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Can Mod trolling possibly end well? Can Mod trolling possibly end well?

08-17-2014 , 10:42 PM
This is Unchained. You have one job. Don't allow PU to become Stormfront. But you love them racists and their mental disorders.

No one but big pussies have complained about disruptive behavior on this forum with the exception of Lirva posting psychotic posts that had nothing to do with politics.
08-17-2014 , 10:55 PM
Spank - the perfect mod for a problem that doesn't exist!
08-17-2014 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Look I know it seems like I'm slow rolling a victory lap, I'm just enjoying the ride around for the responsible use of the forum.
08-17-2014 , 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
This is Unchained. You have one job. Don't allow PU to become Stormfront. But you love them racists and their mental disorders.

No one but big pussies have complained about disruptive behavior on this forum with the exception of Lirva posting psychotic posts that had nothing to do with politics.
No unchained reason at all to not contain a mod troll who has a repetitive lecture. Why is your inability to control your behavior my problem? You clearly won't respect the forum has rules and moderators. I am now fairly warning you. Please agree to keep the mod trolling in this thread. You can not justify being this disruptive facing numerous unanswered questions and observations. You have one spank infraction for posting mod trolling outside the containment thread.

It may help to understand I moderate the forum as I see fit not according to your one job or other varieties of lecture. That has been the common problem all along.
08-17-2014 , 11:05 PM
I'm so hoping that spank-fraction is a real one. ATF thread would be a blast, though the discussion on this place has already begun in atf
08-17-2014 , 11:06 PM
Shut up Spank.

I wonder what Sklansky will think about you're little stunts as of late.
08-17-2014 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
This is Unchained. You have one job. Don't allow PU to become Stormfront. But you love them racists and their mental disorders.

No one but big pussies have complained about disruptive behavior on this forum with the exception of Lirva posting psychotic posts that had nothing to do with politics.
You sound like a st*rm fronter who is defending the denigration of people with mental illness or using accusations of mental illness as insults because some pussy stands up for them. Damn, son you are a stormtrooper and an even bigger pussy. At least if you attack someone for skin color they can possibly fight back, some people who are mentally ill do not have the capability to fight back. Yeah you and Low Key go find you some mentally ill racists to beat up and you will feel better.
08-17-2014 , 11:17 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
You sound like a st*rm fronter who is defending the denigration of people with mental illness or using accusations of mental illness as insults because some pussy stands up for them. Damn, son you are a stormtrooper and an even bigger pussy. At least if you attack someone for skin color they can possibly fight back, some people who are mentally ill do not have the capability to fight back. Yeah you and Low Key go find you some mentally ill racists to beat up and you will feel better.
08-17-2014 , 11:18 PM
God dammit spank, quit closing ****ing threads you nitwit.
08-17-2014 , 11:19 PM
08-17-2014 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
You sound like a st*rm fronter who is defending the denigration of people with mental illness or using accusations of mental illness as insults because some pussy stands up for them. Damn, son you are a stormtrooper and an even bigger pussy. At least if you attack someone for skin color they can possibly fight back, some people who are mentally ill do not have the capability to fight back. Yeah you and Low Key go find you some mentally ill racists to beat up and you will feel better.
Please to be banning Ikes for all of his uses of "******" kthnxbai
08-17-2014 , 11:27 PM
Pm'd Sklansky. Told him to check out your work Spank. We really don't need ****lords modding PU.
08-17-2014 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Gizmo
Please to be banning Ikes for all of his uses of "******" kthnxbai
I have consider prohibiting that word, but I would not be as disruptive as to issuing wholesale bans. Consider when bashing autists was controversial and look who can disrupt the whole forum if they don't get to troll people how they think is best. Ultimately is seems better to go slow when addressing the fast and loose areas of language norms and ease people into realizing they are simply being ignorantly casual with language that describes real life seriousness.

Calling out Low Key and Paul D as stormtroopers is just me taking an easy shot to highlight that yes we do have a problem with treating people who are mentally ill or generally unusual. Also it is a Stars Wars themed slam with hidden meaning that they fire of blaster shots but haven't come close to hitting me yet.
08-17-2014 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Pm'd Sklansky. Told him to check out your work Spank. We really don't need ****lords modding PU.
ATF thread started for racist-enabler spank
08-17-2014 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I have consider prohibiting that word, but I would not be as disruptive as to issuing wholesale bans. Consider when bashing autists was controversial and look who can disrupt the whole forum if they don't get to troll people how they think is best. Ultimately is seems better to go slow when addressing the fast and loose areas of language norms and ease people into realizing they are simply being ignorantly casual with language that describes real life seriousness.

Calling out Low Key and Paul D as stormtroopers is just me taking an easy shot to highlight that yes we do have a problem with treating people who are mentally ill or generally unusual. Also it is a Stars Wars themed slam with hidden meaning that they fire of blaster shots but haven't come close to hitting me yet.
08-17-2014 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
I have consider prohibiting that word, but I would not be as disruptive as to issuing wholesale bans. Consider when bashing autists was controversial and look who can disrupt the whole forum if they don't get to troll people how they think is best. Ultimately is seems better to go slow when addressing the fast and loose areas of language norms and ease people into realizing they are simply being ignorantly casual with language that describes real life seriousness.

Calling out Low Key and Paul D as stormtroopers is just me taking an easy shot to highlight that yes we do have a problem with treating people who are mentally ill or generally unusual. Also it is a Stars Wars themed slam with hidden meaning that they fire of blaster shots but haven't come close to hitting me yet.
08-17-2014 , 11:53 PM
By the way Spank...

This is why we know you are lying POS when it comes to leveling about bad modding.

08-17-2014 , 11:58 PM
Because a heroin junkie said the word liar?

08-17-2014 , 11:59 PM
08-18-2014 , 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
Because a heroin junkie said the word liar?

No, because he keeps locking threads and freaking out. Gif was used as reinforcement of that point.

I wonder what Sklansky will think. Would be funny if Spank, and not Lirva was the reason PU got closed down.
08-18-2014 , 12:06 AM
Wouldn't it technically be kurto's fault for suggesting him or something?

I'm hazy on how it all happened
08-18-2014 , 12:07 AM
08-18-2014 , 12:11 AM
I don't think you can blame Kurto. For all Kurto knew, Spank might have been fine in the role.
08-18-2014 , 12:12 AM
Giz, your posting quality is A+ tonight. #true-story.
08-18-2014 , 12:31 AM
Ya'll couldn't even keep yourselves in the containment thread or the forum. Fantastic show! I can't help where people have crossed the line, but I can go ahead and consider closing the forum. It has been ruined by false racist accusations and the denigration of the mentally ill and handicapped. I hope a show of compromise that I would listen to appeals to support the closing the forum position can open doors to understand where I come from in my fair and accurate approach to moderating.
