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Fact, feminist theory, or...? Fact, feminist theory, or...?

02-10-2014 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Your argument above basically says 'I assume it's not due to discrimination, therefore it's not due to discrimination'. Not very convincing.
I agree there are alot of assumptions but that goes both ways. You guys assume that since there is a difference there is discrimination. When i brought that up in regards to custody i got told that men dont want to take responsibility as much.

All we really know is that the more variables we put in the more the gap shrinks.
Another thing im curious about is if there is a difference in pay between the same sex if they have the same experience.
02-10-2014 , 10:10 AM
Do you... know how science works?
02-10-2014 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
First, walk into any clinic, get free condoms. It's not hard.

Second, clearly you're not reading links that are being posted (otherwise you might remember one of the seven perks listed in that one article alone), so you're just a troll like shakira and not worth debating. Enjoy slapping each other's backs on your awesome troll efforts.
Still you fail to point out why this is an injustice. Yes the pill has benefits but that has nothing to do with it. Imagine the cost if the state should give out all pills that have benefits for free.
02-10-2014 , 10:19 AM
By the state do you mean private insurance that people pay money for?

Also, the benefits might outweigh the cost, what with fewer children, lower cancer rates, etc
02-10-2014 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Contraceptives are primarily a female issue because men can't get pregnant.

I agree that all contraceptives should be subsidized, but allowing women to take control of whether they get pregnant is obv better.
From a pure health perspective the condom is the best option.
02-10-2014 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
By the state do you mean private insurance that people pay money for?

Also, the benefits might outweigh the cost, what with fewer children, lower cancer rates, etc
Im Swedish so for us it is the state. It doesnt matter though because its still about money.

You say the benefits might outweigh the costs. If that where the case you dont think the insurance companies would jump on that right away?

Ill ask once again where is the injustice? Do you think that if men where the ones needing to take the pill it would be free? That the insurance companies would say that we will take a loss on this because you men deserve it?
02-10-2014 , 10:37 AM
Yes, if men needed the pill it would be free. Like how the boner pill is covered by insurance.
02-10-2014 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
Another thing im curious about is if there is a difference in pay between the same sex if they have the same experience.
Originally Posted by Bloobird
The comparison is between men and women with the same amount of experience doing the same jobs.
Damn, at least read my posts.
02-10-2014 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
I agree there are alot of assumptions but that goes both ways. You guys assume that since there is a difference there is discrimination.
Being paid less for the same job is discrimination. Saying 'I assume it isn't due to discrimination therefore it isn't' which is literally what you said is no argument at all.
02-10-2014 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
Yes, if men needed the pill it would be free. Like how the boner pill is covered by insurance.
Men needing to take the "boner pill" is usually a medical condition. Taking the birth controll pill isnt.
02-10-2014 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Damn, at least read my posts.
I took that up because of the variables. If there is a difference in same sex pay with the same experience that might give us even more clues about what reasons there are for the pay gap.
02-10-2014 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
Men needing to take the "boner pill" is usually a medical condition. Taking the birth controll pill isnt.
I am pretty goddamn sure being pregnant is a medical condition by any sensible definition of the word.
02-10-2014 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Being paid less for the same job is discrimination. Saying 'I assume it isn't due to discrimination therefore it isn't' which is literally what you said is no argument at all.
If you want the same pay for the same job you need to start pushing for communism. Ive been employed by a big company where pretty much all off us had the same amount of education and experience but we all had very different pay. Where alot of people discriminated or can it have to do with how hard you work and how much time you spend up your bosses ass?
02-10-2014 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
If you want the same pay for the same job you need to start pushing for communism. Ive been employed by a big company where pretty much all off us had the same amount of education and experience but we all had very different pay. Where alot of people discriminated or can it have to do with how hard you work and how much time you spend up your bosses ass?
Yes but we're seeing a consistent pattern of women being paid less than men for the same jobs. Are women underperforming in the workplace compared to men? Or is this indicative of discrimination?

Answer seems obvious to me.
02-10-2014 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
I am pretty goddamn sure being pregnant is a medical condition by any sensible definition of the word.
Well for that you need a morning after pill or an abortion.
02-10-2014 , 11:10 AM
God you're dumb.

Which is typical for a men's rights troll.
02-10-2014 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
Well for that you need a morning after pill or an abortion.
Morning after pill not covered either lolobv.

Access to abortions greatly restricted in America and are you srsly suggesting women use abortions as their primary form of contraception what the ****?
02-10-2014 , 11:15 AM
Obtuse trolling or really a mind-blowingly stupid person. Either way, I can't see a reason to engage.
02-10-2014 , 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Yes but we're seeing a consistent pattern of women being paid less than men for the same jobs. Are women underperforming in the workplace compared to men? Or is this indicative of discrimination?

Answer seems obvious to me.
Didnt you just tell me that assumptions are bad?

I got slammed really hard for making that exact assumption with a much larger discrepancy number when it came to the custody situation.

If it was so that women didnt perform as good as men would that be a bad thing? When it comes to sports we have no trouble accepting that so why cant that be a possibilty in the work place?
02-10-2014 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Morning after pill not covered either lolobv.

Access to abortions greatly restricted in America and are you srsly suggesting women use abortions as their primary form of contraception what the ****?
Using a preventive measure is not a condition that was my point.
02-10-2014 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
Using a preventive measure is not a condition that was my point.
Well then we shouldn't fund any preventative measures. Who needs vaccinations anyway YOU ****ING MORON?
02-10-2014 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
Men needing to take the "boner pill" is usually a medical condition. Taking the birth controll pill isnt.
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
Using a preventive measure is not a condition that was my point.

Birth control is also used for many many off-label things.
02-10-2014 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
If it was so that women didnt perform as good as men would that be a bad thing? When it comes to sports we have no trouble accepting that so why cant that be a possibilty in the work place?
Because there is no srs evidence that women underperform in the workplace.

And there's lots of evidence that, for example, recruiters handed an identical CV, one with a man's name, one with a woman's, will favour the man.
02-10-2014 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Bloobird
Because there is no srs evidence that women underperform in the workplace.

And there's lots of evidence that, for example, recruiters handed an identical CV, one with a man's name, one with a woman's, will favour the man.
There are also no serious evidence that women gets discriminated solely on their gender because then we wouldnt have this discussion.

When it comes to the CV´s since you didnt post a source i cant really go to deep but im wondering how that study is controlled. Is it only on high education positions in workplaces where men are a majority? Is it controlled against places where women are a majority? Male recruiter female recruiter? Its always so black or white.
02-10-2014 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by sputnik3000
There are also no serious evidence that women gets discriminated solely on their gender because then we wouldnt have this discussion.
Yes, there is.
