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Can Mod trolling possibly end well? Can Mod trolling possibly end well?

08-16-2014 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Pot Odds RAC
I'm not a regular poster in Unchained. And I haven't lurked enough to become fully aware of the personalities nor histories of the relationships of the posters here. Certainly I recognize some from other forums. So this post is somewhat the observations of an outsider.

In a forum that sort of breeds trolling, it is somewhat interesting that the mod is coming across as the biggest troll of all ITT - all while continuing to whine and threaten over "mod trolling" and unilaterally claiming "victory" without seeming to be able to demonstrate his point without resorting to threats.

Alanis might call this "Ironic".
BTW I have done more than simply claim victory, I have done the work to earn victory. I have answered the accusations about the quality of the moderating and responded with specific assertions of my own that go unanswered. I have done so in three different styles.

1.Counter-trolling by playing the bad mod ( as accused but for different opinions) with power to control the troll the most.

2.Counter assertion- By truthfully explaining reasons the criticism is erroneous and making observations and questions about the quality of the criticisms which remain unanswered.

3. Straight talk- This where I firmly redirect the personal tone of the criticism backed with the firmness of having no misgivings for my decisions. I can answer for myself, take account for my behavior and have no problem even facing down a whole group of critics that left themselves exposed by becoming disruptive to the structure of a social forum.

In this post I am using the openly communicating style, where I lay out my position straightforwardly intended; open to discussion, acceptance and reflection. This is closest to my main style of modding.
08-17-2014 , 01:48 AM
Except your job is to prevent this from becoming stormfront and you've done a hilariously crappy job at that, and assert that "you were given discretion" yet everyone knows that's why Mat modded people.

Why he chose you I have no idea but you appear to have taken this as your holy calling (which is funny bc you're so awful at it) can't take the tiniest bit of criticism without going into meltdown mode about it, and overall just suck the AIDS.

Say whatever about Dids but at least he was mostly right when he modded
08-17-2014 , 02:07 AM
Why he chose you
Mat liked kurto for mod and said he could choose a deputy(s). Apparently only spank replied when kurto asked who wanted to help.

Sure this isn't 100% accurate! but it's relatively close if memory serves.
08-17-2014 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by jmakinmecrzy
Except your job is to prevent this from becoming stormfront and you've done a hilariously crappy job at that, and assert that "you were given discretion" yet everyone knows that's why Mat modded people.

Why he chose you I have no idea but you appear to have taken this as your holy calling (which is funny bc you're so awful at it) can't take the tiniest bit of criticism without going into meltdown mode about it, and overall just suck the AIDS.

Say whatever about Dids but at least he was mostly right when he modded
Please enjoy keeping this kind of hyperbolic denigration to the containment thread so your mod trolling, along with Did's and other's, no longer disrupts the forum. It's rather unfortunate the point of view I present, which I back with the credit of fairness and the spirit of unchained with no misgivings, is so grossly rejected. Maybe ongoing dialogue in this containment thread can help you, Dids, and the others better understand other people, such as myself.
08-17-2014 , 05:13 AM
No one really is buying your "I was just trolling guise" statement. You were butthurt and took threatening tons in the past.

How does it feel to be the crappiest mod on 2p2? lol
08-17-2014 , 05:29 AM
08-17-2014 , 09:49 AM
For someone who completely flips out when someone makes a statement that's not 100% true about him, spank sure has no problem lying through his teeth on a consistent basis

Him, backing be spirit of unchained? Possibly his biggest lie yet.
08-17-2014 , 10:01 AM
08-17-2014 , 12:01 PM
Thanks for providing examples of empty and acrimonious criticisms. It really nails the point of how such behavior is disruptive in a social forum if left unregulated.
08-17-2014 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Thanks for providing examples of empty and acrimonious criticisms. It really nails the point of how such behavior is disruptive in a social forum if left unregulated.
Yeah well check this **** out:

You just got served, son.
08-17-2014 , 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Thanks for providing examples of empty and acrimonious criticisms. It really nails the point of how such behavior is disruptive in a social forum if left unregulated.
This is not the spanky forum. You are not the only person that matters here. Try to get that through your thick ego.
08-17-2014 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
This is not the spanky forum. You are not the only person that matters here. Try to get that through your thick ego.
See how it doesn't end well when you try to psychologicalize after completely dismissing my fair position and behavior when actually moderating. Before you can claim irrational ego is involved, you must explain how I have such a rational position that my questions and observations remain as unaddressed as the truth of my actions as a moderator.

May be it can end well if we come to a better understanding, which is why I have stood down from counter trolling and sticking to open communication and lite straight talk.
08-17-2014 , 02:53 PM
you must explain how I have such a rational position that my questions and observations remain as unaddressed as the truth of my actions as a moderator.
As long as we're pretending you understand logic, you should probably note that I never said you have a rational position. The rest of this quote is basically faux-intelligent sounding nonsense.

If you want people to understand wtf you're trying to say, quit trying to sound smart or clever because you are immensely bad at it.
08-17-2014 , 02:59 PM
You guys like to take shots at his moderation and your argument comes down to the fact that he shouldnt fight back.

If he would have just ignored ur asses ud be happy.
08-17-2014 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
As long as we're pretending you understand logic, you should probably note that I never said you have a rational position. The rest of this quote is basically faux-intelligent sounding nonsense.

If you want people to understand wtf you're trying to say, quit trying to sound smart or clever because you are immensely bad at it.
Yes that is the tragic flaw of one-sided attempts of reaching understanding through openly communicating. It is more dramatic and attention- getting to further instigate. The secret is to remain resolute in the better case. There is still time to join me Low Key and help frame the criticisms of the moderation in a fair and accurate portrayal.
08-17-2014 , 04:21 PM
Spank is doing a good job. It's the whining Liberals who are ruining the discourse.

Stop trying to silence and control opposing viewpoints.
08-17-2014 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Private_Snowball
Spank is doing a good job. It's the whining Liberals who are ruining the discourse. Stop trying to narrow the discursive playing field to only allow viewpoints you approve of.
Where content rules intersect with viewpoints is a non-partisan responsibility to moderate and that is one of my strongest assertions in that I am fair and open to discuss in this regard.
08-17-2014 , 05:02 PM
Spank is a hypocrite. Deletes supposedly pointless threads. Makes his own pointless thread.

"The rules are for every one except myself..."
08-17-2014 , 05:10 PM
How this should have gone down:

Everyone: spank, you probly shoulda banned sm2 quicker

Spank: ah, appreciate the advice as I'm a new mod and all

How this actually went down:

Everyone: spank, you probly shoulda banned sm2 quicker

Spank: (psychotic mental breakdown over the course of several weeks)
08-17-2014 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
You guys like to take shots at his moderation and your argument comes down to the fact that he shouldnt fight back.

If he would have just ignored ur asses ud be happy.
Defending himself here was probably a bad idea.
08-17-2014 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
How this should have gone down:

Everyone: spank, you probly shoulda banned sm2 quicker

Spank: ah, appreciate the advice as I'm a new mod and all

How this actually went down:

Everyone: spank, you probly shoulda banned sm2 quicker

Spank: (psychotic mental breakdown over the course of several weeks)
You assert speaking for everyone and made a poor guess if you think I'm inexpirienced as a social forum moderator. Like Dids before you asserting strong opinions with little information to support them. It's also denigrating to people with mental illness to use that kind of hyperbole to smear people's behavior.

Once again your apparent hatred for SM2 has no bearing on how he was treated as a poster here in unchained by the moderation. The sooner you stop denigrating hyperbolically and accept you have no polite or reasonable arguments to counter my polite and reasonable positions the sooner we can resolve this conflict with an acceptance the mod trolling stops here.

Can you agree to stop the mod trolling? It's not as ideal as having you join me, but if we can at least agree the disruption to the forum should stop immediately it can help some of the others move on.
08-17-2014 , 06:16 PM
Y'all have a lot of energy to keep pounding away at each other like this over weeks/months. It reminds one of WWI trench warfare. Thousands die and maybe the line moves forward a few feet.
08-17-2014 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Spank is a hypocrite. Deletes supposedly pointless threads. Makes his own pointless thread.

"The rules are for every one except myself..."
Your post was deleted for being a previously discredited derivative and other reasons. My recent mutha****ing post is unique- a snowflake.
08-17-2014 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by kioshk
Y'all have a lot of energy to keep pounding away at each other like this over weeks/months. It reminds one of WWI trench warfare. Thousands die and maybe the line moves forward a few feet.
Those guys have it easy. They make the same weak repetitive posts. I'm outnumbered 5 to 1 and I am still deftly handling it in a variety of styles while remaining consistent with better position. I'd say I have them cornered and on the run, but I don't want to be too hyperbolic.
08-17-2014 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Your post was deleted for being a previously discredited derivative and other reasons. My recent mutha****ing post is unique- a snowflake.
Sounds a lot like CHAINS to me.
