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!!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year !!! Gay conservative Milo Yiannopoulos named LGBTQ Nation's 2016 Person of the Year

02-03-2017 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
And yet you can't be bothered to say what it was, or post a link to it. Pathetic, just truly bottom drawer pathetic. Sad!
Also what ninja edit? It was there the whole time. I just bolded it.

This is getting really pathetic bro.
02-03-2017 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Lol you're so mad. Just keep accusing me of whatever you want. Not a single thing you say is credible. I'm a bigot, yet I advocate for civil rights for ALL people including morons like you and Richard Spencer. Thats literally the antithesis of a bigot. Your flailing is so pathetic. Sorry I've made you question you're own morality and I'm sure the conclusions you're reaching about yourself are not good.

Sucks to realize you're a violent bigot. At least you can admit it now.
It's a common reaction out of them. As soon as you make them question their positions or morality they will turn and attack you in every way they can. It's child like behavior. I think in person they would just break down and cry.

In fact, I'm sure they do exactly that.
02-03-2017 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Its right ****ing there.

Post 1214 the bolded quote. Read it.

There is no slippery slope of you are willing to eat an assault charge.
They're amazed at your lack of reading comprehension, in case you're wondering.
02-03-2017 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by 5ive
They're amazed at your lack of reading comprehension, in case you're wondering.
Now I can't read. Lol another 3rd grader.

Bad arguments. Bad insults. Anything you good guys are good at?
02-03-2017 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Now I can't read. Lol another 3rd grader.

Bad arguments. Bad insults. Anything you good guys are good at?
02-03-2017 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
I insult you because you deserve to be insulted. I own my bigotry where you don't nor do I hide behind my piety. You make baseless claims and then run away from supporting them. While your words speak for themselves I do enjoy calling you an ******* just in case someone is just skimming the thread.
Notice the signalling. We see it, kerowo! You're a good white person!!!
02-03-2017 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I care, and apparently you care quite a bit if you're so wound up over it.

When I say "everyone hates you people" do you honestly think I'm making that up? Like, that's a very broad and harsh thing to say, but do you question the validity of it?

The entire Western world is sick of your type. It's not magic that conservatives are being elected all across different countries in the Western world.

We. Are. Sick. Of. You. People. Go the **** away.
02-03-2017 , 08:29 PM
Turtle, how do you have such poor comprehension? A slippery slope argument is "if you allow x, then y will happen." I am stating that there is no slippery slope, because nothing is changing. There is nothing being allowed that is not currently allowed. If you punch somebody, you are liable to face consequences for your action. To say this is a slippery slope to genocide, as you did, is absolutely ridiculous. Violence is not condoned by the state nor is it condoned. Donald Trump incited more violence at his rallies than "sjw" have online against *literal nazis.* I'm sure you have a slippery slope argument against the most powerful man in the world saying he would pay the legal bills of anybody who punches a protestor, right? That seem like a much easier case to be made.

The thing is, saying "it's OK to punch a nazi" has a certain kind of person, like turtle furious. I've looked at his posting history. He has basically never talked about a subject as much as defending nazis from violence. Hmm.
02-03-2017 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by turtletom
Also what ninja edit? It was there the whole time. I just bolded it.

This is getting really pathetic bro.
If I can quote a post that doesn't have text in it after I reload the page that means you went back and edited your post to add the extra text.
02-03-2017 , 08:33 PM
I genuinely wonder if turtle understands what a slippery slope is or what the phrase "eating a charge" meant. It seems they kind of went over his head.
02-03-2017 , 08:38 PM
Meanwhile, Milo just sold another book.
02-03-2017 , 08:40 PM
You know you guys could go into tanning booths for a while and cover up some of your whiteness, right? Maybe get a Jheri curl or something.
02-03-2017 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
You know you guys could go into tanning booths for a while and cover up some of your whiteness, right? Maybe get a Gerri curl or something.
This was another quality, content filled post from Wil. I long questioned why Wil never became a writer. Did he find his calling in life another way? Did he not have the courage to showcase his tremendous skills to the rest of the world? If he had become the world renowned water we see he is capable with these kind of insights multiple times a day, what would his life be like now? Would Trump have been elected if we had this kind of thinker elevated onto the global stage to speak for the people? We shall never know unfortunately.
02-03-2017 , 08:45 PM
Wil tried to be a writer but never got around to proof reading any of his books.
02-03-2017 , 08:45 PM
What? I corrected the spelling of Jheri curl, jeeze.
02-03-2017 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Wil tried to be a writer but never got around to proof reading any of his books.
I never did such thing. Writing doesn't interest me in the least bit.
02-03-2017 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
What? I corrected the spelling of Jheri curl, jeeze.

02-03-2017 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
This was another quality, content filled post from Wil. I long questioned why Wil never became a writer. Did he find his calling in life another way? Did he not have the courage to showcase his tremendous skills to the rest of the world? If he had become the world renowned water we see he is capable with these kind of insights multiple times a day, what would his life be like now? Would Trump have been elected if we had this kind of thinker elevated onto the global stage to speak for the people? We shall never know unfortunately.
I'd much rather prefer being a bad writer and correct than a good one and wrong about everything in the universe. Reading your posts just makes me laugh. Like, do people actually take you seriously in real life? I couldn't imagine hearing your type of spew in any public setting without people either bursting out laughing or walking away from you in disgust.
02-03-2017 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo

Apparently YOU didn't get the joke. Lol @ you thinking I didn't realize what he was saying when I talked about the Jheri curl.

02-03-2017 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
I'd much rather prefer being a bad writer and correct than a good one and wrong about everything in the universe. Reading your posts just makes me laugh. Like, do people actually take you seriously in real life? I couldn't imagine hearing your type of spew in any public setting without people either bursting out laughing or walking away from you in disgust.
For the amount you have shared about your private life and the failings you have had in social settings and with other people, perhaps this is not a road you should go down.
Shall I remind you of the two things you are most remembered for on 2p2 and how each instance worked out for you?
02-03-2017 , 09:00 PM
Here is an excellent summary of all of this:

Just watch the first three minutes and tell me you condone that stuff.
02-03-2017 , 09:02 PM
Just checking in to see if we figured out whether targeted harassment was free speech
02-03-2017 , 09:04 PM
Lord, do you condone the outing of LGBT students without their knowledge, which was why Milo was there? You know, since you said anti sjw never ruin the lives of others.
02-03-2017 , 09:14 PM
Haven't the idiot posters learned that no one watches youtube videos?
02-03-2017 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by wil318466
Apparently YOU didn't get the joke. Lol @ you thinking I didn't realize what he was saying when I talked about the Jheri curl.

Hmm, the only thing that comes to mind is some variation of being called a ****** lover. is that what your super funny joke was?
