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Entitlement Reform UNCHAINED Entitlement Reform UNCHAINED

03-20-2014 , 08:16 PM
Because not every single piece of trivia in the world ever has to come up any time two people communicate?

****, how do you function on a day to day basis?

You're like those asbergers people in that South Park episode
03-20-2014 , 08:17 PM
Which news outlets cover slavery all day every day, btw?

I would think that story is fairly old at this point and there's little to discover there.
03-20-2014 , 08:23 PM
Also, lol what substance?
03-20-2014 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
Also, lol what substance?
Like I said, college is part of the scam to transfer wealth through inflation to the bankers and lawyers who produce nothing.
03-20-2014 , 08:35 PM
Oh right, and don't forget, THE FEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

03-20-2014 , 08:36 PM
We get it, you prefer to change the subject, always, rather than addressing anything whatsoever. Because otherwise you might ha... LOOK OVER THERe!!!
03-20-2014 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Nope, I actually took one African American at Univ of Arizona. And ironically (not bull****ting whatsoever) I was one of the 3 A's I got throughout college. It was odd too, because I was certain I was getting a C in the class or at very best a B, and got an A. I think she boosted me up for being one of like 3 white people in the class.

It was an interesting class, but my point is...the cost of tuition for largely worthless classes (especially gen ed requirements) followed by leaning mostly useless information when it comes to working in the real world.

Like I said, college is part of the scam to transfer wealth through inflation to the bankers and lawyers who produce nothing.
Have you ever bothered to see how much more someone stands to earn with a bachelors? Yes even including a bachelors in any of those 'garbage' degrees.
03-20-2014 , 09:18 PM
Statistically, people who complete a college education make a better income then those who don't go. There are countless skills where the people who do them learn what they need at school.

As in almost every thread, real world evidence shows that silver is wrong.

Now- what we can agree on is that there are many people who college shouldn't be in college. And many people who attend who do not make the best of it. And many people who simply can't hack it. I think we can all agree that it was a waste of time and money for silver. Though we would all disagree on whether or not that is the fault of college or his own.
03-20-2014 , 10:13 PM

Do you think your rich dad is disappointed that his son turned out to be a degenerate halfwit who couldn't even get good grades at a safety school and ended selling coupon books door to door like a ****ing girl scout troop raising money for the big trip for a LIVING as an adult? While, P.S., being a vile subhuman racist coward.

Or do you think he blames your mom for drinking so much when she was pregnant with you?
03-20-2014 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf

Or do you think he blames your mom for drinking so much when she was pregnant with you?
03-20-2014 , 10:21 PM
Silver definitely knows, at some level, that he's just fundamentally human garbage. That's why he has this bizarre obsession with pointing out OTHER people doing bad stuff(allegedly, like half the time he's just inventing character flaws for others). He knows, in his heart, that his disability is permanent and all he can hope to do is point out that some other people have flaws or did bad ****.

But that is on them. Some Africans in the 1600s were *******s? Absolutely, **** those guys. LOL that you think people aren't aware of it, like it's some conspiracy that only you and your most trustworthy racist friends on Youtube cracked.

But Silver, you're the one who has to live the rest of your life in the here and now. You're the one who has to worry that if you ever have a kid they'll turn out slow like you did. That has to eat you up.

You get reminded of your ****ing inferiority every time you see Mexicans at a gas station and get scared, or have to calculate the tip on a $9 meal at Denny's and have to use the calculator on your phone.
03-20-2014 , 10:24 PM
I mean you hear it all day everyday in certain news outlets and evil white people blah blah blah having black slaves and our past is checkered and evil.
For example, what ****ing news outlet are you talking about here? You're making that **** up. Do you honestly think anyone else posting in this thread is as stupid and illinformed as you?

Like you can see the childishness of Silver's mind. He gets ANGRY when some "libtard" disagrees with him about how great and smart Washington and Jefferson were. That the founding fathers were great and learned men isn't up for debate! IT IS KNOWN! THEY ARE THE SMARTEST AND BEST. THEY LOVED FREEDOM AND GOODNESS.

Literally, the mind of a child. It rebels against nuance.
03-20-2014 , 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
I think we can all agree that it was a waste of time and money for silver.
And many others...
03-21-2014 , 12:51 AM
Silver, what's your assessment of how you ended up where you are? How did you get to being well into your 20s with zero traction? You must realize the pooch yo f***ed to be where you're currently at considering the advantages you had going in.

Are you in straight denial? You blame all those out groups you hate for your failures? Blame those Feds who slapped daddy's wrists for scamming the system? How do you process your current situation?
03-21-2014 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Silver, what's your assessment of how you ended up where you are? How did you get to being well into your 20s with zero traction? You must realize the pooch yo f***ed to be where you're currently at considering the advantages you had going in.

Are you in straight denial? You blame all those out groups you hate for your failures? Blame those Feds who slapped daddy's wrists for scamming the system? How do you process your current situation?
What is the assessment of yours? Taking women's studies classes and married at 21? 22? ****ing brilliant! To someone I can guarantee isn't higher than a 5. No hot chicks get married at 22, and no hot chicks marry guys who look for help on a women's studies classes on 2+2. And hoping to get an internship for no pay?

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 03-21-2014 at 01:09 AM.
03-21-2014 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter

Are you in straight denial? You blame all those out groups you hate for your failures? Blame those Feds who slapped daddy's wrists for scamming the system? How do you process your current situation?
Dude, my dad is a Fed supporter...

What does your dad do?
03-21-2014 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Dude, my dad is a Fed supporter...

What does your dad do?
I promise ill answer your question after you satisfactorily answer mine.

We all know your dad's fine for being shady took him from a 0.1% earner down almost to dirty Mexican SES level, barely edging into the 1% category. It's a hard knock life for all involved I'm sure. I mean, the guy can't even throw money at mom to get her bills paid, and you're too ______ to unstack all your lol silver to buy her a coffee or something to get her mind off it.

But seriously, Silverdude. When you reflect on how you ended up where you are, what to you ID as the biggest influencers in getting you off course? Where do you place the responsibility?
03-21-2014 , 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter

But seriously, Silverdude. When you reflect on how you ended up where you are, what to you ID as the biggest influencers in getting you off course? Where do you place the responsibility?
I'm not off course...I'm plugging along doing something that legit helps people, for free, and I make money doing it.

I got laid off a few years ago and took my savings back to Arizona, and kind of coasted playing poker trying to find other employment, and decided to go with it. It is a great platform run by a young entrepreneur and we are making money the right way, by way of utilizations.

I mean I don't get it? Because I didn't go get a law degree I'm a failure? I have busted my ass the past couple years more than you could ever imagine.

But because I am helping people, instead of becoming a lawyer who is out to screw people, you make fun of me for helping the very people (the poor) that you are so concerned about.

Maybe I should invest in real estate? maybe buy a couple houses and then wait for the housing market to tank again and lose my ass? All for a measly 1k a month in passive income? And a 30 year mortgage to make the corporations more money? The corporations you hate?

WTF do you care anyway? I mean I'm giving you a hard time about the women's studies class but that isn't a big deal. Great your taking one of 800 worthless useless information classes that colleges offer. Big deal.
03-21-2014 , 06:13 AM
is silver_dunce really going with the "my dad has a more important job than your dad, and my girlfriend/wife is hotter than yours" line of arguing?

Solid stuff, bro. Break out them grade school playground tactics. You're a big man!
03-21-2014 , 07:51 AM
I want to hear more about this layoff.
03-21-2014 , 07:55 AM
Would wager Silverman is scamming poor people with his lol cards
03-21-2014 , 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
I'm not off course...I'm plugging along doing something that legit helps people, for free, and I make money doing it.

I got laid off a few years ago and took my savings back to Arizona, and kind of coasted playing poker trying to find other employment...

I mean I don't get it? Because I didn't go get a law degree I'm a failure? I have busted my ass the past couple years more than you could ever imagine.

But because I am helping people, instead of becoming a lawyer who is out to screw people, you make fun of me for helping the very people (the poor) that you are so concerned about.

WTF do you care anyway? I mean I'm giving you a hard time about the women's studies class but that isn't a big deal. Great your taking one of 800 worthless useless information classes that colleges offer. Big deal.
Busted your ass? Maybe I don't understand. So how long have you been Coupon_Man2 for? Didn't you say earlier that the job was easy, that you earned residuals and only worked like 10-15 hours a week?

So do you currently live in Arizona, or did you move back to daddy in MI? Suddenly all the 'Mexican' commentary falls into place.

And I'd like a web link to support all this 'helping the poor' stuff. You show disdain for the poor each and every other time you mention them so I'm guessing the job to be a scheme involving thinly veiled exploitation.

Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
is silver_dunce really going with the "my dad has a more important job than your dad, and my girlfriend/wife is hotter than yours" line of arguing?

Solid stuff, bro. Break out them grade school playground tactics. You're a big man!

I've left him to do what he does best; ignorantly make assumptions about people! This is like the 3rd time he's assumed my efforts to undermine (or w/e he might say) him are rooted in daddy envy lol.

Silver, as a man of my word: Dad went to Brown University when he was 16, was an officer in the Navy, transitioned to leading Peace Corps efforts in Honduras, afterwards was the campaign manager for Senator Percy of Illinois, worked then as upper management for a bit back in the private sector around the time I was born before transitioning to being the CEO of the American Waterways Operators.

Not that there would have been anything at all wrong with a career as a plumber, nor would that have given me daddy envy of you or anyone else. My dad's character is unrelated to his income, but I don't expect you to understand that. Anyway, there you go...seems I'm not just a hater after all, am I Paris?

Originally Posted by zikzak
I want to hear more about this layoff.


Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Would wager Silverman is scamming poor people with his lol cards
03-21-2014 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Would wager Silverman is scamming poor people with his lol cards
they are free...

There is no signing up, nothing you have to pay up front in order to get the discount.

I hand you a card or you pick one up at one of my locations. You hand it to a pharmacist and you save money. Averages out to be about 35% -40% savings per claim.
03-21-2014 , 05:15 PM
Im sure you clearly and explicitly describe how their personal information from using the card will be used, right?
03-21-2014 , 07:58 PM
Pics of wife or GTFO
