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Entitlement Reform UNCHAINED Entitlement Reform UNCHAINED

02-28-2014 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
My job, I have gotten out over 150 thousand free prescription discount cards into the marketplace all over the valley for poor people to save lots of money on their medication. They can use the cards forever and as many times as they want and every time I use them and save I get 2$. So it is a pure volume play. The more and more I get out into the marketplace the higher my monthly checks are. But the usage rate is very low, like 1% per month for however many cards I get out there.
Are you a Scripts4Less Area Manager? I don't really get the business model. You have to pay for the cards up front? Is this an MLM thing?
02-28-2014 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
Are you a Scripts4Less Area Manager? I don't really get the business model. You have to pay for the cards up front? Is this an MLM thing?
No not Scips4Less, it is a different company.

A lot of these companies are set up MLM because it is easiest to make money that way but is obviously not sustainable. So they will preach more about signing people up than actually getting cards out into the marketplace to help people. With sign-up fees, monthly dues and crap is where they make most of their money.

And the temptation of easy money by just handing out 5 thousand cards and you start making money lures in a lot of people. And some of these companies will tout how if you hand out 5k cards you'll be making 500$ a month or 10% usage rate per month. Which is ridiculous, because it is like 1% or less on average.

And people don't realize this, and once they do realize it, and they are getting 40 or 50 bucks a month for getting 5k cards out there, which took a lot of time to get out there, it doesn't become worth it to them unless they can grind it out and get out 10's of thousands of cards, which takes a lot of time, gas money, and hustle.

I've actually had to tell other clinics when I see certain other cards there that actually advertise on the card to make money handing out cards on the front of the card and that they are trying to prey on these low income people to sign up and make money and they definitely won't make money and just pay out fees.

The company I'm with is grassroots from the start and making income purely off utilizations and helping people, I get all my cards for free, displays for free. So it is a pretty good deal with virtually zero competition with nobody doing this on the scale that I am in my area. It is a huge grind driving around, refilling and such, but on the flip side I can entertain you guys on 2+2 more often since it is residual and don't have to be out there everyday anymore.

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 02-28-2014 at 10:39 PM.
02-28-2014 , 10:34 PM
So why exactly your mom on the verge of being evicted from a small townhouse?
02-28-2014 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
So why exactly your mom on the verge of being evicted from a small townhouse?
Timing is everything, well played sir lol
02-28-2014 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
I've actually had to tell other clinics when I see certain other cards there that actually advertise on the card to make money handing out cards on the front of the card and that they are trying to prey on these low income people to sign up and make money and they definitely won't make money and just pay out fees.
Aren't these low income people the same idiots, ******s, moochers, and whores that cause your mother's taxes to be so high?

If they're not part of your friends or family, why would you care that they're being preyed upon?

Maybe there is some humanity left in you after all.

ETA: Unless you're just using it as a pretext to get rid of competing cards. Yeah, that's probably it.
03-01-2014 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by TheDuker
Aren't these low income people the same idiots, ******s, moochers, and whores that cause your mother's taxes to be so high?

If they're not part of your friends or family, why would you care that they're being preyed upon?
I'm not doing what I do for free...
03-01-2014 , 12:13 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
So why exactly your mom on the verge of being evicted from a small townhouse?
Because after all her bills the rest goes to taxes. She can't get ahead. She's not going to be evicted. She just can't get ahead.
03-01-2014 , 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by TheDuker

ETA: Unless you're just using it as a pretext to get rid of competing cards. Yeah, that's probably it.
Obv...but it is still true what I am saying...
03-01-2014 , 01:19 AM
I hope everyone else feels as satisfied as I do with what has been learned about Silverman. You gotta admit, it's much easier to sympathize with this character now that we know more about his background.

The kid grew up with a self-righteous egomaniac as a father, who began polluting his naive young mind with all sorts of lolbertarian garbage since childhood. SM witnesses dad berating mom regularly, at times even waking him up at night with the yelling and screaming over what likely were true accusations from mom regarding irresponsible financial decision making on his part. It's all just basic social learning theory in its purest, most influential form (childhood family dynamics); the bottom line is this kind of s*** makes lasting impressions on a kid.

Then you got the kid becoming an adult, all-the-while growing up in an environment which offers him more privilege and opportunity than the other 99.99% of the world will ever experience. Can you imagine the dissonance involved with knowing this to be true, but yet still managing to fall absolutely flat on expectations? To have all the world's doors just wide f***ing open to you, but not have the necessary skills required to merely walk in one?

Can you imagine how it must feel these days for SM2 to the hidden disappointment behind his father's eyes?

I for one get it, SM2. If I were you, I'd be spewing crazy amounts of frustration and anger all over these forums. While displacing all those icky feelings on us, it only makes sense you'd try and empower yourself by doing your best daddy impression while you're at it; liberty and freedom this, evil politician that, etc etc etc.

Your fans still have questions though, and until we get answers we'll just have to Sherlock Holmes it. Like we know dad made tons of money for quite some time. The fact that mom's having to sell the home and dad isn't referred to in this situation tells me a) dad abandoned mom (vice verse unlikely) for another (younger) woman and left you both pretty high and dry, or b) dad had a bunch of money seized for conducting shady business. Neither would surprise me much, though the combination would be particularly exciting info.

Anyway SM2, I feel I can now empathize properly with you, and similarly can forgive much of the painful-to-read ignorance that you spread around these forums. I wish you the best in life good sir.
03-01-2014 , 02:30 AM were right on point before...but not here...

No irresponsible financial decisions. You don't stay in a house worth up to 2.8 million for 20 years making irresponsible financial decisions. Any arguing was over my mom not getting enough cash flow because he was controlling.

Love how you assume he MUST have been involved in something shady because he is a big bad investment banker. Most investment bankers are good honest people, don't buy what the media tells you about them, kid.

Still have a good relationship with both parents.

Fall on expectations? Because I am not a scheister lawyer? I live comfortably, have a good amount of free time to do various things that I enjoy with that free time, and have enough cash coming in, not balling obv, but I'm fine. Ironically, it is kind of like getting a welfare check, except I worked for it, and continue working for it to keep increasing it.

See......while you are at your internship trying to get a job that might not materialize or at least not what you were expecting.....considering the horrible economy where people have lost jobs and losing jobs like crazy. I identified something I could do that would create peace of mind for me, after I got laid off in Chicago. Instead of doing the typical stuff many people do. I'm in a big city, virtually zero competition, and an endless market. Maybe in your mind it would probably be smart to go spend 200k on a law degree and then have little hope of getting a job in this horrible economy.

Mom left dad. My mom is 60 and has 30 and 40 year olds hitting on her, my dad is a fatass. She gets alimony just that a good chunk goes to taxes. It's ILLINOIS. People are fleeing the state. Wisconsin runs ads all the time attracting more and more Illinois businesses to their state because they know the taxes in Illinois are ridic.

I have no hate. Just believe in the constitution, liberty, and (economic) freedom.

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 03-01-2014 at 02:45 AM.
03-01-2014 , 11:18 AM
As someone doing pretty well right now, my biggest fear in life is having my kid grow up with Silver_man like attitudes and viewpoints
03-01-2014 , 09:59 PM
Gambool will have his kid grow up to slurping up the propaganda like the rest of the government educated electorate. And will probably push his kid to become a lawyer so he or she can be "successful" by earning an artificially high income off the back of honest goods producing Americans, while providing zero real value to society.
03-02-2014 , 06:51 AM
Funny how it's always the kids of rich folk who grow up lacking all empathy for anyone who isn't rich. Because if rich people won't look out for rich people, who will?

Serious questions: so how much was your mom's taxable income last year? How much are her monthly bills? How much in taxes will she owe for last year? Is she paying any back taxes? Does she have multiple jobs? Does she run her own business?

Can anyone else think of relevant questions to find out if she's really drowning in taxes? I'd hate for silverbug to be able to use some voodoo question-answering to escape the truth coming out like a shady banker or accountant hiding money off-shore or whatever.
03-02-2014 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
Funny how it's always the kids of rich folk who grow up lacking all empathy for anyone who isn't rich. ....
Keywords in a statement to indicate it is a loaded statement. The statement is BS on a few levels. It is form of a logical fallacy. What follows is a cross-examination basically. Since you were a rich kid you lack all empathy for people that aren't rich, Now you have to prove to me that you have any empathy for anyone that isn't rich.

Roonil, when did you stop ripping off people at every opportunity you had to do so ?
03-02-2014 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by Roonil Wazlib
Funny how it's always the kids of rich folk who grow up lacking all empathy for anyone who isn't rich. Because if rich people won't look out for rich people, who will?

Serious questions: so how much was your mom's taxable income last year? How much are her monthly bills? How much in taxes will she owe for last year? Is she paying any back taxes? Does she have multiple jobs? Does she run her own business?

Can anyone else think of relevant questions to find out if she's really drowning in taxes? I'd hate for silverbug to be able to use some voodoo question-answering to escape the truth coming out like a shady banker or accountant hiding money off-shore or whatever.
He already did, saying just cuz dads boss was a scumbag it didn't mean his dad was crooked. FWIW circumstantials point to shady businessman getting caught IMO.
03-02-2014 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by adios
The statement is BS on a few levels.
Duh, is this your first time being exposed to hyperbole?

Roonil, when did you stop ripping off people at every opportunity you had to do so ?
Who says I stopped?
03-02-2014 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Gambool will have his kid grow up to slurping up the propaganda like the rest of the government educated electorate. And will probably push his kid to become a lawyer so he or she can be "successful" by earning an artificially high income off the back of honest goods producing Americans, while providing zero real value to society.
Nah, just don't want them to be hateful towards women, other minorities, the less well off, and want them to have enough respect for their mother to help out financially if needed rather than lol stacking silver.

Also, as someone in finance, firetruckonfire.gif lol at someone whose family money is from investment banking talking about other professions being overpaid vs societal value a some kind of moral wrong.

If my kid is like you I'd consider myself a failure.
03-02-2014 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
FWIW circumstantials point to shady businessman getting caught IMO.
What circumstantials?

When Solomon went under he went to Credit Suisse seamlessly where he made close to a mil a year for a couple years before being laid off during the bubble. Then found another job about a year later at another investment bank and has been there ever since.

He actually got hired by the the firm he is at now right before Sept 11th, and he was supposed to be in the NY office on the 104th floor that monday morning, but over the weekend he decided to change the flight and go there Wednesday instead.

Keep trying though I said, you don't stay in a house for just over 20 years valued at over 2 mil and with property taxes at 35k per year. If you are shady and get caught doing something unethical. If you do something bad in that line of business then your blackballed. It would be dumber than all hell to do something shady, when your raking in 400k a year in the 80's and 90's. Close to a mil in the late 90's...and however much he is making now which I know is considerably less than back in the day.

Last edited by Silver_Man2; 03-02-2014 at 01:57 PM.
03-02-2014 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Nah, just don't want them to be hateful towards women, other minorities, the less well off, and want them to have enough respect for their mother to help out financially if needed rather than lol stacking silver.
I don't go around projecting IRL what I say how I think in here. Like I told Kurto, if you met me knowing who I was and me not knowing who you were, it would be exactly 180 degrees different from what you would expect. I am about as personable, affable, nice, and funny as you could imagine.

I'm not hateful towards any of the groups you mentioned. Because I don't think a sizable % of the less well off shouldn't be getting food stamps, I'm hateful?

The only thing I hate is the system.
03-02-2014 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
What circumstantials?

When Solomon went under he went to Credit Suisse seamlessly where he made close to a mil a year for a couple years before being laid off during the bubble. Then found another job about a year later at another investment bank and has been there ever since.

He actually got hired by the the firm he is at now right before Sept 11th, and he was supposed to be in the NY office on the 104th floor that monday morning, but over the weekend he decided to change the flight and go there Wednesday instead.

Keep trying though I said, you don't stay in a house for just over 20 years valued at over 2 mil and with property taxes at 35k per year. If you are shady and get caught doing something unethical. If you do something bad in that line of business then your blackballed. It would be dumber than all hell to do something shady, when your raking in 400k a year in the 80's and 90's. Close to a mil in the late 90's...and however much he is making now which I know is considerably less than back in the day.
I'm sorry are you saying businessmen making $1 M salaries are typically highly moral and straight shooters, and that the group self regulates by ostracizing the corner cutters / shady dealers? That making lots of money in and of itself suggests one has pro-social chararacter traits? Seems both wildly generalized and counter intuitive.
03-06-2014 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
I'm sorry are you saying businessmen making $1 M salaries are typically highly moral and straight shooters, and that the group self regulates by ostracizing the corner cutters / shady dealers? That making lots of money in and of itself suggests one has pro-social chararacter traits? Seems both wildly generalized and counter intuitive.
Well you were generalizing by thinking my dad must have been caught doing something shady, just because he is an investment banker, and brought that up for basically no reason whatsoever.

What business/group doesn't self regulate themselves? This isn't exclusive to investment banking. But I do think it is a lot more strict for the busy bee workers in these firms, handling lots of money.

I remember him telling me that Solomon hired a dude who lied on his resume about going to Cornell. By the time they got around to verifying that he didn't go to Cornell (a good while later) he had already been doing really good business for Solomon. They still fired him.

I think the mistake you are making is lumping all investment bankers as shady people, from whatever source you eat that stuff up from. Maybe the whole derelict 99% movement? Or what the media says about them? I don't know. Most of them are honest hard working people. And I think you are mixing them in with some of the shady dudes calling the shots at these companies.

I many people working at Lehman do you think were responsible, or knowingly responsible for its demise?
03-06-2014 , 03:00 AM
By the way.... Just got finished watching an episode of Cops.....definitely on board now with this whole entitlement thing. I care sooooo much about those idiots getting arrested on there. I might even care more about them than zikzak.

Let's keep increasing it.
03-06-2014 , 08:51 AM
Did you have time to review your mom's finances so we can tell if you/she are full of ****?
03-06-2014 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
Well you were generalizing by thinking my dad must have been caught doing something shady, just because he is an investment banker, and brought that up for basically no reason whatsoever.

What business/group doesn't self regulate themselves? This isn't exclusive to investment banking. But I do think it is a lot more strict for the busy bee workers in these firms, handling lots of money.

I remember him telling me that Solomon hired a dude who lied on his resume about going to Cornell. By the time they got around to verifying that he didn't go to Cornell (a good while later) he had already been doing really good business for Solomon. They still fired him.

I think the mistake you are making is lumping all investment bankers as shady people, from whatever source you eat that stuff up from. Maybe the whole derelict 99% movement? Or what the media says about them? I don't know. Most of them are honest hard working people. And I think you are mixing them in with some of the shady dudes calling the shots at these companies.

I many people working at Lehman do you think were responsible, or knowingly responsible for its demise?
Dunno, but a better question might be:

What percent of people who were upper management and stopped working there at roughly the same time penalties were issued were intimately aware of the shady business practices? That sounds more specific to the group pops fits into. I'd also not ignore the fact that this delusional libertarian garbage you spew comes from your old man.

Bro it's not exactlly a case for Sherlock Holmes. We got 1) an extremely money motivated individual who 2) is an avid (anti-regulations) lolbertarian and 3) worked as upper management in a notoriously corrupt firm and 4) left at approximately the same time s*** hit the fan. But nothing to see here! Because, you know, investment bankers are an ethical lot, and once a guy lied on his resume and got fired.

And I want more mommy's house details. How longv she live there? Did tax law suddenly change for her and become dramatically worse? If not, how do you blame taxes for her money problems and not her inability to budget, or daddy for not paying alimony, or something less wacky?
03-06-2014 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Silver_Man2
By the way.... Just got finished watching an episode of Cops.....definitely on board now with this whole entitlement thing. I care sooooo much about those idiots getting arrested on there. I might even care more about them than zikzak.

Let's keep increasing it.
I'd also like you to express your thoughts directly and sans sarcasm as they relate to above. Like, you watched Cops, and now you think...
