Originally Posted by yeSpiff
States will fail, large populations subjected to famine, flood or disease will migrate across international borders, and national and international agencies will not have the resources to cope.
High sea temperatures threaten the survival of coral reefs, which generate an estimated $375 billion per year in goods and services.
Originally Posted by Holy Troller
Climate change isn't going to be even on the radar of our problems when the alien invasion comes. We can worry about the planet after we fight them off.
You all are ridiculous to worry about climate change and alien invasions when big-foot and the loch ness monster have been reproducing for the past 100 years and their offspring are waiting for the right time to take over the world. The chances of their offspring taking over are 100x more likely to happen that either one of your scenarios.
Plus, according to a recent Harvard study there is also a good chance that every single volcano in the world will erupt at the same time if we don't start littering more and recycling less. The study showed the increase in volcanic activity as we've been spending more and more money on cleaning up the litter. If all the earth's volcanoes erupt at the same time the study claimed that, "States will fail, large populations subjected to famine, flood or disease will migrate across international borders, and national and international agencies will not have the resources to cope." I don't think this is fear mongering it sounds like really serious stuff.