the world has known. a middle-class isn't the natural state of capitalism. you need wealth redistribution, regulations, etc. this is obvious.
lol...I think you've confused that with capitalism, which allows even the poor to prosper:

As Grover Norquist wrote about the president’s recent state of the union address: “The grinding poverty of the Middle Ages had great income equality. Even the kings didn’t have indoor plumbing or electricity. No one had life extending health care. Mao’s China gave us another prolonged period of great income equality. The frenetic first days of the French Revolution reduced income inequality by lopping off the heads of the aristocracy — the political bosses of the day.”

Liberal hypocrisy on material equality extends further into their misguided quest to raise the minimum wage, a token gesture which has only certain beneficiaries, namely those who are already employed. Those who suffer are those who do not have a voice in the debate, the unskilled who are priced out of the marketplace due to an employers unwillingness to take a risk on someone who may not be able to provide enough value to compensate for the governments demand on their wages.
Income equality isn't as great as you've been led to believe.

Socialism is the reason for the decline of the middle class. Those that are wealthier than the middle class -- the rich -- become burdened with more taxes and regulations, while those less fortunate still barely manage to get by due to inefficiencies in redistribution. The middle class itself gets squeezed to either end of the spectrum in the process, thus shrinks.

Apparently you're unaware of unintended consequences. Extra costs imposed on businesses ultimately get passed down to the consumer.

Last edited by Proph; 03-20-2015 at 02:53 AM.
03-20-2015 , 11:25 AM
rich people and people who think they will one day be rich.
03-20-2015 , 01:20 PM
If democrats can't sell "our policies benefit you more than our opponents'," then who's the real suckers here?
03-20-2015 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by sweep single
I haven't voted for a R president since 2000, for the first time ever in 2012 I didn't vote in a presidential election and I probably will do the same in 16. I do work in a metal shop with many of the people you speak of. Working middle class who vote R. The main reasons I hear from them are they see D's as the party of welfare recipients and dead beats. Also many of them just want to be left alone and see the D's as authoritarians that want to get involved in every aspect of people's lives.
I can never grasp how people that want to be, "left alone," would ever vote Republican.

Republicans want to tell you who you can sleep with and when it's morally acceptable to sleep with them (never if you happen to be gay), what drugs you can put in your body, which pieces of cloth are acceptable to burn, etc. etc.

They also support heavy handed police operations like prostitution stings, no knock warrants, racial profiling, and stop & frisk.

Edit: And I forgot to mention all the surveillance state stuff. Although far too many Dems are guilty of that as well.
03-20-2015 , 03:28 PM
proph, not really looking to engage in this debate with you. let's just accept that we're at two different ends of the political spectrum (on economics) and leave it at that.

it's an exercise in futility, neither of us are going to budge.
03-20-2015 , 03:39 PM
I can never grasp how people that want to be, "left alone," would ever vote Republican.

If Dems don't challenge that Rs are the party of staying out of your life, then they give that issue away.
03-20-2015 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by PoundingTheUnder
proph, not really looking to engage in this debate with you. let's just accept that we're at two different ends of the political spectrum (on economics) and leave it at that.

it's an exercise in futility, neither of us are going to budge.
You pity Republicans, but you're also a victim of the false left-right paradigm.

If there is a spectrum to look at, it is tyranny versus freedom; and Republicrats both lean towards the side of tyranny.
03-21-2015 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by PoundingTheUnder
ok dip****. why do working class people vote republican?

it's obvious, they're stupid and they buy into wedge issues.

what are wedge issues meant to do?

obviously meant to divide us so we can be conquered.

wake the **** up kid. one of us is stupid and it's certainly not me.
Is there anybody in real life that can stand being around you?
03-21-2015 , 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by AZcats
Is there anybody in real life that can stand being around you?
lol, you must be one of the 'suckers'.
03-21-2015 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by PoundingTheUnder
lol, you must be one of the 'suckers'.
You still think you're exempt from gullibility?

Originally Posted by Proph
You pity Republicans, but you're also a victim of the false left-right paradigm.

If there is a spectrum to look at, it is tyranny versus freedom; and Republicrats both lean towards the side of tyranny.
03-21-2015 , 05:17 AM
Originally Posted by PoundingTheUnder
lol, you must be one of the 'suckers'.
I don't vote.

What I said about you in my last post has nothing to do with you or me being an R or D and everything to do with how amazingly annoying you come off as a person.

I would pay money to be able to see how incompatible you are with society.
03-21-2015 , 06:00 AM
Originally Posted by AZcats
I don't vote.

What I said about you in my last post has nothing to do with you or me being an R or D and everything to do with how amazingly annoying you come off as a person.

I would pay money to be able to see how incompatible you are with society.
says the guy who's been a hostile c*nt from the outset.

why are you so obsessed with everything i say?

in fact don't even answer that, just end your obsession.
03-21-2015 , 06:12 AM
the idiot's proud of the fact that he doesn't vote. because we all know that everyone is exactly the same...

wonder if this idiot considered the fact that if 40% of people started voting for random 3rd party candidates to 'voice dissent', it might break up this 'right-left paradigm' he's talking about.

but no... like a nutless, loser outcast, he opts to do nothing.

c'mon guy. what you thinking calling me out? of course i'm gonna light your ass up.
03-21-2015 , 08:34 AM
PtU makes me want to vote republican.
03-21-2015 , 10:40 AM
Careful now, he might fly even further off the handle and start threatening you

Dude is rather unhinged, fairly uneducated, and completely sure everyone else is the idiot.
03-21-2015 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by PoundingTheUnder
the idiot's proud of the fact that he doesn't vote. because we all know that everyone is exactly the same...

wonder if this idiot considered the fact that if 40% of people started voting for random 3rd party candidates to 'voice dissent', it might break up this 'right-left paradigm' he's talking about.

but no... like a nutless, loser outcast, he opts to do nothing.

c'mon guy. what you thinking calling me out? of course i'm gonna light your ass up.
Not voting is a vote against the available alternatives. The problem is that the electoral system doesn't accord it any importance.

The none of the *******s above option has won every major election in the US for many years.
03-21-2015 , 02:34 PM
Here's a more interesting question than the original OP: Are obese people (like half the US) more likely to vote Republican? My hypothesis is that the answer is YES, and that Republicans are really the party of people too fat to help themselves (to anything except a second helping).
03-21-2015 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
PtU makes me want to vote republican.
enjoy that.
03-21-2015 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by Anais
Careful now, he might fly even further off the handle and start threatening you

Dude is rather unhinged, fairly uneducated, and completely sure everyone else is the idiot.

what points have you made to suggest that i'm actually the idiot and you're smarter than me? lets get real, that's what this forum is all about right.

you know that formal education and intelligence aren't mutually exclusive?
03-21-2015 , 02:54 PM
Yes, I'm aware of that. But you want to ignore any evidence that proves your superiority complex is unfounded. So you're an idiot.

Originally Posted by stealinpotatoes
Here's a more interesting question than the original OP: Are obese people (like half the US) more likely to vote Republican? My hypothesis is that the answer is YES, and that Republicans are really the party of people too fat to help themselves (to anything except a second helping).
Actually that's a thing. The more obese states tended to support Mittens Q. RMoney in 2012.
