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06-25-2017 , 07:12 PM
Spank starts his own posts, Chez...
06-25-2017 , 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
There are few more destructive ideas when addressing long running 'us vs them' type disputes than 'who started it'.
So, you're agreeing with Noodle Wazlib when he says "It takes two to argue", and disagreeing with mongidig when he says "Blame the instigator not the responder"... correct ??
06-25-2017 , 10:15 PM
this donkfish doesn't know about shania hands

Originally Posted by mongidig

It's like if a poster in a poker forum sais he opened UTG with 72o and now he want advice as to how to play the rest of the hand. From the responders standpoint the action afterwards doesn't matter because nobody good opens 72o UTG.

If these people weren't instigating then there would be no reason for Will to respond. You need to lay the blame were it is deserved. Blame the instigater not the responder. Blame the criminal, not the cop. Etc etc.
06-25-2017 , 10:20 PM

wil has me on ignore, and he's not a peeker. I frequently point this out for various hilarious reasons. We even got into a mini-discussion about it. If he didn't have me on ignore my posting would be radically different concerning him, obviously.

Everything you post is so perfectly stupid.
06-25-2017 , 10:54 PM
shame trolley is a smearing pseudo-behaviorist.
06-26-2017 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
So, you're agreeing with Noodle Wazlib when he says "It takes two to argue", and disagreeing with mongidig when he says "Blame the instigator not the responder"... correct ??
Neither covers it all.

The more iterations the to and fro has gone through, the more it becomes destructive to argue about who started it.
06-26-2017 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
... The more iterations the to and fro has gone through, the more it becomes destructive to argue about who started it.
Eh, it's always 'destructive'* to argue about who started it (* assuming 'destructive' is the ill-defined opposite of the ill-defined 'productive'). That's not the case we're discussing. The case we're discussing is where we know the starting sequence quite well (if fact, in Alta we could quote it). Like this:
Jane: The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.
Dan: Jane, you ignorant slut, it rains more in the hills.
Jane: [triggered] Slut !!!1! Look who's yelling and screaming about sluts !!!1! Pix not pokes !!!1! Slap a kid !!!1! 'Statist' !!!1! Circus Music !!!1! Taxes are theft !!!1! [etc/etc].
Are Dan & Jane both to blame, because it takes two to argue? Or, should we wholly blame Dan the instigator, and never blame Jane for being a Special Snowflake who is so easily Triggered ??

Last edited by Shame Trolly !!!1!; 06-26-2017 at 02:33 AM.
06-26-2017 , 05:48 AM
Bizarre example but if that's the totality of it and then Dan is responsible for 'starting it'. Jane is still responsible for retaliating.

If it's continues in that vein for a prolonged time then who started it because irrelevant.
06-26-2017 , 09:22 AM
If you grew up in a household where you were forced to watch old musicals it's one of the best examples of all time.
06-26-2017 , 09:24 AM
damn damn damn damn!
06-26-2017 , 10:38 AM
That's what I said when my parents told me they'd got tickets to Joseph.
06-26-2017 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Bizarre example but if that's the totality of it and then Dan is responsible for 'starting it'. Jane is still responsible for retaliating...
It's not bizarre at all. In fact, substitute "r-word-er" for "ignorant slut", and you have by far the most common derail scenario here in Los Dos Politards since forever. I really find it simply amazing that you would characterize the exact scenario the happens all-day-every-day here in Los Dos Politards "bizarre". It's certainly not bizarre in the sense of being at all rare.

... If it's continues in that vein for a prolonged time then who started it because irrelevant.
IDK why you keep bringing up this completely unrelated scenario. Once again, that's not at all what we are discussing. Not even close. What we are discussing is this...
  1. Over in Alta AFAIK forever, and for the time being now in Baja, the rules are predicated on the theory that it is 100% the instigators fault. The instigator is subject to possible sanctions for name-calling. The Special Snowflake who is easily Triggered and then Spews Gibberish is never subject to any sanctions at all.

    We have decades worth of evidence that this theory simply doesn't work in practice. My contention is that the underlying theory itself is wrong... as it gives the Special Snowflake a free-role to derail any thread he wants by acted-out as Triggered fool. Like we see all the damn time.

  2. Previously here in Baja Politards, the working lack-of-a-theory was that it simply didn't matter. The instigators were free to instigate. The Special Snowflakes were free to be easily Triggered, and then Spew their Gibberish.

    We have a few years worth of experience showing that, in practice, the above lack-of-a-theory is equally as flawed as the 100%-blame-the-instigator theory.

  3. One option that might actually work out is based on the "It takes two to argue" theory. That would be that both the instigator, and the derailer, are subject to sanction. This would still give the Special Snowflakes a way to act-out when they get Triggered... they'd just have to have enough self control to remember to smash the post report button -vs- reflexively Spewing Gibberish into the forum instead.

  4. However, the best option, and option I had in mind in the recent vote, is based on the theory that it's 100% the Special Snowflakes fault. Under this option, name-calling is A-OK. Only the derailing itself is sanctionable.

    The pro comeback is, of course: Jane: Dan, you pompous ass, says you're FOS. That tits-for-tats the name-calling, but most importantly keeps the conversation on topic. If Jane takes the bait, so to speak, and instead starts acting like a Triggered Special Snowflake Jane, only Jane, is possibly subject to sanction.

    I say let the Special Snowflakes that are easily Triggered stay on over their Safe Space in Alta Politards... good riddance !!!1!
06-26-2017 , 10:57 AM
With r-word it's a continuation of a long on-going to and fro. It doesn't compare to your example which suggested the 'fight' was just starting.
06-26-2017 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
With r-word it's a continuation of a long on-going to and fro...
I've asked this Q of you several times, without ever getting a direct answer. Do you feel the r-word is especially special? Do you feel it is problematic to such a significant degree, that as a practical matter, rules wise it needs to be handled as a special case?

FWIW, I think the the answers are an emphatic "yes". So far, however, I've gotten zero traction trying to make this point.

... It doesn't compare to your example which suggested the 'fight' was just starting.
Originally Posted by mongidig
... If these people weren't instigating then there would be no reason for Will to respond. You need to lay the blame were it is deserved. Blame the instigater not the responder. Blame the criminal, not the cop. Etc etc.
It wasn't my example, and the example wasn't about the r-word. It was mongidig's example regarding a hypothetical "Will". Remember, please, this thread is a meta-discussion about discussions. Please don't inadvertently derail this discussion by speculating on who this hypothetical "Will" might remind you of, or any imagined backstory you may fancy regarding our hypothetical "Will".

If you wanna sever the examples that use the r-word from mongidig's hypothetical 'taunting', that's fine with me. However, you would need to explicitly make that call as discussed above.

So, back on topic...
  1. Do you feel, as long enshrined in the rules of Alta, that only the Taunter should possibly be subject to sanctions... and that the Triggered Special Snowflake should always be held 100% blameless.

  2. I assume you don't feel, as was previously the policy of Baja, that neither party should ever be subject to any sanctions... since you yourself changed that policy. Am I correct?

  3. What are you thoughts on rules that would possibly subject both parties to possible sanctions?

  4. What are your thoughts on rules that would only possibly subject the Triggered Special Snowflake to sanctions?
06-26-2017 , 12:25 PM
This is like asking the inmates to run the asylum.
06-26-2017 , 12:33 PM
06-26-2017 , 01:00 PM
So good. May be time to re-watch that.
06-27-2017 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
I've asked this Q of you several times, without ever getting a direct answer. Do you feel the r-word is especially special? Do you feel it is problematic to such a significant degree, that as a practical matter, rules wise it needs to be handled as a special case?

FWIW, I think the the answers are an emphatic "yes". So far, however, I've gotten zero traction trying to make this point.
Yes. But only because of the long running confusion regarding it's meaning and the potential to make political use of that confusion.

It wasn't my example, and the example wasn't about the r-word. It was mongidig's example regarding a hypothetical "Will". Remember, please, this thread is a meta-discussion about discussions. Please don't inadvertently derail this discussion by speculating on who this hypothetical "Will" might remind you of, or any imagined backstory you may fancy regarding our hypothetical "Will".

If you wanna sever the examples that use the r-word from mongidig's hypothetical 'taunting', that's fine with me. However, you would need to explicitly make that call as discussed above.
I wasn't imagining any such thing. I'm drawing a distinction between long running political (or other) arguments which cannot be divorced from a post that may seems like the beginning of an argument.

So, back on topic...
For the following I'm not implying acceptance of the 'taunter' or 'triggered special snowflake' descriptions but ignoring that ...
  • Quote:
  • Do you feel, as long enshrined in the rules of Alta, that only the Taunter should possibly be subject to sanctions... and that the Triggered Special Snowflake should always be held 100% blameless.
No. Everyone is responsible for whatever they post. Sanctioning both does not apply equivalence btw

  • I assume you don't feel, as was previously the policy of Baja, that neither party should ever be subject to any sanctions... since you yourself changed that policy. Am I correct?
  • You are correct.

  • What are you thoughts on rules that would possibly subject both parties to possible sanctions?
  • I cant imagine any good rules that wouldn't potentially sanctions both posters.

  • What are your thoughts on rules that would only possibly subject the Triggered Special Snowflake to sanctions?
  • They would be bad.
    06-27-2017 , 05:40 PM
    Originally Posted by chezlaw
    Yes. But only because of the long running confusion regarding it's meaning and the potential to make political use of that confusion...
    OK VG. Let's chat a little bit about what you mean by "political use of that confusion".

    It's not a unhappy coincidence that there are two definitions of the r-word. The newfangled "Secret Heart" definition was purpose created by US segregations like G.Wallace back in the 1960s. That purpose was, and remains to this day, to derail conversations about r-word-ism... because, after all, The Easiest Way to Get Rid of Racism? Just Redefine It.

    Is this what you mean by "political use of that confusion" ??
    06-27-2017 , 06:31 PM
    I think the 'secret heart' is baloney.

    I'll try to explain what I mean with an example. Back in pre RGT SMP we used to discuss god a great deal. A source of enormous frustration and repeated derailing was two different meanings of the word 'atheist'. One being 'no belief in god' and the other being 'the belief god doesn't exist'. It was constantly being clarified but then resurfacing ('in cyberspace they can hear you scream' as I once said)

    Much as it caused confusion, no one (afiak) ever meant 'no belief in god' while expecting the other person to think they meant 'belief god doesn't exist'. If they had then that would have been being deliberately confusing to cause a problem - we might call that pure trolling but in politics there is (or could be at least) political value in causing a problem.
    06-27-2017 , 07:23 PM
    That's a fun little article Trolly.

    Now, I think, you're saying differentiated results that disfavor a minority is the real racism, though it's more clear how that author does not want to define racism, than how he does want to define it. David Duke defending Trump is a severe straw man.

    This comes back around to my point that minimum wages are very systemically racist. Jason Riley argues in Please Stop Helping Us that affirmative action has a negative effect on African Americans, making it racist, against African Americans. I don't know the answer, but those advocating for systemic racism as the meaning of racism have to contend with at least the minimum wage argument. Thinking more about it, I guess your answer would be something like, fine, prove to me that it has this systemic racist result and then we will label it racist henceforth?
    06-27-2017 , 08:10 PM
    Originally Posted by chezlaw
    ... in politics there is (or could be at least) political value in causing a problem.
    Well, of course. Wobbling the Works is a passion of mine. This gets back to a comment you made above ITT that I promised to get back to.

    The newer definition of the r-word, the one concocted by the US segregationists, was engineered specifically to cause a particular problem... derailing conversations about r-word-ism.

    Back to your earlier comment... the question you asked was this: Should Nuevo Baja be a place to -do- politics, as well as to -chat- about politics -vs- Nuevo Baja should be a -chat only- place.

    Clearly, if Nuevo Baja is also a place to -do- politics, then causing a problem... including intentionally and willfully disrupting any interwebs conversation regarding r-word-ism by derailing into an 'argument' over the one-true-and-only-definition of the r-word... is simply -doing- that politics.

    However, intentionally and willfully disrupting an interwebs conversation is another way of saying 'trolling'.
    06-27-2017 , 10:10 PM
    Can someone give me the cliff notes of all these ramblings above. I saw my name a few times but got way too bored trying to read this garbage.
    06-27-2017 , 11:17 PM
    I did. Inmates run the asylum. Can you imagine trying to have a discussion with this troll intent to rble to yhe point where everyone just quits?
    06-28-2017 , 12:30 AM
    Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
    Well, of course. Wobbling the Works is a passion of mine. This gets back to a comment you made above ITT that I promised to get back to.

    The newer definition of the r-word, the one concocted by the US segregationists, was engineered specifically to cause a particular problem... derailing conversations about r-word-ism.

    Back to your earlier comment... the question you asked was this: Should Nuevo Baja be a place to -do- politics, as well as to -chat- about politics -vs- Nuevo Baja should be a -chat only- place.

    Clearly, if Nuevo Baja is also a place to -do- politics, then causing a problem... including intentionally and willfully disrupting any interwebs conversation regarding r-word-ism by derailing into an 'argument' over the one-true-and-only-definition of the r-word... is simply -doing- that politics.

    However, intentionally and willfully disrupting an interwebs conversation is another way of saying 'trolling'.
    I'm not sure what you mean be 'newer' definition. There's the usage more common in the general population and there's the usage more common in P. Arguing about which is correct is completely pointless. My (and others) preference, as with 'atheist' is simply to try to be clear on usage to avoid the otherwise expected confusion' However, because of the politics involved in the usage, some mistakenly see (or possibly pretend to see) that as making some sort of a political point.

    Anyway that's not very interesting compared to the question about doing politics. I don't believe there's any way we can discuss politics without doing politics. So when I oppose certain methods of doing politics as being bad for discussion, I cannot honestly claim to be opposed to doing politics on a discussion forum. There are also methods of doing politics that I think are good in a discussion forum - for example imo positive engagement is a good thing both for discussion and for doing politics.
